Freedom Denied - Cover

Freedom Denied

Copyright© 2007 by niteowluk99

Chapter 1

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Woman kidnapped whilst travelling from USA to Europe and her adventure...

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism  

Amanda was 5'6'' tall, with Auburn hair, 38 D bust set on a medium frame she considered to be fat rather than meaty. Her most striking feature were her piercing green hazel eyes, they had a habit of appearing to see right into your soul. Although she was only 26 years old, she already had a very responsible job as head of the typing pool for Stanton, Stanton and Wakefield attorneys at law. There were 8 legal secretary typists working beneath her and all of them would agree that she was strict but fair, she even allowed the girls to call her Mandi.

Sure when she first rose to the job, three years ago she had been seen as a push over for sob stories and most of the older women had tried to pinch time off with some excuse or other. She had always managed to see through the fake stories and recognised the truth. She was happy to help in genuine cases but did not suffer fools gladly.

Tomorrow, she was about to start her first vacation in 5 years and had arranged a temp cover for the six weeks she planned to be away in Europe. She had planned every last detail to start her journey in London and finish flying back to the states from the Mediterranean coast of France. Little did she know how much her plans would be changed?

She flew from JFK in New York to London Heathrow aboard an American Airlines 757 jet, treating herself to an upgrade to business class. She was not aware of the interest she had already started seven rows of seats behind her. Once in the air, the unfasten your seatbelt sign flashed on and people began to walk around. She rose and decided to head for the in flight lounge bar, she swore a Margarita had her name on it and was constantly calling her.

A man approached her, she estimated to be 27 or 28 years old, he asked if he could buy her a drink and she defensively declined until he persisted and she found his eyes very enthralling, they seemed to swell and draw her very soul into them.

She found herself now agreeing to have the drink with him as they slid into one of the alcoves seats near the bar. As the drinks were being made, they made small talk and she found herself telling this stranger all about her plans to tour around Europe.

She answered his seemingly innocent questions about her safety plans travelling alone, and how often she would be calling home to let loved ones know she was ok.

She admitted that she had not planned to call anyone for those reasons but would call her work to make sure everything was ok about every two weeks.

Seven hours later she had inadvertently divulged where she worked, where she was staying in London, how long and her plans for the next leg of her tour. The man then excused himself and said "I have to make a business call! I will be right back" he then slipped away.

Thirty minutes later the Captain announced, "Would all passengers please return to their seats as we are coming in to land!"

She immediately returned to her seat passing the guy she had been speaking to, she should have been more worried if she had seen properly the nudge and point he had given his colleague sat beside him.

Everything progressed as normal, the plane landed ok; they disembarked and made their way through passport control and eventually to the baggage hall. Suddenly she was tapped on the shoulder and the same young man asked if they could offer her a lift into central London as their employer always sent a limo to pick them up. Again the guy's eyes seemed to hypnotise her and she found herself accepting.

Carefree and without a single worry, she stepped from the terminal building and straight into the black limo, with her new found companions. Again alarm bells should have been ringing as she found herself sat between the guy and his colleague in the back of the limo with blacked out windows.

As the car weaved through the traffic, she suddenly felt the two guys closing in on her; it seemed her arms were being pinned to her side by their manly bulks. She struggled as a cloth was placed over her nose and mouth and as she fought she found her strength fade really fast. She began seeing the light fading away to murky blackness and then suddenly she went limp and almost fell to the floor unconscious. She was grabbed by the two guys and held in place between them.

When she started to come round she noticed the car was no longer moving, in fact as she began to become aware of her surroundings she noticed she was no longer in the car at all. She scanned the room around her and noticed it was decidedly bare of furniture, the walls were stone with no plaster on them and the floor was also stone and cold to her naked feet. Her eyes travelled up from her feet and she realised she was naked but unable to move her hands to cover her pussy or breasts. She tried to step forward but her back was immediately pulled back and she felt the hard restraint of the wall against her spine.

She began to panic as how she got here and why she was now fastened to the wall. The first question began to dawn on her as she recalled accepting the lift from the man she had spent time talking to on the flight. Why she was here was a complete mystery to her but she feared the worst as she spotted the heavy silken ropes that bound her hands and arms to the carefully placed wall mounted rings.

Suddenly her attention was drawn to a voice, which said "Agh, Good morning Miss Brown, or should I call you slut Mandi!" she scanned the room but could see no one, here ears detected the sound coming from a beam some ten feet in front of her and then concentrating she saw the small camera.

"You may not call me anything!" she demanded, "not till you release me and explain why I have been brought here!" she continued.

"OH good, it is as I hoped you are strong willed and willing to fight, your training will be all the more pleasant for me then. But unfortunately far less so for you!" the voice continued.

"Rest as much as you can, Slut Mandi, for your training will begin in around two hours time and I can promise you that by the time the training is underway you will be more co-operative" the voice stressed. Mandi struggled against her bonds until she actually caused severe Indian burns to her wrists but the bonds held.

Suddenly she saw the man who had got her into this mess enter through a door, she screamed at him "Bastard, if you don't release me, I will make sure your done for kidnapping!" he smiled.

"Silly bitch! You would have to be free to report me and besides, did you not accept my offer of a lift of your own free will!" he snapped back at her. "Even if you were to escape this room, this house and ultimately these grounds, you would never make it the 200 miles to London" he lied.

She was just about to scream at him again, when with a quick flick of his elbow he slapped her smartly across the face. She was stunned into silence. He leaned forward and pinching hard on her left nipple he declared this place is inescapable, sound proofed and miles from anywhere. A perfect torture chamber, where I can do whatever I like to you and no one would hear, see or do anything about it.

He turned and walked around the corner, returning shortly with a large fire hose, turning its nozzle full on he washed her freezing body down with icy cold water under immense pressure. So much pressure in fact that she could not get her breath and soon fainted.

Ten minutes elapsed before she stirred again, only this time she was on her back on some sort of table or bed, but the only thing holding her off the floor appeared to be a frame and the fact her arms and legs were tied tightly to this frame. Next she heard the squeaky wheels of a trolley of some sort getting ever closer, when suddenly the noise stopped, she tried to raise her head to see where the noise had come from but the ligature around her neck prevented her raising her head enough.

Then into view came Adam, the man who started this nightmare for Mandi, He smiled down at her and said that she needed to lose a few pounds before the real training was to start and he had the perfect way for her to do so. She then felt her legs being forced open and what she thought was a solid four-inch object being forced into her cunt, deeper and deeper it went till she felt it hit her womb. She began screaming when Adam threatened to pour a clear plastic tube of cockroaches into her cunt. He laughed as he said, "that's only as a punishment"

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