Freedom Denied
Copyright© 2007 by niteowluk99
Chapter 4
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Woman kidnapped whilst travelling from USA to Europe and her adventure...
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa NonConsensual Reluctant Rape Drunk/Drugged Slavery Heterosexual Fiction BDSM DomSub Spanking Gang Bang Group Sex Interracial First Oral Sex Anal Sex Sex Toys Exhibitionism
The van continued its journey for over thirty minutes, with Mandi jostled around in the back of the van at every turn, eventually the whine of the engine changed so she assumed she was now on a motorway. Fifty minutes later she heard the engine drop some revs, as it was obvious she was now back on non-motorway roads.
Shortly after that she felt the van lurch to a stop, thinking she had arrived she tensed herself waiting for the guys to man handle her out of the van; five minutes passed then another ten, still nothing, another ten minutes; still no sign of her being unloaded and now she was becoming really scared that they were going to leave her permanently like this and she may die of starvation waiting to be rescued. A further 20 minutes lapsed when she heard the door of the van open, the breeze across her ankles told her it was the back door, and suddenly she felt herself being prodded with some sort of stick.
She tried to lie very still thinking that if she appeared dead they would just dump her body and she would eventually attract attention to be released and rescued. No such luck all that happened was she felt the electric shocks from the corset again and she screamed with the pain, the scream through the gag was muffled but enough for the guy to know she was still alive and with them.
Thirty-five minutes more of driving and this time she was dragged out the back of the van and frog marched away. Slowly she felt the canvas bag being removed from over her head and she felt the bandages being loosened and then removed. The light hurt her eyes when her face was finally exposed. Although she tried to look around she found that the bright daylight was too much and all she could actually see and recognise was the green grass by her feet.
Now her hands were fastened behind her back and the corset was loosened and removed. Only to be replaced by a stiffer corset but without the electric wires. She was then led away to a large what appeared to be a stable area, with some 20 separate stalls but the stalls were more like cages. In some of the Cages were women but they had bushy hair extensions which gave the appearance of being similar to a horses mane and all the women looked really strange as they had obviously something stuck out of their arses with bushy artificial hair hanging from it, this created the appearance of a horse's tail. Mandi now realised she was at a Pony girl training school.
Did they really intend to train her to perform like one of these fetish bitches; She had seen pictures of the girls pulling various carts but mainly two wheeler buggy type carts. The photo's she recalled seeing showed the girls doing obscenely high stepping trots or being whipped to go faster. Her heart sank thinking this was to be her fate after so much punishment and segregation.
She was pushed towards an empty cage and securely locked inside; Adam then disappeared, she tried to attract the attention of her nearest neighbour but they all seemed to ignore her. Only one pointed to a large sign, with the singular solitary word of 'SILENCE' upon it.
After a restless two hours of dreadful anticipation, two men came into the stable area and literally dragged Mandi from her cage. The positioned and fastened a rigid bar in the small of her back and fastened her wrists into cuffs attached at each end of the 1 metre bar. This prevented Mandi from closing her arms or protecting her breasts from any view or assault.
She was led through a series of corridors until she finally entered a large oblong room. The walls were painted white and a high intensity lighting rig almost blinded you as its luminescence bounced back of the silky walls.
She was led to the centre of the room, where she was made to sit in on a hard backed dining room chair, the bar was then fastened to the chair preventing her from moving. Suddenly her feet were grabbed and stretched out at 45-degree angles and anchored at her ankles to two large securing rings.
Mandi was offered a drink, by one of the men and when she refused, they literally held her nose till she opened her mouth and poured the liquid in, snapping shut her mouth and whilst still pinching her nose they massaged her throat till she swallowed. Mandi knew not what they had forced her to swallow but suspected it was not vitamin drink; soon a desperate thirst over took her. She managed to mumbled about needing a drink and the guy nearest to her said "Oh course what would you like, ice cold water, maybe a coffee or tea, or how about a large bottle of champagne, silly bitch"
"Please, please just give me something to drink, there is a fire in my stomach and I need a drink," Mandi pleaded.
"You want a drink, then drink from this!" the other guy laughed as he unzipped his pants and removed his penis. Mandi shook her head.
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