I Did Not See Anyone
Copyright© 2007 by niteowluk99
Chapter 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A man with rapist intentions is unwittingly given the powers to do so by a freak strike of lightning.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa NonConsensual Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual Hermaphrodite Fiction Rough Sadistic Group Sex First Oral Sex Anal Sex Sex Toys Water Sports
Jim Brown was a typical man, nothing special to make him stand out in a crowd. In fact you could almost consider him as an ugly duckling waiting to materialise as a swan. He had never been lucky at love or anything else for that matter and now at 26 years of age; he was about to have his worst run of luck in the last ten years.
Many people who knew of his history had secretly nicknamed him the lightning rod, for unbelievably he had been struck by lightning on three separate occasions and survived, the last twice he had not even shown any serious injuries from being hit.
His affinity to lightning began as a seven year old, caught out in the Nebraska wheat fields during a rainstorm that turning into an electrical storm, his injuries that day where the worst he was to receive with some 30% burns to his hands and feet and a freakish scar almost a lightning zigzag on his left side of his face.
His second incident with lightning happened again in Nebraska some five years later when sheltering under a tree he was struck by a lightning bolt and he had singed his hair, but no further damaged to his already defaced hands or face. It had taken six months for him to lose the smell of his singed hair and re grow his fine ginger top back. Many said the smell of singed hair was a figment of his imagination, but it was real enough to Jim.
His third brush with lightning death happened some eight years after the first one and again struck by a lightning bolt he showed no signs of any injury and in fact this time he felt an exhilarating rush of power, which left his fingers tingling for weeks. It was at this time that he began to notice that he could affect electrical systems. Once his mother's car had a flat battery and simply by placing his hands on the terminals he mentally thought about charging it up and ten minutes later, his mother started the car without a problem.
Fearing the next lightning strike would kill him, he moved from Nebraska to California, registered with the University there as firstly a student and then as a sports coach, figuring that the chances of lightning hitting California was far less than his old home town in Nebraska.
If he had know what fate had in store for him he would have lived in a cave, because during a freak torrential rainstorm in the San Fernando Valley he was hit for a fourth time by a lightning bolt, but this time it seemed so different. All he could remember was that he was stood sheltering from the rain in an old wooden barn and the next thing he came round some 2,000 metres away with smoke still rising from his soaked clothing.
Knowing his already odd nickname at University he decided not to report this latest incident, as it would only add to his already folk lore of a reputation. He did feel strange this time though and it was not until two weeks later he suddenly had an odd thought, 'What would he do, if he was suddenly totally invisible and untraceable?'
As he watched his reflection in the full-length mirror and concentrated on this thought, he noticed his reflection begin to fade and become almost transparent. With much more concentration he could make his image disappear completely and only had to think of being solid again for it to reappear.
After weeks of practise he was able to disappear at will and even managed to remain invisible for over an hour at a time. He was so eager to test his newfound powers! But where?
His mind wandered as he pondered the choices of where to put in his first appearance as the invisible man, or rather his non-appearance ... He suddenly had a thought which he was unable to shake from his excited brain, the female locker room at the University after all as a student he had seen loads of fit looking well built females disappearing into this room and had often fantasised about what it would be like to be a fly on the wall in there.
He made his way as a solid person down town towards the university and slipping into the hallowed halls he once occupied as a student he stood beside the hallway lockers and thought himself transparent. Then unseen he slipped to the female locker room and waited outside. Actually he was wondering how to get inside without freaking anyone out, it would appear really strange for the locker room door to open and close without anyone passing through it. His luck was in as a tall blonde busty student wearing a cheerleader's uniform came walking down the hallway. Quickly stepping aside and behind her he followed her into the locker room.
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