Taking Deliveries - Cover

Taking Deliveries

Copyright© 2008 by Thinking Horndog

Chapter 3

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - The much-requested sequel to Shopping Around. The antics of the group picked up by CPLs Taylor and Evans on their first night aboard the Catch-22. A Swarm Cycle Story

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Voyeurism  

Kiran, realizing that they had limited time before the next briefing and a meal in the cafeteria, decided to educate himself regarding his harem -- and make no mistake, that's how he thought of them... "So," he asked, settling into a chair with the four of them kneeling before him, "Which of you is still a maiden?"

At least one of them failed to understand. "Master?" Kellie asked obsequiously.

Kiran sneered. "I would not expect YOU to understand. I asked who among you retains her maidenhead -- her virginity. Don't lie, since this is easily detected..."

But Kellie surprised him by glancing around and cautiously raising her hand -- as did Isobel. Amita and Sharmila did not.

Kiran was surprised. "Show me -- both of you! Turn around -- on your hands and knees. Spread your legs..." They weren't lying, either of them; the little rubbery dam of membrane was present in both -- most obviously in Kellie, actually. In some ways, it shouldn't have been a surprise, since she hadn't found her social equal to offer an alliance to -- or she thought she hadn't, anyway. But to Kiran, for whom 'blonde' and 'slut' were synonymous, it was a vast surprise. "Resume your positions," he directed, reseating himself. "So," his eyes swept the group, "the least of my possessions has provided me with a pleasant surprise -- and those who stand above her an unpleasant one." Amita and Sharmila withered visibly under his glare. "How is it that you have not debauched yourself?" he asked Kellie.

"With who?" Kellie asked. "Just any boy? Daddy would FREAK! I mean, REALLY!"

Kiran was unable to cover his amusement. "And now?"

Kellie licked her lips; fear made her cautious. "Things have ... changed. I don't expect to have it much longer."

"You would be correct in any case," Kiran grunted. "My friend Sanket does not value virginity -- he had his woman give hers to strangers and old men. Perhaps I will vend yours to some deserving crewman for a favor of some type. What do you think of that?"

But an understanding of her position had finally been pounded into Kellie; she dropped her eyes. "You will do as you please -- and I will do what I have to do to please you."

Kiran steepled his fingers and gazed at her, eyes hooded. "Could it be that you learn that quickly?"

Kellie, who hadn't raised her eyes, replied softly, "I'm trying ... Master."

Kiran grunted, but he was impressed. "Isobel, how is it that you are still a maiden?"

"I'm a good Catholic girl ... Master."

"Religion doesn't always seem to be effective," Kiran replied, sweeping a glare over Amita and Sharmila. "Neither does morality."

Sharmila held her peace, but Amita erupted angrily, "Master has never had sex? And those girls are -- what? -- eighteen?"

"So, age has reduced your value?" Kiran said quietly, eyeing his manicure. "Interesting."

"Of course!" Amita retorted hotly. "In India our families would have arranged something for us by now! In America, things work differently ... We are forced to..."

"Amita!" Sharmila hissed. "Be silent! You are not helping us! Master, she does not speak for me!" Sharmila was twenty-seven, and Amita was twenty-four -- and indeed, things WERE different in America -- but that wasn't going to be an excuse at this point.

"But she does!" Kiran retorted. "I find her explanation why you are both sluts to be most telling! And I find myself with a pair of young American virgins -- certainly something in short supply -- and a pair of timeworn Americanized Indian sluts who found it necessary to vend their virginity, yet still were unable to find husbands in vaunted America. I begin to understand why Sanket settled for aunties -- what's the difference? I cannot see any reason to hold the pair of you above these two, who are not only unsullied, but have not yet reached their expiration date..."

Sharmila, crestfallen, moaned, "I abase myself!" and tucked her head to the floor.

Kellie shifted her eyes fearfully between Sharmila and Kiran. Amita had paled, but not flattened herself. Isobel watched Kiran, too -- was this what he wanted?

Kiran eyed the group, his lips pursed, and made a decision. "It won't help, but YOU," he pointed to Amita, "may abase yourself!" Amita, flustered, went flat. Kiran turned his attention to Kellie. "While I continue to believe that you are a selfish, spoiled, empty-headed little fool, you HAVE improved your position with me. If you continue to adapt, you may actually find favor." He turned his attention to Isobel, "Placing the four of you in some order of precedence seems to be premature -- but you have offended my sensibilities the least. That may be blind luck -- we shall see. As for virginity -- I value it. If you do not anger me, I will take yours, with what I consider suitable ceremony. If I should offer it to someone else, obviously that would be an indication of disfavor..."

"Yes, Master." Isobel might not know all of the rules, but this one was clear. Fear and respect were paramount; step out of line and expect to get handed your head ... The situation wasn't THAT unfamiliar to her; Papa had tended to rule with an iron hand if you got out of line, even though he was usually a benevolent despot. Thinking of Papa reminded Isobel -- Mama hadn't...

Elsewhere, the heat of the moment having relented somewhat, Inez came to the realization, too. Wringing her hands, she approached Sanket, who had collapsed in a chair. "Sir? I have made a mistake, perhaps..."

"Yes?" Sanket replied wearily. This whole multiple woman thing ... Now he had Rachana -- but he also had Anne, and Donna -- and this one, for whom there was NO real justification...

"My husband..."

"I don't think you have one," Sanket replied. Looking up at the ceiling, he asked, "Right?"

"Correct," the AI replied. "The marriage is dissolved."

"If I went back..." Inez pled.

"That is not an available option."

"If I allowed it?" Sanket asked gently, knowing the answer.

"You may dispose of her, but she will not be returned to Earth," the AI insisted.

"I should tell Manuel," Inez husked.

"He will receive notification," the AI said flatly. "It has already been dispatched."

Sanket pursed his lips. "Is there anything more ... personal?"

"This is not generally considered good for the stability of the sponsor's new family," the AI replied, "but it is your option. Former spouses have been known to become angry and attempt violence against the Confederacy. This usually ends in their death -- and mental anguish for the concubine. Direct communication is usually allowed upon arrival at the colony, as the family has usually stabilized by then."

"It would be better if I told him," Inez said softly.

"You must take care to present things positively," Sanket told her.

"Yes," Inez nodded.

"I will allow it," Sanket announced. "Perhaps for the others, depending upon how things go." He glanced around, but none of the others seemed to care.

"Does this person possess a cellular communications device?" the AI asked.

"A cell phone? Yes..."

"Please provide the number..." Inez did so. "It is ringing," the AI announced.

"Hello?" The sound appeared from the air around them, just as the AI's voice did, without an apparent source.



"Yes." Inez sobered. "My husband, I have news."

Manuel became cautious. "What kind of news?"

"There was a pickup..."

"Pickup? One of those Confederacy things?"

"Yes." Inez gathered herself. "Isobel presented herself. I could not dissuade her."

"I see." On the ground, Manuel sighed. He would never see his daughter again -- but she was at least safe; he would have some legacy. Neither he nor his sons were going anywhere... "Was she taken, then?"


"Well, she is at least safe."

"Yes." Inez sucked in a breath. "My husband, that is not all."

"No?" Dread filled the man's voice.

"I was foolish. I feared for her. In the heat of the moment..."

"You presented yourself? You were taken?"

"Yes. My husband, I never meant to leave you! I was just so fearful! Terrible things were going on -- I feared for Isobel too much -- all I could think about at the time was protecting her!" Inez wailed.

"You are gone, too," Manuel husked in a dead voice.

The AI cut things off momentarily. "This does not appear to be helpful."

"I agree," Sanket declared. "Inez..."

Inez got a grip. "I will fix it now! Please!"

Sanket considered. "All right."

Meanwhile, Manuel was saying, "Hello? Hello?"

"I am back," Inez gathered herself. "I am sorry, Husband. I let my fear for Isobel rule me."

"She is well?"

Sanket raised a finger. "Yes," Inez replied. "She is well. I am well, also. Go to my sister Marta, my husband. I am told our marriage holds no force where I am, and I must bind myself to another -- therefore you should, too. We are safe, and I love you, but it will be some time before we can speak again."

"Your sister is not you, my wife."

"No, but she needs your help -- and you cannot help me. Give to her what you would give to me." Inez's sister was widowed and already somewhat on the family dole. "She owes you already, my husband. Tell her to ... comfort you, as I cannot."

Manuel snorted. "I do not foresee THAT happening!"

"Tell her I said it is her duty. She will bend. She has always been ... interested."

Manuel grunted. "And you? Will you move on?"

"I must, my husband -- I have no choice. My decision, foolish as it was, is irrevocable. Do not think ill of me, but I will be young again, and have more children, and watch over the children of others."

"So the rumors are true? You are in a harem?"


"This man who took you -- is he a good man?" Manuel asked.

"He took me so that I could watch over my daughter -- could he be anything but?"

"I guess not." Manuel paused for a bit. "I will speak to the priest about this, but..."

Inez actually became mildly irritated. "My husband, there is sin and there is sin. Even if we remain married in the eyes of God, we can no longer be together -- and I MUST cleave unto another! If the Church cannot deal with that, remind them that it is the only way I can be fruitful and multiply and provide God with soldiers for the coming battle!"

Manuel actually sounded eased. "THERE speaks my wife!"

Inez smiled. "You always needed my help to see the way, my husband! In the eyes of the law, we are parted -- perhaps not divorced, but annulled. God has found other uses for both of us. I love you no less, but we must do what we must do."

"Well ... Your sister?"

"You always liked her breasts."


"You think I didn't know? You think SHE doesn't? She will show them to you -- if you present my wishes correctly," Inez declared.

"I may have to wait for you to do so," Manuel replied. "I am not gifted with words."

"Take your time -- you may not have to say anything. If by the time we can speak again, she has not bent to your will, I will speak to her -- but I won't have to," Inez insisted. "I must go."

"I wish you well ... Inez." 'Wife' didn't fit any more, did it?

"I wish you well. Harbor no anger against those I have gone with -- it was my own fault."

"I do not," Manuel sighed. "At least you are both safe. Take care of our daughter."

"I will do what I can. Goodbye."


After a short pause, the AI opined, "The situation appears to have improved. Vocal stress levels indicated acceptance of the situation."

"I thank you," Inez said to Sanket. "This was my mistake -- but my husband must live with it. A note saying we had been picked up would not have given him direction -- I needed to do that."

Sanket shrugged. "I am sorry that you feel that you made a mistake."

Inez shrugged. "I did what I thought best at the time. Whether it will help Isobel -- whether she even NEEDS my help -- only time will tell. YOU need my help and THEY need my help..." She pointed at Anne and Donna and Rachana, then shrugged and asserted, "It is a time to look to the future, not the past." She looked Sanket in the eye. "I will bear you strong sons and beautiful daughters -- and I will help these others who have never known motherhood. I know all about procreation; when you've made me comely again, I'll show you all about it!"

Sanket found himself moved to laugh. "I am sure you will!"

There was a transporter nexus two blocks from the Happy Days Nursery School -- a CAP testing station. Getting a vehicle proved to be less than difficult, too. Nothing unusual was really visible until they got out of the car in the parking lot of the school. Mickey was in her shift, though, and it barely covered the subject -- and Pete and Rick carried sidearms.

Little Lisa was there in the atrium, surrounded by twittering teachers. "Mommy!" She let go of the woman holding her hand and dashed to Mickey, who knelt to take her in.

Mrs. McPherson stepped up. "I gathered some crayons and a couple of reading books and such and put them in her backpack."

"Thank you."

"How ... is it?"

"Ummm ... Too early to tell, actually," Mickey related. "Not a place for a career woman -- soccer moms wanted, I think. Moms, anyway."

Mrs. McPherson looked wistful. "I'd like to do that again..."

Rick eyed her and decided to be blunt. "Are you still fertile?"

Mrs. McPherson looked offended. "Yes!"

Rick shrugged. "We're not done around here. You'll end up short a husband..."

"I'm no longer married," Ms. McPherson related. "We find it's simpler for the young ones if we don't get into confusing marital situations with them."

Rick eyed her. "Well this isn't marital bliss -- it's more like going to a party and getting drunk and waking up with your knees up and some guy you've never seen before getting you pregnant."

Ms. McPherson frowned. "You DO have a way of expressing yourself..."

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