Pussies Galore - Cover

Pussies Galore

Copyright© 2007 by Sahebji

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Ramu and I are on holiday. We meet a bevy of young girls who have recently won a dramatic competition. We persuade the girls to perform for us naked. Then the real party starts...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  

"Then you won't require to wear panties at all," I laughed.

"I am serious," Ramu said.

"We would like to but what will the hotel staff think of us," Irma protested.

"Do you really care what they think," I asked pointedly.

They both looked at each other. "Not really," Karen giggled.

"Let us think about it during lunch," Irma said.

"Okay, as you wish," I said, "Come let's have a drink."

After lunch they went up to their room and returned with their rucksack.

"We have decided that we retain our room but stay with you," Irma said.

"You could have saved a lot of money if you had agreed to my proposal," Ramu said.

"We know but we'll feel more comfortable this way," Irma said.

When we reached the front door of our cottage Ramu unlocked the door and picking up Karen in his arms, said, "Saheb, you carry Irma in."

We carried the girls to my room.

"Welcome to our room and bed," Ramu chuckled laying Karen on the bed.

"Are we all going to sleep in one room?" Irma asked.

"Yes, it is more convenient to fuck you both," Ramu laughed, "Any objections?"

"No, just checking," Karen giggled.

"I am feeling very dirty," Irma said, "I must change my panties."

"Yeah take them off. We'll fuck first then you can wear fresh panties," Ramu chuckled, "No sense in dirtying two panties."

"Oooo, that'll be nice," Karen giggled, "but not in our ass holes."

"That is for later," I laughed.

We all undressed and got into bed. We fucked both Irma and Karen one after the other and then we slept.

We woke up at tea time. After our tea we went for a swim followed by drinks and dinner. We were back in our cottage by ten.

We undressed and got into bed. After fucking the twins once each we rested.

I said, "I am curious as to which one of you two was deflowered first or did you both lose your cherry at the same time to the same man."

"What do you think we are?" Irma shot back, "For your information this is the first time that we are having sex together."

"Sorry, I did not mean to offend you," I replied apologizing, "Who was deflowered first and at what age?"

They looked at each other. Then Irma said shrugging, "I was deflowered first and it happened few months after our thirteenth birthday."

"Tell us the details," Ramu said, "How did it happen?"

"You want to know a lot?" Karen giggled.

"Please tell us," I requested.

"Okay, first you tell us how you both lost your virginity," Irma said.

"Did you lose your virginity at the same time to the same woman?" Karen chuckled repeating my question.

"We are friends not brothers," Ramu said.

"Really, if one sees your cocks only then you could pass as identical twins," Karen giggled,

"Jokes apart," Irma said, "you tell us first."

Ramu told them that when he was fourteen Shanti, their maid, had caught him masturbating and invited him to fuck her etc. etc. (Read "Loves of Ramu for the full story).

I narrated how Mamta had taken my virginity when I was not yet fourteen and taught me everything about sex (Read, "My early life and loves" for the full story). When I finished, I said, "Okay, now it is your turn."

"Irma, you start as you were deflowered first," Ramu said.

"There is nothing to tell," Irma said, "I lost my cherry to my boy friend like ninety percent girls do in my country."

"Maybe so," I said, "Just narrate the circumstances etc."

"It was holiday time. The schools were closed. Both our parents worked. Mama's employers sent her to Munich, Germany for a month to manage their stall in an international exhibition. Karen and Olaf, our elder brother, accompanied her to Munich and I stayed back with papa," Irma started her story.

"Sorry to interrupt you," I apologized, "Why did you stay back?"

"Because they had taken English and German as foreign languages in the school and I had taken English and French," Irma explained, "Daddy felt that it was a good opportunity for them to practice what they had learned in school."

"Makes sense," I said, "Okay, continue."

"A week or so after they had left six girls and six boys went for a night picnic on the beach. We swam and after eating dinner we wandered off in pairs.

I was with Sven, my boy friend who was sixteen. We sat in a secluded place and began to pet heavily. I was feeling very horny. Sven caressed my cunt from outside the swimming costume.

"Oh Sven," I moaned.

He pushed my costume to the side and ran his fingers through my slit and squeezed my swollen clit. I moaned loudly and separated my legs. Sven pushed down his swimming trunks, releasing his throbbing hard on and got between my open legs.

I sensed that Sven was about to deflower me.

"Oh Sven, please be gentle with me. This is my first time," I moaned.

Sven kissed me tenderly and he rubbed his cock up and down my hairless slit.

"Oh Sven, it feels sooo good," I moaned opening my legs further.

Sven crushed my lips with his and aiming his cock at my fuck hole gave a mighty shove.

"MMMFFFTTTT," I tried to scream as his cock tore through my hymen and buried itself in my cunt.

"Oh Sven," I groaned bucking my bottoms trying to dislodge him, "Please let me go. It is hurting."

"It'll soon be alright," Sven said taking a firm grip of me and began to move his cock in and out of my cunt. I lay groaning with pain as he pumped my cunt. At first his strokes were slow and long then he started banging my cunt with hard and short strokes.

The pain had subsided and it was replaced by an enjoyable feeling. The feeling became more intense with each stroke. Suddenly he grunted loudly and pushing his cock deep inside my pussy, bombarded the mouth of my womb with blobs of hot cum. His strokes became slower and slower till he lay still on me.

"Oh Irma," he moaned kissing me.

I was disappointed. I had just started to enjoy myself when he stopped.

Few minutes later I felt his cock getting hard inside my cunt. When he was hard enough he began the fuck movement. Soon I felt the enjoyable sensation again.

My body trembled against his and my hips moved up and down with the rhythm of his in and out strokes.


He kept thrusting in and out of my cunt till my orgasm peaked. Suddenly my body arched.

"OH I AMMMM CUUMMMMIIINNNGGGGG," I yelled gasping for breath.

Without missing a beat he kept pumping his cock in and out of my cunt. My breathing became labored and harsh as he pulled his cock to the tip of my quivering quim and then moved in again. Soon I was on the boil again.

"OH SVEN," I cried in ecstasy. He continued to pump his cock in and out of my aroused pussy.


I started to hump my hips upward, drawing his cock deeper and deeper inside my newly-opened fuck hole.

His cock swelled inside me. He fucked me with hard strokes. His strokes became shorter and harder. My whole body shuddered violently.

"OH SVEN I AMMM CUUMMMIIIINNNNGGGG," I yelled and for the second time in my life I had an orgasm with a cock inside my cunt.

Few hard strokes later Sven deposited his load into my hitherto virgin cunt for the second time that night.

"Was it better this time?" Sven panted.

"Oh yes, it was heavenly," I replied kissing him wildly.

"This is the story of my first fuck," Irma giggled.

"Irma, it was very interesting," Ramu said squeezing her boobs.

"Karen, now it is your turn," I pointed out.

"By now you know how horny I am. When I was twelve I masturbated at least twice a day," Karen said starting her story, "My boyfriend Gustav and I indulged in heavy petting. He fingered my cunt and I fisted him and sucked his cock. I liked the taste of cum.

Many times during petting, I said, "Oh Gustav, fuck me."

He always replied, "Not yet, you are too young."

When I was thirteen I asked Gustav again to fuck me. "Karen, I want to but I think we should wait till you are fourteen," he replied.

I was very disappointed and decided to look around for someone to deflower me.

Irma has already told you that Olaf and I accompanied mama to Munich, Germany. In the exhibition I met a man whose stall was five or six stalls away from mama's stall. This man stared at my boobs whenever I walked past his stall. I enjoyed his attention and walked past his stall many times during the day.

One morning as I was passing his stall he smiled at me and I stooped and smiled back.

"Guten morgen (Good morning)," he said in German.

"Guten morgen (Good morning)," I replied.

"Du bist sehr huebsch (You are very pretty)," he said.

I blushed.

"Wo bist du her? (Where are you from?)" he asked again in German.

"Stockholm, Sweden," I replied.

"Oh ich bin aus Frankfurt am Main (Oh I am from Frankfurt am Main)," he replied, "Why don't you come in?"

I entered his stall.

"What is your name, pretty lady?" he said switching to Swedish.

"Karen," I replied in Swedish also.

"Pleased to meet you," he said, "My name is Karl. Would you like to drink something, a coke perhaps?"

Karl was around forty, tall, slim and handsome. He had a beautiful eyes and a pleasant smile. I liked him.

"Coke will be fine," I replied, "You speak Swedish quite fluently."

"Yes, and English and French too," Karl laughed, "That is why my company keeps shunting me from one international exhibition to another."

We sat in the back room of his stall talking for half an hour or so. He told me that he was married and has two children, a six year old boy and a two year old girl. I told him about my family and that my brother and I have accompanied mama to Munich.

"Why didn't your sister come also?" he asked.

I told him why Irma did not come with us.

"Oh I see," he said, "Then from now on you will speak only German and I'll practice my Swedish."

"No, no please. I can't speak German at all," I protested.

"Try, I'll correct you if you make a mistake and you correct me if I say something wrong in Swedish," he said, "This way we'll both learn."

Just then the phone rang. He spoke in German to someone for a few minutes.

"Yawohl, ich komme gleich (Yes sir, I'll come immediately)," he said replacing the receiver.

"Karen, it was my boss. I've to go," he said apologizing, "Are you staying at the Hilton? I'm sure I've seen you there."

"Yes, we are at the Hilton," I replied.

"I am at the Hilton too," he said, "Come to my room 746 at four then we'll practice your German."

I hesitated because the way he looked at my boobs I instinctively felt that he wants to fuck me. As I was not averse to losing my virginity I agreed. If I was wrong then at least the purpose of my coming to Munich will be served.

"Okay, I'll come," I said.

"Good, see you at four," he said and was gone.

At four I went to his room. He was waiting for me. "Karen, you are looking very beautiful today," he said as we sat down.

"Thank you," I giggled.

"What can I offer you, ice cream or chocolates? I've liquor chocolates also, in case you like them."

"Oh I love liquor chocolates," I said.

For two days I visited him at four. He always had some goodies for me. We conversed in German and nothing happened. He was always paying me compliments. I liked him more and more.

On the third day he said, "Karen, I have been thinking. The best and the quickest way to learn any language is to enact situations in real life."

"I don't understand," I replied.

"I'll explain. What will you say if you go to a bank to cash a cheque or visit a doctor when you are sick etc." he said.

"Now I understand what you mean," I said enthusiastically, "Let us play act a situation."

"Okay, you are a cashier in a bank and I've come to cash a cheque," he suggested.

"Okay," I giggled.

"You stand here and I come in and give you this cheque," he said handing me a slip of paper.

"What is this?" I asked.

"It's a cheque for you to cash," he chuckled.

"But it says 'pay to the bearer Twenty hugs and fifty kisses'. What do I do with it?" I asked.

"You are supposed to cash it," he chuckled.

"How can I cash it?" I replied blushing.

"Like this," he said and pulling me into his arms and hugged me.

"OH," I exclaimed.

"This was one hug. Now I'll show you the kisses," he said and bending down kissed me tenderly on my lips a couple of times.

"Please Karl, don't," I protested.

He ignored my protest and taking me in his arms crushed his lips on mine. At first I struggled to free myself but few seconds later melted into his arms. He forced his tongue through my half parted lips and sucked my tongue. Few minutes later when the kiss broke, we were both panting.

"Oh Karen, your lips are so sweet," he panted, "Kiss me again."

I raised my face and we kissed again. This time we both sucked each others tongue and lips. After that day whenever I protested he said laughingly, "I'm only taking what's due to me."

Few days later Karl asked, "Today we'll act doctor and patient. You come to a doctor with a bad cold and chest congestion."

I nodded. "This is my office," he said sitting on a chair near the bed with a stethoscope around his neck."

"Good morning doctor, may I come in?" I asked.

"Good morning Karen, please come in," he replied, "What brings you here?"

"Doctor, I have a bad cold and cough," I said coughing.

"I see, I'll have to examine you. Please lie down on the bed," he said putting the stethoscope in his ears.

I lay down on the bed.

"Karen, open the buttons of your blouse," he said.

"Can't you examine me like this," I said blushing.

"Karen, don't be shy," he said, "I am your doctor."

Hesitatingly I did what he wanted. I was not wearing a bra. Actually, I never wore a bra because I felt suffocated in one.

He started at my naked breasts.

"Oh my God, your boobs are very beautiful," he exclaimed.

"You say that to all the girls," I pouted blushing.

"No, I don't," he said cupping my breasts, "They are prettiest pair of boobs I have ever seen."

"Oh Karl, you say the most wonderful things," I giggled turning beet root red.

"Karen, may I kiss them," he said and before I could reply he began to squeeze and kiss my boobs.

"Oh Karl," I moaned.

He kissed and suckled my boobs, one after the other, while caressing and pressing the other tit.

"Oh Karl, please stop," I giggled pushing back his head, "It tickles."

"It tickles here, doesn't it?" he laughed pressing my crotch over my skirt.

"Oh please don't touch me there," I said blushing.

After that day he played with my boobs whenever he wanted.

Few days later he said, "Karen, now it your turn to be the doctor." I wondered what he would do now.

"Karl, what seems to be the problem," I asked. "I seem to have a pain in my lower body," Karl said.

"Okay, lie down on the bed and take off your shirt," I said, "I'll have to examine you."

Karl took off his shirt and lay down on the bed.

"Is it here?" I asked pressing his chest.

"No, I think it is lower," he replied.

I put my hand on his stomach and asked, "Is it here?"

"No, it is further down," Karl said.

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