Becoming A Slut Wife - Lacey - Cover

Becoming A Slut Wife - Lacey

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2007 by Just Plain Bob

Erotica Sex Story: He gave her one chance and she blew it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Interracial   Size   Slow   .

I probably never would have found out if it wasn't for me doing something that I had never done before. I came up out of the basement and went to the laundry room carrying several sets of dirty coveralls. Earlier in the week my wife Lacey had made the comment that I couldn't seem to do anything for myself and I'd be helpless without her being around to take care of me.

It stung me. I thought that I was carrying my weight around the house. I maintained both cars, did all the lawn work, and took care of all the home repairs and painting. So what if I never dusted a room or mopped a kitchen floor; I didn't see her out changing the oil in her car. So to prove her wrong I was going to wash my own dirty coveralls instead of leaving them in the laundry room for her to do.

There is a laundry chute that leads down from the master bedroom to the laundry room so all you do is take off your clothes in the bedroom and drop them down the chute. The chute is just inside the linen closet door which is right next to the toilet. My wife was sitting on the toilet talking to someone on the cordless phone and the clothes chute was acting as a speaker tube. I only heard her side of the conversation, but it was more than enough to tell me what was going on:

"I'm sorry baby, but I can't."

"Don't be upset with me lover, I just can't see you today."

"I can't baby. Brian is working on my car and I have no way of getting there."

"No, I can't use his truck. It is a stick shift and I can't drive one of those."

"I'm as horny as you are lover. Just hang on until tomorrow and I'll make you feel better."

"Stop whining lover, it won't change a thing. I just can't get there today. Look, I have to go now. Brian's home and I don't want to make him suspicious. I love you too baby. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."

Not wanting Lacey to suspect I'd overheard her on the phone I quietly took my dirty clothes back down to the basement and then I sat down at my work bench and thought about what I'd just overheard.

Lacey and I had been married for eleven years and I'd never in all that time had any reason to doubt her fidelity. We'd had some rough spots — what marriage didn't — but I had never, at least to my knowledge, given Lacey any reason to be so unhappy with me that she would take a lover. That she had was obvious from what I'd just overheard. I wondered how long it had been going on and of course, who with, and then I wondered why. None of the answers were going to come to me while I sat in my basement stewing over it. I guessed that the first thing I had to do was find out the who, when, where and how and the why could come later.

The next day was a Sunday and I'd heard Lacey say she would see her lover "tomorrow" so that is where I would start. Later that afternoon I asked Lacey what she had planned for the next day and she told me that she'd told her girlfriend Sally that she would help her with a quilt she was making.

"Why do you want to know?"

"John wanted me to play golf with him, but I wanted to check and make sure that you hadn't made any plans for us. You going to be gone all day?"

"No, I should be home by three."

The next morning I was out of the house by seven and I drove the thirty miles to the airport. I parked my Ram in the short-term lot and then rented a car and drove back home. I was parked just down the street when Lacey came out and got in her car. I followed her and was surprised when she pulled up and parked in front of Sally's house and then went inside. I parked down the block and then settled in to see who would show up.

About half an hour later a young black kid rode up on a mountain bike, dropped it on the front lawn and then rang the doorbell and was let in. He was obviously a friend of Sally's son Lance and I began to wonder if I had gotten my wires crossed somehow. I'd heard Lacey — "Just wait until tomorrow and I'll make you feel better" — so if she planned to be home by three and it was eleven-thirty she had to be doing what she was doing at Sally's. Unless of course she had talked to her lover again and they had rescheduled.

Then like a bolt of lightening it hit me and I broke out laughing. Lacey wouldn't be fucking a man at Sally's, not with a couple of teenaged boys in the house and I didn't see Sally as the type who would let Lacey use her house as a crib for fucking lovers. On the other hand, if Sally and Lacey were in the bedroom supposedly working on a quilt would a couple of teenaged boys tear themselves away from their video games to snoop? Not likely! No, what was happening was that a couple of pussies were being eaten — Lacey and Sally were getting it on.

I started up the rental and headed off to the airport. I kept breaking out in laughter as I thought about it. Lacey and Sally, who would have ever guessed. My wife was BI and I'd never known it. A huge load lifted off my shoulders and floated away. I loved Lacey and I knew that I would be miserable without her and I thought I had lost her to some hard dicked asshole. Competition from Sally I could live with. I was in a very happy mood when I pulled my pickup into the garage and headed into the house to await my switch-hitting wife.

I met Lacey as she came in the door and I picked her up, swung her around and then tried to kiss her, but she turned her face away.

"What's got into you?" she asked.

"Nothing Lacey my love, I'm just so damned happy that I'm married to you."

I picked her up, put her over my shoulder and carried her over to the couch. With my free hand I unzipped myself and pulled out my cock. I put her down on the couch, had her skirt up and her panties half way down her legs before she knew what was happening.

"What are you doing?"

"A little impromptu loving Lacey my love."

"No Brian, we can't."

"Of course we can."

"But I don't want to Brian. I don't feel like it."

By then I had her panties off and I was holding her legs apart. She was struggling to get up, but was at a severe disadvantage what with lying on her back and me holding her legs spread wide.

"I can get you in the mood Lacey love because I know what you like."

While I had been talking I had settled to my knees and I smiled at her, "Yes indeed my love, I do know what you like."

I lowered my face to her muff as she cried, "No Brian, don't do that, please don't do that. I'm begging you Brian, please don't."

Her cries fell on deaf ears as I buried my face in her pussy and started licking her. It took about a tenth of a second for me to realize that I was licking up some assholes leavings.

"What the..." and I jerked my head up just in time to see Lacey look away from me. I stood up and looked down at her, "I guess that explains why you avoided my kiss. Did you suck him off as well as fuck him?"

She kept looking away from me. "Answer the question Lacey. Did you give him a blow job too?"

Still no answer.

"Well, I guess it doesn't really fucking matter, does it? Cunt or mouth, you are an unfaithful whore either way."

I turned and walked away leaving her on the couch. I got a couple of beers out of the fridge and went down to my basement workshop.

About ten minutes later I heard the shower running and twenty minutes after that I heard her coming down the basement stairs. I knew she was behind me on the steps, but I ignored her. After about five minutes of looking at my back while I worked on rebuilding a carburetor she said, "Brian? Brian please. Can we talk?"

Without turning around I said, "What could we possibly have to talk about Lacey?"

"About us. About what you are going to do."

"There is no more us Lacey, and as far as what I am going to do I don't know yet. I suppose I'll have to see a lawyer to find out."

"It doesn't have to be that way Brian."

"What? You see us living in the same house, sleeping in separate rooms and not having anything to do with each other for the next twenty or thirty years?"

"No, that isn't what I mean Brian. I know that you might not believe this right now, but I love you and I love being married to you and I don't want you to leave me."

"How can you stand there and tell me that you love me when you are sneaking off to meet your fucking lover?"

"I'm sorry Brian. I made a mistake and I let things get away from me. I didn't mean for it to happen, but it did and after I guess I was just too weak to walk away from it."

"Who is it?"

"You don't know him."

"Was he already inside at Sally's when you got there?"

"No, he didn't get there until about twenty minutes after I did. Why did you ask that?"

"Let me get this straight. Your lover didn't show up until twenty minutes after you got there?"

"Yes, about that."

"Lacey, the only person who showed up after you got to Sally's was a fifteen or sixteen year old black kid."

"How did you know that?"

"Because I was in the laundry room when you made your date yesterday and I heard it all. I followed you when you left here this morning. You are telling me that you are making it with a sixteen year old kid and a black one at that?"

"He's eighteen and will be nineteen next month, and since when did you start saying 'black' in that tone of voice? Half of your friends are black."

"Yeah, but half of my friends aren't fucking my wife, at least not that I know of, but I'm not taking anything for granted any more. So, is this kid your only lover or are there more hiding in the wood pile."

"No, there is one more."

"One more what?"

"One more young man."

"How old is that one?"

"He's also eighteen."

"God, this is great. I can see it now. The boys at work will ask, "What happened to your marriage Brian. We all thought you and Lacey were so happy together." Well guys, the truth of the matter is that Lacey dumped me for two eighteen year old kids."

"Damn it Brian, I'm not dumping you for anyone. I told you I made a mistake. I'm sorry. I'll find a way to make it up to you. I love you and I'm not leaving you for anyone."

"Lacey, you have already left me — for two fucking kids who together aren't as old as you are. You are thirty-nine Lacey, three years older than the two of them added together. What in God's name possessed you to do something like that?"

"I told you Brian, I made a mistake and I let it get away from me and I was too weak to stop it once it got started."

"This I got to hear. How did it start and why, as a grown woman, can't you stop it?"

"The last part is easy to answer. I can't stop it because I love it."

"You can't stop it? You want to hold us together, but you can't stop it? You are expecting me to stay with you while you continue on? You want my stamp of approval?"

"Now that you know I will have to stop if it will keep us together, but to be brutally honest about it I don't want to and if there was any way to keep us together and still see Darren I'd do it."

"You keep digging yourself deeper and deeper in the hole Lacey. You want me to stay, but you don't want to give up your teenaged lover. That's just a marvelous stroke for my ego. "Keep me Brian, pay my bills, keep a roof over my head while I fuck my lover." Oh yeah, that's making me feel better all ready."

"I don't expect you to understand Brian, you're not a woman and only another woman who has experienced it could understand. Me seeing Darren isn't about love Brian, it is about sex and I'm not slamming your abilities in bed. You are a marvelous and inventive lover and any woman would be glad to have you, but Darren does things to me that you can't. You can't do it Brian because you are a normal man while Darren is a freak of nature. That eighteen-year-old boy has a fourteen-inch cock Brian, and that's what this is all about. He fills me up Brian. He touches me in places that my largest dildo never even came near. It isn't a slam on you Brian; it isn't your fault that you were born normal anymore than it is his fault that he wasn't."

"I guess you had better tell me the whole story."

"It started at Lance's birthday party four months ago. Sally threw a pool party for him and invited all of his friends. You were out of town and I had nothing to do so I offered to help her. A house full of teenagers can be quite a chore and she was glad for the help. The kids were behaving and so Sally decided to leave and let them have fun without being under the constant eyes of a couple of adults. Sally and I went to a movie and the one we picked was a real stinker and after about half an hour we couldn't take it any more and we got up and left. We didn't want to go back to the house and put a damper on Lance's party so we hit a cocktail lounge. We had a few drinks, got hit on several times, danced with a few guys and got felt up a lot. Sally and I were both hot enough to fuck everyone in the bar, you know how I get at parties and you have never seemed to mind, but even as hot to trot as we were we both had the good sense to get out of the place.

"When we got back to Sally's we had a good buzz on. The party had petered out while we were gone and there were only four kids still there when we got there. Lance was gone — we found out later that he had taken a girl home — and the four kids who were still there were swimming naked. There were three guys and a girl and Sally and I sat in the dark family room watching them through the window. It was obvious that the two black boys were intent on fucking the white girl and her boyfriend didn't know how to handle the situation. The girl was being groped and felt up under the guise of being dunked and splashed, but when one of the black kids — it was Darren — tried to push her to her knees in front of him she slapped him, grabbed her clothes and took off with her boyfriend chasing after her.

"Sally and I had been drinking since we had gotten there and we weren't feeling any pain, but I was still surprised when she said, "I wouldn't have slapped him. Did you see the size of the log on that kid? Hell, I'm half tempted to go out there and get on my knees for him."

"Oh no you don't. I'm the guest here and I get him. You can have the other kid."

"But he doesn't have a big cock.

"Okay, you can have the one with the big cock, but only after I get done with him."

"This was all just girl talk, the two of us clowning around — it was the booze talking — and not really meaning a word of what we were saying, but after a few more drinks Sally said, "I've got a better body than the girl they wanted to fuck. I should go show it to them."


"Why not? Aren't we sitting in here staring at their dicks? We should give them something to stare at."

"It was the booze Brian. I was liquored up and not thinking straight and I let Sally talk me into putting on one of her bikinis and going out to the pool with her. It might still have been okay, but she made a pitcher of martinis to take along. The boys were a little nervous at first, but when we seemed to be ignoring their nakedness they loosened up. We got in the pool and swam and everything was okay until Sally splashed Rick. Then Rick dunked Sally and Sally dunked Darren and Darren splashed me and then it was typical pool type grab ass. The martini pitcher emptied and there was more grab ass and then I looked around and saw Rick sitting on the edge of the pool while Sally was standing in front of him sucking his cock.

"I swear to God Brian, I had nothing to do with what happened next. I was standing in the pool staring open mouthed at Sally sucking off Rick when Darren came up behind me, grabbed me and flipped me over. You know how it is when you are horsing around in a pool Brian. I was flailing my arms and trying to get back to the surface and at the same time I was planning on what I was going to get even when I felt his hands on my waist again. I thought he was going to flip me again, but what he did was grab my bikini bottoms and pull them off me. I was still trying to catch my breath when he pushed me up against the side of the pool, pushed my legs apart and had the head of his cock in my pussy.

"I was beating on his chest and yelling at him to stop and he just kept on pushing. By the time he was half way in I wasn't beating on his chest anymore. I was moaning and spreading my legs wider so more of him could get in."

"You took all fourteen inches?"

"Not the first time. I got maybe ten. It took me a week before I could take all of him."

I stared at Lacey and tried to picture her 5 foot 2 inch 120 pound frame taking a fourteen-inch cock and I just could not conceive it.

"By the time Darren came in me I was hanging on to him for dear life and never wanted him to pull his cock out of me. He led me out of the pool and took me a second time on a chaise lounge and then he had me a third time on a bed in the house. Then Sally made us get dressed and the four of us went to a motel so Lance wouldn't walk in on us.

"The rest of the night was a blur and somewhere along the way the boys switched partners and then for the rest of the night and most of the next day the two boys took turns on Sally and me. Rick didn't do anything for me, but I had to keep him happy because he was driving and if he left he would have taken Darren with him.

"Since then Darren and Rick have been seeing me and Sally two or three times a week at Sally's house whenever Lance is visiting his father or we go to a motel. Please believe me Brian, Darren means nothing to me except for what he can do for me in the physical sense."

"I tasted his cum so I guess you don't use rubbers?"

"They don't make them big enough to fit him."

"What were you going to do if he got you pregnant?"

"Find a way to sneak off and get an abortion, but it should never come to that. I'm on the pill; I use a diaphragm, spermicides, sponges and I douche the hell out of my pussy as soon as I get home. And before you ask, no, I have never given you sloppy seconds. I always clean myself before coming to you."

"I don't understand Lacey. How can you even come to me after being with him? What the hell can I do for you after you've had fourteen inches?"

"What you do for me baby is make love to me. Not fuck me, not push a cock so far up me I'm afraid I'll choke on it, but make soft, tender love to me. Granted that he can do things to me that you can't, but you can do things for me that he can never do. You know how much I love anal sex and that is one place that Darren can never go with that horse cock of his. I you know how much I love sucking your cock, making you cum and then swallowing it all. That never happens with him. Oh I lick on him and suck on the head of his cock to try and get him up again, but I can't give him a real blow job because his size makes my jaws ache. The only thing that Darren is good for is fucking me and giving me tremendous orgasms."

There were several moments when neither of us spoke and then Lacey said, "So, you know the story. Is there any hope for us?"

"I don't see how Lacey. Regardless of why, you still betrayed me. After the first time you could have said, "Oops, I fucked up. I better not let it happen again and hope to God my husband never finds out," but you didn't. By your own admission you have been doing it two and three times a week and have been for months now. And you also admit that you don't really want to stop. Just go away Lacey. Go away and leave me alone. I really need to be alone right now."

I tried, but I just couldn't get a damned thing done in my workshop and I finally gave up trying. No matter what Lacey said or how she tried to sugar coat the pill, the bottom line was that an eighteen year old black kid had turned my wife into his slut. The knowledge that he could do things for her that I couldn't was a hell of a shot to my ego.

As much as I loved Lacey I couldn't live with her knowing that I was second, or maybe even third best as far as her sex life was concerned. She said that the other black kid, Rick, did nothing for her, but she was still fucking him. Even if I believed her when she said that she loved me and wanted to stay married to me I knew that every time we made love she would be thinking back to the time when she'd had "a real cock" in her.

After two hours in the basement and having no clearer idea of where I was than I'd had when I first went down there I headed back upstairs, grabbed my coat and headed for the door.

"Brian. Where are you going?"


"When will you be back?"

"Why? You want to know if you have enough time to get your boy toy over here for a quick one?"

"Brian, please" but whatever else she was going to say was cut off by the door closing behind me.

Half a dozen shots of Jim Beam with beer chasers didn't help clarify things for me either. Things roiled around in my head like gravel churning in a cement mixer. Thoughts of Lacey and our life together (at least up until I found out the bad shit) mingled with thoughts of a skinny black kid riding up to Sally's on a bike, dropping it on the lawn and then going up and knocking on the door. I tried to imagine a bikini clad Lacey in a pool playing grab ass with two colored kids and just couldn't do it. There wasn't anyway that the Lacey that I knew could have done that, but by her own admission she had. I tried to imagine life without her and I couldn't. I tried to imagine life with her now and I couldn't do that either. Fucked if you do and fucked if you don't.

I ordered another drink and the bartender said, Excuse me pal, but are you walking or driving?"

"Driving, why?"

"Then you have had enough. If you want I'll get you some coffee, but I'm not serving you any more booze."

Could it get any worse? My wife fucking kids and my bartender won't pour me drinks.

Lacey was up and pacing the floor when I got home. "Where were you. I've been worrying about you."

"Trying to drink my troubles away. It didn't work, you're still here."

"That's it? You've decided to end us?"

"No Lacey, you decided to end us. I'm just trying to figure out what to do next. So far, the only decision I've made is to go to bed."

I headed down the hall to the bedroom with Lacey following along behind me. While I took off my clothes she slipped out of the robe she was wearing and I saw that she was naked. She stepped into a pair of CFMs she had by the bed and turned to me expectantly. I just looked at her until she said, "Well?"

"Well what?"

"You always told me that it made you hard when you saw me in heels."

And I was. God, but the woman could push my buttons and light my fire. I grabbed a pillow off the bed and turned to leave the room, "Where are you going?"

"To sleep on the couch."

"Don't be silly Brian. Your dick is hard. You want this as much as I do."

"No Lacey, I probably want it more than you do. You have already been fucked today, probably several times, but I can't fuck you any more. Every time I pushed my cock in you I'd know that you would be lying there and wanting it harder and deeper than I could do you. You would be lying there and comparing me to some big dicked black kid and I'd always come up lacking. You might lie there and pretend to be happy, but I would always know that you weren't."

"Damn it Brian, it wouldn't be that way. I love you baby, let me show you."

"If you had really loved me Lacey, we wouldn't be in this mess."

What little sleep I did get was filled with weird dreams of Lacey with huge objects shoved in her cunt. Telephone poles, broom and mop handles, baseball bats and hockey sticks and in each case she was moaning and crying out, "Deeper, harder, father, push it in." I dreamed of black kids around her in a circle as she inspected their cocks and said, "Okay, you'll do" and "Sorry, you're just not big enough." The weirdest one was Lacey lying naked in a field with her legs spread wide as black kid after black kid rode up on a bike, got off, fucked her and then got on the bike and rode away.

I woke up having the first wet dream that I'd had since I was a teenager, except that it wasn't a wet dream. Lacey was sucking my cock and as soon as she saw that I was awake she moved up and lowered herself down on my cock. A she began to move up and down on me she looked at me and said, "Tell me that you don't like this baby and I'll stop. Tell me to quit lover and I will."

After the night I'd just had with all the erotic dreams I was ready to explode so there wasn't anyway that I was going to tell Lacey to stop. Then she surprised me by what she said next, "You're right baby, I'll be thinking of that fourteen inch cock every time you make love to me, but since I can't have it any more it is going to be up to you to help me out. You can't give me quantity lover, so you will have to see to it that I get quality. Make love to me baby, don't fuck me, make love to me."

It was at that exact moment that I knew that no matter how difficult it was going to be living with the memory of what she had done I wasn't going to walk away from her. I wasn't going to let her off the hook, at least not for a while, but I loved the whore and I wasn't going to leave her.

I came quicker than I wanted to, but Lacey wasn't going to settle for a quickie. She got off me and went down on me to get me hard again and then she lay down on the floor and spread her legs.

"Come on baby, we have all day and I want to use every minute."

We made love seven times over the next twenty-four hours and never even bothered to get dressed. Every time I was sure that I was wiped out Lacey managed to get me up again. Not intentionally, but she got me up just the same. Looking down on her small body and imagining her taking in a fourteen-inch cock kept getting me hard. Now I know that it is some men's favorite fantasy to see their wives or girlfriends serviced by others, but I could honestly say that the idea had never crossed my mind. Never until then any way, but somewhere in the recesses of my brain there was something telling me that Lacey and I couldn't "Cure" until I had seen her take on that fourteen inch monster cock.

It sounded sick and I knew it, but I somehow convinced myself that it would be like an exorcism; that I couldn't get rid of the constant images and the sick erotic dreams until I'd seen the real thing.

Later that evening as I lay on the bed next to Lacey so exhausted that I didn't even think I could get up to pee Lacey said, "We are going to be all right now, aren't we Brian?"

"I don't know Lacey; it kind of depends on you. I've got some healing to do and it is going to take your help."

I explained my "exorcist" theory and said, "You will have to get Darren over here so I can see for myself what went on."

Lacey's face went pale and she said, "Oh God no Brian, I can't do that. I can't let you see what I'm like when I'm with Darren. You would never speak to me again."

"It has to happen Lacey. I'll never be able to stay with you as long as those images and dreams keep running through my mind. To put this mess behind us I have to see it for myself."

"I could never get Darren to do it in front of you. Hell, I can't do it in front of you. Believe me Brian, you do not want to see it."

"I have to Lacey, but it is your choice. If you want us to go on you will have to do it."

"Please Brian, you have no idea what you are asking of me. Don't make me do it Brian, please don't make me do it."

"I'm not making you do anything Lacey. It is your choice. You made the choice that got us into this mess and now you get to make the choice on where we go from here."

"Brian, I'm begging you. If you were disgusted and furious with me when you found out about Darren you will totally despise me if you see it. I lose it Brian. I go out of my mind and the things I say and do will kill us for sure. Besides, Darren won't even come near here if he knows that you are around."

"He won't know. I'll be in the closet."

"I've never had him here Brian. It has always been at Sally's or a motel. I've never wanted him to know where I live and I don't want him to know now."

"Why not?"

"I didn't want to chance him coming here when you might be here."

"You would have fucked him on our bed if I wasn't here?"

"No Brian, I wouldn't have done that. But he is like a little puppy dog. He always wants to play and he hovers around you in the hopes that you will stop what you are doing and play with him. I just don't want him hovering around here."

"Well go ahead and get him over here. After it is over I'll find a way to discourage him from coming around again."

Lacey stared at me in silence for a few moments and then she said, "No. No Brian, I won't do it. Right now we have a chance. If I do what you want me to we are dead. You just won't be able to accept what you see. It will drive a stake through the heart of any chance that we might have."

"Suit yourself Lacey" and I got off the bed, picked up a pillow and headed for the door.

"Where are you going Brian?"

"I'll be sleeping on the living room couch until I can find an apartment" and then I went to the living room couch.

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