A New Life - Cover

A New Life

Copyright© 2007 by Aurillus

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A lonely teenager from a privileged life realizes his desires for his mother, as he watches her have sex with other men.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   MaleDom   Voyeurism  

My name is Jonathan West, but everyone except for my father calls me Johnny. My life has been one of privilege, but also one of subjugation. Both of which were a direct result of my father. You see I was born into the rich, socialite life of Connecticut and Massachusetts. My father, David West, came from old money and I was constantly surrounded by people who were raised to believe that they were better than everyone else. I never liked being around these kinds of people. I could remember how I would hangout and talk with a lot of the staff of the many country clubs and night clubs that I was dragged to, all my life. These were the kind of people I preferred to hang around, not the phonies who thought they were better than everyone else. I remember when I was eleven years old we had a grounds keeper, named Fred, at our estate. He would tend to all our maintenance problems. He was in his fifties and I though he was the coolest guy on earth. He could fix anything cars, pluming, windows, wiring, anything. He was the only guy I had ever met, who knew how to do that. I use to be his shadow when he was working and I would ask him none stop questions, about what he was doing. He was a really nice guy and always answered them in a friendly manner. I think that he admired the fact, that someone from my world, actually wanted to learn how to do things on their own. I was an only child, so it was just my parents and me, living in our house. My father was much older than my mother and my father only married my mother, Clarissa, so he could have a younger trophy wife. My mother was nineteen and my father was thirty five when, they were married. But I was not born until my mother was twenty six. Growing up I never really saw my father that much, but that was how I preferred it. My mother didn't work, I don't think my father wanted her too. So before I came along, she spent her days alone. She did not come from the blueblood society, that my father was born into. My father meet her when she was witnessing at his country club. I didn't find out till I was in my teens, how their relationship came to be. My mother was from a very poor family, that had kicked her out of the house when she was eighteen. She was fortunate enough to land a job, as a waitress at my father's country club. There she was a very popular waitress, among the male club members. My mother was incredibly beautiful and these were men who were use to getting everything that they wanted. She was constantly hit on and sexually harassed, by the male club members. But my mom was a smart person and she realized that, all they wanted to do was use her. She had no intentions of becoming the next victim of their greed and egotism. It soon became a private competition among the older members, to see which one of them could finally score with my mother. That is where my father came in. He was one of the oldest, unmarried club members. He realized that his image was starting to be effected by his singleness and needed to find a wife soon. So he decided to make my mother an offer. He knew that my mother would never agree to be a one night stand, but maybe she wouldn't mind becoming the wife of a rich socialite. He laid it all out in front of her. He told her he didn't love her, he never would, and he would never be faithful to her. But in return for marrying him, he would give her security. She would no longer have to worry about money or how she was going to survive. My mother didn't love the idea but she realized, that practically speaking, she had been given the best deal she was ever going to get. She was close to becoming evicted from her apartment and she knew this could be a change to find some kind of security. So they were married in a small private ceremony. My mother gained security for as long as their marriage lasted. My father gained the jealously of his peers, for landing the woman they all wanted. My mother lived her married life, very much alone. Her husband had no real interest in her. None of the other women in her new social seen, would have anything to do with her. So my mother was left all alone in her house, trying to keep herself occupied. Fifteen years went by, with my father barely touching my mother. Then one day my father came to her and told her that he wanted to have a child. At first my mother thought that maybe he was finally starting to realize, that money and his reputation wasn't everything. But he dashed her hopes when he told her that he wanted a male heir, that could carry on his name. By this point my mother realized, that what my father wanted, he got. It took them a year and many doctor's visits, but finally my mother became pregnant. My mother was a very healthy woman and had a smooth pregnancy. I was born a healthy baby boy. My father was pleased with himself, everything was working out great for him. After I was born, my father had my mother get her tubes tied. He figured he didn't need anymore children and he wasn't willing to have an operation himself. Where most kids in my society were raised by a nanny, I was raised by my mother. She was determined that her child was not going to be raised in a loveless home, like all those around her. I loved my mother very much and we had a great relationship. We talked about everything and I felt like I could go to my mother with any problem that I had. When I was twelve years old I became very aware that my mother and father had a very distant relationship. I asked her about it. She was reluctant at first, but felt that I would be able to figure out the truth, eventually. She told me most of the story how she was a trophy wife and how my father didn't really love her. She tried to convince me that my father did, however, love me. I knew the truth but didn't let her know that. I didn't want her to worry about me. I preferred the company of my mother more than anyone else, especially the other boys in my society. I hated hanging out with them, but my father insisted that I do so. He didn't want people to think I was some kind of antisocial weirdo. The only reasons why any of the other boys wanted to hang around me, was because of my mother. To cope with the loneliness of her marriage, she had become really into fitness and nutrition. Even in her late thirties and early forties she was drop dead gorgeous. I always thought my mother was the most beautiful woman on the planet. I figure that most boys think this, about their mothers. But I think I was one of the few, who was pretty close to being right. My mother had very dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. The contrast these two made, was brilliant. She had a beautiful face that was always smiling when I was around. Her body was sculpted to perfection. She was skinny but not slim. She had a nice curvy, full body. But there was no sign of sag or cellulite anywhere on her body. She had large D cup breast, that my father had insisted she get. Fortunately he paid for the best possible doctor. Her plastic surgeon really knew what he was doing and gave her well shape, large breast, that had no stretch marks or scars. She kept a deep bronze tan, that really went well with her hair. My father was pleased with all this, because it continued to provoke the jealous of his piers. My father loved to parade her around in skimpy outfits at parties. Silently bragging about how he had scored the one they all wanted. Most of my father's piers constantly tried to seduce my mother. They were still determined to sleep with my mother. But my mother wasn't stupid enough to risk my father anger, by cheating on him. It wasn't just the adults that wanted to sleep with my mother. I was constantly surrounded by guys my own age, who would make crude comments about my mother. Once when I was thirteen, at a party, I heard a kid make a comment about my mother's breast. Without thinking I ran over and decked him in the face. He went flying backwards, but his friends quickly pounced on top of me and beat the living crap out of me. My father was furious, that I caused a scene. He was even more furious, that I had lost a fight to his friend's sons. I had an idea, I convinced that him to sign me up for boxing lessons. He agreed and I begun to practice like a kid obsessed. I worked the ring, heavy bag, focus mits, and weights like crazy. I was determined to never again fail to defend my mother's honor and I never did. I beat the crap out of every kid who ever made a comment about my mother. Soon all the boys learned not to make any comments about her, in ear shot of me. My father was happy with this. He loved the fact that he could silently gloat over the fact that his son, could beat the crap out of his friends son's.

This is what my life was like for a long time. I didn't hate my life, but I really wished it was different. At least I still had my mother and as long as I had her everything was alright. All that changed, however, one day when I was fifteen. My father was having a big pool party at our house, to celebrate some up and coming business deal. He had invited all of his potential clients to join in the festivities. Before the party started, I walked past my parents bedroom and heard the beginning of a very heated argument. The door to their bedroom was cracked open, so I crept forward to see what was happening. "I'm not wearing it, David!" I heard my mother shout. "You will do, what I tell you to do and I'm telling you that you will wear this to the party!" my father respond. "I am not some whore, that you can dangle in front of your friends and clients!" my mother said. I was determined to find out what was happening now. It sounded like my father was trying to use my mother as a trophy again. "You listen to me Bitch," my father said, "I own you and you will do what I say, or so help me I will make you regret every defying me." With that my father stormed out of the room, through another door. The angle was bad so I couldn't see anything in the room. I couldn't see what it was that my father wanted my mother to wear, but knowing my father, it was something skimpy. I found out what it was, about thirty minutes later. I was dressed in my normal designer jeans, flip flops, and a white dress shirt, that I was wearing very casually. I knew that the guest were going to be arriving soon, so I made my way to the pool area. I walked out the patio door and saw what it was that my father had wanted my mother to wear. There by the pool my mother was wearing the hottest bikini that I had ever seen. It was a black, string, thong, bikini set that left absolutely nothing to imagination. The bra consist of two small, black, triangles, that were held together, by tied black string. They barely covered my mother large, firm breast. The bottom was similar. It went very low and demonstrated the fact that my mother had shaved her neither regions. The Triangle in the back barely covered the top of her ass crack and the string was tucked tightly into her crack. Wrapped around her waist was a black, but very see through, wrap around, that ended about mid thigh. It was a covering, but in reality all it did was make her look sexier. The coloring seemed to go perfectly, with her bronze skin. My mother blushed and turned away from me when she saw my reaction. I could tell that she was really embarrassed. For a few second I found myself completely incapable of moving. What was more shocking than the way my mother was dressed, was what it did to me. I could not deny the fact, that my cock had started to spring to life. I just stood there and stared at my mother's large, firm, round ass, as she kept her back away from me. I forced myself back into reality. My mother needed my support right now, but I was somewhat hesitant. I wanted to hold my mother, but was afraid what that would do to me. I broke my petrifaction and walked over to her. I wrapped one of my arms around her shoulder and hugged her from the side. I didn't want to give her a full hug, because I was afraid that she would notice my boner. I tried to reassure her that things were not that bad, but it was pretty pointless. It was fairly evident that I was only trying to make her feel better and I felt really helpless at that point. Soon the guess started to arrive, my mother told me she had to go mingle. She thanked my for trying to cheer her up and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Once she did, my cock lurched in my jeans. I couldn't believe that I was being turned on by my mother. I mean ya, she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, but she was my mother! Through out the party, I watch as the lingering eyes of the men were all over my mother. I wanted to punch out each and every one of them. But at the same time I found my self doing the same. I just couldn't get out of my mind, how sexy my mother looked. The party was filled with teenage and college age girls, as well as a few middle age women, in sexy swimsuits. But the only one that was on my mind, was my mother. My mother was drinking more than she usually did at these events. I had a few beers and was starting to feel the effects of them. After wondering around for a little bit, I looked up and noticed that I didn't see my mother. I looked all around but didn't see her anywhere. I decided to go look for her. She was not in the pool area, so I went to look for her in the house. After several minutes of searching, I noticed sounds coming form a den that was connected to my father's office. I went up to the door opened it just slightly and peeked in. It was not uncommon for some fooling around to go on in these kinds of parties, so I didn't barge right in. I looked inside and I saw my mother sitting on a couch, in between two men. They looked to be in their early twenties. I recognized them, I had meet them at a few other events. I didn't really know them that well, but from what I had know about them, they seemed like pretty nice guys. I stopped to listen to what was happening. "I just can't believe that he could use me like this," I heard my mother tell them. "Your husband is a complete ass," one of the guys told my mother. "Ya, he has no idea how good he's got it, if you were my wife, I would give you everything that you wanted." "Thanks, guys, it makes me feel a little better to hear you say that," she told both of them. I wasn't sure what was going on her, but it seemed like they were trying to cheer up my mother. At first it seemed like they were just being nice guys, but something just didn't seem right to me. I was a little drunk and my judgment at this point was a somewhat blurred. One of the guys reached up and started to rub my mother's shoulders. "Ya," he said, "one day your husband is going to wake up and realize what a fool he has been. "Hmm, that feels nice," she commented. It was at this point that I realized that my mother was drunk. "You are a very beautiful woman, Clarissa," he continued. "Ya, you are one in million," the other added. "Hmm, you boys are sweet," she told them. After a few more minutes of his shoulder rub, my mother became very visibly relaxed. The other guy then started to rub my mother's thigh. She started to coo from the touch. Then the guy giving her the shoulder rub, leaned over and started to kiss her neck. Suddenly the lights came on and it became perfectly clear to me what was happening her. These two guys were trying to seduce my mom. I knew that I should have burst right in there and destroyed both of them, but I couldn't. It wasn't because I was afraid, it was became I found myself very aroused by the sight before me. Here were two guys, young enough to be my brother's, fooling around with my mother. The guy who was rubbing my mother's thigh moved his hand up to my mother's stomach and stated to slowly circle around it. It was at this point that my mother opened up her eyes and said, "Aw, what are you guys doing?" "Sush," the one rubbing her stomach said, "we just want to make you feel better that's all. He then moved his hand down lower and put his hand inside my mother's bikini bottom. My mother gasped and arched her back. "I really think we should stop now," she said. "You'll enjoy this, I promise," he told her. A few more moments passed and my mother said, "I really think this has gone to far and we should stop." The guy with his hand in my mother's bottom said, "your pussy is saying something completely different. It's really wet right now." My mother gulped but didn't say anything more. His hand seemed to go deep and my mother jumped. "O, my god," she said and started to pant. The guy who was kissing my mother's neck reached behind her and undid the ties of her bikini top. He lifted it away and threw it across the room. There they were, the most beautiful boobs I have ever seen in my life. The were big, round, well shaped, fully tanned, and no hint of sag. The guy continued to kiss my mother's neck but now he cupped her large breast. He stopped and moved his mouth down to her breast and begun sucking on her nipple. The other guy started to do the same and my mother now had both her breast being sucked on. I know that I should have burst in there, right than and destroyed both of these guy. But I found myself lost in my own lust. I could do nothing but watch with fascination, as these two guys fondled my mother. Soon the guy who was originally kissing my mother's neck, stood up. He begun to strip off his clothes while his friend continued to finger my mother and suck her tits. Once he was naked I saw his erect cock. Call it strange, but my first thought was, "huhh, my cock is way bigger than that." I was not a virgin at this point, far from it actually. To my piers I was a rebel and girls love a rebel. I got plenty of tail, from the debutants I was constantly around. He walked over to my mother took a hold of her head with his hand and put his cock right on her lips. My mother opened her mouth, without any sign of hesitation and went right to work sucking his cock. While he was being fellated, they other guy stood and took off all of his clothes. When I saw his cock, I thought, "his is even smaller." He went right up to my mother and put his hand on her head. He pulled her face away from his friends cock and brought it to his. Just like before my mother popped his cock right in her mouth and begun sucking without hesitation. For several minutes my mother went back and fourth, from one cock the other. At this point I could have cut granite with my cock. Like a machine on auto pilot, I pulled down my zipper and pulled out my cock. I found myself stroking it, as I watched my mother give these two guys a double blowjob. The two guys pulled away from my mother and lifted her to her feet. They untied my mother's wrap and thong and threw them across the room. My mother was now completely naked. I saw her beautiful, smooth, tanned pussy, she was dripping wet. Whatever I could say about these two guys, my mother was still enjoying it. They led my mother over to the couch and positioned her on all fours. One of the guys moved in behind my her and the other one moved in front of her. The guy in front, grabbed both sides of her head and pulled her mouth on his cock. The guy behind her, put one hand on her ass and used the other to guide himself into her dripping snatch. The guy behind her grunted. "Damn this cunt is tight," he said. "It must have been a long time for her." He put his hands on both of her hips and begun to pump inside of her. I was stroking my cock furiously as I saw the scene before me. The sight of my mother's full bent hips and her wonderfully toned back and ass, overrode any sense of wrong that I might have felt. They both continued to pump inside of my mother's mouth and pussy. She was pumping her body right along with them, while she was moaning and panting on the cock in her mouth. After a while the guy with his cock in my mother's mouth pulled out of her and stood up off the couch. He said something, that I didn't catch, to the other guy and he pulled out as well. They led my mother over to a coffee table, that was in the room and laid her on top of it. My mother was on her back. She was laid along the width of the table so neither her head or ass were supported. The two guys switched positions. The guy who was fucking her mouth kneeled between her legs, while the other guy kneeled with his cock over my mother face. The first guy took a hold of my mother's ankles and raised them straight into the air. He shoved his cock inside her pussy and continued to pump, while holding onto her ankles. The other guy stuffed his cock into my mother's mouth. Her head was hanging off the table, so he was fucking her right down her throat. He kept both hands and her breast pinching her nipples. My mother laid like a rag doll on the table with her arms to the side. The two guys continued to pump my mother like she was a inflatable doll. Suddenly the guy who was fucking my mother's mouth, pulled out. He pumped his cock a few times and blew his load all over my mother's face and breast. He fell back on his ass and leaned backwards on his hands, to watch the rest of the show. The remaining guy pulled all the way out and slammed back in a few times. Every time that he did this, my mother would let out a large moan. Finally he slammed into her and stayed. He arched his back and grunted, my mother did the same. I could tell that they both just had an orgasm. That sent me over the edge and I blew my load, onto the carpet. I leaned my back up against the wall and caught my breath. After a few minutes I looked back into the room and saw the two guys putting their clothes back on. My mother was still lying limp on the coffee table. They were paying no attention to her. Once they left, I started at my mother's limp body, sprawled out on the coffee table. She looked completely used, lying their naked cover in cum. But I couldn't help but notice, that she also looked completely satisfied. I wanted to go in there and help her. But I knew that she would be completely humiliated, if I saw her like that. I just stood there mesmerized at what I saw. I could have stayed there forever, but things soon took a turn for the worst. "What the hell!" The shout knocked both of us out of our dazed state. My father had gone into his study for something and had noticed my mother's state in the adjacent room. He had a look of absolute fury on his face. I was afraid he was going to hurt my mother. I knew I should run in their and defend her, but to my shame, I couldn't move. Years of subjugation and intimidation, had left me completely submissive to my father. "What the fuck is this!" my father continued to shout. "Get up you filthy whore, get up." My father screamed at my mother as he grabbed her arm and led her out of the room. I was in a daze, I stuffed my cock into my pants and found myself wondering aimlessly. I don't know how long I wondered but suddenly I found my self at the party again. Everything around me was a haze, until I saw them. The two guys that had fucked my mother. They were standing in a crowd of men joking and laughing. I saw one of them make a gesture, mimicking a fucking movement. Everything then snapped into place. My mother was upset and drunk and these two pieces of shit, took advantage of her. It was common knowledge that every guy who knew my father wanted to fuck my mother. It was a competition just like when she was a waitress, at the country club. Any one who could score with her would have had bragging rights forever. My mother knew that my father would make her pay dearly, if she was ever unfaithful. She never once was unfaithful to my father and that made them want her more. But these two guys finally accomplished, what many before them had failed at and now the were bragging about their accomplishment. What happened after that is still a haze to me. All I can remember is blurred images of body parts flaying and people shouting. It was a mess of hectic, blurry images. Then I heard a voice clear as a bell, "Johnny stop! Stop Johnny stop!" I felt arms around my body pulling me away from something. Slowly my head started to clear and I recognized the voice. It was Fred, our maintenance man, whom I had admired for years. He was shouting at me to stop and was pulling me away from something. But what was I doing, that I needed to stop. Once my head cleared more, I looked around me and saw a huge crowd of on lookers, with shocked looks on their faces. I didn't understand what was happening, until I looked down and saw two mangled bloody figures. I soon realized that it was the two guys that had fucked my mother. I looked at my fist, they were bloody and knurled. I had gone into some kind of psychotic rage and nearly beaten these two guys to death. Fred with his arms still around my body lead me away from the crowd and I went blank again. The next thing I remember was waking up in a bed that was not my own. I shot up and looked around. I soon realized that it was Fred's cabin. The one on my father's property, that he lived alone in. I noticed that my hands were now bandaged. As soon as I saw them, they begun to hurt. I realized that I had a couple of broken knuckles. Suddenly all the events of the previous night came back to me. About the outfit that my father had made my mother wear. The two guys that fucked her. My outraged father, and the beating I have given those two guys. I jumped out of bed, I had to find my mother and make sure she was alright. I ran out of the bedroom and then out of Fred's cabin. Fred was in his kitchen and saw me take off. He hollered and ran after me. "I've got to find my mother," I shouted back to him. "Jonny she's gone," he shouted back. Those words froze me in my tracks. I spun around to see him panting, but still running up to me. "What are you talking about!" I shouted. He came up to me, "Johnny, I'm sorry, but she gone." I didn't wait for him to explain, I just sprinted back to my house. I searched all over for her, but couldn't find her anywhere. Finally I arrived in my father's office. "Where is she!" I shouted. "Gone for good," he casually said. I grabbed my father's shirt. "I said where is she!" "Get your hand off me," he said as he pushed me off him. "Your mother is gone and there's nothing you can do about it." I started to walk away from him. "Get back her you little shit," he said to me. "I'm going to go find my mother," I said in a shaky voice. "I said get back here!" he shouted and I froze. With all that was going on, he still had control of me. "You listen and you listen good. You are never going to see your slut of a mother again. I am divorcing her and making sure she doesn't get anything. That includes you. If you ever so much as go within a hundred yards of her again, I have her arrested for kidnapping and make sure she spends a very long time in prison." My stomach dropped, he won. I knew it, he knew it, and I'm sure my mother knew it.

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