Freedom Denied - Cover

Freedom Denied

Copyright© 2007 by niteowluk99

Chapter 6

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Woman kidnapped whilst travelling from USA to Europe and her adventure...

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism  

During her sleep, Mandi had several vivid dreams where she was always the centre of the wild sexual action, usually her dreams involved other people but sometimes it was with animals or with machines. She found herself more turned on by the thought of the never ending fucking of a machine than of anything else.

After all a machine did not need to consider its own climax and could therefore concentrate all its actions and energies on making her cum. Also in her mind's eye the machine always had the distinct size and colour of a taboo black male.

Suddenly she was awakened by her ankles being grabbed, in her semi conscious state she did not relate to anything real, but thought a machine had read her mind and was taking its revenge on her highly aroused body. As sleep finally left her mind, she saw two males dragging her from her cage towards a large raised box in the centre of the open space.

Laid on her back upon this box, her arms were then tethered to large rings attached to the floor and the two males held her legs wide apart; her aroused pussy was on display for all to see. Mandi failed to notice the shadowy figure approaching with the leather case, she still failed to notice when he placed the case between her legs and began to remove the apparatus.

The first she noticed was when she felt the excruciating agony in her left nipple and through teary eyes witnessed the clipping of her nipple ring into place. Further pain then emanated from her right nipple as this was similarly pierced and ringed. Just when she thought the pain could not get any worse she felt a blood curdling scream emanate from her lips as her left labia lips was pierced not once but twice and a single ring was inserted through both holes. Even further pain originated from her right labia lips as this was also pierced twice and again a single ring passed through both holes.

Just before she passed out from the pain she felt something being forced into her cunt opening and no matter how hard she tried to look to see what was happening she could not make out the two egg shaped objects being pushed up inside her, then a six inch vibrator was also pushed up her cunt. Just as she grew accustomed to the fullness of her vaginal cavity, she almost screamed the roof down as a single sharp pain began in her clitoris and spread like a burning forest around her pubic area. She vaguely made out the ring being inserted into her clit hood.

She then felt the first rumblings of the vibrator embedded in her cunt start and somehow the fullness and the other love egg shapes amplified them as she felt her sore and bloody labia lips being pulled until she heard the undeniable click of a padlock as it sealed her cunt closed from prying fingers. The clit ring though caused the clit head to be pushed forward and clear of the restriction and as she discovered when she felt the guy's fingers playing with her clit, it left her exposed and randy.

Cuffs were then placed around her ankles and they in turn were then tethered to other well-placed rings set into the floor and she was spread eagled on her back over this raised box shape. She was securely fastened in a position where she would not be able to move nor could she rest enough to sleep. Within 20 minutes her calf muscles ached and cramped up on her, her arm muscled tightened and stung, like a thousand bee stings. Her neck tensed and knotted up as she tried to prevent it hanging loosely and obscenely looking back towards her now empty cage.

The hours till morning seemed to drag; there was no respite from the constant aches now wracking her body. Each minute seemed to last an hour as she tried so desperately to relax and rest. The buzzing in her cunt also prevented her from sleeping and it began to feel like three separate vibrating sources were centred inside her, all slowly leading her to a most wonderful powerful climax. Just before the two guys disappeared, their last acts were to each place a bell clip on each of her nipple rings, they tested these bells by flicking her swollen and sore nipples and ting-a-ling was clearly heard, they walked away laughing.

In the stillness and dark of the night, Mandi still feebly hoped for the chance to escape but she had to admit whilst she would not have chosen to endure the things she was made to do, she now cherished the feelings and experiences they had given her. She felt herself flush and blush at the thought of what her dear old mother would have thought of her if she had known what Mandi had experienced over the last days, weeks? How long had she suffered, she tried to remember but as she could not even recall what day it was today let alone the date she failed miserably to work out how long she had endured these things.

Almost the second her eyes finally gave way to sleep, she was awakened by the icy cold rush of water as it cascaded over her secured body. She had in fact managed an hour's sleep before the two women had washed her to make her awake. She was roughly dried and released from her bonds. As one woman turned to retrieve a garment and the other was distracted for just a fraction of a second, Mandi seized her chance and knocked them both down, in seconds she reached the outer fence of the court yard and with some difficulty she managed to scale the eight feet high wall and headed towards the green cover afforded by the trees and bushes. Behind her she heard the chaotic commotion erupt as sirens and bells seemed to invade the air. She then became aware of the yapping of dogs as she assumed the bloodhounds had been released. The panic inside her now spurred her on to even more energy in her attempt to avoid recapture; she raced as fast as she could away from the crescendo of noise behind her and her mind kept telling her she could escape their clutches if only she kept her wits about her.

Suddenly she plunged down an embankment and tumbled into a small river. The water whilst cold did not feel as cold as that which had woken her just minutes ago, she dived under the water and swam downstream thinking the hounds would soon lose her scent and they would be useless for tracking her. After some thirty minutes of panic running during her escape, she now tried to clear her mind and work out a plan to avoid being found. First she needed to find some clothes, as a naked pierced woman would certainly look out of place in the English countryside. She suddenly felt the first pangs of hunger as she realised she had not eaten since the meagre meal last night. Food would be another main concern as she fled from her captors.

She then swam under a bridge and spotted a small country cottage, it was a typical chocolate box appearance cottage, roses round the door and a wisp of smoke lazily drifting from the chimney. She decided to take the chance and tell the occupant that she had been attacked in a nearby lay by after hitchhiking and could she borrow some clothes and she would send reimbursement later for them.

In her mind it seemed so logical and she had already decided that if the occupant wanted to phone the police so much the better as she would love to see Adam's face as he was arrested for sexual crimes against her. She knocked at the cottage door and was greeted by a silver haired old lady who introduced herself as Betty Done, who immediately bade her enter and rustled up a blanket to wrap her freezing body in. Mandi quickly explained about her reasons for being naked and in the state she was in to Betty.

Betty graciously smiled and then invited her to look through an old wardrobe in a bedroom for something that may fit her, whilst she made Mandi a cup of tea and phoned the police. Great, Mandi could see in her mind's eye the long arm of the law and rings of justice closing in around Adam. She managed to find an old button down dress in the wardrobe and hastily putting on the garment, she returned to the kitchen to an eagerly anticipated cup of tea, she thought how lucky she had been to find this lonely cottage out here in the wilds of England. She sat facing Betty as the old lady poured the cup of tea and explained the police would be here in about fifteen minutes. Mandi failed to notice the old lady smirk as she handed Mandi the only cup of tea from the pot.

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