Master Pc - In The Hands Of Children - Cover

Master Pc - In The Hands Of Children

by Corner Ghost

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Science Fiction Sex Story: A child find the Master PC program and uses it - finding our how much fun can be had! As a pupil at a distant school and with willing partners

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Mind Control   Hypnosis   Fiction   Science Fiction   MaleDom   Masturbation   .

I had snuck into my father's den and turned on his computer, I wasn't supposed to but he was away for a couple of days and so I was on my own. The screen came on and I waited for it to boot up.

Why was I doing this? Well I had heard him on the telephone talking to someone about a new program he downloaded, he said it was the best ever and allowed him to do things that he'd never thought about before, it made me angry that he could play around and not allow me to join in, but I'll show him.

I pressed the start button and checked the list of programs he'd used the most. There it was Master PC. What a strange name and what did it do? I looked around the den, dark shadows seemed to be watching me but it was a scary room anyway. I quickly clicked on the program and waited for it to load up... and waited... and waited, it took a long time to load.

Master PC has loaded, initialising...

The screen went blank and then it came up with a display, two large rectangles, there was a central square and then beneath it an empty block. In one of the pictures a figure was displayed, it was human with its arms spread out and was slowly rotating... it looked like me? It was me? Why did daddy have a picture of me on his computer, and then I noticed two more things, it was naked and there were words in the lower display.

New user found... do you want this image saved as default for this user?

Puzzled I pressed the yes button and the computer hummed and then displayed,

Done! Do you want this user transformed? again I answered yes!

The figure in the screen was now duplicated in the second screen along with a list of attributes. I was angry to see that the intelligence was low on the display and so I clicked on the box and increased it pressing the enter key made the system ask

Change complete - ready to apply, shall I continue?

I pressed the yes key and immediately I had a headache.

This was amazing I realised that my cognisance index was greater than before, I realised that this program was capable of changing my reasoning and so by inference would also be able to change other parts of my body. I decided to have fun and so I asked the computer the question I wanted to know the answer to.

'What can you do if I wanted to change location in a different form?'

This program is able to transport you to any point in the world with any type of body, except for the form of animals you will be human in shape and thought, any clothing you have will also be changed unless you indicate otherwise. All you have to do is to instruct this system on the parameters and everything else will be done automatically. Enter the details on the transforming screen and then press enter, confirm your choice and it will be done, when you wish to change back please select default image and you will be changed back.

This was all very simple indeed, but then I saw a problem. "How would I be able to return?" I asked it.

There are two ways to return. 1. Set a time limit for your trip, and 2. Second person presses the recall button which will be displayed on the screen. The time limit is currently set for 1 hour.

I smiled; this was one way to get the answer to something I wanted to know. I quickly went through the list of options, Sex, Age, Colouring, Size, Stamina, Sexual stamina, strength, powers.

I pressed the first button, Sex. The screen showed two options ('what else' I thought) I pressed the Male button.

The next selection was age - the screen showed three digit boxes, I thought for a moment and then pressed 009 - I wanted to be nine again.

Colouration was the next box, I chose Caucasian, as I couldn't see the need to change that.

Size - the screen showed options within a range (To cater for the age I'd selected) I chose 4' 6" - It seemed to accept imperial measurements - and the image shrunk on the screen.

Stamina - I wanted as much as possible and so I chose a high number.

Sexual stamina - I wasn't sure about that, but I chose another high number, then a sub menu came up. Penis size - erectthe sizes shown were from 2 inches to 12 inches. I took no chances and chose 7.5 inches.

Seminal fluid? It showed two settings (active or inert) I wasn't' sure about this but I chose Active.

Strength - I wanted to be as strong as possible, just in case. Again a sub menu opened up.

Attributes - self defensive (yes or no)

Recovery time - (hours and minutes depends on body mass and fat for repairs) I chose yes for self defence and 1 hour for recovery time, the size of a nine year old wasn't much.

Powers - again a sub-menu Mental (M), Invulnerability (I), Speed (S), Vision (V)

I pressed the M key and a selection appeared Hypnosis - Mind control - both? I pressed the both button, it would be nice to be able to hypnotise people, but what the mind control would do I wasn't sure.

Next I went to Invulnerability:- Complete, partial, none? I didn't want to be hurt and so I chose complete.

Now Speed:- Slow, Medium, Fast, Very Fast? I pressed Fast - I didn't want to be so fast I couldn't stop.

Vision:- Poor, Good, Very Good, Excellent, Variable? - I chose Excellent.

Choices made, please enter location, or give detail of where you want to travel to when transformation is complete, please be aware that you will feel slightly disorientated on arrival if the distance is great.

I thought, here I had an image of the boy in the screen, how should I react? I entered the following. "School, mixed, at start of school day. To be allowed access to all parts of the school." I entered and then wondered what the system would do with this.

The input is complete, computing. Due to time of day here you will have to be transported to the other side of the world, records will be adjusted to reflect your appearance, please enter a name to use.

I thought for a moment and then entered 'John Smith' and smiled.

Name entered, time limit is 1 hour do you want to adjust it?

I nodded at the screen and then laughed I then entered '3 Hours'

Name to use is - John Smith, time to remain on site - 3 Hours, parameters entered do you want me to continue? I pressed YES and waited. Then the pain hit me, all over my body as I could feel the changes start to work on me, my groin ached and then seemed to be different, my clothing changed to that of a school uniform and then the room seemed to spin, spin, spin...

I opened my eyes to the sound of children playing, the sunlight was bright against my eyes I squinted and then it was as if I was wearing sunglasses, everything dimmed but I could see without problems. Someone shouted and I saw a ball flying towards me, I quickly got up and caught the ball, looking to see who had thrown it - a large swaggering boy whose smirk was fading as he saw I wasn't hurt. I drew back my arm and threw the ball; it hit him in the stomach, making him double over in pain.

"Well done John, he deserved that!" Another boy - Patrick, I knew his name - said as he watched.

"I'll get you for that!" The boy - Michael - said, he'd been pampered by his parents and could do no wrong in their eyes.

"I'll be waiting Mick, anytime." I shouted back infuriating him as he hated to be called Mick. His face reddened and his fists clenched in to balls, but the sound of the bell stopped him from doing anything else.

We lined up behind our teacher - Miss Roberts - and then walked into the school. I was amazed, I knew who everyone was, they all knew me as John Smith, and I was able to navigate around the school as if I'd been here all my life - the overall effect was that I was accepted as belonging to the school.

I sat through the first lesson, 45 minutes of learning things I already knew, and so I was looking around the class, I saw Becky, the blonde haired girl, she was having problems and so I thought the answer to her, I watched her face clear and she began to write down the answer, I could see what she had written without problems.

"John! John Smith, pay attention!" Miss Roberts called out, making the class laugh. "Now what was I just saying?" She asked me.

I faced her, "You said that the sides of the equilateral triangle are all the same, that is why it is so called." I said which made her face drop. I then added, "But you hadn't yet said that the angles at each corner was also the same and that all the corners added together would give 180 degrees, as with all triangles."

"There is no need to be clever John Smith, see me at break!" She said angrily.

"Yes Miss Roberts." I said but I had a victory over her.

There was another girl, Samantha, who was fidgeting in her seat. I could tell that she wanted to use the toilet, but I put my hand up first, Miss Roberts sighed. "Yes John? What is it?" She asked.

"I need to be excused Miss, please?" I asked her.

"Can't you wait until break?" She said wearily.

"But I won't be at break Miss!" I pointed out.

"Very well, go!" She said and I walked out of the room making my way to the girls' toilets and waiting there. Soon enough Samantha came running into the toilet and then to a cubicle, I gave her time to finish her task before I went to the door of the toilet and, using my mind, I locked it! - I didn't have to think hard and it was done.

The door to the cubicle opened and Samantha walked out adjusting her skirt, she jumped when she saw me. "John! What are you doing here? What if someone walks in?" She asked.

"I wanted to see you Samantha; you're very pretty you know." I said to her gazing into her eyes and thinking how nice she was.

Samantha gave her head a shake slightly, but then she was caught in my gaze, her eyes closing as my hypnosis overtook her. I raised her arm, and it remained where I placed it. "Can you hear me Samantha?" I asked her.

"Yes John, I can hear you." She said softly.

I smiled, now I could do it. "Undress for me Samantha." I said and stood back.

She didn't hesitate but undid her skirt, allowing it to fall to the ground, she then removed her blouse showing a vest and panties, she removed the vest and then pulled down her panties so that she was nude, apart from her shoes and socks.

"Turn around Samantha." I said and she slowly rotated giving me a full view of her body, the small lumps on her chest showing up in profile and the slit of her pussy, almost hidden between her legs. "Stop Samantha, open your legs." I said and she did so.

I reached to her and touched her small slit, she shivered but stayed still. "Have you touched yourself down here?" I asked her.

"No... mommy says it wrong to do that, I'd go blind if I did." She said her legs opening as I rubbed her slit.

"Your mother is wrong; you can't go blind if you rub your pussy." I said to her, feeling my cock start to rise, but was constricted by my clothing. We didn't have much time and so I quickly undressed. "Samantha lie down!" I told her and watched as she did so, calling out in shock as the cold floor touched her naked skin.

I didn't wait but went down on her my body on top of hers, my chest rubbing on her forming lumps and my cock lining up along the groove of her pussy. "I want you to hold your pussy open for me." I told Samantha, feeling her hands bush against my body as she obeyed me.

I could feel the petal of her pussy open and I drew back my hips slotting my cock into the groove and pushed it in, Samantha groaned as her pussy was opened by a mass greater than it was previously used to, I pushed further and then felt her membrane of skin that held her virginity intact.

I pulled back and then pushed my hips forward punching into her hymen, tearing it apart and making her scream out in pain. I clamped my hand over her mouth silencing her and then I began to pump away in her body, feeling the pleasure of her tightness on my cock, rubbing away until I felt a tingling in my balls and then I was spewing inside her.

I was lying on top of her slightly exhausted but then I found my cock was now erect again and probing inside the body of my first conquest, but not my last. I knew that I had to return soon or Miss Roberts would be sending someone to find us, so I quickly got off Samantha, seeing the blood and sperm on my cock, I saw Samantha's mouth before me and so I got her to open it and to clean off my cock.

I quickly removed my, now clean, cock and then dressed. I told Samantha to dress and ignore any stains or fluid that might drip from her. I unlocked the toilet and then made my way back to the classroom. Miss Roberts looked up as I entered, "I thought you'd fallen into the bowl!" She said making me blush and the class laugh.

Samantha entered a few minutes later and walked towards her seat, the back of her skirt was slightly damp but Miss Roberts didn't say anything to her.

The bell for the first break sounded and the class went out to play, I however had to stay inside with Miss Roberts, she looked at me and then shook her head. "Why do you do that John?" She asked me.

"Do what Miss?" I asked her.

"Try to show me up, I am your teacher and you will respect me!" She said angrily.

There is more of this story...

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