Extra Curricular Studies - Cover

Extra Curricular Studies

Copyright© 2007 by obohobo

Chapter 8: Clarissa punished again

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: Clarissa punished again - A mature but disfigured student at university takes in three girl students for extra tuition but one is very unwilling to learn.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic  


The letter came the following morning; I was suspended from Uni for one month for drug taking. The letter pointed out that it could have been an expulsion and would be if I were found to take drugs in the future. After the last episode and the trauma of the stomach pump, I had no intention of trying E again.

Being suspended, of course, didn't suspend me from lessons at home and yes, my work did improve largely thanks to Su Lee. I liked her, I liked her a lot and what we did together but I somehow doubted it would be a permanent relationship. For one thing there was a cultural difference. Although she'd been born in England and had spent her whole life here, her family were from China and still held to the traditional Chinese way of life. They didn't approve of her daughter's lesbian traits but did want her to get her degree at Uni so largely turned a blind eye to what she did as long as it didn't affect her studies and she always got good marks.

Steve took my work in to David for marking and I regularly got a C+ and once had a B. Daddy seemed resigned to thinking that it was the best I could do but I knew that if I really put my heart into it, I could have gotten an A or two. To my mind it just wasn't worth the extra effort. I couldn't see myself working at sorting out computer problems for the rest of my life. I really only took the course to get away from daddy's clutches for a bit, but he still wielded a lot more control over me than I wanted or liked.

They had a problem with what to do with me while everyone was in Uni. Steve, (at Su Lee's insistence I'm trying to call him that now) didn't want to leave me at home alone with all his precious computer equipment. I might not be the brightest student but I certainly knew more than enough to fuck his whole system up. In his unpaid role as my keeper, he didn't want me roaming the streets every morning either. Helen came up with a solution. I quite like her even if she is old enough to be my mother. She's friendly and doesn't go blabbing what I say to the others. "Why don't you come and do voluntary work with me on the children's ward?" I wasn't too keen to be around squalling brats but she said that it wasn't like that and I would get to play with their toys or help with their therapy. In the end I was persuaded to go and I did enjoy it most of the time. Sometimes though it was extremely sad. You go in one morning and a child that had seemed lively and friendly the previous day wasn't there and, after the first time, you knew better than to ask what happened.

Almost on the last day of my suspension, I went into town with Su Lee and met Ben and got invited to another party at the weekend. I was in two minds as to going but that day a little girl I'd played with for weeks suddenly was missing and I knew it wasn't because she'd gone home. I was very depressed over it so I decided to go but I had no intention of taking any E or anything else. I didn't give Ben a definite answer because I didn't want Su Lee to know either. Of course I knew my keeper would not agree to it but I wasn't about to tell him. I just asked for some money to buy a new pair of jeans. Unfortunately one of the group asked Su Lee if she was coming with me because we were always together these days, but I didn't know that until later.

I left home early, pleased that I'd duped Scarface into giving me money to go to the shopping centre even if he was mean in the amount he gave me. I mean £30 for a pair of jeans — what, did he expect me to go to the charity shops?


Su Lee phoned sounding very worried. "Steve, Clarrie's going to a party with that group again at the same clubhouse as before. Can you stop her going? Please try. She might not get through it next time and I don't think she has enough will power to resist if they offer her drugs again." The pair had been together almost as a couple since Clarrie's previous escapade.

"The cunning bitch. She took the bus to the shopping centre and said she wanted a new pair of jeans. I even gave her the money for them from her allowance. Cheating bitch. Don't worry, I'll go to the club and see if she's actually there."

Not too many cars were in the car park so I guessed the party had hardly started. "Clarrie's not here yet, ' a student I knew told me when I asked, "Probably she'll come with Benny and the gang." I waited in my car and presently I saw Clarrie with a mixed group of teenagers and other students. Stepping out of my car, I confronted her. I knew it was a win or lose position for both of us. If I failed I lost all control over her and I knew she was likely to revert to her old ways.

"Piss off Scarface!" she spat the words as if to emphasise her position. It was the first time she'd used that term to my face for quite a while. It brought hoots of derision from her companions. For a few minutes I had to withstand further derogatory banter from the group but I waited directly in their path. They had to pass around me to get into the clubhouse. One or two of the boys jostled by but I waited until Clarrie came close. "Out of my way Monster Man. Go home and fuck your whore Jenny and leave me alone." Faking a move to let her by, I quickly made a surprise move and, grabbing her by the waist, flung her over my shoulder and headed for my car. She screamed and yelled but her companions largely thought it was a big joke and made no move to help her. My physiotherapy and weight training to get my muscles working after all the operations paid off. A few of the lads turned to follow me but I snarled at them and I think they knew they would be in trouble if they made an attempt to get Clarissa. I also found out later she wasn't that popular with most of the group.

Almost throwing her on the back seat, I quickly closed the door knowing the child locks would not allow her to open them from the inside. "Belt up Clarrie," I ordered.

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