Fertile Flock - Cover

Fertile Flock

Copyright© 2008 by DOM

Chapter 20: Jaundiced Justice

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 20: Jaundiced Justice - Fertile Flock is the finale of the trilogy that began with Prurient Parishioners and continued with Concupiscent Congregation. The results of undisciplined libido become apparent.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Pregnancy   Size  

Michael Ogden was a careful lawyer. He believed Louise Marker's story but he was not one to move forward with uncorroborated information. He spent the next several days trying to check out Marker's reputation before telling to George Smart.

"I have something that may help our case, Mr. Smart. A confidential source has given me a video that may cast strong doubt on the credibility of their key witness and the policeman who laid the charges."

Who? What? I want to see it!"

"That will have to wait but you may be able to help. My source says that you're not the only one who has been screwing underage girls. My contact says a lot of other responsible citizens have. If we can find out two or three other men that could be accused also we might be able to persuade them to drop the charges."

"Damn them! I don't know who to ask."

"You know that the young people themselves often know a lot more than they're telling. Maybe one of you daughters ... or you son can help."

"I don't know ... it's hard to ask ... but I will!"

George Smart went to the school, found out where David was and had him brought to his car.

"I need your help, David. You know I'm in big trouble and I know I haven't been much of a Dad for you but I really need your help."

"Sure Dad ... I'll do anything you want but I'm not sure how I can help?" The boy was thrilled and as happy as he'd ever been to have his father ask him for help but he truly could not imagine how he could be of any assistance.

"The big charge against me is for having sex with little Alicia Foster. I know it was wrong to do it but I didn't know it was against the law ... and I don't agree with the law. Anyway my lawyer has a source who says that lots of men like me have done it ... had sex with girls under eighteen. And if I can identify a few they might drop the charge because if they didn't they'd have to charge the other guys."

"Uh ... OK Dad. I know a bit but some of it you may not want to hear?"

"I'm sure that's true but tell me anyway. I'm not goping to shoot the messenger."

"Well Dad, I'm getting it on with Mrs. Thompson. And Arthur Mullins is too. So she must be guilty, eh?"

"Hell yes. And you have good taste, son. Anyone else?"

"Her husband, Principal Thompson ... he's screwed ... sorry Dad ... had sex with Sarah Newsome and she's my age and also Janice Garner ... she's Darlene's age."

"Hmm! Maybe I'm not as bad as I thought."

"And Mr. Mahoney ... don't be mad at me, Dad ... he's got a thing going with Darlene."

George Strong felt anger but he subdued it. Having something to hold over Mahoney was worth a lot.

"And Dad, I'm not sure about this but Coleen and me used to be ... well, sorta close but after Mrs. Thompson got with me we ... Coleen and me ... we sort of split. Anyway she said something to me at school today that makes me think she and Mr. Carson did it.

Well David, I think you've been a lot of help to me."

"And one more Dad. Reverend Gillis. There's a story that he had Daphne Burke and Audrey Allison ... they both board at the college and I think they're both under eighteen. And there's the Guatemalan girl that lives with him too."

"Yes David ... but she's well chaperoned."

"Maybe but ... I still think he got her too and she's only fifteen."

An hour later Smart was imparting that information to his lawyer and immediately Ogden contacted Assistant District Attorney Cheryl Mahoney to request an immediate meeting.

Cheryl Mahoney was puzzled by the request and when Michael Ogden showed up at her office an hour later she had Lieutenant Flett with her.

"I had hoped to meet with you alone Ms. Mahoney."

"I have no secrets from the police, Mr. Ogden. And I'd like him to hear what you have to say."

"Well, let me warn you that what I have shows the police in a bad light and it might necessitate that you take action against them. Are you sure you want him here?"

Mahoney and Flett had a whispered consultation after which Lieutenant Flett left the room.

"All right Mr. Ogden, what do you have to show me."

"Is that a VCR in the corner?"

"Yes. Do you have a video to play?"

Almost an hour later the screen went blank and the now refaced ADA looked sheepishly at Ogden.

"I'm going to have to consult with my boss, Mr. Ogden. Where did you get that video?"

"Sorry, Ms. Mahoney. I promised not to reveal my source. I have other information as well concerning the statutory rape charge. If he's prosecuted my client may plead guilty to that charge but we will then provide evidence that will lead to the same charges against a number of upstanding citizens including two teachers and your brother."

Cheryl's face had been red with embarrassment but now it paled with family concern. She didn't waste any time asking for more details. Her mind was now on damage control.

At four PM Cheryl Mahoney hosted another meeting with Lieutenant Flett and Police Chief Patrick Reardon in Flett's office. Her boss, the District Attorney had told her to get the whole mess off the table as quickly as possible and to be sure that his name never was involved.

After they viewed the video Reardon asked angrily, "Who took that video? How did Ogden get it? Dammit, it had to be your people Flett!"

"I don't know the answer Chief but I agree that it must have been our people. I suspect it was Louise Marker but I can't prove it. What does it do to our case, Ms. Mahoney?"

"Well it pretty well discredits your key witness. His testimony about how Smart and Ramsay set her up in business is gone so your prostitution rap is out the window."

"What about the statutory rape case?"

"He didn't give me evidence but he says that if we prosecute his client on that he'd bring evidence against some of our finest people. Do we dare take the chance?"

"I don't know, Ms. Mahoney? If we have men who are making young girls ... underaged ones have sex with them aren't we obligated to prosecute?"

"No dammit! We're not obliged to do anything we don't want to," Chief Reardon exploded. "There's no need to destroy law abiding citizens because some round-heeled little tart got into bed with them." The illogic of calling these men 'law abiding' was lost on the police Chief. The knowledge that he'd been close to crossing the same line also entered his mind and made him more understanding of Ramsay's and Smart's indiscretions.

"Well then, if we drop all charges how do we announce it?"

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