Swinging Parents - Cover

Swinging Parents

Copyright© 2008 by Switch Blayde

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - When thinking about swingers I never thought about their children and what complications their lifestyle may cause. That is, not until I wrote this story which is written from the 15-year-old son's point of view. It's listed as "much sex" and it is — after the first chapter.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Swinging   First   Voyeurism  

Life at the Presleys had changed. Bobby never seemed to be home, and when he was he locked himself in his bedroom. The family was together only at dinner, and then he'd stare at his plate, picking at his food while eating. When his mother or father tried to draw him into a conversation he'd respond with a one word answer, or at the most a terse sentence -- never looking up.

Lying in bed, Bobby heard the voices coming from downstairs as guests arrived. He placed his hands over his ears and pressed hard. Then he reached over and turned on the stereo. He stared at the ceiling, concentrating on the music. A series of rapid knocks on his door caused him to increase the volume.

"Bobby, turn that down!" his mother yelled from behind the door. When he reluctantly did, she said, "Now open the door."

Bobby rolled off the bed and went to the door, unlocking it and swinging it open. His eyes stared at his toes.

"Come say hello to our guests," his mother said.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes you do. Stop sulking and come with me."

"Aw, Mom, I don't feel like it."

"Bobby, if you know what's good for you you'll do what I say. No more lip."

She took three steps and stopped, looking over her shoulder and glaring. Bobby hesitated and then began walking. She went down the stairs with Bobby tailing behind her. When they entered the living room he saw his father and a man and woman he didn't recognize.

"Bobby, this is Mr. and Mrs. Wingate," Sally said. "They are part of our group."

Bobby's head shot up. "Group?"

"That's right. That group. Now I want you to join us."

"Mom, I wanna go back to my room."

"And I want you to stay here and meet them. Now do as you're told."

Begrudgingly, Bobby looked up and scanned the room. Mr. and Mrs. Wingate were sitting in the middle of the couch and his father was next to the woman. There was a space next to Mr. Wingate, but Bobby's eyes were focused on the chair across from the couch. Dragging his toes on the carpet, he walked to the chair and plopped down, his legs stretched out in front of him with his ankles crossed and his chin digging into his chest. Sally sat down in the space next to Mr. Wingate.

The silence caused Bobby to look up. All four adults were staring at him. He looked at the guests. They were younger than his parents, well dressed, and nice looking. He didn't mean to, but when Mrs. Wingate crossed her legs and her skirt slid up her thigh his eyes darted to her leg. He quickly looked down.

"So you think my wife has nice legs, huh?" Mr. Wingate said.

Bobby didn't look up or say anything, not until his mother said, "Be polite and answer the man."

"What do you mean?"

"You were looking at her legs so I was wondering if you thought she had sexy legs."

"I didn't look."

"Well look now." Mr. Wingate's hand went to his wife's thigh and pulled her skirt up three more inches. "So what do you think? Does she have sexy legs?"

The 15-year-old turned bright red and looked down.

"Bobby, please look at me," Mrs. Wingate said. She waited until he looked up. "Don't you think I'm pretty?"

He looked at her for the first time -- that is really looked at her. She was in her late twenties and had blonde hair and ivory skin. He wondered how she could be in the sun without burning, and knew that her pale blue eyes would require dark sunglasses to keep from squinting. Her features were soft and feminine, and her body slim. She wore a pink top that showed small breasts, and her legs were indeed sexy -- smooth and thin with nice calves. When Bobby looked up he saw the others staring and he blushed.

"Don't be embarrassed," Mrs. Wingate said. "I like you looking at me. I'm just bummed that you don't think I'm sexy."

"I think you're sexy," Bobby blurted and then covered his mouth and blushed.

"Oh how sweet," she said. "So you don't think I'm an old hag."

"You're not old."

Bobby saw the sweetest smile he had ever seen. "I think I can learn to like you," she said, her eyes twinkling.

"Yeah, and I can get to like you too," Sally said, her hand rubbing Mr. Wingate's thigh.

"Mom! Don't! Dad, do something!" Bobby yelled.

His father stood and all eyes were on him. But to Bobby's disbelief, he stepped up to Sally and planted a long, wet kiss on her mouth. Then he turned and walked to Bobby. He grabbed his son's hand and tugged him to his feet, half dragging him to where he had been sitting. And then, with an unexpected shove, he pushed Bobby onto the couch next to Mrs. Wingate. Bobby attempted to get to his feet, but his father pushed him back down.

Bobby turned to his mother for support and gasped when he saw her arm wrapped around Mr. Wingate's neck. Her other hand was rubbing his cock through his pants. And then he jumped when Mrs. Wingate placed a hand on his thigh.

"Don't be afraid," she said.

"I'm not afraid."

"Well, you're tense. Just relax and let this happen."

"Let what happen?" Bobby's voice cracked but no one laughed.

"Honey, we never wanted you to find out, but now that you did we have a problem," his mother said. "Knowing about it has caused a rift between us. We're no longer a family. Since you never had sex--"

"Mom!" Aghast, Bobby's eyes darted to Mrs. Wingate's face but she just looked back warmly.

"As I was saying," Sally continued, "there's a lot you need to learn. Your father and I believe that if you experience what we do, then you'll understand why we do it. Dad has agreed to ... um ... well you can take his place tonight."

Bobby looked up at his father who nodded. Then he turned to look at the Wingates and they too nodded. And then he looked down quickly, at Mrs. Wingate's hand resting on his cock. He looked up at her face and saw that sweet smile again. His cock hardened instantly.

"I'll take that as a yes," she said and squeezed his dick.

Bobby opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

"Don't you think Julie is pretty?" Mr. Wingate said.

"What? Who?" Bobby blubbered.

"Julie ... my wife. Oh yeah, you know us as Mr. and Mrs. Wingate. Well, our names are Julie and Fred. I guess under the circumstances Mr. and Mrs. is kind of ... weird."

Julie Wingate leaned next to Bobby's ear and whispered, "Glad to meet you," and pressed her palm down on his cock. Her hot breath gave him goose bumps and he shivered. She moved her head so that her lips brushed along his cheek and rested on his mouth. They remained like that for a few moments and then she pressed her lips to his and pushed her tongue into his mouth.

Bobby's breathing stopped, and then he was French kissing Mrs. Wingate. Her hand left his throbbing cock only long enough to grasp his wrist and place his hand on her naked thigh. Then she found his cock again. Bobby moaned into her mouth, his eyes closed, his hips humping slightly. His hand began sliding up her thigh, but then he remembered where he was and pulled away. He looked past her and gasped. His mother's dress was pushed up and Mr. Wingate's hand was between her spread legs. They were kissing and her hand was cupping the back of his head.

"I can't do this," Bobby said, breaking free of Mrs. Wingate and jumping to his feet. "Mom, how can you?"

His mother's hand dropped to her lap, but she didn't bother to push her dress down. She was breathing hard as she broke the kiss. "Maybe the first time would be better in private," she said. "Julie, be a sport and go to Bobby's bedroom."

"Mom, what are you saying?"

"You're being invited into our group. Once you feel the pleasures of sex maybe you'll understand."

"And what are you gonna do?"

Sally's smile was broad as she looked at Mr. Wingate and then her husband. "I think I'll be kept busy."

Julie stood and grabbed Bobby's arm. He jerked it away. She leaned next to his ear and whispered, "You're mom's going to fuck my husband no matter what you do. If you don't have sex with me, your father will. Let's go up to your room. What do you have to lose? If you don't like it I'll leave and join the party down here."

She took a step back and stared at Bobby's face. He was ashen, his eyes darting from one person to the next. It lingered on his mother and she nodded. When it returned to Mrs. Wingate, he stared into her pale blue eyes and then his gaze traveled to her chest, her waist, her legs, and back up to her groin area. His eyes bored into her skirt wondering what lay beneath, and his hard cock twitched uncontrollably. When she gently took his hand he didn't pull away. And when she walked to the stairs, he silently followed.

Mrs. Wingate shut his bedroom door behind them and released Bobby's hand. He took several steps backwards. Leaning against the door with her arms folded across her chest, she looked up and down his body like he had hers earlier. When Bobby saw her staring at his crotch he covered it with his hands. She smiled that warm, sweet smile.

"Are you afraid?" she asked.

Bobby didn't say anything. Mrs. Wingate took a step towards him and he took another step back.

"Don't be afraid," she said motherly. "I won't bite." And then she giggled. "Unless you want me to."

This time when she closed the gap Bobby didn't move. She brushed his cheek with her fingertips and he thought they were the softest thing he ever felt. Then her fingers traveled to his lips and gently stroked them. Bobby took deep breaths, his lips slightly parting to suck in needed air.

Mrs. Wingate leaned forward and placed her lips on his. He jerked back instinctively, but she cupped the back of his head and pulled it towards her. As soon as their lips touched she pushed her tongue into his mouth. Bobby stood frozen like stone, his chest rising and falling with his heavy breathing. And then he did what came naturally and used his tongue the way Mrs. Wingate was using hers. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her slim body feeling her softness and warmth.

Mrs. Wingate broke the kiss and leaned back staring into Bobby's face. He saw consternation, and then she smiled. "I like the way you kiss," she said, smacking her lips.

Pulling Bobby's arm up by his wrist, she placed his palm on her left tit. He didn't move. She covered the back of his hand with hers and applied pressure. Bobby let out a sigh and his fingers tightened. Mrs. Wingate sighed. Their eyes locked and then Bobby lowered his to his hand. He quickly looked up to her face, saw the smile, and squeezed her breast. It was so soft. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back. Bobby looked back at his hand and watched it fondle the older woman's breast. When she moaned he looked back up, frozen once again.

Mrs. Wingate slowly opened her eyes and smiled. She grabbed the bottom of her sweater and pulled it straight up. Bobby yanked his arm back and then his eyes widened. Mrs. Wingate's naked breasts were small but firm. They were shaped like cones, and at the tips had very pale areoles and long, hard nipples. She pulled his hands up and pressed them to her breasts.

Bobby stared at his tanned hands covering her alabaster tits. He squeezed them. He brushed his palms against them. He shoved them up and squeezed again. He slid his hands down and flicked the nipples with his forefingers. And then he pinched both nipples.

"Ahhhh," Mrs. Wingate sighed.

Bobby looked at her face. Her eyes were closed and her pink tongue was just visible between her slightly parted lips. She was taking deep breaths. He leaned forward and placed his open mouth on her tit. He immediately felt her hand on the back of his head pulling him towards her. He sucked and she moaned. He flicked his tongue on her nipple and she moaned. He nipped her nipple and she yelped causing Bobby to jerk his head back.

Mrs. Wingate smiled at him. "I thought we said no biting."

"I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. Just be more careful."

Immobilized, Bobby stared at her. Even though he kept saying he wasn't afraid, the 15-year-old was. Julie stared into his eyes as her fingers deftly opened the side button to her skirt and then lowered the zipper. The movement of her skirt falling to her feet caught Bobby's attention and he looked down. The triangle of bright yellow nylon covering her pussy was held up by a thin string around her waist. Actually it was much lower than her waist, hugging her hips.

One of Mrs. Wingate's feet stepped out of her skirt and then the other flicked it, sending it flying in Bobby's direction. He automatically caught it and held it to his chest. His eyes were fixed on the woman's hands stroking her belly above the yellow material, and then her thumbs went into the waistband at her hips and pushed her panties down. She paused and then pushed more and then paused. Bobby was expecting to see hair, but soon saw the cleft where her slit began and she was still bald.

"Breathe," Mrs. Wingate said.

Bobby looked up at her smiling face and then let out a whoosh of air followed by sucking in a lungful of fresh air. He took deep breaths realizing he hadn't been doing it.

Mrs. Wingate waited patiently and then turned so that her back was to Bobby. He stared at her pale round buttocks, the horizontal string forming a cross with her crack. And then she bent at the waist, peering at him from between her spread legs. He couldn't tear his eyes off the area between her legs covered by the bright yellow material disappearing into her pussy. Her hairless labia showed from both sides.

Mrs. Wingate stood and turned to face Bobby. "Show me yours and I'll show you mine," she said.

Bobby pulled his polo shirt over his head and tossed it aside. He quickly undid his belt and jeans and pushed them down. Attempting to remove them, one sneaker fell off and then he hopped twice before falling on his butt. Unfazed, he pulled the pants off one leg and then flipped his other sneaker off followed by his pants. His underwear quickly followed, but when he scrambled to his feet he used them to shield his hard-on.

Mrs. Wingate pushed her panties down. The yellow material clung to her pussy momentarily then broke free, and then they were below her knees. She calmly stepped out of them and twirled the panties with one finger at shoulder height. And then, with the skill of David when facing Goliath, she slung them at Bobby. His hands immediately pulled the silky undergarment off his face, but by doing so he dropped his underwear and exposed his hard cock which pointed towards the ceiling.

Mrs. Wingate stepped up to him and pressed her lips to his. Her fingers wrapped around his cock and she slowly stroked it. Bobby's hips moved slightly, fucking Julie's fist, and his arms went around her body pulling her to him. He felt her breasts squish into his body. Bobby's lower body began moving more urgently so Mrs. Wingate backed away. She saw his surprised expression.

"You don't want to waste it in my hand, do you?" she said.

"What do you mean?"

"You were ... shall we say, getting pretty excited. I hope you want more than a hand-job." She saw his pleading look. "Let's get the first one over with. Okay?"

Mrs. Wingate slid her fingertip across his cheek and kept going. Her hand traveled down his neck and over his chest. When her fingers ran over his belly, Bobby's abdominal muscles tightened and his cock jumped. She placed both hands on his hips and dropped to her knees, her hands sliding down to his thighs. She blew on his cock and it jumped again.

Bobby looked down at the beautiful older woman -- naked and on her knees. She was staring up at him, his cock mere inches from her face. Her hands moved to his buttocks and gently rubbed them in circles -- one clockwise and the other counterclockwise. And then her fingers dug into his young ass, pulling him towards her, capturing his cock in her open mouth.

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