Master PC - Mind Magi - Cover

Master PC - Mind Magi

Copyright© 2007 by TechnicDragon

Chapter 17: Den of Dragons

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 17: Den of Dragons - Ral is in New York City to open a new store in the growing chain he is a part owner of and to learn more about the Mind Magi and how he fits within their society. Things won't be so easy though. Even with discovering how to improve his outlook of the relationship with his girls, not only does his talents advance to a new step in their ongoing evolution, but someone is out to do more than make his life difficult.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Mind Control   Magic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Superhero   Extra Sensory Perception   Harem   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Size   Body Modification   Big Breasts   Violence  

I approached the warehouse, not sure what the security of the place was like. There was little outside lighting so there might have been no cameras. Then again, they might have used infra-red equipment to put would-be intruders like me at ease. I wasn't at ease. I could feel my heart pounding, my muscles flexing and the surrounding area slowing down. I was ready for a fight.

I didn't bother with the door Russ and Leland had used. If they were expecting me, and I was certain they were, I wasn't going to go in that way. There weren't many windows on ground level. The few I did find were blocked by stacks of boxes.

It would have been easy to just tear into the siding to get in, but I wanted to sneak in. I wanted to take them by surprise, just like they had done to me twice.

Finally I gave up looking for another way in. The sides of the building were sheer walls. The upper windows were all closed. Nothing short of a miracle would get me inside by any means other than that damned door.

I went back to it. The doorknob was unlocked. I shook my head, not believing that I was about to do what I was going to. Maybe, if I was fast enough, I could slip past everyone. Of course, there was Russ. I would have to put him to sleep as quickly as possible. In fact, I would have to expect to do that to the whole lot.

Letting my fear out a bit, my adrenaline picked up. I shoved the door open and rushed in.

There was no one around.

I slowed down and looked around. There were stacks of boxes all over but no one waiting. I went back and closed the door shutting out the only light in the place. Knowing that I was quickly losing track of Russ and Leland, I began following the paths left among the boxes.

I realized quickly that they could have gone any of a dozen directions. I listened intently for footsteps and voices but detected none. I doubled back after another dead-end among the boxes and halfway to the intersection I heard someone. I stopped instantly.

" ... What do you mean?"

"He told me. His parents broke the first law. He's the kid from the prophecy."

"He was just pulling your chain Leland. No one's broken that law."

"He also said he had the First Law abolished."

It had to be Russ with Leland and they were heading toward me. I continued to listen to their conversation as they approached. As dark as it was among the stacks of boxes, I was sure they would have to pass a flashlight over me to see me. I just stood stock still and waited.

Their voices got closer and when I thought they would pass the intersection I was at, they went by and started getting farther from me, but I hadn't seen them.

I figured out that they were in a nearby aisle. I traced the wall back the way I had come until I found an opening and raced up that path trying to catch up to them. The problem was my boots clapped on the concrete floor soundly. I had to slow down and hope I caught up soon and without giving away my position.

Around a corner I came to an opening. There were several people gathered around a table. Food was strewn about and a few flashlights were standing up, acting like low-light candles.

I slipped back to wait and listen.

"Leland let Ral get away," said Russ.

"I didn't let him do anything," Leland retorted trying to retain some dignity.

"Don't feel bad, Leland, he even got the best of Russ and me." Said another gruff voice. That must have been Roy.

"I don't understand what is so difficult," said another voice. "He's just a kid. What? The rest of you let your guard down because he's so small or something?"

There was some grumbling. "He's strong, fast and can apparently command others."

"He can do more than that," said Leland. "He can see your memories and he's been to the Void."

The others were quiet. Then a voice asked, "Leland, did he get your memories?"

I was guessing he nodded because there were groans. "It's a good thing we didn't tell you where the hostages were then," said the same voice.

That told me what I needed. Some of them knew where the hostages were, including Whisper. What I didn't know was who the other Dragons were or what they could do.

I needed Russ out of the way first. His speed was the only thing that could keep me from taking them all down. I inched forward, staying low.

I spotted him on the other side of the table. My desire to do this quick and quiet filled my Charm and I let it go to Russ. It wrapped him up and he yawned.

"Not tired already, are you?" One of the others quipped.

Russ shook his head fighting my command. I reinforced it and he passed out.

The others looked at one another and I moved. One by one they passed out and the others knew something was happening. Leland, Roy, a woman I hadn't seen before and another man all slumped in their seats or fell to the floor.

I slowed down and touched each to make sure they were securely sleeping. Then I heard someone clapping.

I spun around and Laura Stephens was coming out of an office. "That is some work Ral. I've seen others fight off the Dragons when they were desperate but I have never seen such a calculated and well executed attack."

I stood up, ready for her. "Looks like I was wrong about you or at least wrong about your death."

She smiled. "Quite." She looked at the other sleeping Dragons. "What I don't understand is why you don't kill them. Eventually they will come after your head, especially with the number of humiliations you've brought on them."

"That's not my way." I didn't know why but I didn't like this little talk. "Where are the hostages?"

She looked up. "Hostages? What makes you think I know or would even tell you if I did?"

I started toward her, slow, one step at a time. "Because of what I can still do. Because I don't kill. You should worry about what I will do that won't result in your death."

"Oh please. You can't touch me and not hurt yourself. Anything you do will only be made worse on you and your little girlfriend."

"Worse on me how? What is your ability?"

She smirked. "My talent is neural manipulation. A single touch and I can do anything from give you a hefty rash to knocking you out to completely frying your brain." She looked about again. "And from the looks of it, frying your brain seems to be a good idea."

Since she didn't know I could heal, I wasn't going to let on that her ability would hurt but not kill me. I continued to approach. "That would explain how you knocked out my other girls earlier, but I had touched you just fine with no ill effects."

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