Fertile Flock - Cover

Fertile Flock

Copyright© 2008 by DOM

Chapter 4: Marker's Mortification

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Marker's Mortification - Fertile Flock is the finale of the trilogy that began with Prurient Parishioners and continued with Concupiscent Congregation. The results of undisciplined libido become apparent.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Pregnancy   Size  

Louise Marker had nobody to go home to so after the perversely erotic experience of watching an underaged girl use her pretty mouth on Louise's police partner's prick and after she'd used her fingers to gain some degree of sexual release she went to the in-room fridge and opened a bottle of wine, then turned off all the lights except for the night light in the entrance hall...

When Durham returned to the dark room about an hour later after taking the young hooker home, Markham had finished the bottle of wine and was on her third gin and tonic and the unprincipled policeman saw the possibility of another sexual liaison with the attractive but haughty woman.

He got another bottle of wine from the fridge and opened it. The limited light and the woman's inebriated state made it easy for him to slip some burundanga into her glass and then he sat beside her on the hard sofa.

There was no conversation as they sipped their wine but the wine exacerbated the effect of the Voodoo drug and Dick noted that her head was dropping forward as if she was about to pass out. He put his arm around her and she leaned into him, her cheek resting on his muscular shoulder.

"Harry, darling," she mumbled thickly, "I'm glad you came to see me."

Damn, Durham thought. She thinks I'm her husband. He tugged her uniform shirt out of the waistband of her slacks and reached inside to heft a bra-encased tit-globe.

"Oh yes Harry. I want you so much she murmured as, to Durham's delight; she began to remove her clothes. Louise Marker was still aroused from the sight of her partner screwing the young hooker and it had been many weeks since her husband had left her.

It was easy to cover the lovely woman's open mouth with his own and the detective began to caress her ripe, naked body. Their tongues meshed and her hands went to his crotch.

"I'm sorry Harry ... sorry for what happened. Please forgive me. Oh God Harry ... you're even bigger than I remembered," and as Durham's cock sprang free, as hard now as it had been an hour ago before he fucked young Alicia, the woman caressed it. "I think that lowlife partner of mine is responsible, Harry. I think he drugged me and made me pregnant."

The amoral policeman had worked his pants and undershorts down and off and now his naked cock jumped when he heard those words. Damn! He'd knocked the bitch up! Tonight would be the icing on the cake when he pumped another load of sperm into her belly from the top end.

"You must have led him on Louise. You must have let him know you were available."

"No Harry! No! I didn't," the woman wailed as her eyes flooded with tears and she slid from the sofa and went to her knees in front of him, looking upwards, naked and submissive.

The purple tip of the detective's large penis was resting on her pink lower lip, the weight of it making her pout slightly. She looked apprehensive, she had never consciously given a blowjob, her only experience buried in the sub-conscious memories of her drug-aided rape by the organ that was now poised once more at the entrance to her oral cavity

Durham was expressionless, entirely able to suppress the swell of excitement and power that was growing in every fiber of his body. Without a word he moved his hands to her head and slid his hips forward. The head of his penis slipped between her lips and came to rest on her tongue. It was large, she was caught slightly unawares by its bulk, and she was surprised that already her mouth was full. He waited until she again looked up at him, pausing for a few seconds to savour the sight of his cock resting in her mouth, and to stroke her hair, fully aware of her sophisticated beauty.

The young woman's apprehension grew as she waited, unsure of how she should proceed. Durham took a firm yet gentle hold of her head, and moving his hips began to feed his penis slowly into her mouth. She felt him slipping across her tongue, allowing her lips to slide over the widening contours of his dick. The warmth and wetness of her mouth made him inhale as he watched his penis slowly disappear into her face. After about four inches he reached the back of her mouth and pressed into her tonsils. A flash of nausea darkened her face and she pulled back sharply, stifling a choke as his penis slid from her mouth.

The detective had no knowledge of the woman's prowess, but she was obviously not experienced, and he realized that he couldn't simply ram himself forcefully into her throat, so he decided on a new approach. She swallowed to overcome the lingering revulsion, wiped a solitary tear from her eye, again looked up at him, and, positioned as one about to receive communion, opened her mouth.

"Did you suck his cock Louise? Did you suck the detective's cock as well as fuck him?"

"Nahhh ... nooo ... you know I didn't she whined. I've never done that before ... not even with you." But she had a flash of guilt as a vivid recollection of hot hardness in her mouth caused her to wonder if somehow she had given oral sex before.

Guiding the head of his penis into her mouth with one hand Dick again took firm hold of her head, and again began feeding himself slowly inwards, taking pleasure in the slide of her tongue, but this time, judging his depth by the widening of her eyes, he stopped just short of her tonsils, about three and a half inches in.

Holding himself there, he allowed her to become accustomed to the dimensions of his cock, luxuriating in the warmth of her breath and velveteen lining of her mouth, then he withdrew, slowly, watching each inch re-emerge now coated with saliva. She seemed to relax as he pulled out, but he wanted her to get used to his penis quickly, so he didn't fully withdraw but let his head come to a rest on her tongue.

He gave her a few seconds, then again holding her immobile, began to push into her mouth, once more stopping just short of her tonsils, holding for a few seconds, and then slowly withdrawing. He began a slow rhythmic fucking of her pretty face, gradually easing himself in and out of her mouth, each time taking care to not go too far. After a minute her misgivings seemed to abate; her shoulders dropped and she began moving her tongue. Seeing this, he quickened his pace slightly on ingression, still moving slowly however while withdrawing. With care he pushed himself in just far enough to graze the back of her mouth, but intent on not allowing her time to react he continued the rhythm, resuming his conscious avoidance of her tonsils.

"You're a fast learner baby," Dick murmured. "Love the way you use your tongue."

The novice cocksucker had angled her head downward a fraction, as if beginning to back away but had stopped, and he continued. Aware of his success however, he waited until she relaxed as before, then repeated the slightly longer in-stroke. This time she swallowed, but did not move at all: he was making progress. He repeated this process every thirty seconds or so, just brushing the back of her mouth, and she made no move to back away, so he decided to try something new. He withdrew his penis almost fully from her mouth, until she was pouting around the end of his head, then holding her head firmly he began to push his hips forward gradually, stretching her lips, sliding his cock into her face as slowly as he could.

Watching her face in the dimly lit room he eased onward, until the tip of his dick pressed against the back of her throat. Holding himself there for a fraction of a second, he then withdrew, but as before keeping his head inside her lips, not really allowing her space for reaction. She coughed, spluttering around his shaft as he pulled out, and she began to pull herself away, but he held her head firm, keeping his cock just in her mouth, and she didn't struggle. The uncharacteristically subservient woman was concentrating on repressing the rising nausea, stifling her gag reflex. Durham waited until she composed herself, looking directly at her, and she, after a few seconds, looked up at him. She looked frightened, but, he thought, also obedient, and he felt a new sense of control.

He slid himself nonchalantly in and out of her mouth a few times, not far enough to reach her tonsils, but working his penis about in her face, stretching her lips with the slow side to side thrusting. Instead of concentrating on his cock, she now looked up into his eyes the whole time, and holding her gaze he slowly eased his penis in, waiting for the contact of the back of her mouth. When he reached her tonsils he again pushed into them, this time holding her there for almost a second. She spluttered audibly around his dick, and for the first time broke their gaze, so he withdrew, this time however he kept a good two inches of his cock pressed into her mouth. She was breathing heavily, and brought her hands up to his hips as a brace, so he again gave her time to compose herself.

He pushed forward once more, sliding his penis with more determination he reached the back of her mouth quickly, and this time, pulling her head down toward his groin, he found that he could bury five inches into her face, pressing into the silk softness of her tonsils. This time he held her there for two or three seconds, and she began to struggle gently against him while she gagged, but in her position she had little leverage and he could hold her where he wanted with ease. He allowed her to draw back, extricating his penis from the back of her mouth, but would not allow his head past the boundary of her lips, forcing her to breathe around him, enjoying the soothing coolness of her sharp inhalations.

Aware of the fact that he had her in a position of total subjugation, he began to take less heed of her reactions, and it wasn't long until again he pressed himself inward, stretching her lips open, forcing over her slithering tongue until he again met with the back of her mouth. Determined now to exact as much pleasure as he could, he ground his hips forward, and holding her by the back of the head he forced her downward, pressing hard, ignoring her struggles. After a second or two he was rewarded. Something gave, and he slipped inward a further inch, cutting short a surprised choke from his adversary as her eyes widened. He had entered the opening of her throat, and could feel it contract around his head as she struggled to gasp for air, to swallow, to do anything to free herself from her impalement. The feeling was incredible, the muscular caress of the end of his cock was heaven, and completely unconscious of her inability to breathe he pressed harder, determined to do anything to that might result in further gratification, but to no avail. Finally he became aware of her position, and slowly extracted his penis from her throat, indulging in its relinquishing constriction. She coughed, spluttered and gagged uncontrollably around his shaft for at least five seconds, and seemed to have difficulty breathing for at least another ten, but he was totally unaware.

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