Springdale Retirement Home - Cover

Springdale Retirement Home

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2008 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: Jesse, just shy of 18 is waiting for a date to start in the police academy and needing money he takes a job in the Springdale Retirement Home. Imagine his surprise when he finds that the employees are sexually servicing the elderly residents. At first he joins them, then remorseful he reports his misdeeds to his nurse, Nancy. Nancy saves him from jail then takes him under her wing and shows him how to really make love to a woman.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Spanking   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Cream Pie   .

My name is Jesse Milford and when I graduated from high school I was just three months shy of my 18th birthday. I had always wanted to be a cop so I applied to the local police department, passed the written and physical fitness tests and after an interview with a gruff Sergeant was told that I would be accepted into the police academy for training pending two things happening; one, I needed to be at least 18 and two, after turning 18 it would be anywhere from 6 to 12 months before I could start the academy. I was elated at being accepted and that night at dinner I shared my good fortune with my parents. My dad was happy for me and proud that I was going to do something to serve my community. My mom sung a different tune - she was worried about my safety, of course, but she also thought that I should have some experience behind me before I jumped into police work.

My mom looked concerned as she said. "Honey, you know that I'm as proud of you as your father but I think a job or maybe some community service would be good for you before you start out on a career of catching criminals."

I really didn't disagree with her and that night I read through the want ads section of the local newspaper looking for something that would be temporary and that would gain my mom's approval. There seemed to be three logical alternatives; a job at McDonalds — not my first choice, the local lumber yard was looking for a stock-boy and then there was a job as a caregiver at the Springdale Retirement Home. I wasn't sure what a caregiver was but it sounded better than flipping burgers and easier than working in the lumber yard. The next morning I drove over to the retirement center and applied for a position. The receptionist took my application, asked me to have a seat and called someone on the phone. About fifteen minutes later a nurse showed up. She looked me up and down then reached out and shook my hand.

"Good morning Jesse my name is Nancy White and I'm the nurse manager of the assisted living facility. Would you please come with me and we'll do an initial interview."

As we walked to her office I noticed that for an older woman she had quite a nice ass and her breasts jiggled up and down like Jell-O in a bowl and I wondered if she was wearing a bra. When we finally got to her office and she showed me to a set, closed the door and started the interview. The whole time she interviewed me I had the eerie feeling that she was checking me out but then I decided that was a stupid idea, after all she was old enough to be my mother, maybe older.

Nancy sat behind the desk and listened to the boy as he told her about his aspirations to be a police officer and having already been accepted to the police academy so this would be a short temporary job ... if he was hired. She liked his honesty and demeanor and as she listened to him she realized that he was younger than either of her children, still ... he was a damned good looking young man and he reminded her somewhat of Jack Billings the thirty year old nurse she had met after a local professional meeting. Her affair with Jack had lasted just six months but she could still feel his hard cock as it slowly slipped inside her pussy, God what a man he had been! As she talked to Jesse she wondered how big his cock was and what it would feel like inside her, then she dismissed the idea as another of her fantasies about screwing young men.

Thirty minutes later Jesse again shook Nancy's hand and then drove home to tell his mother that he was gainfully employed as a caregiver and at the handsome rate of $10 and hour, a couple of bucks better than the other two jobs had offered. His mother was in the kitchen and he hugged her and told her that he had been hired and she was elated.

"Oh honey, that's great and at the retirement home no less, how wonderful."

During that same week I had to return to Springdale for my physical, turned in my permission to work slip from my parents, because I was under 18 and then went through an orientation program. The first thing I noticed during my orientation was that the majority of the employees in the home were women, not a bad place to work for a horny teenager. After orientation I was paired up with an experienced caregiver, a girl named Wendy who was 23, married and had a small child. She seemed nice enough and I was pleased that I would be working with someone who I could get along with. On my first actual day of work Wendy and I spent an hour or so with Nancy talking about my duties, the hours of work, my schedule and things like that. The job seemed to entail spending a lot of time helping the elderly residents getting dressing, bathing and helping them down to and back from the facilities dining room. God this job was going to be a piece of cake ... then Wendy and I were given out assignments for the day. Our first resident was Mrs. Arlene Wilson, a widow who lived in Room 223. It was Thursday just after the noon meal and it was time for Mrs. Wilson's bath. Wendy and I knocked on Mrs. Wilson's door and we were invited inside. Wendy already knew Mrs. Wilson, who was sitting in the bedroom in her wheelchair, so she introduced me.

"Good morning Arlene, this handsome young man with me is Jesse and he'll be my assistant today, if that's alright with you?"

Mrs. Wilson looked me up and down then said, "Gosh yes, I haven't had a man's hands on my body in quite some time, I think since George died ... let me see, five ... no six years ago so it's been at least six and a half or maybe seven years since I had a man see me without clothes." I stood there stunned; I guess it had never dawned on me that I would be expected to help females undress and bathe. I looked at Mrs. Wilson, and red-faced, smiled and thanked her for the compliment.

Wendy turned on the shower and let it warm up then came back into the bedroom. "Well, let's get started, Jesse you help her up and I'll undress her then we can walk her into the bathroom and put her on the shower chair."

I nodded my agreement, got my arms underneath Arlene's armpits, bent my knees then straightened up. "There you go." I said as I held her upright. Wendy quickly unbuttoned Mrs. Wilson's robe and slid it off her shoulders and I moved my hands, one at a time, until the robe fell into the down into the wheelchair. I was standing there holding onto Arlene Wilson, my hands under her arms, her breasts sagging down over my fingers as Wendy slipped off her panties. I could see Arlene's breasts in the bathroom mirror, they were huge and saggy and almost completely covered my hands as I held her upright and then there was her pussy. Arlene was a white-haired lady and her pubic hair matched but it was so sparse that I could easily see her pussy lips and as I stood there staring into the mirror I felt a hand on my cock. I looked down and, Jesus the old lady was feeling me up! Wendy noticed too and reached over and removed Arlene's hand and then chastised her.

"Now, now Arlene, three's no touching the employees even if they are handsome enough to gobble up. Besides, there's a charge to fondle one of my male caregivers, you know that."

"Really?" Arlene replied innocently, "How much too just touch his cock?"

Wendy smiled up at me then turned her attention to the old woman. "Well honey, Jesse is pretty new here so let's wait until your next shower before we ask that question."

Fuck I thought, the old woman was feeling me up and wants to touch my cock and Wendy is teasing me about the price, this is great, just fucking great! We finally got Arlene into the shower stall and she held onto the grab bars until we could sit her down on the shower chair. Once she was settled I stood by holding the shower head to help, if needed, as Wendy began to wash the woman's body. I watched my co-worker and when the washcloth came into contact with Arlene's pussy I was thinking that Wendy was spending entirely too much time washing down there but what the hell did I know — it was my first day on the job and I hadn't ever washed a pussy, then I saw Wendy's finger disappear inside Arlene and the old woman sighed and leaned back in the chair with a smile on her face. Afterward we went to the break room and I said something to Wendy about what I had seen. "Look Wendy, I know I'm new on the job and everything but..." She stopped me.

"Look Jesse I'm sorry about teasing you like that but it's rare we get male caregivers and the look on your face when she grabbed your cock was just precious, I'm sorry I just couldn't resist."

"Yea ... well that's alright but what I was wondering was ... that you, ah ... seemed to spend a lot of time washing her between her legs and then there was your finger..." She was eating a cookie and my words stopped her dead in her tracks, her arm in mid air, then she looked around the break room and checked to see if anyone was listening to us.

"Shssss, for Gods sake! Look Jesse here's the deal. Some of the residents here haven't had any sex in years and they really like it when we ... uh, pay a little special attention to their genital areas. It really doesn't harm anyone, I mean they want it and its not like you're your having to fuck one of them or anything and besides you'll find yourself getting really good tips but you have to be careful or someone might report that as sexual abuse."

That night I laid in my bed thinking about Arlene Wilson and what I had witnessed in her bathroom and what I should do about it. I wasn't a virgin or anything but I had only made love a couple of times, to classmates, and we really didn't know what in the hell we were doing but I certainly wasn't expecting to be helping people as old as my grandmother to get themselves off ... but it did seem like a harmless enough practice. Then again, was it really abuse? I mean who was being abused? If Arlene or some other old woman wanted Wendy or me to touch them, then why not? I decided to sleep on the problem and decide the next day what to do about the whole thing, if anything.

Two days passed and I hadn't made any decisions, at least not yet. It was Saturday and Wendy and I were working together and that morning we were assigned to give a shower to Jim Manheim, a 72 year old retired engineer. Inside his room I helped him off with his shirt then got down on my knees and took off his slippers and socks. I untied the laces holding his pajama bottoms together then moved to his side and Wendy and I together stood him up. Once he was on his feet his pajamas slipped down his spindly legs and he stepped out of them and we walked him into the shower.

Jim was holding onto the grab bar in the shower when her turned and looked at Wendy. "Wendy," he said, "There is fifty dollars on my dresser if you'll do what you did for me last week."

Wendy looked at me questioningly and I just shrugged my shoulders, I wasn't sure what she had done but I guessed it was probably harmless enough.

"Alright Jim, but remember our pact, you can't tell anyone about this." She walked out to front door and made sure it was locked then came back into bathroom and pulled her scrub top up over her head then unsnapped her bra and took it off. She was standing there naked from the waist up and I could feel myself getting hard just looking at her tits. She was a small woman, maybe 5'3", but her breasts were big, probably from breast feeding her daughter. If I had been surprised by Wendy's impromptu striptease I was even more amazed when I saw that Jim's cock had gotten hard although it wasn't more than five inches long, I guess I expected that someone that old couldn't get a hard-on. Wendy moved up next to Jim, her breasts pressing into his chest then she reached down and began to slowly jack him off. Jim took Wendy's breasts in his hands and squeezed and played with her nipples then bent his head and sucked on her breast. To say that I was amazed would have been the understatement of the year! It didn't take long for Jim to cum, his withered cock spiting out maybe a half ounce of cum onto Wendy's hand and onto her stomach.

When we were finished with Jim's shower we helped get him dress and then put him into his easy chair with the television set tuned to his favorite soap opera. Once we were outside the room Wendy handed me a twenty dollar bill and reached down and squeezed my semi-erect cock then whispered. "I can tell that you like what you saw back there and if you keep this quiet we'll both make a lot of money and if you're really a good boy maybe I'll give you a shot at getting into my panties."

I nodded my head thinking that we weren't really causing anyone any harm and I sure as hell wanted the opportunity to fuck her so once again I didn't say a word to anyone. I didn't work again until Tuesday and when I arrived I was assigned to work with another girl as it was Wendy's day off. We worked the entire shift, dressing the residents, giving showers and helping them with small problems and nothing sexual happened and I began to wonder what was really going on at Springdale.

On Wednseday morning Wendy was back at work and when I looked at the shower schedule I saw that nine o'clock was reserved for Arlene's shower. Wendy was looking over my shoulder and when she saw the schedule she smiled at me and squeezed my butt then she leaned in and whispered, "Well Jesse it's time for you to take one for the cause, are you ready for Arlene?"

I wasn't sure what the old lady would want from me but I guessed that I was going to have to perform some sort of a sexual favor for her. I was nervous as we walked down the hallway to her room, knocked and went inside. Wendy closed the door and locked it then turned to Arlene who was sitting in the bedroom in her wheelchair.

"Good news Arlene, Jesse here is ready to 'help' you ... now what would you like him to do for you this morning?"

The white haired woman looked up and had the biggest grin I had ever seen. "Come over here son and let me touch you."

I walked over and stood in front of her wheelchair. She reached out and gently rubbed the front of my scrubs and even though she was an old woman my cock didn't know that and I felt myself getting hard. "Oh my God Wendy, he's getting nice and hard." Arlene said as she continued to fondle my cock.

"I see that Mrs. Wilson and it looks as if he has a nice big cock for you to play with, now what would you like him to do?"

I stood there as still as a tree and prayed that she didn't want me to fuck her, I just didn't think I could do that, she was just too old.

"Well my husband used to love my blow jobs and I liked to swallow his cum and I was thinking that I would pay a hundred dollars to have a nice hard cock in my mouth just one more time! Would you do that for me honey?" She asked me, her eyes pleading. I took a deep breath, untied my scrubs and let them fall down to my ankles. I pushed my shorts over my hips and down my legs and my cock bobbed up and down in front of me like a tree limb swaying in the wind.

"Oh my, what a nice looking cock!" Arlene exclaimed.

"Yes indeed." Wendy agreed as she moved to get a closer look at me.

Mrs. Wilson moved forward in her wheelchair, took my cock in her hand and stroked me a couple of times then opened her mouth and I stepped forward, my cock passing her lips and hitting the back of her throat. She bobbed her head a few times and I have to tell you that this woman certainly knew how to suck a dick! She stopped for a moment and looked up at me with pleading eyes.

"Honey could you hold my head and help me, I'm just too weak to do this by myself."

"Arlene you aren't that old but I'll be glad to help you anyway." I said as I gently took her head and guided her onto my cock then held her head still and slowly moved my hips back and forth my cock sliding in and out of her mouth. Her tongue was twisting around inside, touching and teasing my cock head and my shaft and I could feel the cum starting to build up and I knew I was going to cum pretty soon. Wendy decided to help and got down on her knees and began playing with my balls and that's all I needed as hot cum shot out the tip of my cock and into Arlene's throat. I saw her face light up with delight as she swallowed every drop of cum not letting anything escape her lips. Finally I quit shooting cum and my cock withered and slipped out of her lips and Arlene thanked me then slapped my butt.

"God damn honey, I can't wait for my next shower!"

Wendy and I helped her into the shower chair and while Wendy washed her wrinkled body I played with her pussy and clit until she had her own orgasm. It was quite a morning but I was fifty dollars richer and yet I felt guilty, like I was taking advantage of her.

That night I lay in my bed and tossed and turned trying to think of what was the right thing to do then it dawned on me, if I was going to be a police officer I had to uphold the law. I decided that the next morning I would meet with Nancy and tell her the whole sordid story.

It was almost ten in the morning and I was sitting outside Nancy's office waiting for her to return from her morning stand-up meeting. I heard her voice and looked out into the wellness center's foyer and saw her talking to two other caregivers. She wasn't a classically beautiful woman, standing maybe five feet six and weighing probably a hundred and thirty or so. Nancy always had a smile on her face and with her light brown hair cut in a page boy style her smile framed her face nicely. She always wore loose fitting scrubs so it was hard to tell much about the rest of her body except for her ass which was a beautiful heart shape and her breasts which were bigger than grapefruits and seemed to be in perpetual motion. When I first met her I was sure that she was braless but when I saw her bra strap I figured that she wore one of the lightweight bras, the kind that showed off both movement and nipples. Nancy was old enough to be my mother, maybe even older and I knew she had two adopted kids; one was a 25 year old girl and the other a 21 year old boy. She walked towards her office, smiled and greeted me.

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