I Did Not See Anyone
Copyright© 2007 by niteowluk99
Chapter 4: Urges run wild...
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Urges run wild... - A man with rapist intentions is unwittingly given the powers to do so by a freak strike of lightning.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa NonConsensual Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual Hermaphrodite Fiction Rough Sadistic Group Sex First Oral Sex Anal Sex Sex Toys Water Sports
Upon his arrival back home, he was both exhilarated at the outcome of the adventure with his old teasing teacher, but he was scared he nearly blew it and was almost discovered.
The thrill he expected to last as long as the last one began to fade after only a few days, and the nagging urges to repeat actions were already building to a point where he would soon have to act or suffer the consequences.
A late night drinking session led to his next action, he was walking home when he saw an absolute stunning blonde haired woman walking towards him. She was not only tall but well built with he estimated 40DD breasts. She swayed her hips as she passed him and although he smiled in her direction she cut him dead as if he did not exist and that pushed him into making the snap decision to attack her.
He ducked into the bushes, thought himself invisible and began to follow the woman; she could hear footsteps behind her but could see no one. Startled by the sounds she began walking faster but the sounds of footsteps seemed to be gaining on her, she then turned into her street and sighed as she saw her home looming up just 40 yards away.
As she turned onto her footpath towards her front door she passed a large set of bushes, she had frequently demanded her husband prune them back and thin them back. She was about to regret him not doing so.
Suddenly she was grabbed and an invisible hand covered her mouth, preventing her from screaming. The strong unseen figure dragged her into the bushes and she was forced face down into the earth. Rough hands then forced their way up her skirt and gripped the top of her pantyhose, dragging them down and using them as bindings to tie her hands behind her back.
The same unseen hands returned up her skirt and ripped her fragile lacy panties from her body. These he used as a gag to prevent her from yelling out. Now he could sit and plan his further plans. He snatched her handbag and emptied the contents on the floor beside her; he soon picked out her front door keys and car keys.
He pinned her to the earth by sitting on her back and demanded to know if someone was at home and where the car was kept. He told her to nod if someone would be at home or shake her head if the house was empty; she shook her head. Next he instructed her to nod when he mentioned where the car was parked. Drive way, she shook her head; on the street again she shook her head, in the garage this time she nodded.
Taking a knife from his inside pocket he sliced her blouse into pieces as he removed it. At this stage she feared she was about to be raped where she lay, little did she know the episode she was about to have to endure. He took the pieces of her blouse and tied her securely to the thickest of the bush roots. She stared wide-eyed and unbelieving as she could see no one doing this to her. The fear factor on her face caused Jim to laugh as he jested that she would soon be reporting to the police an entity attacked her and she was powerless to prevent it.
He then left her tied there while he made his way to the house, he let himself in and searched the lower level to make sure it was empty, and then he made his way upstairs and searched each of the rooms until he found what was obviously her bed room.
Going through her wardrobe he found a baby doll nightie and satin Basques. Picking out a particularly sexy looking sheer black lacy Basque and the white baby doll negligee, he stuffed them into a bag. Next rifling through the drawers he found what he was really looking for, dumping all the sex toys he found into the same bag.
He returned downstairs and exited the house heading for the garage; he then let himself in and found a 4X4 Range Rover parked there. Using the other set of keys he opened the car dumped the bag on the seat beside him and press the door remote. The garage door began to open. As it began to move he started the car and reversed down the drive until he was almost level with the bushes.
He reset the garage remote closing the door and walked slowly round to the back of the car, opened the tailgate and disappeared into the bushes. He untied the woman and humped her over his shoulder as she carried her back to the rear of her car. He then dumped her struggling body inside the tailgate before closing the hatch and returning to the driver's seat.
Soon he was clear of her Home Street and relaxed allowing himself to become visible again. He was thankful he remembered to wear his gloves, as he had taken no precautions inside her house or garage.
He drove on till he came to a desolate cabin he knew was empty. He parked the car around the back out of sight of the road and forced entry to the cabin. He then carried her unceremoniously into the cabin dumping her on a musty smelling bed; before returning to the vehicle to retrieve the bag. He made sure he was again invisible before he re-entered the cabin.
He cursed his luck as he suddenly thought he had not made sure he was invisible when he carried her body inside and he hoped and prayed that she had not seen enough of him to identify him later.
Entering back into the cabin, he turned on a light and moved towards the cowering woman, her instant reaction reassured him she had not seen him earlier and therefore he felt sure she would never be able to identify him.
He gazed at the once sexy looking woman, now a poor wretch as she huddled in a heap bewildered as to what was happening to her. She still looked sexy to him as she cowered with her large fleshy tits struggling to remain contained inside her lacy bra; he knew she was almost naked except for the two tiny pieces of material covering her body.
He now spoke to her in a very determined tone, telling her that he was going to untie her but if she tried to escape he would make sure she suffered extreme pain for being so stupid, he wanted her to remove the tatters of clothing she was wearing and to put on the Basque and nightie. He hinted that if she did as she was told he would go easier on her. She slowly nodded in the direction of the sound of his voice, not sure where this invisible being was standing.
He released her hands from her hosiery bindings and watched intently as she removed the shards of clothing. He stopped her from immediately putting her Basque on and made her pose in various positions displaying her large bust and blonde pubic hairs. He demanded to know her name and she responded with an almost whispered "Teresa!"
Later he allowed her to dress in the items he laid out on the bed for her after finding out she was 42 years old, divorced, 6 foot 2 inches tall and 42DD bust size.
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