Lunacy Edge - Cover

Lunacy Edge

Copyright© 2008 by Elizabeth Ashley

Chapter 4

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - She wakes up to a whole different world.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction  

Hailey knocked softly upon her only door and waited for Cullen to open it. She would not be wandering alone anywhere into some far off land she could not dream up in her wildest fantasies. That would not happen. All the time she spent slipping on her dress, and the new shoes that were like the jimmy choos of whatever world she was in. Esson, she thought remembering, she was wondering if all men were so easy to arouse as she had Cullen, or was it typical of the men in this realm. She shook her head, knowing no man had even deigned to give her a second glance nor ask her for a date. Cullen would have to be crazy, or all the women in his hall were ugly ... and fat. She doubted that thought heartily, seeing as how beautiful he was.

She leaned her back against the door as she got no answer and sighed. Her problem, she decided. Cullen would eventually tire from her, she would bore him, and he would want to send her back to Earth. That was reality, I get taken to a magical place with handsome arousing men and he sends me back. But she'd always wanted an adventure with a handsome man, just like all the heroines in her favorite books. When she didn't get her happily ever after, with the handsome man offering for her, and then her declaring she was going to give him a baby, it was of no consequence. Wasn't it?

The door swung open and she fell into a hard chest and strong arms. She gasped as they swung her around too quickly for her stomach and righted her. She stared into Cullen's eyes and sighed. He looked so handsome, perfect. What was a girl to do? She despaired.

"You're going to enjoy tonight." He murmured.

She lifted her head sharply. "Cullen, when you said to me that you were sort of an alien, please tell me you cannot read my mind."

He frowned at her. "Of course not. That's silly."

"Thank you." She breathed. "Thanks ... um, you look nice." And he did. She couldn't describe what kinds of fabrics were here, but they were better than earth's in her case. His looked very humanlike. Black slacks and very dark blue shirt that seemed a little too tight for any kind of formal dinner, that meant good news to her.

"Thanks. You look ... nice too." He gave her a weak smile.

She nibbled her lips and glanced over his shoulder at the suite of rooms and two doors. One leading to her soon-to-be new room and the hall she assumed. "Are we ready to go?"

"I suppose. Are you ready?"

"I guess. I'm terrified, lets hope nothing says boo at me, or I'll run back here and lock myself into one of the rooms."

He cocked his head staring at her confused. "Boo?"

"It's ... oh, come on." She took his arm and pushed him a bit, though she could not have moved his big body an inch to get him going forward. He led her out of the suite and into a very long corridor. "On Earth, people do this ... I guess it starts as a child. Its to scare somebody, they're just walking along or whatever, and a person jumps out and screams boo. It is not a fun child's game. Who the hell even started that, I should like to know, because I'm sure I've got some traumas from just that." she murmured to him.

"You speak quickly, and a lot. I never noticed before." He grinned. "I like it."

"I thought no men liked chattering women?" She kept glancing behind and beside them and anywhere she could see.

"Chattering women are women who speak of nothing all the time, even when silence is encouraged. You speak ... not of gossip, or men, or dresses. What you say is interesting to me?"

"How odd. When I talk on Earth, people just look at me oddly."

"Even your family?"

"They don't understand my dry humor."

"Mmmh." He turned out of the corridor and down a set of stairs. She walked carefully on the heels, they weren't that tall, but they were skinny.

"How, uh did you know my size feet?"

"Good guess." He watched her from the bottom of the stairs in the hall with amusement.

"So ... there aren't any stairs in public, are there? I should hate to do this in front of people that have not seen me naked, rage, rant, and for all of a few minutes total."

"No more stairs." He took her hands and brought one up to lips. "You really do look spectacular."

"Well, uh thanks, I guess." She frowned as she glanced around. "This place reminds me of what I've read described in my books. Its beautiful."

"Thank you."

"So, uh no curtseying or anything. This is your home right?"

"Yes." He pulled her arm through his and led her to a door. "This door leads into the ball room where the tables are set up for dinner, and where the people are. You will see things in there that may shock or even terrify you. Know that I am here, and I will keep you safe, love. Okay?"

"Just don't call me love." she whispered, staring at the door in dread that dripped his hand tightly. "Lead on, Macduff."

"Cullen." He chuckled and pushed the door open and led her in.

Hailey stopped at his side and stared in awe around the room. It looked like pictures and video she'd seen of the amber room. More likely, the reconstructed one. It was beautiful. There was amber and gold everywhere. The candles flickered, there were beautiful mirrors all around. The firelight made everything in the room sparkle, and she gasped at the wonder of it all. All while she only barely glanced at a petite woman with faerie wings, a prowling black sleek panther, very tall gorgeous men, and even more beautiful women like she saw them everyday.

Cullen was standing in front of her, holding her face in his hands as she gazed about. "You don't look like you're about to faint, but you do look flushed. Are you okay?"

"Its so beautiful." she whispered. "Is this really real?"

"It is, and it will be yours ... whenever you decide you want it, Hailey."

"People are staring at me now, aren't they?" But she just looked up into his eyes.

"They are. You are breathtaking."

"Do you have to introduce me or something?" She held her hands together tightly.

"They already know who you are. No."

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Anything." He murmured. "Anything for you."

She closed her eyes briefly and inhaled a deep breath, air was scented with his nearness, but she just waited until the warmness that enveloped her when he said that faded. "Sit me down on a chair and ... act as if I weren't here."

"What?" Cullen shook his head. "No, I cannot, I feel like I am really alive now that you are here with me, at my side. I cannot ignore your presence even if I had wanted to."

"Please. I would like to watch you, and your people. Just watch. I do not think I could just ... be normal right now. I would like to observe..."

He gave her a pained look. "I want to show you to my family, Hailey, my love. I want to show them who my woman is, you!" He whispered fiercely.

"They know who I am, as you said. They know you brought me here and what you intend. They know so much, let me know something, anything, by watching."

He glanced behind his back at his parents, who were watching with watery eyes, he knew. They had waited as long as he, and she wanted them all to wait longer. But he understood her need, though he had never felt the need to watch others to know ... he could understand her need to. He leaned down and kissed her cheek and turned, leading her to a lined up set of chairs and sat her down. She stared up at him with gratitude. "Thank you."

"I will go speak to my parents and my sister ... you will be okay?"

"I will be fine." She assured him.

He stood there a few moments longer than necessary because he did not want to leave her. It was not like earlier, when he had left her to get dressed, those two hours he had spent angry and frustrated at her stubbornness. Now, he longed for her desperately, but he understood her and that made it even harder. He caressed her cheek, and walked away.

When he walked over to his parents and his sister, they were all watching Hailey over his shoulder. His mother finally turned to him. "Why is your bride not at your side, son?"

"She is not my bride yet, mother, not officially"

His sister, not but 2 years younger than him. "She's refusing you? Shall I speak to her?"

"She's not refusing exactly, she's ... resistant. She's willing to ... see things through, to a point."

"She demands courtship?" His father asked.

"She doesn't demand it. She thinks, I will tire of her. That I do not know her at all. But I want her fiercely." He glanced back at Hailey, surprised to see her idly stroking his pet, Nata the panther, her head resting on Hailey's knee.

"Nata likes her." His father said approvingly. "You will have to convince your lady of your feelings. There is naught else you can do."

"Can I go speak to my sister?" His sister rested her hand on his arm.

"I do not think so, Anna. She feels shocked, numb, I think, from all that has happened. She wants to get used to our home, first."

"For sure." Lana, his mother pressed a kiss upon his forehead. "You have found your mate and I approve."

"I approve." His father's deep voice rumbled.

"I approve." Anna giggled.

Cullen nodded, with a smile. "I am lucky. I shall find Damien and speak to him."

"Tell him he owes me a dance." Anna told him haughtily.

"Of course." He smiled at her and left to find his cousin.

Hailey was smiling at the panther, whom acted very much like a house cat to her. She had always loved cats, her only friends mostly. She was startled when someone sat down beside her, she glanced sideways at the fair beauty that sat there.

"You are Hailey." The voice that came out of the blonde woman's mouth was not as beautiful as her face, it was icy and curt.

"I am." She sat up straighter. "You have me at a disadvantage. I do not know who you are."

"You are the one who thinks Cullen is hers, I am the one Cullen truly belongs to." She retorted. "Calliana."

Hailey dropped her eyes to Nata's and brushed a hand over his hair, wondering silently how foolish she was to think she had to wait until Cullen realized he did not like her at all. Surely he would have someone who wanted and deserved him more than she. Even if that person was a bit icy. "Oh. I think you misunderstand."

"Misunderstand that Cullen is mine?" Her face hardened.

"I am not arguing that point. It would make much sense." She smiled softly as she looked over Calliana. "No you misunderstand that I think Cullen is mine, I know he is not mine, and never will be."

Calliana frowned. "What is the meaning of this?"

"I just mean ... I know he is not mine, that I am not right for him. You probably are." She nodded slowly.

Calliana stared at Hailey with growing warmth. "I admire a woman who knows her place. When will you be leaving?"

"The thing is, Calliana, I have told Cullen this. He does not believe me, he thinks to change my mind, but I will wait until he realizes that I am not for him. He will eventually realize perhaps you are, but none such as me. You understand?"

"Slightly. You think to make Cullen see he is for me?" Calliana found this girl very strange and very stupid, but did not comment.

"Well no, that would be his choice. All I know for certain is that he will not choose me. I just have to wait and..." Her eyes softened. "Cullen is a kind man, no man has ever been kind to me before."

"You want to enjoy him while you can?"

"I hope to. You see, when I return to Earth I will be unlikely to find love where I live ... I should like to have happy memories. Cullen is sort of my chance for them. I'm not trying to steal him from you, honestly."

"Good." Calliana stood, looking decidedly smug. "Good luck." She walked off quite happy with her situation.

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