Spring Break - Cover

Spring Break

Copyright© 2008 by HLD

Chapter 6: Saturday & Sunday

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6: Saturday & Sunday - Five friends go to Disney World on a Spring Break Road trip and they put the "magic" in the Magic Kingdom.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Group Sex   Orgy   School  


I woke up some time in the middle of the night.

Rolling out of the big bed, I felt Melinda stir next to me. I gently kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear, "I'll be right back, honey. Go back to sleep."

She mumbled something incoherent and then started snoring softly.

In the dark, I fumbled around the bathroom, emptied my bladder and headed back to bed.

That's when I heard voices talking softly from the other room. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I counted two lumps in the bed. I knew one was Melinda and the other was too tall to be anyone but Carl.

The five of us had all fallen asleep in the massive bed and there was probably space for another two people if we didn't mind being very close.

Very quietly, I stepped out into the hallway and followed the sounds.

Leah and Katie were in the kitchen. I could see them in the pale light shining through the blinds.

Both were naked. Leah was sitting in one of the armless chairs by the table. Katie was in her lap, facing Leah.

They clutched each other as if their lives depended on it. I could tell from the tone of their voices that both girls had been crying.

Leah's hands brushed Katie's hair out of her face. Tears ran unchecked down her cheeks.

Katie leaned down and kissed Leah, hard and passionately.

I grimaced inwardly. This could not turn out well. I thought for a second to interrupt the girls, to tell them what a mistake they were making. To warn them of all the pitfalls that lay ahead. To save them both from a mountain of heartache.

But that wasn't my place. They were big girls, and sometimes the only thing a friend can do is let someone they love make a mistake and be there to help pick up the pieces. I took a deep breath and stepped back into the shadows.

Katie pulled back and looked into Leah's eyes, which were puffy and swollen. "Will you be there to rescue me?"

Leah smiled through her tears. "Baby, all you have to do is call."

The girls kissed one more time. Katie turned her head to the side, and Leah nibbled her way down to her collarbone.

"Leah," Katie whispered, her voice breaking. "Love me one more time ... please..."

I retreated back into the bedroom without a sound.

Trying not to wake either of the people in the bed, I slipped under the sheets and spooned up against Melinda. It took me a long time to get back to sleep.

Katie and Leah had come back to bed at some point. I woke up to find Melinda on one side and Katie on the other. Both girls were curled up against me.

We were all still naked.

For once, Mr. Happy was not up before me. To be fair, the girls had given him quite a workout the night before and after nearly a week of constant sex, I think he needed a morning to sleep in.

Leah was also awake. Carl had his arm around her and she was watching Katie sleep. I turned to her and smiled. She blew me a kiss.

I wiggled free of my two lovers and slipped out of the bed. Leah followed me and we went into the kitchen. I found a couple of bathrobes and we covered up, not because we were worried about being modest, but because it was a little cool in the condo that morning.

We settled in on the couch and turned the TV, just to have something to look at. The sun hadn't quite come up and I knew that in a few minutes Melinda would be waking.

I put my arm around her. Leah leaned against me.

Her eyes were still bloodshot from crying the night before, but I didn't mention anything about that.

"Did you have a good time this week?" I asked, trying to keep my voice down and not wake anyone else up.

"Yes," she replied, softly. "Thank you for making me come along. I was feeling sorry for myself after I broke up with Darren and I really needed this."

"I'm glad you came, and I know Melinda is, too."

Leah turned to face me. "You love her don't you?"

"Of course," I said after a moment. "Just like I love you."

"No," Leah said, her face unreadable. "Not like you love me. We will always be friends first, lovers second. You two are different. You and Melinda were made for each other. You two can complete each other's sentences. If there were such things as soulmates, it would be you guys. Now if you would just get your head out of your ass, you would see that."

I stared at her, shocked.

"Don't give me that look, mister," Leah laughed. "I can see it when you two are together. I saw it when Carl was having sex with her last night. You were jealous that another guy was boning your girl. But on another level, you knew that she will always come back to you, and that made it alright."

"Are you okay with that?"

"Yes ... and no." Leah sighed. "When I decided to go to UNC, I knew that 'us' was never going to be in the cards. The summer after graduation was my one chance to get you, but I didn't want to go to college and start a long-distance relationship. I couldn't do that to you. I couldn't do that to myself."

She looked me in the eyes. I blinked back tears.

"We would have been great together. We had 'it', even if I hadn't blown up your halfling," Leah said, smiling. "Hell, we're still great together. I love you and would do anything for you. You know that. And I know you would do the same for me."

She took a deep breath and kissed me. "I'm jealous that Melinda gets to spend so much time with you. I'm jealous that you love her so much and I think sometimes, 'That should have been me'. But I made my choice, and I have to live with it. I know it's not fair, but so do you. I see how happy she makes you. And so if I can't have you, I'm glad you're with her."

We held each other for a long time.

"Don't think that my feelings for you will change," I said finally. "No matter what relationship Melinda and I have, you're still my best friend and I love you. I always will."

"I know," she said quietly. "I love you, too."

We kissed again tenderly and pulled each other close.

I heard someone stirring in the bedroom, probably Melinda. Leah and I sat there together. Quietly. Peacefully.

Best friends.

After a while, everyone was up ... well, awake.

Melinda, Leah and I took one last indulgent shower together while Katie and Carl disappeared into their bedroom. We washed each other and played under the water.

There was lots of kissing and groping, but no sex. Everyone was just too worn out.

We got a quick breakfast at the Old Key West Resort's buffet. Noon was fast approaching. We gathered up all our stuff, packed our suitcases and loaded up the van.

I left a note for the housekeeping staff along with a generous tip and went to check out.

We decided to go back to Buena Vista Village one more time for lunch and ate at a nice restaurant overlooking the water.

In the middle of the meal, I took Melinda's hand under the table, and slipped her the piece of paper we had been exchanging the day before. She put it in her pocket, smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

After we were through eating, no one wanted to leave, but we finally ran out of excuses to stay.

The drive home was mostly quiet. Katie kept turning around to look at or talk to Leah, who was trying her best not to appear heartbroken.

We got back to Jacksonville sometime mid-afternoon. Katie and Carl dropped the three of us off at my apartment. I invited them in for a minute, but both had to be getting home.

I know Katie's mom disapproved of her daughter going off for a week with boys, but there was little they could do to stop us. Besides, she liked both me and Carl. I also think she believed that if there were other girls going along, our "sinful" behaviour would be kept in check. If only she knew...

We unloaded our things from the van and then it was time for hugs and kisses. Melinda gave each a hug and a quick kiss. Leah did the same, but her hands lingered on Katie. Carl looked on nervously.

I saw a flash in Leah's eyes; I thought for a minute she wasn't going to let her go.

Finally, reluctantly, Leah pulled back. Katie was trying not to cry. Leah turned quickly, grabbed her suitcase by the handle and headed into my apartment building, not looking back.

Melinda and I waved a quick goodbye as Katie and Carl got back in the van. I knew Katie wanted to follow Leah, but she didn't.

We gathered up the rest of our stuff and headed into my apartment. Leah was at the door, waiting for us. She was wiping her eyes and seemed mostly composed.

I fumbled for my keys and soon all our stuff was in my small studio apartment. I lived in a nice apartment complex in the Mandarin area, just off I-295. There was a pool, tennis courts and the neighbours were generally nice. All in all, it was a good place to live.

My apartment was nothing special, though. It was a single room, with a queen-sized bed in a small alcove, a kitchen/dining area, another nook for the TV and a couch with a small bathroom off to the side.

It was the best I could afford since my parents had stopped paying for my college. We had a financial falling out after my sophomore year. I won't bore anyone with the details, but they didn't approve of my major and so they said I was on my own. I told them to go to hell (in pretty much those same words), got a full-time job, went to school full-time and worked some odd jobs on the side (mostly flooring or roofing, although I can also do drywall) to make a couple of extra bucks.

I gave Leah the thirty second tour, but she wasn't paying attention. Melinda was on the phone, letting her folks know she had gotten back into town.

Leah sat down on the couch and was trying to control her breathing.

Melinda finished her phone call and we sat down next to her.

"What's wrong with me?" Tears began to flow down Leah's cheeks. "How could I have been so stupid?"

Melinda and I gathered Leah in our arms and held her. Leah's heartbroken sobs wracked her body for several minutes.

"I told her last night we couldn't go on," Leah said, leaning against my shoulder. "I told her it wasn't meant to be and I ... I know that ... I know it wouldn't work. I know how much she loves Carl. I know how impractical it would be. But that's not how I feel."

She started crying again. I cradled her in my arms. My heart broke along with hers.

Melinda walked Leah to the bathroom, holding her and whispering tenderly in her ear. They closed the door.

I wished thing could have been different. I felt helpless. My best friend was hurting and there was nothing I could do.

They finally emerged from the bathroom. Melinda had washed her face, and Leah was smiling just a little. The tears were gone.

I took her in my arms. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," she replied wearily and let out a deep breath. "I just needed to get that out."

"Let's get something to eat," Melinda suggested, knowing that we needed to keep Leah busy, lest the tears come back in force.

We changed and headed out. I asked Melinda if she needed to go home first. She said she still had a couple days clothes in her suitcase and that her parents actually hadn't expected her back until Sunday afternoon.

The three of us piled into my little Honda Prelude. First we stopped at a 1-hour photo shop and left three rolls of film with them, getting double prints of everything.

Then we drove across the Buckman Bridge to Orange Park and went to one of my favourite restaurants, The Melting Pot. It is a chain fondue restaurant that's a little pricy when you consider that you are paying them to let you cook your own food, but it's very intimate and romantic. If you're in Jacksonville, don't bother looking up The Melting Pot; they've changed the name, but they're all over the country, so if you live near one, you should check it out.

We ate dinner. The girls split a bottle of wine; I was driving and I don't drink wine (allergies; I break out into hives). The alcohol loosened them up and we relaxed.

I wondered if things were going to get weird, now that it was just the three of us, but Melinda and Leah both assured me that our "no jealousy" rule was still in effect. Plus, during the past week, the girls had found out that they genuinely liked each other, and not just in bed.

We ate until we were stuffed full of shrimp, chicken, steak, mushrooms, and salmon. Then we somehow found room for a chocolate fondue dessert.

Leah had never been to visit me at school, so we spent the next couple of hours driving around town and I showed her the sights. It's not that Jacksonville is very exciting, but what else did we have planned?

When we were all out of things to show our guest, we stopped back at the photo lab, picked up our pictures and headed back to my apartment.

The three of us spread out on the bed and began passing the pictures around. We laughed as we recounted our vacation. Most of the pictures were of the touristy kind. Melinda with Mickey Mouse. Leah in front of Space Mountain. The five of us with the monorail driver. There were a few of us sitting around the condo and goofing off.

Leah took a set and we kept the rest.

I watched her face as she saw pictures of Katie. I think she was resigned to the fact that it was just a one week fling, but she still smiled unconsciously when she came upon a picture or two of just her and Katie together.

Melinda saw it, too.

Once we were all done with the pictures, we lay on the bed. The TV was on, but no one was watching it.

I lay on my stomach, the week finally having caught up with me.

Someone pushed my shirt up and began rubbing my back.

All I could do was moan.

She started down low and then started to work her way up my spine. I felt another pair of hand on my thighs, and the other person started working her way down my legs.

I thought I was going to melt right into the bed.

Whoever was working on my back, straddled me and sat on my buttocks. I reached back and touched her knee. It was Melinda.

She pushed my shirt so it was up at my shoulders. I pulled it over my head and dropped it off the side of the bed on to the floor.

Leah began massaging my poor feet, having walked from one end of Disney World to the other and back again.

Both girls are fabulous masseurs. I refer you back to my earlier comments about people who give good backrubs being good in bed and rest my case.

Melinda dug her thumbs into my shoulders and really let me have it. I grunted and moaned with pleasure as she and Leah gave me the full-body treatment.

I told you I was the luckiest guy in the world.

After many, many minutes, I felt a tickling on my back. This was one of my favourite things. Melinda had leaned forward, letting her hair fall over her face.

Waving her head slowly from side to side, she let the tips of her hair brush gently against my back.

Side to side. Up and down.

The trick is to never stop moving and to always stay in contact with the person getting the massage.

She made my skin crawl (in the good way).

I don't think I could have been more relaxed.

Only the girls had other plans.

Melinda's hair brushed the back of my neck, then I felt her throw her head back and I could no longer feel her hair brushing against me. She leaned forward and kissed me on the nape of my neck. That also made my skin crawl. And not in the relaxing way.

Two large breasts pressed against my back. Somehow, Melinda had shed her shirt and bra without me knowing it.

She kissed around my neck, hitting all the sensitive parts. It felt like all the hair on my body was standing up.

I felt her lips moving across my shoulders, tracing the nerve that runs their length. I shivered with anticipation.

All the while, her breasts, and their semi-erect nipples, pressed against my back.

Not to be left out, I felt Leah's lips on my toes.

She took them one at a time in her mouth.

I let out a long sigh and resisted the urge to turn over, flip both girls on to their backs and fuck them senseless.

Melinda kissed her way down my spine, then traced her way back up to the base of my neck with her tongue, leaving a wet trail on my back.

Her mouth hovered an inch off my back as she blew down to the bottom of my back.

I let out a contented sigh. I absolutely love that.

She kissed me between my shoulder blades and then to the sides.

Soon I felt a second mouth on my back as Leah came to join in.

If I had died right there, the afterlife couldn't have been any better because I was already in Heaven/Valhalla/Stovokor/Nirvana.

The two girls continued to rub and kiss my back, much to my delight.

Melinda lifted herself off me and the two girls tugged at my shorts, pulling them off so I was naked.

Leah took her place and when she sat down, I felt something tickle my backside.

Suspecting what was up, I reached back to the valley between her legs and found that she, too, had stripped down. It was her neatly-trimmed bush that was brushing against me.

She moaned when I stroked her clit, but pushed my hand away.

Both girls were leaning over me. There were two sets of lips and four breasts pressed against my back.

I tried to grope both the girls, but they pinned my arms and continued to caress and nibble and rub on me.

Finally, they let me reach back behind me and put my hand between Leah's legs.

She rocked her hips back and forth, grinding her pussy against my outstretched fingers. Her entrance was slick and the nub of her clit stood out, as if begging for attention. I was only too happy to oblige.

I heard Leah cry out when I entered her with one finger, then two.

Turning my head, I looked over my shoulder and saw the two girls kissing. I rubbed her clit a little harder.

Leah lifted up as I rolled my hips over so I was on my back. My cock was getting hard. Very hard.

She continued to rock her hips back and forth, only instead of rubbing her clit against my hand, she was rubbing it against the bottom of my cock and my balls.

I reached up and cupped her breasts. She leaned against my arms. I played with her nipples.

Leah pressed forward so I was holding her up. I held her breasts and squeezed. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she gasped.

Melinda came up behind Leah and reached her hands under mine, so she was now cupping the other girl's breasts. She had shed the remainder of her clothes and pressed their bodies together.

"What do you want to do?" Leah moaned as Melinda kissed down her neck. I started to answer but I realised that she might not be talking to me.

"I want to watch you get fucked," Melinda purred. "And then when he's done with you, I'm going to take my turn."

The girls kissed as Melinda continued to knead Leah's breasts in her hands.

"Take his cock inside you," Melinda whispered, biting down on an ear lobe.

Leah continued to grind her pussy on my cock, making it slick.

I wrapped my hand around the shaft of my engorged sex, then pointed it upwards. Leah lifted her hips up and then came down on top of me.

Her pussy engulfed me in one pass.

She would have fallen over if Melinda hadn't caught her.

The girls continued to kiss each other. I was getting a great show and had the distinct feeling that at that moment, I was being used. Did I care? Of course not.

Leah continued to ride me.

Melinda mauled her breasts from behind. Leah reached around and put a hand between them. I could tell from the look on Melinda's face what Leah was up to.

After a few soft moans, Leah brought her hand to her mouth and sucked Melinda's juices off her fingers.

Melinda responded by letting go of one of Leah's breasts and reach down between Leah's legs. She spread the labia and began to rub her button.

"That feels soooooooo good," Leah gasped. "You two are so good to me."

I smiled up at her. Leah couldn't see me, though.

Her eyes were closed, hooded over with pleasure. She moved slowly, rhythmically, on top of me, taking my cock inside her.

Side to side. Back and forth. Up and down.

I put my hands on her hips and gently guided her gyrations.

Melinda continued to finger Leah's pussy and played with her breasts. She kissed the nape of her neck and nibbled on her neck.

Our eyes locked together. There was desire welling up from within Melinda.

She squeezed Leah's breasts harder.

"Oh, fuck!" Leah cried out.

I began to push Leah's hips faster.

Side to side. Back and forth. Up and down.


Melinda held my gaze and she leaned forward and bit Leah at the crook of her neck and shoulder.

Her hand moved faster against Leah's clit.

I bucked my hips up inside my lover. She continued to grind against my cock and Melinda's hand.

Faster. Harder.

"Oh, Jesus! ... Harder," Leah moaned. "Harder ... fuck me harder ... That's it, baby ... m-m-my clit is ... about ... to explode..."

The hand on Leah's breast cupped as much as it could and then squeezed. Melinda pinched her nipple.

I thrust up again.

Melinda's hand was a blur on Leah's pussy. I reached up and cupped her other breast.

"That ... feels ... so ... OH!" Leah bit her lip and started to shake.

From her head to her toes, every part of her was in motion.

Side to side. Back and forth. Up and down.

Harder. Faster.

Her ass pressed back against Melinda. Her pussy swallowed my cock and rubbed against Melinda's hand.

If we hadn't been holding her breasts, they would have been bouncing and flopping all over the place.

Leah tried to turn her head and kiss Melinda, but the other girl's mouth was locked on to her shoulder.

Melinda must have bitten her harder because Leah cried out with surprise.

"Oh, god ... oh, god," she gasped. "Oh, god ... ohgodohgodohgod ... I'm about to cum ... I'm about to cum..."

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