Play It Again, Sam - Cover

Play It Again, Sam

Copyright© 2008 by POL

Chapter 10: Creepy.

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 10: Creepy. - A few readers requested that I upload all five books of the "Play it again, Sam" story in one piece. So, for those readers - Here it is, with a number of spelling and other such errors corrected. Sam Eldon finds himself transported back in time twenty some years and into a much younger body. This is the story of how he affects the lives of many others and discovers what destiny's true purpose has in mind.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Science Fiction   Time Travel   DoOver   Group Sex   Harem   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

Creepy asked me a question but I didn't hear the words.

I tried to control myself and even tried to control my breathing. I closed my eyes momentarily and waited, forcing down the hate I felt for this man knowing if I didn't I would kill him, or he would kill me, or he would discover that he had been made and then somehow escape. But as soon as I felt some control over the boiling anger the deep feelings came rushing back and I wanted to kill him with all my heart again. This was my opportunity, the answer to my former prayers. I wanted to kill him, to strangle him and see his teeth bite through the pink of his tongue, the blood glaze his teeth and bubble over his lips...

I was reaching for the .45 automatic stuffed inside the waistband under my coat when Jen took my arm and squeezed it almost painfully saying, "Please excuse my husband. His house burned down when he was a boy killing both of his parents and his younger brother and sister. Anytime he sees a fire he just gets a little upset."

"Oh certainly, I understand. Perhaps you can tell me what happened here?" Creepy asked Jen in a breath that sounded as if it had seeped through the fangs of a snake more than through the teeth of a human being.

"Oh, just a small garage fire is all," Jen responded pleasantly. "Nothing to get excited over really. Nobody was hurt and the fire department had it out in no time at all. They must get hundreds of similar calls every month. You know how easy fires start in garages."

"Do you think they'll need to go inside the house to make sure it's safe?" The snake asked.

"Oh, I really doubt it." Jen answered. "The fire was localized to one far corner of the garage, nowhere even near the house itself. I'm sure the owners have already assured the fire department that everything is fine and that they'll be more careful in the future. Well, I guess all the excitement is over and we really do need to run. Bye now."

And with that said Jen started dragging me toward the Caddy. I turned once looking over my shoulder and noticed Creepy walking toward his house.

"I was going to kill him," I told Jen casually.

"I know," she answered.

"You should have let me."

"And then what? Force Dana and Candy to arrest you for murder? Can you even imagine how much that would hurt them? Believe me Sam it's much better this way. Besides, I want him to suffer before he gets the chair, and maybe they'll even be able to get him to tell them just how many women he actually has killed and where to find their bodies. Isn't it better to hope for some closure for the poor family members of his victims rather than one moment of vengeful satisfaction?"

I thought about it and realize she was right, yet not killing him with my own hands had been one of the hardest things I'd ever done. But she had been right. Yes, Jen had seen to it that I did the right thing, and like all the women in my life now I owed her big time.

"Thanks Jen," I said softly then leaning over I kissing her. "You know, you're one hell of a woman, and you're way too good for me."

"Bout time you noticed," she laughed poking me in the ribs with her elbow then adding, "lets go get the others and blend into the crowd so we can find out what happens to creepy when he tells Dana and Candy it was his garage that caught fire."

"Do you really think he'll do that?" I asked.

"Sure do. Now that he knows it was only a small garage fire he's not going to want anybody poking around inside that house looking for the owner."

As our group made its way toward the house I asked Jen, "By the way, how did you know to come get me before I killed the bastard?"

"Are you kidding?" Jen laughed. "We all recognized him immediately from your description as soon as he slunk out of the shadows, and then when he approached you and you stiffened up like old gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe, well all of us knew there was going to be trouble. I just happened to be the first one able to get my ass out of the car."

"And a nice ass it is," I complemented her while giving her rear cheek a couple of light squeezes and a few soft pats.

She squeezed my ass in return.

As we got closer to the house our group split up so we won't look so conspicuous and Jen and I used one of the fire trucks as cover in case Creepy happened to look back and recognized us. But, as it turned out Creepy was far too busy to pay us any attention.

" ... so am I to understand that you are unwilling to give us your name sir?" Candy was saying to Creepy as she scribbled something down in a small black note book.

"I just don't see how giving my name to the FBI is relevant in this case. I've already told you as well as the fire department that the fire caused very little damage and I'm willing to personally cover any costs the city might impose." Creepy answered matter of factually.

"Well sir," Candy spoke professionally, "It turns out that the vehicle parked in your garage is posted on the LAPD hot list, and..."

"Hot list!" Creepy interrupted. "But that can't be! Why, that's only a rental car. I'm afraid you've made a mistake officer. It can't be on any hot list!"

"It's Agent not officer and it's not a mistake sir," Dana said walking over and joining Candy and Creepy. "I've just verified the plate numbers once again with the LAPD. I'm afraid I must insist you show us some identification sir."

Just then a marked black-and-white patrol car pulled up with overhead lights flashing. A uniformed officer got out of the vehicle, spoke briefly with one of the firemen and then, with a commanding swagger, joined Candy and Dana.

"Excuse me," the officer interrupted speaking to Candy. "I understand you're with the FBI?"

Candy nodded.

"And just what does the FBI have to..." he started but Dana interrupted him before he could finish.

"Officer," Dana said, leaning forward and squinting in the dark while reading the name tag on his uniform, "Duncan ... is it? Over there. We need to talk." and she walked away without waiting for Officer Duncan to reply as if she knew he would scurry after her like a trained puppy.

God, watching Dana being so forceful really got me hot, and hard. I couldn't wait to get her home, strip her naked and ravish her hard body. Maybe we could play cops and robbers, or good cop-bad cop or ... I stopped fantasizing and brought my mind back to the business at hand.

Duncan did follow after Dana. Unfortunately they were too far away for me to hear what was being said but whatever Dana told him put him in his place because when he and Dana walked back to where Candy was still grilling Creepy Officer Duncan had lost the swagger.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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