Fertile Flock - Cover

Fertile Flock

Copyright© 2008 by DOM

Chapter 12: Babysitter's Bedtime

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12: Babysitter's Bedtime - Fertile Flock is the finale of the trilogy that began with Prurient Parishioners and continued with Concupiscent Congregation. The results of undisciplined libido become apparent.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Pregnancy   Size  

Peter Mahoney spent a lot of time on the phone, being careful to log it all. He was missing out on the big bucks from a criminal trial so he'd have to milk the set-up work for all he could get.

Michael Ogden was an experienced criminal attorney who was about ten years older than Mahoney. He had a drinking problem and that had caused him to lose his partnership in a large firm four years ago. Now he as set up in an office in the same building as Peter and as far as Peter could tell he had his drinking under control.

"I don't know what the evidence is. All I know is that he's been charged with Pandering and Statutory Rape."

"Wow! That's heavy for a churchman like him. Do you think he's guilty?"

"I have no idea. I wouldn't expect him to be guilty of those things ... but John Flett is involved and I doubt that he'd move without some pretty good proof."

"What's this guy Smart like?"

"He's gruff and overbearing ... something like you. That's why I want you to take the case. You may be able to control him,"

"Well, he's got lots of money so he's my kind of client. I'll go see him tomorrow. He's out of jail isn't he?"

"Yeah ... on bail. Kermit Fagan did him the favour for his usual usurious rate. Here's George's office phone number. That's the best place to try. Good luck, Michael."

Selection of a lawyer for Deacon Ramsay was a chance to pay a debt of sorts. Kevin Carson was a brilliant young lawyer fresh out of law school but although his experience was limited Peter had heard great things about him at the courthouse. He seemed to get favorable rulings from every judge he faced, male and female and apparently in the five jury trials he'd done the juries loved him.

"Hi Kevin. I have a request."

"Oh? I don't know right now if I can handle any requests but go ahead." And if you want a favor from me you're knocking at the wrong door you bastard! Of course Kevin didn't say that aloud on the phone.

"Well, maybe it's a church request. You've heard about Deacon Ramsay, haven't you?"

"Not much but enough to know that he's in big trouble." Maybe all the men in that church are pedophiles like you.

"And he needs a criminal lawyer. I handle his civil stuff but I'd be hopeless in front of a jury. Can you find time to take his case? It'll pay well."

"I need the money I guess but I have another problem ... my apartment was just sold out from under me and I'm going to be sleeping in the office ... not conducive to good defence lawyering, eh?"

"Hey, maybe I can help. We have a granny suite in our house for when Bridget's mother comes to visit ... and she's off traveling for the next few months so she won't be visiting. It has its own entrance as well as being connected to the house. You could stay there for a couple of months until you find something else."

"That's really generous, Peter." Maybe I can get into that sexy wife of his. That would be partial payback and even though she's not a kid like Susan was, I'd be cuckolding him. Maybe I could knock her up? That would make us almost even. "Let me think about it overnight, Peter. I'll call you tomorrow."

Peter Mahoney had a warm feeling in his gut. He was finally getting a chance to make amends of sorts for the harm he'd done to Kevin or, more accurately, to Kevin's kid sister Susan. He was sure that Kevin knew nothing about it but still it would salve his conscience to know he was helping him out.

Peter hung up and sat back in his reclining swivel chair, remembering Susan Carson.

It was four years ago when they had an unexpected need for a babysitter. He was at the bar next to the Courthouse complaining about the dearth of competent babysitters. Kevin Carson who was still two year shy of being admitted to the bar piped up that his kid sister was always looking for a chance to pick up extra cash. She was only in Grade Nine but tomorrow was Saturday so even if they were late it would be OK. And she could stay over until morning, Peter had said, using the same suite he was now offering to Kevin.

Fourteen year old Susan Carson was beautiful. Dark hair, dark eyes, full, pouty lips and a prominent bosom. As soon as he saw her Peter knew, despite her youth, who would be his pretend lover later that night when he fucked his sexy wife.

They didn't get home until after one AM and they were lucky that they weren't stopped by the police because Peter was certainly too drunk to drive. But Bridget was even drunker. The babysitter helped him get Bridget upstairs and into bed and left him to undress her.

"Thanks Susan," Peter said after he got Bridget undressed and into bed and got rid of his own formal party clothes and donned a robe. "I'm going to have a nightcap ... can I get you a coke, or maybe a glass of wine?"

"Thanks Mr. Mahoney but I have a confession to make. I saw all that stuff in your liquor cabinet and I had some gin. I hope you don't mind?"

"I don't mind but let's not tell Bridget ... or especially Kevin. He'd likely be real mad at me if he found out I gave you alcohol."

"Yeah, you're right about that. He gets real mad at me when he finds out I'm drinking ... that's why I'm happy I'm staying the night ... so he won't smell it off me when I come home."

Peter poured her a very stiff gin and orange and they sat side by side on the sofa facing the TV. For about fifteen minutes they chatted but he couldn't keep his eyes off the swell of her breasts under her white blouse and the outline of her parted thighs under her skirt. Finally he could stand the tension no longer.

"My God Susan, you're lovely," he murmured as he leaned close to her moist, red mouth.

Susan sighed with pleasure at the compliment and turned her face towards his. She uttered a faint whimper when she felt his lips touch hers. Opening her mouth, she felt his tongue enter and begin its sparring with her tongue. She'd been kissed before but never by a man and tonight something drove her to push her tongue into her partner's mouth and explore with the tip all the way to the back of his throat.

The attorney was astounded by the young babysitter's reaction. Was he going to get to fuck her for real and not just pretend his drunk, lifeless wife was the babysitter?

Susan felt the tension spread outward from her belly to her breasts and downward between her thighs. Her breasts were pressed against his chest, and she found that by moving against him, the friction between her nipples and her bra heightened her feelings of excitement that she was feeling. Her whole body seemed to be gripped by a deep and overpowering anticipation.

She'd had similar feelings before and, moving her thighs together, she felt dampness between her legs. Squeezing her thighs together seemed to make the yearning grow. Unconsciously she squeezed her thighs together, and that caused them to start a rhythmic motion of their own.

Peter felt the girl's movements and he began unbuttoning her blouse. Breathing heavily, the girl broke off their kiss and looked deeply into Peter's eyes.

"Oh Mr. Mahoney," she panted, "What's happening to me? It feels so good when you kiss me ... But I'm afraid ... Ohhhh ... please sir ... you're not going to try anything are you?"

Susan's hips were now moving with a life of their own. With each squeeze of her thighs, Susan's breath exploded from her in a grunting sigh. The pressure on her breasts was almost unbearable. Not waiting for an answer to her question she pulled the man's face to hers and she initiated another kiss. As she felt his tongue enter her mouth, she felt her hips drive upward.

The excited girl could feel her swollen labia moving, squeezing her clitoris and when she sucked Peter's tongue deep into her throat it caused her narrow, virgin passage to give a squeeze, as if it was being filled by his tongue and not her mouth. This squeeze caused an explosion of feeling to spread outward until it exploded in her brain.

Behind her closed eyelids, Susan saw a thousand fireworks going off. Her hips were pumping and she grabbed Peter closer so that her breasts were mashed almost flat against him. In her passion, she broke the kiss, noisily gasping for breath.

Panting as she lay against him in the aftermath of her self-inflicted climax she was only partially aware that he was removing her shirt and had reached around her back to unfasten her bra. With a start, she sat up and pulled away from him.

"No Mr. Mahoney, hanh, you can't," she gasped. "Please don't take my, hanh, clothes off, hanh. I'm not ready for that and I'm scared. I'm only hanh fourteen. Please try to understand."

Ignoring the girl's protest Peter removed her blouse from all but one arm, and her bra was lying loose, exposing her breasts completely. He jiggled her shoulders so that the bra fell away completely and she laid back once more against him as he placed one hand to her breast and insinuated the other between her legs. As he continued to tease and tweak her nipples, Susan's thighs closed around his hand, and began their jerking motion anew.

She was once again climbing the peak to another climax but she just couldn't make it. Her breasts were fully aroused and each time that Peter manipulated her nipples, she was shot through with a surge of passion but then he'd stop touching her nipples and just caress her breasts. His hand between her legs was likewise very thrilling. It was so much more arousing to move against something. But just when she was about to explode his fingers would explore a less sensitive area and she was still unable to go the final step to climax.

Peter was tempted to throw caution to the winds and rip off the girl's panties and fuck her with no more delay but he restrained himself. He worked his fingers under the leg of her panties to bury them in her soft, wet pussy pudding.

"No, Mr. Mahoney. Not there, please. I'm scared. Oh ... it feels ... it feels ... so-o-o-o good. Oh ... oh ... oh ... please ... stop."

Young Susan Carson wanted him to stop but she didn't want to give up the pleasure she was feeling. She whined and panted and protested but she made no physical move to stop the man.

Peter was able to insinuate a finger so that it was massaging her vulval crack, and as he pushed against her clit with his finger another mini-orgasm flashed through her, and in reaction she spread her thighs apart.

Peter was now able to massage the length of her slit, from the clit all the way down to her anus. As he moved his finger between the lips of her pussy, Susan began a slow pumping of her hips in rhythm. Her breath was now escaping in panting grunts as she felt herself being taken higher and higher towards the release of orgasm.

Suddenly Peter ceased his massage and moved his hand up to massage her belly. With each touch, her belly gave a spasmodic jerk, and her pussy clamped tight on itself as if her whole lower body was inviting him to enter.

The fourteen year old virgin, fingered but never fucked, was close to sensory overload. All of her senses were tuned to every little nuance, and she was aware that everything was adding to her arousal. The sound of her own panting moans and Peter's deep-voiced murmurs, the feel of his mouth and lips on her breast, the delicious massaging of his hand on her crotch, and finally the musky smell that was emanating upward from her pussy all served to excite her more.

Looking down at her body, the fourteen year old was frightened by the almost involuntary reactions that she saw. Her nipples were so erect that they seemed to be almost bigger than her breasts. The jerking motion of her hips and belly seemed to be the most stimulating sight she had ever seen. And although she couldn't see it she could feel that each upward movement was accompanied by a stretch and opening of her vaginal mouth. Each downward movement was accompanied by a closing and grasping. Together they made her cry out with longing and passion.

Peter very gently started to move down her panties and Susan was shocked out of her passion by this impending disrobing. She grabbed his wrist with both hands. She didn't say anything, but just looked at him imploringly. Peter moved his fingers at the top of her slit and was able to just barely touch the nub of passion.

Massaging and teasing it caused the young girl's hips to jerk and move uncontrollably. Although she really didn't want him to go further, the jerking and dancing of her body that his touch caused was too insistent. Without really being aware of what it was she was doing, Susan pushed his hand further into her panties and placing her hand over his, held it there.

Pumping her hips madly and clutching Peter's hand to her aroused pussy, Susan crashed towards climax. Her pussy was pumping, and the opening and closing of her cuntmouth as if it was trying to draw something inside was the final push that she need to climax.

"Mr. Mahoney ... oh ... oh ... oh ... ah-h-h-h ... Yessss ... that's right ... yes ... please ... oohhh sirrr. Oh, ... what are you doing to me? Oh, oh ... please ... I ... can't ... breathe ... Oh, ... yes ... Mr. Mahoney, now. Hold me ... oh ... harder ... There ... now, ... please ... now. Uh ... uh ... uh ... oh-h-h-h ... ye-e-e-e-s-s-s-s."

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