Sweet Sensations - Cover

Sweet Sensations

Copyright© 2007 by JRParz

Chapter 2

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Chris crashes his girlfriend's girls-only party with a box of chocolates. A box of chocolates designed specifically for females. When Chris fails to heed the warning not to eat any, well, I'm sure you get the picture.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Mind Control   Magic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   TransGender   Paranormal   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Transformation  

XIV. (Next Morning)

Everything Dawn owned felt tight on her... thanks to her rounder, shapelier curves. As she gazed at her reflection she wondered if the witch would be able to change everyone back. If not, the first thing she'd have to do is go out and buy a new wardrobe, starting with a bra to fit her new boobs... Still, it could have been worse... thinking of Kim's new boobs.

Everyone was a teenager now, except her. Everyone possessed long blonde hair, except her. Kim was a bimbo, 'Cat' a sex slave, and Chris scared the hell out of her with his new dominant personality. She blushed at how passive she felt with him and hated how her body responded to him.

She had experienced multiple orgasms last night and again this morning. Chris, in his new female body, had made her cum harder than she ever came before and now she wondered if she might be 'bi'? Was this a side affect from the chocolates? She also remembered being jealous when Chris left her bed last night to spend time with Cat... and this still bothered her.

She put the finishing touches to her makeup and headed downstairs. Everyone was waiting on her but because she opted for a bath instead of a shower, she was the last one to be ready... and why did she take a bath instead of a shower? She remembered Chris casually suggesting a long leisurely bath and damn-it all if a bath didn't suddenly appeal to her.

As soon as she entered the living room, she saw Catherine down by Chris's feet. He was abusing his power over her, taking an extra pleasure from her subservience. She wondered how long it would be before Chris started dressing up like a dominatrix.

"Are we all set?" She asked in general.

"First, there are a few things I'd like to discuss." Chris responded, suddenly looking serious.

"What's that?" She asked, only wanting to leave. At this rate it would be noon by the time they got to Sterling.

"Sit down for a few minutes." Chris responded, pointing to the couch.

She was about to argue but instead found herself walking to where he pointed and taking a seat. She didn't like his attitude but figured that she'd better let him have his say.

"I want to ask everyone a few questions and I'd like everyone to be completely honest." Chris announced, then he turned to Cat. "First you, Catherine. Are you happy?"

"God, yes! More happier than I've ever been in my life." Cat beamed, looking up at him like someone deeply in love.

"Come on, Chris... She's only saying that because of the spell." She responded. "I bet deep down she's hating this." She added.

"That's not true!" Cat replied, looking like she was about to cry.

"Be quiet, Dawn. Your turn will come soon enough. Tell me, Catherine... Is it the spell making you feel this way or is it how you truly feel?" Chris asked.

"I truly love you! I... I admit that it isn't the life I envisioned for myself but before my transformation I had doubts about myself. Now, I don't have any doubts because I don't have to decide... you decide everything. Now I have real purpose in life... and I love my new role. I love my new beautiful body because it pleases you. I love you. I love pleasing you and being with you." Cat gushed.

Dawn wanted to say something but something stopped her... then like a tidal wave it 'hit' her! The mint!

"If you could change back, would you?" Chris asked Cat.

"Never." Catherine replied.

"And you, Kim?"

"I'm not sure... I was fine with myself before the transformation but getting to be a teenager again is so kewl." She replied, then added. "I just wish that I had myself a sex partner."

"Oh, trust me... you'll have your share of lovers with a 'bod' like that." Chris replied to Kim... then turned to her. "And you, Dawn?"

She blushed, knowing she had no choice but to tell the truth... and she wondered how long she'd be able to get away with this before Chris caught on. "I... I like my new boobs." She admitted, blushing even more. "I also like looking sexier and more attractive... I like my new voluptuous look rather than being slim."

"So, are you saying you wouldn't mind staying this way?" Chris asked.

"No. I'd give up my new boobs and curves in a heartbeat for everything to be back to normal." She replied. "I don't like the fact that you're a girl instead of my boyfriend. And I don't like that everyone's a teenager but me."

"You know... I wish you were a teenager, too, but..." Chris started to say when she suddenly felt something happening to her. Strange sensations enveloped her entire body and she started to glow... within seconds she age regressed back to a teenager!

"Holy fuck!" Chris screamed out in shock.

She looked at Chris in confusion.

"You're a teenager!" Kim shouted out with excitement, giggling. Catherine just stared at her with her mouth open.

"How did this happen?" Chris asked with excitement.

"It was the mint." She responded, having no choice but to answer him.

"Huh? You told me you only had one chocolate."

"I lied." She blushed.

"Then why aren't you lying now?"

"You told me to be honest." She blushed even more.

"What? What the hell did the mint do to you?" Chris asked.

"I... ah... the mint caused me this when I came last night."

"You mean I've had control of you since last night?"

"Yes. That's why I didn't refuse to go down on you last night... and why I was compelled to take a long bath instead of a quick shower this morning... that's why I'm telling you the truth." She confessed, blushing deep red.

"And turning into a teenager?" Chris asked.

"It must be part of the spell."

"This is fucking incredible!" Chris replied, beaming. "Are there any more surprises?"

"What?" She asked, not sure what Chris meant.

"Are all the spells complete now?" Chris rephrased his question.

"As far as I know, yes." She replied.

"We're all teenage 'hotties' now! This is so cool! God, I wish I could be a guy again so I could fuck the three of you! But I'm not complaining... I've never had this much fun in my whole life... and being a beautiful 16 year old girl will certainly have its advantages." Chris declared.

"Are you saying that we aren't going to Sterling?" She asked, fearfully.

"Yes dear... Sterling is out." Chris replied.

"No. You can't do that. If you don't want to change back, fine... but I do!"

"Sorry, I can't allow it. Not part of the plans anymore."

"This isn't fair! I'm not telling you how to live your life but I want mine back! I'll just have to go find the place myself." She responded in a huff.

"Stop being selfish and think about everyone else for a change."

Suddenly, she did just that and thought about how happy everyone was. Maybe Chris was right. Maybe she was being selfish and thinking only about herself... but then again, why would her changing back have anything to do with them? "Chris... I do feel happy for you. I also feel happy for Catherine and Kim. If you want to stay like this, fine. I won't interfere... but I don't see where me changing back has anything to do with you."

"You don't get it, Dawn... we're in this together."

"I'm sorry Chris, but I'm leaving." She replied, and started to head towards the door.

"Stop and turn around... until I say otherwise stand at attention before me." Chris suddenly commanded.

Dawn suddenly stopped, turned around and walked back over to Chris. Now, she was feeling afraid of just how much power Chris had over her... and it was scaring the hell out of her! She couldn't move and just as she was about to try pleading with him he put his finger up to indicate no talking.

"You know, your old high school pictures don't do you justice. You really were a 'hottie' back then... but then again maybe the pink coating has something to do with your new look." Chris remarked, smirking. "Incidentally, there is one thing that I'd like to improve on... do you know what it is?" Chris asked, then added. "Oops... I forgot... You can talk but nothing louder than a whisper."

"Bigger breasts." She whispered, blushing. She hated having to tell him the truth but the way he stared at her chest he was making it pretty obvious what he was referring too.

"Like I've said... always the smart one. Yep, I realize your tits have already grown some but I'd like to see them grow to Kim's size." Chris responded... and just like that she felt them start to grow!

She was already wearing a loose sweater but going from a pair of 'C-cup' sized tits to a pair of 'Double D's' suddenly stretched against the fabric of her sweater, eliciting a gasp. She brought her hands up to cup them and was amazed at their new size and weight.

"I hate you! Why did you do this to me?!?" She whispered, nearly crying.

"Oh stop whining... Now, let me rectify something else... Everyone but Kim has had sex in their new body and I think its time we change that... and I thought that you could be her partner." Chris replied... looking at her with a smirk.

"Why are you doing this to me? How can you be so mean? I... I'm not a lesbian. I might have cum with you last night but it's the chocolates that made me so horny... not you. I don't want to have sex with Kim... or any other girl for that matter. I want to go to Sterling and change everything back to the way it was. I loved the old you. I don't know the new you and I don't like the new you. The old Chris would never hold me against my will." She replied, whispering the whole time. She saw Kim on the verge of crying and added. "I'm sorry, Kim."

"Dawn... I'm in charge of this family now and you're upsetting everyone. I know what's best for you and everyone else and I say we're going to be one big happy family." Chris responded.

"Have Catherine make love to Kim." She replied, still whispering.

"Eventually, she will... but you, first."

"I don't want this! I won't like it!" She whispered as loud as she could, shaking her head 'no'.

"I can change that, remember? I can make your new life easier. I can make you feel love, lust, ill, sad, cry, aroused, anything." Chris proclaimed with a smile.

"Please don't." She whispered in response.

"Take off your sweater... I want to see your new boobs. In fact, why don't you take off all your clothes."

"Fuck you!" She whispered, angrily... but this didn't stop her from pulling over her sweater, springing free her incredibly new globes and sliding down her baggy pants.

"Wow." he commented with a smile. "They look beautiful."

"No!" She whispered, tearing up, sliding down her panties. Now, she stood completely naked awaiting her new fate.

"Now, let me make a few adjustments." Chris stated.

"Please don't tamper with my head." She pleaded.

He turned to Kim. "Kim... are you with me on this?" He asked.

"I'm with you." Kim replied before turning towards her. "I'm sorry Dawn... but Chris is doing this for your own good."

"Strip out of your clothes, Kim." Chris commanded.

Kim quickly complied... and within seconds she sat on the couch looking splendid in her nudity. Catherine remained quiet during the whole ordeal.

"Dawn... I want you to go down on Kim."

"No!" She yelled in a whisper as she walked in front of Kim... then dropped down to her knees and moved in-between Kim's legs. Without even the slightest hesitation, she buried her face in Kim's crotch and started to lick her pussy, licking and sucking like a seasoned lesbian. Despite not really feeling anything sexual towards Kim, she was surprised to find that she actually enjoyed the taste of her and felt not at all unpleasant going down on her.

"I'm going to cum!" Kim suddenly screamed... and moments later she flooded her face with her juices.

"Did you enjoy that?" Chris asked her, allowing her time to recover. She remained on her knees looking up at him, nodding her head 'yes' with embarrassment. She could feel Kim's juices smeared all over her face.

"That's because I allowed you to enjoy it the taste of Kim. Now, let me do a few other things for you... You love the taste of pussy... and crave it. You love Kim and feel sexually aroused every time you think of her... and even more aroused when you see her or hear her. You get more and more excited every time she touches you. You still like guys but at the moment you prefer attractive girls, but especially Kim."

Dawn could feel her thoughts shifting and twisting while Chris spoke, knowing that every word he was saying was suddenly becoming true. She did like the taste of Kim but now she loved it and licked her lips, savoring her remaining juices. She gazed up at Kim with adoration, loving her big beautiful boobs and reached up to play with them. Kim was everything to her... beautiful... sweet... and ever so sexy. She got up from the floor and straddled her... planting a hot passionate kiss on her lips. Kim groaned, moaned and cooed, basking in her new attention. She knew that she was acting this way because of what Chris had said but there wasn't a thing that she could do about it.

After she made love to Kim on the couch, she begged Chris to allow them to go upstairs to her bedroom for more. She then brought Kim to several more orgasms while basking in several of her own. She was still angry with Chris for doing this to her but she knew that she was powerless to act out on it... and as she and Kim made love, she could hear Chris and Catherine partaking in their own lovemaking across the hall.

Later on, Chris joined her. Kim had already gone off to take a shower and she was waiting her turn.

"Now, do you wish to change back?" Chris asked her, grinning.

"Yes, Chris... I do." She replied in a whisper... "I'll always want that." She added.

"Are you kidding? Even after all that great sex you just had with Kim?"

"But that isn't real... It's artificial." She responded.

"I can make you believe it's real... but that would be tampering with your true beliefs and I find you much more entertaining this way." Chris replied, smiling.

"Don't you see how you've changed? This isn't you... The chocolates have turned you into a monster." She whispered.

"Why? Just because I'm more bossier?" He asked.

"I hate you." She whispered.

"Sure you do... and now I'm getting tired of you telling me so... So, until I say otherwise, you're not allowed to say that to me again. In fact, if anyone ever asks, you simply say that you love me... and feel an incredible need to please me." Chris responded.

She looked at him with even more hatred but she could actually feel her face relax and smile.


"Well what?" She whispered, grinning.

"Do you still hate me?"

"No way... I... I love you." She whispered, knowing it was untrue but unable to respond differently. "And I want to please you." She added, blushing.

"And you never want to hurt me." He responded, still smiling.

"And I never want to hurt you." She whispered, still blushing.

"So... Have you taken a good look at yourself in the mirror?"

"Yes." She blushed.

"How does it feel to be a teenager again?"

"I like it... but I still would trade everything for things to be as they were." She whispered.

"Too bad." Chris grinned, then added. "I'm getting hungry... So, why don't you wiggle that pretty behind of yours downstairs and make everyone something to eat." Chris commanded.

She knew that she was powerless to disobey him and turned around to reach for her panties but a simple hand gesture suddenly stopped her.

"I like you naked, so until I say otherwise... stay this way."

She blushed; looking down at her new self... then proceeded out the door... not realizing that as she did this, she wiggled her 'tush' quite provocatively.

Chris basically kept her in slave-mode all week... forcing her not only to cook, but also to clean, yard work, and even having her run errands out of the house. Of course, he altered her appearance back to her true form before sending her out in public.

Thankfully, Chris didn't tamper with her IQ and this enabled her to think things out. She knew damn well that she couldn't break free of Chris's control, nor hurt him in any way, but she did have a trump card and it was time that she play it.

She smiled as she poured fudge into a small pot... heating it up. Then she retrieved one of the 'Sweet Sensations' from her hiding place. This specific one was pink cream filled and if this worked the way she expected it would, she'd be eliminating Chris's male persona, and turning him completely female. It wouldn't hurt him; otherwise she wouldn't be able to do it. But it would change him... and if her hunch proved right, it would not only allow her to break free from the subjugation spell that she was under, but also allow Catherine to break free from the love spell she was under. After the fudge and 'sensation' cooled off, she poured it into a coffee mug... added whip cream... and then brought it out to Chris on a tray.


Chris looked down into the mug and smiled. Dawn was always trying to please him... and now she was attempting to do so with this calorie-ridden chocolate drink, thank God his new body couldn't gain weight.

"It looks delicious... have you tried it yourself?" He asked her, smiling.

"No." Dawn replied shyly with downcast eyes.

"You first." He smiled.

Dawn took a sip from the mug, smiled, and then looked up at him... and just as she was about to take another sip, he stopped her.

"I'll have the rest of it... thank you very much." He stated, taking the mug away from her. "You're right... it is delicious!" He responded after taking a few sips.

"Hi." Chris greeted Kim as she entered the bedroom. "Oops... sorry." She giggled, having just walked in on Kim's masturbation session. Kim and Dawn were roommates while she roomed with Cat and this wasn't the first time that they had interrupted each other while masturbating.

"Hi." Kim replied, slipping her fingers out of her pussy and putting her book down.

"Oh, don't stop on my account."

"I've got something better in mind." Kim smiled.

"What are you reading?" She asked, glancing down at the book.

"'Cassandra - Vampiress'" Kim replied, adding. "It made me so horny."

"I love that book!" She exclaimed. "What chapter you on?"

"I'm on the 7th chapter where Theresa seduces Carla." She replied.

"Oh, I remember that scene well." She responded, smiling.

"Hey Cat, how about you replace my finger with your tongue?" Kim asked with a giggle.

"Huh?" She responded. It was the first time that Kim had ever mistaken her for being Catherine... and then it hit her! She was referring to herself as a 'she'!

"Are you alright?"

"I... I'm not Catherine." She mumbled before adding. "I'm Christine."

"You mean, Christopher?" Kim asked, confused.

"No. I used to be Christopher but somehow I know I'm Christine now."

"But... but how's that possible?" Kim asked, still appearing confused.

"I don't know." She whispered.


Catherine didn't understand it... something had happened but she wasn't sure what. All she knew was that when she looked at Chris now, that she felt... nothing. Not a single spark. Then she felt the other thing, recognizing the symptoms! She could tell she was glowing and morphing, transforming where she stood! Her long blonde hair suddenly turned darker and receded back into her scalp. She stripped down her jeans just before she started to grow taller and more voluptuous. She looked across the living room at the mirror and saw her reflection! "I'm me!" She cried out with a smile, and without saying another word, she ran upstairs.

After dressing in her old clothes, she quickly ran back downstairs and into the living room to retrieve her keys. "Are you angry with me?" She heard Dawn ask Chris. She wasn't sure what they were talking about but she didn't care. All she wanted to do was leave.

"I'm out of here!" She called out to them, grabbing for her car keys.

"Wait! It may be dangerous." Dawn called out to her.

She ignored her friend and left the house... quickly climbing into her car, she started to back out of the driveway when she spotted a teenager mowing his lawn... and then it 'hit' again. "Oh, no." She gasped, all too familiar with the symptoms.

She immediately moved the car back into the driveway before her body began to glow. The boy triggered this and she was powerless to do anything about it as she felt herself shrinking, her boobs getting smaller and her hair growing at a rapid rate while turning reddish brown. By the time she stepped out of her car, her clothes looked silly on her and she giggled... in fact, everything felt silly to her. She thought for a second that she should go inside and put something else on but the pull from her growing attraction made any detour impossible.

When the boy noticed her approaching, he stopped what he was doing and turned off the lawnmower. She knew what he was seeing was her ideal lover, so she wasn't worried about being rejected. He smiled at her, and the smile alone was enough to make her start 'creaming' inside her loose panties. She'd never seen a more 'handsomer' boy in all her life and quickly kneeled down in front of the boy... unzipped his shorts... and pulled out his hardening member. She then used her tongue to tease his tip before taking all of him, allowing his member to slide down her throat. She licked and sucked, bobbing her head up and down, as she ran her tongue all along his hardened shaft... and when he shot his load down her throat, she eagerly swallowed every drop of him.

XVII. A Week Later

"Hi... ah... I'm here to see Dawn." Danny remarked, taken by surprise at seeing the teenaged beauty answer the door.

"Aunt Dawn... Some guy is at the door." The young 'hottie' responded, smiling and allowing him in.

"You have me at a disadvantage." He smiled at the girl, stealing glances at her rather large set of tits.

"My name's Christine."

"Hi Chris."

"That will be all Christine." Dawn suddenly interrupted, entering the living room. He saw Chris pout before she left the room.

"Hi Dawn." He greeted.

"Hi Danny... thanks for coming over."

"I didn't know you had a niece."

"Yeah... who would have 'thunk'." Dawn replied with a smile.

"So, what's the emergency that made you call me out of the blue?"

"Did you get a hold of Jared?"

"Yeah... he had to work today. He'll be over right after."


"So, what's all this about?" He asked, following Dawn over to the couch. It was then that he noticed a small plate with four pink-coated chocolates on it.

"Help yourself." Dawn offered, holding the plate up to him.

"Don't mind if I do." He replied, smiling, and added. "They look delicious".

"Finish them... I've already had more than I can afford." Dawn replied.

He looked at the pink coating on each chocolate and smirked, wondering why someone would make them pink. He popped the first one into his mouth and frowned... marshmallow wasn't his favorite.

"Do you remember Kim Danvers?" Dawn asked, taking him slightly by surprise.

"Yeah, of course I do..." He responded while eating a chocolate covered cherry with light cream. "Damn these are good... Best I've ever tasted." He added, meaning it. "Are you sure Christine wouldn't want these last couple?" He asked, trying to be polite.

"No, she's watching her weight." Dawn replied with a smile.

He shook his head thinking that teen girls were way too concerned about their weight. This time he bit into a mint one.

"So, what about Kim?" He asked, curious.

"Her birthday's today." Dawn replied with a smile.

"What's that got to do with me?" He asked, feeling strange all of a sudden.

"You're her birthday present." Dawn replied, still smiling.

"Huh? Unnngggghhhhh... something... something is happening to me." He mumbled, incoherently.

Suddenly, his hair started to grow and fall over his shoulders and down his back... and then he felt female breasts suddenly push out from his chest... Then he started to shrink and feel really strange, especially around his waist, ass and hips.

"What's happening to me?" He asked in alarm, and then gasped at hearing his new higher voice. Dawn smiled in response.

Then he suddenly felt aroused and could feel an erection growing inside his trousers... then felt it shrinking and when he looked down he saw that the bulge had disappeared completely.

"Kim's going to love her." Christine proclaimed as she reentered the room with a giggle.

"I... What happened to me?" He whispered, shaking his head in denial.


Jason thrust into the young 'hottie' over and over again! It was like his fantasy lover had come to life! She was his age... sixteen... possessed long auburn hair, and had the hottest little twat he ever could have imagined... not mentioning the hottest pair of little titties! He didn't like big tits on a girl, although they looked good on Kim and Christine, Dawn's friends. Still, he preferred Catherine's everything... and there wasn't a sexual act she wouldn't perform for him.

"I'm going to cum again!" Cat cried out... thrashing back and forth underneath him.

"Don't let me stop you." He grunted with a chuckle... continuing to slam deep inside of her.

"Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh fffffuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk." She cried!


Cat basked in her brand new life. Jason was everything to her. She loved him more than she had loved Chris and now that she had a hard cock all to her own she wondered how she could possibly preferred pussy. She reached down to touch herself... feeling slightly sore. Jason had popped her cherry last week, taking ownership of her... body and soul. He was soooo big and she felt soooo weak. She loved how he mastered her.

Jason lived with his great, great aunt... and the very same day that she declared her love for him, he allowed her to move in with them. A whole weak of 'non stop' love making followed! In fact, the only time she wasn't by Jason's side was when she was hanging out with Kim and Christine. Christine was so much nicer now that she was really a girl.

Just then the doorbell rang...

"Go get it... its probably Kim or Christine." Jason grinned.

She quickly threw on one of Jason's oversized tee shirts and pranced out to the kitchen to see who it was.

"Hi Kim!" She greeted her friend. She blushed when Kim eyed her naked form beneath the tee shirt she wore.

"Hi Cat... I see you and Jason were at it again."

"I can't get enough of him... I love him so much." She replied, beaming.

"Dawn's having a little party for my birthday and she told me to come over here and invite you."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world!" She responded with excitement. "Let me get Jason's permission." She added, letting Kim in. She knew that Kim was peaking at her naked ass as she headed towards Jason's room, so she gave it a little wiggle for her benefit.

As she entered Jason's bedroom her eyes were immediately drawn to his cock, that at the moment lay limp along his thigh. She giggled when she saw it stir at the mere sight of her.

"Jason, Kim's having a birthday party... can I go to it?" She asked, still finding it difficult to tear her eyes away from Jason's cock.

"Sure, my horny little honey... but remember how you get when you're away from this too long." He replied, pointing to his growing erection.

"How could I forget." She replied, giggling... and then running over to give it a kiss.


Danny sat on the couch completely confused... dressed only in his boxers and tee shirt, which looked very silly on his gorgeous female form. "What have you done to me?" He asked, hoping this was all a dream.

"Doing you a favor." Dawn replied with a smile.

"How do you call this doing a favor?" He asked, sarcastically.

"You've always had a thing for Kim... now you'll have her."

Like this?!?"

"She's a lesbian... and now you are, too." Dawn responded.

He blushed, noting the rather 'wet' feeling between his legs from being this close to Dawn. Christine was looking good to her, too. These were strange feelings when comparing it with a hard-on.

Just then the door opened up and in walked two teenagers. Both knockouts! It seemed that Dawn was the only adult in this household.

"Danny... this is Kim and her friend, Catherine. Kim, Happy Birthday!" Dawn exclaimed.

"She's beautiful on the outside... but... uh... it ain't going to work." Kim replied. "Who was he?"

"Danny Zanetti!" He replied with anger.

"Oh my, God! Danny?!? Is that really you? It's me, Kim Danvers!" The blonde exclaimed with a smile.

"I know who you are." He responded with venom.

"He isn't too happy at the moment."

"I'm sorry Danny." Kim giggled.

"Change me back!" He shouted, having enough of this nightmare.

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