The Ah Kung - Cover

The Ah Kung

Copyright© 2008 by Tallorder64

Chapter 14

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Roger sees a man about to be murdered and he knocks the gun out of the criminal's hands. The man that was about to be assassinated was a member of a Triad in San Francisco. The Chinese gangster tries to repay roger for saving him and they become good friends.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Heterosexual  

The next morning Roger left Lei home with a warning to enjoy herself for a few days because he was going to work her tail off. Lei grinned and remarked that she didn't have that much that she could spare.

On the drive into work Roger went over his plan to incorporate Lei into the company. He decided to take May into his confidence and ask for her help in making sure that Lei became the "American Woman" that Roger wanted everyone to think that she was. Lei was very smart and he knew that she could pull it off with a little help. He didn't want to involve May in his scheme but he didn't have much choice.

As he passed May's desk he asked her to come into his office. May followed him into the office and shut the door. The look on Roger's face told her that it was something that was to be kept private. May stood in front of his desk until Roger motioned for her to sit.

Roger paused to organize his thoughts and then leaned forward in his chair, "May, I'd like to ask a big favor of you. Listen to me before you make any comments. If you decide that you can't do what I'm about to ask you I'll understand and nothing more will be said about it."

Roger paused before talking again, "I've hired a Chinese woman to take your place when you leave. She was born in China but she has all of the papers that she will need to work in this country. In fact, the papers say that she was born and raised in this country."

Roger saw the confusion on May's face so he told her everything about Lei; how they had met, how she got the documentation that she had and why she came to this country. May nodded several times during the conversation but didn't say a word.

When Roger finished he asked May, "Will you help me work Lei into the company?"

May grinned, "Of course. I fully expected that I'd have to assist in training my replacement. As for her qualifications; I don't do the hiring around here. If you feel that she is the person to take my place in this company, I'll do everything that I can to help you."

"Thank you May. Now you can see why I'm going to miss having you around here. This company won't be the same when you're gone."

May worked with Lei for the two weeks that she had left. She offered to stay another two weeks but Roger told her to go and be with her husband. He assured her that she had her job if she ever decided to come back to California.

For the next couple of months Lei dove into the job and the transition was almost seamless. She had little trouble taking over May's duties.

One Monday morning Lei came into Roger's office, "Roger, there are two men that would like to speak with you. They say they're from the FBI."

Roger told her to let them in and that they were not to be disturbed while they were talking. Roger saw that Lei wasn't phased by the FBI.

The two men were ushered into his office and Roger stood and shook their hands as they introduced themselves. The men flashed their ID; Agents Howe and Sermon. Roger motioned for them to sit and waited for them to tell him why they were in his office.

"Mr. Boring, do you know Mr. Ben Chu?" The agent that had introduced himself as Special Agent Howe asked.

"Agent Howe, I'm sure that you know that Ben Chu and I are very good friends or you wouldn't be sitting in my office asking that question."

Agent Howe shifted in his chair, "How did you come to meet Mr. Chu?"

"Ben and I had a business relationship first. It developed into a social relationship and then we seemed to become friends. Can I ask why you are asking me these questions?"

Agent Howe ignored Roger's question, "Do you know Mr. Chu's background and his ties to organized crime?"

Roger leaned back in his chair, "I know what some people say about him but Ben has never discussed anything with me that would indicate the he has ties to organized crime nor have I ever seen anything that would lead me to believe that he is anything but a successful businessman."

"You have dinner with Mr. Chu at least once a week; can you tell me what you talk about at those dinners," agent Howe asked.

Roger leaned forward in his chair and glared at Agent Howe, "I think that this line of questioning is getting a bit ridiculous. What do friends talk about when they get together? If you are asking me if Ben discusses his alleged criminal enterprises with me, no he does not. As far as I know Ben Chu is as honest as any other businessman in San Francisco."

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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