Down A Rabbit Hole - Cover

Down A Rabbit Hole

Copyright© 2007 by sam177

Chapter 8

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A young woman lost in space crash lands on a undiscovered planet. Are the natives hostile? Will she be rescued? Will she get home? Thanks to JFK for editing. Codes will be updated as the story progresses.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Science Fiction  

Several hours later.

Captain Cook looked around the shuttle and shook his head. Martha had two pieces of wadded up tissue stuck up her nose to stop the bleeding. She glaringly looked around at the others as if daring them to say anything. Stiv was sitting slouched at the controls, with the chair all the way forward. He looked like he was going to slide out of his chair. Despite the uncomfortable cramped position, he was sitting that way so the others couldn't see the bag of ice on his crotch.

Angie sat next to him, red faced, staring down at the console. She'd finally, and reluctantly, been forced to call for help when her legs went to sleep. The maintenance team had cut her out of her pants. That would have been embarrassing enough but she hadn't been wearing panties at the time and the maintenance team all got a good view. Now, she was too embarrassed to look anyone in the face. They weren't the only ones hurt or embarrassed in the shuttle either. Others sported various bumps and bruises, but none of their mishaps were as spectacular as Martha's, Stiv's, or Angie's.

Captain Cook leaned back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the mayhem that had been caused. One little message and his crew went to pieces. He sighed and thought about the messages that the alien, Andren, had recorded for them.

After their initial shock and elation at discovering Samantha was alive and well, Christine had discovered that the message had been recorded and that there were other messages behind that one. The Captain had Christine play them in order. The first was dated nearly four months after Samantha's arrival. The first few messages made their hearts sink. The later ones filled them with amazed disbelief.

Dear Captain and crew of the Nutmeg,

Your crewmember, Samantha, crash-landed on our planet nearly four of your months ago. I regret to say that she was very gravely injured in the crash. However, I am happy to report that our healing techniques were able to stabilize her condition until we could access her ship's computer to learn more about her anatomy. Apparently, while our species are different, many of our internal structures and functions are similar. Since we gained access, Samantha is now on the way to full recovery, physically at least. Emotionally and mentally she has taken a turn for the worse. I fear for her.

You see, we are a plant-life species and are nurtured, in early development, in the soil. When Samantha crash-landed, she inadvertently did so in one of our nurseries, killing and injuring many of our unborn and their mothers. That night was truly a terrible night for us. Many were justifiably angry, and a trial was scheduled in case she lived. (sigh) I'm glad to say that it will no longer be necessary.

You see, when Samantha regained consciousness, she understandably refused to believe what had happened. No one in their right mind would consciously harm so many. Some of the nurses and guards, who were also parents angry at their loss, wheeled her bed into the children's ward so she could see for herself. When she saw the horror that she'd caused, her spirit broke. Every adult, child, and seedling in our village, every village surrounding, and many beyond, felt her shock, grief, and anguish.

She requested the trial start immediately, and then begged for death. Our elders, feeling her sorrow like the rest, refused, saying that she did not deserve to die for an accident, terrible as it was, especially when her heart had been in the right place by trying to avoid just such an accident in the first place. Instead they told her to live for those who no longer can. Samantha's grief was such that it pained all of us. I finally had to make her sleep, before she harmed herself. Since then, she has not spoken a word to anyone, and cries whenever she thinks she is alone. She isn't, however. Many of us watch her day and night out of concern for her. I have also had to put her on what you call an IV, as she will not eat.

I give you my pledge that I will continue to do everything I can for Samantha, but I pray you will arrive soon. When you do, please land in the designated landing area we have prepared for you, and please do so using anti-gravity thrusters only. While I understand this will be inconvenient and tax your shuttle's systems, it is necessary to avoid another tragedy.

I hope to see you soon,

Andren out.

The next message was dated several months later. Messages would continue to follow that pattern.

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