Fertile Flock - Cover

Fertile Flock

Copyright© 2008 by DOM

Chapter 8: Revelations

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: Revelations - Fertile Flock is the finale of the trilogy that began with Prurient Parishioners and continued with Concupiscent Congregation. The results of undisciplined libido become apparent.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Pregnancy   Size  

On Tuesday, the day after Easter Monday Reverend James J. Gillis had been surprised by the requests for 'confessions'. He wondered if his Easter sermon had somehow triggered a need for penitence although he couldn't imagine why it would.

The Easter sermon had been a far out analogy wherein he tried to connect the crucifixion and resurrection to conception and childbirth. The act of conception required penetration of the woman's body by a portion of the man's anatomy somewhat analogous to a spike. And if it happened on the first night of marriage it might be accompanied by pain and blood. And then, as if a rock was rolled in front of the woman's cavern the results were hidden until the miracle of a baby pushed the rock aside.

After he gave the sermon the Pastor realized that he had allowed his libido to take control of his mind. It had been seven weeks since his last sinful sexual liaison and he continued to suffer from the guilt he felt for allowing his fifteen year old ward Anita Gonzales to give her innocent body to him. Each time he tried but he knew that if he'd really wanted he to leave him alone she would have.

In fact his sermon had aroused the congregation but not in a particularly Christian sense. The men looked at the married women and imagined them receiving the Easter spike while the women looked at the men and visualized each one's spike. The adolescents imagined all of it also and a number of juvenile spikes grew hard as they dreamed of spiking one or another of their female contemporaries.

But the requests for Confession were unrelated to the sermon. Gillis drew up a schedule, allowing an hour for each so he could have time between them to organize his thoughts. The schedule did not identify the women by name. According to convention in the church any person requesting confession supplied a name or number to be posted so JJ posted the schedule by the confessional and on the church Website.

At nine AM Wednesday Reverend Gillis waited on his side of the confessional expecting to find Bonnie Smart already seated on the other side of the curtain. But she wasn't. This was unusual for the normally punctual woman and JJ repeatedly checked the monitor, looking for her. Finally at about half past nine a flustered looking lady sat in the confessional chair and seemed to try to compose herself while the minister looked at the lovely woman through the one way glass that separated them.

"Are you there Reverend Gillis?"

"Yes, I'm here. I was expecting you sooner."

"I'm sorry Reverend. George's car is in the garage and he took mine so I had to walk."

"No matter Mrs. Smart. I have an easy day," Gillis said as he looked at the woman's neatly dressed but still obviously buxom form. His sex-starved organ jumped and he was tempted to take it out and masturbate while he looked at her and remembered how her lips had felt to him, wrapped around his cock.

"I had to see you. I have some news that I guess I ought to tell you. In a few months from now you're going to become a father."

"Whah?" The minister was speechless for a moment. "Who? How?"

"I answer to your second question, in the usual way. You had unprotected sex with a married woman and impregnated her. As for who ... well how many possibilities are there?"

"But ... you know you're the only one but ... what are we going to do? What do you want me to do?"

Bonnie Smart was gratified that he seemed to be accepting responsibility. Should she make him sweat? No, he was a good guy ... not at all like George.

"You don't have to do anything Reverend ... unless you want to take me into the back room and ... you know. George thinks it's his and after I found out you'd made me pregnant I sort of seduced him ... He'll just think the baby came a month or two early."

"Oh God Bonnie. I'm sorry. And I'd love to take you to the back room but I have another appointment at ten."

"Damn that husband of mine. Can we? Like? Another time ... you're the only one who ever made me ... gave me total pleasure."

In his present state of extended celibacy the immoral proposal was more than the minister could resist.

"Call me Bonnie ... call me and you can come to confession on a day when nobody else is coming. Maybe Friday."

"Oh yes. I'll call and if I get my car back I'll call on Friday."

Bonnie Smart made a kissing gesture toward the curtain, not realizing that Gillis could see her and her hand pressed against her mons. She could feel the moisture of her excitement between her legs and could hardly wait to get home where she could use her trusty vibrator for relief.

JJ's cock was standing at attention under the loose fitting robe he had worn today. He looked at the clock and saw he had only five minutes before Bridget Mahoney was due to arrive. He went back to his desk and took a deep swig of single malt whiskey direct from the bottle.

Bridget Mahoney was punctual and the horny minister watched her closely as she sat opposite him. She was wearing a short skirt and she leaned back in the chair, spreading her legs to reveal that, just like on her first visit, she was not wearing any panties. It was as if she knew he could see her which she didn't know but suspected.

"It's good to see you again Mrs. Mahoney. How may I help you today?"

"Hee hee," the buxom woman giggled girlishly. "Maybe like you helped me when I came before to confession."

"Please ... you have a husband and a daughter," Gillis chided. "What we did before we can't do again." Unless you ask me, he mused.

"Yes, I have a philandering husband who fucks young girls. And hardly ever fucks me. And I have a daughter who is also being fucked but at least he's her own age. And growing here," and she placed one hand on her belly, "in my womb is either a sister or brother for my daughter. But I should say half-sister or half-brother. It was your spike that carried out the adulterous crucifixion and planted the seed that fertilized my egg."

"My God Bridget. Are you sure?"

"As sure as the Pope's a Catholic. I haven't had a period since you fucked me and my cheating husband hasn't fucked me since more than a month before that. You're the one that planted a bun in my oven."

"Oh God Mrs. Mahoney. I'm sorry. What are we going to do?"

"We're going to have the baby ... and Peter will pretend it's ours. He already knows that somebody knocked me up but I didn't tell him who. I just don't want Coleen to know that her mother sleeps around ... although I don't really sleep around. You're the only man I've cheated with. And it wasn't sleeping that made me pregnant."

"Can I help ... in any way?"

"Yeah. You can fuck me again. You like it when I talk dirty, don't you! I could see it that other time. I bet your cock is hard for me right now."

"Don't say those things Mrs. Mahoney. It makes me feel so sinful ... such a hypocrite."

"I'll stop if you'll name a time and place. I'm horny as Hell ... I don't recall that as a pregnancy symptom before but I need to be fucked. You're safe and I don't have to worry about getting knocked up any more."

"Can you call me tomorrow? I really want you Bridget ... even though I'll feel guilty and hypocritical ... but I want to be sure we have enough time and we won't be interrupted."

"Make it soon, Reverend. I'll call tomorrow to set the time and place."

Gillis's unruly organ was twitching as he looked at the woman's well trimmed but nonetheless hairy pussy and saw the dribbles of colourless liquid seeping out between the puffy labia. Damn. He wished his niece wasn't coming at eleven.

Reverend Gillis returned to his desk and this time he had two draughts from the single malt bottle while he waited for Cindy Ramsay to arrive.

Cindy was also a few minutes late and JJ sat at his desk watching her on the monitor as she took her seat. She was a beautiful girl, he thought, and today she looked more beautiful than usual. Her cheeks had a cherry flush that might have been due to a cool breeze outside. Her blouse swelled out over her large breasts which seemed now even larger than he remembered.

Reverend Gillis once more felt his cock swell at the memory of this girl's loving ministrations. With the two married women he had felt guilt but it was minor compared to the remorse he felt for debauching this innocent youngster. An innocent youngster who was also his niece.

"Well Cindy, what terrible transgressions have you come to confess?"

"Hee hee. You know I don't have any terrible ones Uncle Jim. Just envy and gluttony except for incest."

"Please Cindy. I'm sorry. I know it was wrong and I'll likely burn in Hell. Satan truly was ruling me."

"Don't think that way, Uncle Jim. I think it was God. God knew what I needed ... and wanted. And he gave it to me. I wanted you as my husband."

"That can't be Cindy. You know that. I'm your uncle and it's against the law. And you're too young."

"It's not against the law. I checked. I'm not your blood niece ... in fact since your divorce I'm not your niece at all. And I'm old enough to be pregnant."

"Pregnant? What do you mean? You're not pregnant are you?" JJ was in shock. For the third time in a little over two hours was he being told that he was going to be a father?

"As pregnant as Mrs. Flett ... only not as far along. And you don't want the deacon's daughter to he a scarlet woman and have a baby outside of wedlock, do you?"

"But? Oh God Cindy. You're so young."

"But I wasn't too young last August was I? Or any of the other times. You've robbed me of all my virtue ... had your cock in all my openings except my ears and you can put it there if you want."

The girl sat back in the chair with an impish smile as she imagined how her uncle was reacting. "So there's only one honorable thing to do isn't there?"

"Oh Cindy. You must hate me?"

"You know full well that's not true. I love you ... that's why I got you to knock me up. And I think you love me too."

"Can you come tomorrow Cindy? I mean to my office. I'll figure out what we're going to do by then."

"I know what we're going to do Uncle Jim. But you can tell me when and where."

Still smiling Cindy stood up, cupped her hands around her belly and pretended it was already swollen with their child and then she left.

The minister went to his desk and spent the twenty minutes he had before his next appointment drinking more of the smooth single malt. When he saw on the monitor that young Anita Gonzales was entering the confessional he slowly got to his feet and went to hear what she had to say. He dreaded this, his belly churning nervously as he considered the possibility that this girl too was going to tell him she was pregnant.

Anita Gonzales had realized on Good Friday that she wasn't having her period and it was due. Then it dawned on her that it was two months since her last period and that she must be pregnant. On Sunday after church she talked to her cousin Rita Gonzales and Rita said she should tell Reverend Gillis right away. Anita was afraid of how he'd react but she hoped very much that he'd marry her and make her a citizen.

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