I Did Not See Anyone
Copyright© 2007 by niteowluk99
Chapter 3: School days revisited
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: School days revisited - A man with rapist intentions is unwittingly given the powers to do so by a freak strike of lightning.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa NonConsensual Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual Hermaphrodite Fiction Rough Sadistic Group Sex First Oral Sex Anal Sex Sex Toys Water Sports
For the next two weeks, Jim relived the experiences with Tabatha every night, but every time the thrill grew less and less and he knew soon he would have to experience a new adventure; unseen of course.
For the last three days he had been thinking who would be his next victim, the blonde from the locker room, he even contemplated tackling a male as he had found playing with someone else's penis such a great thrill, he kept telling himself he was not gay, but then a really wicked idea hit him.
When he was in the final grade at school, his English teacher, Ms Trout, had been a twenty two year old female and on several occasions she had given the impression of teasing her front row students, male or female.
He made a phone call to his old school and by inventing a slight lie he got permission to sit in on one of the English lessons for a supposed thesis on teaching practises. That night he travelled back to his hometown in Nebraska, staying in a medium sized hotel on the far side of town.
By late afternoon he made his way to his old school and was amazed to find Ms Trout was still teaching the same class. He instantly recognised her and she seemed to recognise him as she tentatively asked "didn't I teach you a few years ago?"
Jim was surprised and his ego boosted that this woman would remember him, although she remembered his name more than his appearance. He was also impressed by the way this woman's figure had filled out. From memory he thought her breasts had been much smaller and her body size a little plumper than she now appeared.
He asked her permission to sit at the back of the class and was shocked when she suggested that he take his old seat in the front row. When he sat down he felt awkward and uncomfortable sitting in the seat and desk, he found it more comfortable to slouch forward and he discovered doing this had an additional benefit as his eye line now fell to be level with Miss Trout's hips allowing him to watch discretely her legs.
The lesson began as a normal lesson would but for Jim, he seemed to become hypnotised by her legs, the occasional parting of her knees offering the hint of a flash of her panties, her short skirt hardly obscuring the view. He also felt her eyes boring into him as her voice droned on and on about English grammar.
Suddenly he nearly choked as her legs opened wide enough to flash what should have been her panty gusset but instead revealed to him she was wearing no panties at all and not only that her pussy was completely shaved.
Glassy eyed and feeling hornier than he had in a long while, he was in a world of his own until he suddenly realised that the class was laughing and he vaguely heard Miss Sammi Trout calling his name. It now dawned on him that she had asked him to give an example for the class to discuss and he had virtually been caught out daydreaming.
He quickly recovered and gave a rather weak example before excusing himself as feeling a little unwell. Miss Trout came up to him and helped him stand, discretely managing to feel his rock hard cock and helping him to the classroom door without the other students seeing his erection.
She offered a sweet smile as she whispered that he really had grown up, she emphasised this by stroking lightly his bulge. She then cheekily said if you had been a real student here, you would be heading for a detention for daydreaming like that.
Miss Trout then turned and re entered the classroom leaving Jim rather embarrassingly exposed in the school hallway. He vowed that she would pay for that tomorrow as he quickly fled the corridor and went back to his hotel room.
That night as he slept he dreamt, He was back to sixteen again in Ms Trout's class sat as he had today in the front row, only Ms Trout was the new better looking woman he had met today and not the skinny fresh faced teacher of the time he was sixteen.
She had as today flashed him her bald puffy cunt and had caught him staring, ordering him to attend detention that night. Once in detention he dreamed she had approached him and deftly undone his belt and trousers slipping her hand inside and gripping his hard cock. She then made him undress as she lay on her back on her teacher's desk, ordering him between her legs she took hold of his cock and offered his member up to her soaking wet cunt and demanded he fuck her hard.
He began to thrust his cock into her and in his mind's eye he took hold of her breast through her blouse and began teasing her nipples. She then stopped him and demanded he fuck her up the arse and raising her legs up high offered her pink anal ring towards him.
Eagerly he began to pummel her anal ring and soon had her grunting and groaning in ecstasy, but the final shock was his as she slipped her hands around his buttocks and slipped her index finger up his own anal ring almost forcing him deeper into her. The pressure on his prostate gland had him spewing his spunk in seconds. He woke with fright as in his mind's eye he could hear maniacal laughing and saw her face mocking his attempts at fucking her.
He was bathed in sweat and the now cooling feel of his spunk on his legs. He was now even more determined to take revenge on Miss Sammi Trout. Next day he spent the majority of the time, biding his time, trying to force the images of what was going to happen out of his mind and desperately trying to stop himself going back to his hotel room to wank himself.
At 2 pm he made his way across town to the school and disappearing into a café close by the school. He casually walked into the gents and making sure it was empty he stood in front of the mirror and concentrated on being invisible. He watched in the mirror as his image began to disappear. Carefully he slipped out of the café's toilet and across the road to the school.
There were a couple of tricky moments as he made his way through the school to the intended classroom. On one occasion he opened a door just as a schoolgirl appeared and she actually stopped dead in her tracks staring at a large heavy door, which just opened and closed on its own. The other incident was when a schoolboy raced down a corridor and collided with Jim, the boy bounced off and picking himself up rubbed his eyes, as he could not see any reason for his collision.
He managed to time his arrival at the classroom, just as the class began filing in and he slipped unnoticed into the room. He waited until the lesson was in full swing and crept up behind Miss Trout, he immediately began gently massaging her nipples, lightly enough not to indent her blouse. Sammi Trout began to feel the effects as her nipples began to harden and her face visibly flushed.
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