Arden and Gloria - A Summer Camp Romance - Cover


Arden and Gloria - A Summer Camp Romance

by Lubrican

Copyright© 2007 by Lubrican

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft, NonConsensual, Heterosexual, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Petting, Pregnancy, Slow,

Erotica Sex Story: Gloria had gone to summer camp every year since she was just a little girl. It was always fun, and always educational. She learned lots of things that made her feel more capable, and more grown up. Now that she's fourteen, she's going to "big kids" camp. What will she learn there?


This story was written as the direct result of a remembrance, told to me by a woman who wrote to me about another of my stories. Her remembrance was very erotic, but involved something I didn't really understand. I took her remembrance, and spun a fantasy out of it that is supposed to be all about not consenting... but wanting things to happen. It goes further than that, and I suspect that it is something that only a woman can truly understand. None the less, I tried to grasp the spirit of what she told me, and take it to what is, at least to me, its logical conclusion.

I have no idea if I did it successfully or not. I'm sure there are women out there who will fill me in on that. This story probably isn't for everyone. It's for a very special group of women who have a very special kind of fantasy. This for all those Glorias out there. I hope this trips your trigger, ladies.


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