Play It Again, Sam - Cover

Play It Again, Sam

Copyright© 2008 by POL

Chapter 12: A New Home & A New Hole

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 12: A New Home & A New Hole - A few readers requested that I upload all five books of the "Play it again, Sam" story in one piece. So, for those readers - Here it is, with a number of spelling and other such errors corrected. Sam Eldon finds himself transported back in time twenty some years and into a much younger body. This is the story of how he affects the lives of many others and discovers what destiny's true purpose has in mind.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Science Fiction   Time Travel   DoOver   Group Sex   Harem   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

Agent Peel had asked us to wait a couple of days before making an appointment with Jess' lawyer Goldstein so the following morning Kim suggested that we all take a drive and she'd give us a grand tour of our new Hollywood Hills home.

We drove up out of the city then along the twisting drive to the tranquil haven in the center of Los Angeles between Downtown, the Valley and the Ocean where green hillsides and foothills dotted with an array of inspiring architecture, quiet meandering streets with canyon and city views colored by lush purple Jacaranda trees, blooming aromatic Jasmine, Gardenia and Crimson Bougainvillea vines called Hollywood Hills which is an area that stretches along the Santa Monica Mountains bordered by Griffith Park from Silverlake to Sunset Strip and often referred to as "An Oasis in the City".

The house itself was huge and looked like a private Hacienda. It was located on a gated Cul-de-sac and set amidst tall sycamore and pine trees on what must have been 2 separate lots totaling around a 1/2 acre. Because of the number of chimneys I could tell the home had at a minimum of three fireplaces.

Kim took a set of keys from her purse, unlocked the door and invited us in.

After all the girls were inside I closed the tall, heavy door behind me. The entry way opened up to the right on a large sitting room, with wide windows. To the left was a smaller, cozier room that was probably meant to be a study or den. The hallway ended opening on a wide space with marble tiled floors and below the high vaulted ceiling skylight was a small circular indoor garden. Behind the garden was a large curving staircase. To the right, next to a tall 'turn of the century' grandfather clock was a closed door; to the left, an identical closed door.

Stepping around the indoor garden I followed the girls and climbed the stairs to the second floor.

"Sam, this place is huge!" Jen gushed after we had reached the top.

"Five bedrooms," Kim explained. "The master bedroom has a hot tub and a bathtub large enough for all of us at once. You know, when I lived here I hated the place, but now with you three here, it seems much brighter."

Jen hugged Kim around her waist, "That's sweet."

Kim took us on a complete tour, showing us all the rooms. The entire home was furnished in what I knew would later become known as "Bogart" design, named after the actor Humphrey Bogart.

Like the screen star himself, the furniture was cosmopolitan but not pretentious and like the ultimate tough guy as well as one of Hollywood's most romantic leading men, the furniture style like the man himself displayed his same low-key signature.

Just in the event that you're not familiar with this style of furniture, Bogart furnishings are a similarly subtle blend of Art Deco and Hepplewhite elements, stripped of artifice, yet inherently glamorous. Sleek, architectural elements are executed with fluid motion, with silvered surfaces playing against a rich patina of opulent mahogany veneers and artistic inlays. Many of the pieces in the house were reminiscent of the golden age of Hollywood, in one bedroom there was a vanity that looked as if it could have been used by a 1940s starlet. And hanging on the wall in another room were two very large autographed photographs, one of Lisabeth Scott and the other of Veronica Lake, both taken during the women's most glamorous, youthful heyday.

The downstairs study was furnished with a Big Kiss sofa, in black leather and a curvy shape and two accompanying smaller-scale martini chairs. And because this was Bogart design, there was also a chess table and two separate bars with stools as well. I found the home furnishings very captivating.

The kitchen was a chef's dream, two ovens, blenders, choppers, mixers, a monster center counter with sinks and disposals, built in chopping blocks, pots and pans of all shapes and sizes hanging from overhead hooks, two large double door refrigerators, and racks of spices and condiments. We checked the pantry and found stacks of dried goods, canned goods, and boxes of just about everything you could imagine. Just off the panty was a large laundry room with a washer and dryer and below that a small wine cellar.

"I love it. Can we keep it Sam?" Vicky squealed with delight while jumping up and down.

"It's as much yours as it is mine." Kim told Vicky. "Unless Sam thinks we should sell it you can keep it."

All three women looked toward me.

"Well," I said while thinking to myself that this location would be perfect for saving my daughter next year. The location of the house where Clarity had been raped was less than a half mile away. "We'll certainly keep it for a while anyway."

"Yippee!" Vicky let loose with an excited squeal, and clapped her hands together, unable to disguise her absolute glee, "Let's try out the hot tub."

Kim went upstairs to fire up the hot tub while Jen and Vicky rummaged around the kitchen preparing a tray of snacks. I wandered down to the wine cellar and brought up two bottles of wine, one red, one white.

A half hour later the four of us, naked as the midnight moon, were sitting in the hot tub, drinking wine and nibbling on cheese, crackers and sliced fruit.

Three beautiful naked women and six magnificent bared tits were just too much for me. I put my wine glass down and then wiggled a finger toward Kim calling her over to me. She scooted up onto my lap allowing my hard cock to slide up along her slit in-between her legs.

"Ohooo, I guess he likes looking at all these bare breasts. He's as hard as a rock." Kim commented to Jen and Vicky while reaching down and gently rubbing the tip of my cock with her fingers.

"When isn't he hard?" Vicky laughed.

"Not often ... thank God." Jen snickered.

"You want to put it inside my pussy?" Kim whispered into my ear.

"Do I ever." I responded while reaching around her body taking both her breasts into my hands and then squeezing.

Kim leaned forward then used her hand to position my cock at the entrance to her hot box then she dropped down and her scorching wetness engulfed me driving my shaft to the root, deep inside her.

Kim began to rotate her hips. As the first of my upward thrusts drove home, she groaned loudly and I loved feeling her naked bosoms enjoying their softness, as well as the hard peaks, beneath my palms. My hunger showed in my animal thrusting as I drove up into her wet folds again and again. It felt wonderful. "Turn around baby so I can kiss those beautiful tits of yours." I asked her softly hardly able to catch my breath.

With the agility of a gymnast Kim lifted her left leg and then spun her body around without dislodging me from her vagina.

Now facing me she started raising and then lowering herself and I enjoyed watching the uninhibited jiggling of her breasts. Then I drew first her left and then her right nipple into my mouth and nibbled gently. She softly moaned with pleasure over and over again.

"God, I'm coming!" she yelled.

The sight of her passion-filled face brought me closer to my own orgasm, but it was the tightening of her inner vaginal muscles that pushed me over the brink. I could almost feel my seed force itself up from my balls, through the long tunnel and finally to the end of my cock. Just as the first blast of cum shot out of me Kim cried out again and her whole body seemed to quiver uncontrollably as her own orgasm ran through her.

Minutes or was it hours later with both of us spent Kim collapsed on me pressing her firm breasts against my upper chest. "Thank you my love," I told her while nibbling on her earlobe, "that was fantastic."

"Ummm..." She moaned softly.

"May I cut in please?" Vicky asked while tapping lightly on Kim's shoulder with her finger.

"Oh, his thing hasn't even slipped out of me yet." Kim complained but she slid off my lap giving Vicky access to me.

Vicky's legs were apart and she started to scoot forward across my lap but I placed both my hands on her hips and held her fast while staring intently between her legs.

"What are you doing?" Vicky laughed.

"I'm looking at your pussy. You have about the cutest little pussy I've ever seen." I answered still staring between her legs.

"You think my pussy is cute do you?" Vicky giggled while spreading her legs even farther apart. "Wanna kiss it?"

"Does a fat kid want a piece of cake?" I answered grinning up at her. Then I lifted her and set her down on the polished rail that encircled the hot tub. I spread her legs apart then looking over my shoulder at Jen and Kim I said, "You two. Get over here next to Vicky and spread um."

They obediently did as I had instructed and a moment later I was looking at three magnificent pussies all lined up in a row. Starting with Vicky I licked along the entire length of her slit, then I moved my tongue to Jen and then to Kim. Back and forth I went, from one girl to the next licking, biting, nibbling, stabbing with my tongue, teeth and lips. My hands reached up and mauled their breasts and nipples, my fingers probed inside their delicate folds and rubbed and spanked their clits.

I was in bliss. Suddenly, everywhere was beauty and magic. Three gorgeous women giving themselves to me. Opening themselves to me. I loved them so very much. How could one man be so fortunate? Their slits blossomed open, letting juices flow out, drenching my mouth with their wonderful tastes. They all tasted different. Different but wonderful. Different but fantastic. I savored the taste. The feeling was indescribable, like having warm love poured into every cell in my body. And then I knew I was not worthy.

All three of them began to squirm and moan softly. By then I was hard again and I drew Vicky down to me and positioned her over my cock. She reached between her legs and guided me into her. Less than five or six thrusts later Vicky began to squirm again, this time with an approaching climax, then her pussy walls clamped down on my cock and she scream out her pleasure.

I kissed Vicky on the mouth and then motioned Jen to take her place. Jen came to me and soon my cock was buried deep inside her tight tunnel. I thrust up into her time and time again. She began to squirm and buck over me. Her eyes were closed. Her face squished up. She squealed, pushing herself down on me, pulling my head against her breasts while grinding her crotch over my cock and breathing short and fast. As I caressed her breasts and grazed her nipples with my mouth, her back arched. The sounds coming from her throat were now not a high squeal of superficial pleasure but a low moan of deep love. Her eyes and heart and belly and breath melded with mine. Then she exploded with her orgasm taking me over the edge with her and I emptied my balls deep inside her tummy.

A moment later I drew Kim into my arms and kissed her, with all the ardor and passion that I felt, with all the emotion and feeling that had been building inside me. Then I kissed Vicky with the same fervor and then Jen. And then I began to cry. I wiped my eyes, almost feeling self-conscious about my display in front of them. But ultimately, I really didn't care because I loved them far too much to care.

I could tell the girls had become concerned not understanding what was wrong nor why I was crying. They came to me, hugging me as best they could, asking me what was wrong.

I found it difficult to describe what I was feeling but finally between sobs I said, "It's just that I love you all so much ... so very, very much. Please, I am begging each of you to love me, and asking you to trust me when I say that I love you with all my heart. That your cares are my cares, your hopes are my hopes, your pain is my pain and that all I have is yours, and that I am yours in every way, and that without any one of you I am incomplete. If anyone of you were to ever leave me I don't know what I'd do."

They laughed. God bless them they laughed. "Is that all?" Jen asked me, "Why would you even think one of us would leave you? Has any one of us ever given you even the slightest indication that we might leave?"

"No." I responded, "It's just that ... I don't know. I mean look at you. All three of you look like you're cheerleaders, models, movie stars, and me ... there's nothing special about me to draw anyone's attention. No great plumage to catch someone's eye. I'm just me."

"You silly goose," Vicky said sweetly. "Do you think you could possibly love us any more than we love you? No way buster. No way."

"Sam," Kim told me softly. "Look in the mirror. You're about as good looking as they come and you have three women that love and adore you. We're all fine with the arrangement we have together. We won't leave you Sam. I promise."

I laughed, even as I felt a tear trickling down my cheek. I felt better and even kissed each of them again. They mobbed me, dunking my head under water and then played grab dick and balls for a while, much to my delight. The tears dried, and I was left with a feeling of acceptance and inclusion into something very few people ever enjoy.

The girls spent the next couple of hours reinforcing their love for me and I started feeling more like my old confident, very lucky self. God how I loved them!

We fixed sandwiches for lunch and then I suggested we all go shopping and buy each of us a complete new wardrobe for our new house. That way we wouldn't have to drag clothing back and forth from one house to the other. Hardly anything excites a woman as much as the prospect of going shopping and my three Angles were no exception, they couldn't wait.

Just as we were leaving, with all three girls hanging all over me, a man driving Kim's Mercedes drove up and parked in the driveway. He looked at me longingly and the fact that three gorgeous females were hanging off my arms did wonders for my ego. Then another car pulled in behind him. The man driving the Mercedes got out then first looking down at some paperwork in his hand before once again looking in our direction he said, "Car delivery for Kim Borden?"

"I'm Kim Borden." Kim said stepping forward.

The man smiled, handed her a receipt and said, "The keys are still in the ignition." then looking directly at me he said, "Some guys have all the luck."

"Believe me; he's got a lot more than luck." Kim replied as both Jen and Vicky stood on their tip toes and kissed me on my cheeks.

Shaking his head the man got into the passenger side of the vehicle that had pulled in behind the Mercedes and they drove off. I felt like three million bucks.

"Oh goodie!" Vicky exclaimed, "Now we have two cars. I was worried we wouldn't have enough room to fit all the new clothes we're gonna buy just in the Cadillac."

I groaned.

Kim drove the Mercedes with Vicky, and me and Jen followed them in the Caddy.

Jen scooted over next to me and with her chin resting against my shoulder, she half-whispered in my ear, "Are you feeling better lover? Confident that we love you?"

"I am," I told her sincerely, "Thank you Jen."

"Well if there's ever any doubt, just feel between my legs. Just being around you gets me all wet." She took my right hand off the steering wheel and placed it under her skirt. I could easily feel the wet spot on her panties.

"See." She told me happily. "Now, I'm going to take that beautiful cock of yours out of your pants and suck you dry."

"Jen ... I..." I started but Jen interrupted me.

"What! It's okay for Kim to give you a car blow job but not me?"

"She told you?" I asked looking over at her.

"Lover, we girls tell each other everything. You better get used to it. Now, want me to suck your cock or not?"

I used my hand to draw her face to me so I could kiss her on the lips, and then breathlessly I answered, "God yes!"

That was my second car blow job and I'll be damned if they didn't just keep getting better.

We spent the better part of the next five hours shopping. It turned out to be very fortunate that we did have two cars, because by the time we were finished both vehicles were packed to the gills.

It took us another two hours to get everything unloaded and hung up in closets, and packed in dressers of the new house, then after getting dressed we went out to dinner. I loved going out to dinner with the girls and seeing the envy on the faces of the guys that saw me with them, knowing they were trying to figure out what it was that I had and they didn't. Little did they know that I had nothing.

We spent the night together in the master bedroom of the new house in the California king sized bed. Over a four hour period I made love with Vicky and Jen once and Kim twice. Vicky and Jen told me Kim deserved a second fuck for giving us the house. I didn't argue.

Even after all the late night activity's I woke up early the next morning. The girls were still asleep so as delicately as possible I slipped out of bed being careful not to awaking them. Jen protested softly, but settled back to sleep without rousing.

The covers had slipped down when I'd gotten up and I couldn't help looking down and admiring the perfection of the three female bodies lying on the bed and wondering what they saw in me. All three were flawless.

I decided to use one of the other two upstairs showers rather than the master bedroom shower thinking the noise of the running water might wake the girls so I left the master bedroom, softly closing the door. Then I headed down the hall and used one of the two bathrooms sandwiched in-between two of the other four bedrooms.

After showering, shaving and having dried myself off I entered the spare bedroom where my clothes were stored. Just like at the beach house the girls took up all available closet space in the master bedroom and dressers, and I found myself standing, naked as the day I was born, in front of a total stranger.

"Oh my!" The woman exclaimed with surprise while covering her mouth with her hand and staring with wide eyes. I noticed her wide eyes were fixed on my genitals.

The woman was short at five foot one at the most. She had short cropped dark red hair with streaks of gray running through it. I guessed her age to be late forties to early fifties.

"Hi, I'm Sam," I told her awkwardly. "You already know just about everything there is to know about me. And you are?"

"Oh!" She repeated then gathering a little composure and managing to rip her eyes away from my crotch she looked up to my face and answered in a very pleasant Irish accent, "Patricia, Patricia O'Sullivan. I ... I come in twice a week to clean up. I ... I didn't expect to see you sir."

"I hope you'll accept that I didn't expect to see you either." I smiled. "I'm a good friend of Mrs. Borden. She's still asleep in the master bedroom by the way. Ah, I think I'll just go and slip something on."

"Yes sir. I think that's a capital idea sir." Patricia agreed very nervously. "I'll ... I'll just go about my duties then." And then she quickly turned and rushed out of the room as fast as her short legs could take her.

I took a quick tour through the closet, got dressed and then went down to the kitchen and cooked up breakfast. I fixed a large egg omelet with chunks of sliced ham, grated cheese, and sliced green onion. Then after cutting the omelet into three equal portions and placing them onto separate plates I added slices of buttered toast, three cups of coffee and three glasses of orange juice. After placing everything on a large silver platter I carried it upstairs. As an afterthought on the way up I plucked three red flowers from the indoor garden and placed them on the platter next to the food.

I had eaten while cooking.

The girls were still asleep so I set the platter on the foot of the bed and said loudly, "Ah hum! All right you sleepy head's up and at um. Breakfast is served."

The girls grumbled and groaned rubbing their eyes with their knuckles but stopped complaining when they noticed the platter of food.

"Breakfast in bed?" Jen exclaimed, "Nobody's ever fixed me breakfast in bed." She looked liked she was about to cry.

"And look at the flowers." Kim remarked. "Isn't that just the sweetest thing?"

"You're the best Sam." Vicky squealed, "Just the best."

"Ha, you might think that my dear sweet Vicky," I laughed. "But I assure you I had a much more devious motive in mind. You see I figure I'll be able to sit here and drool over six magnificent bared breasts while the three of you are eating breakfast."

They all laughed. I leaned over the bed and kissed each of them good morning and then I placed the platter in front of them. My plan worked perfectly. I did get to stare at six naked tits while they ate.

"You realize," Vicky told me between bites, "all you have to do is tell me to strip and I'll get naked for you immediately. You didn't have to go to all this trouble if you want to see my tits."

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