Pussies Galore - Cover

Pussies Galore

Copyright© 2007 by Sahebji

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Ramu and I are on holiday. We meet a bevy of young girls who have recently won a dramatic competition. We persuade the girls to perform for us naked. Then the real party starts...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  

It was the first week of November. The tourist season was only one week old and Hotel Grand Bristol was choking full.

The weather was very pleasant and Ramu and I were enjoying a beer on the well manicured lawns of the Hotel. We had arrived the night before for a two week holiday from the hustle bustle of daily life.

All the tables were occupied mostly by either honeymooning couples or families on a holiday. The children were having a gala time running around chasing each other.

One table caught my interest. This table was occupied by a group of eight girls around eighteen years old and a lady in her early thirties. They were talking and laughing loudly.

"Ramu, what do you make of these girls?" I asked.

Ramu turned and looked.

"They are students on a college trip," Ramu said.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Elementary, my dear Watson," Ramu chuckled, "All the girls are about the same age. This means they are not from one family but are students in the same class of a college or school. I favor college because of their age. The lady, a teacher I think, is their chaperone. Q.E.D."

"Ramu at his analytical best," I laughed.

"Saheb, are you expecting someone or a call?" Ramu asked.

"No, why?" I asked.

"A bellboy is paging you," Ramu said.

"Ramu, please go and see what it is about," I said, "I think it is about the cottage we wanted."

As Ramu got up to leave I happened to glance towards the girls. I saw a girl, with huge tits, nudging her neighbor and drawing her attention towards the bellboy. Then big tits whispered something in the ear of the other girl pointing at the receding figure of Ramu. The other nodded and immediately both got up and followed Ramu.

"Mira, Suman where are you going?" the chaperone called after them.

"Rosie ma'am, please let us go. We'll be right back in a few minutes," big tits pleaded.

"No, drink up otherwise we'll be late for lunch," I heard their chaperone say.

Five minutes later they left. Fifteen minutes later Ramu came back. "You were right. It was about the cottage," Ramu said sitting down and stretching his long legs. I waited for him to continue.

"At first they gave me the usual rigmarole about all cottages being booked etc. etc. but I insisted that we had reserved a cottage, we paid for a cottage and we want a cottage. I kept repeating it in face of all his arguments. I even lied that Mr. Sahebji knows the Directors and he will tell them about the shoddy treatment he received here," Ramu said grinning.

"That was no lie. As a matter fact I do know a Director," I chuckled.

"I didn't know that. He hummed and hawed but in the end he said they had only one cottage vacant for emergencies. I said we'll take it. He promised to have our luggage shifted from our room," Ramu said taking a gulp of beer, "The only drawback is it is fifteen minutes walk from the main building."

"Never mind the walk will do us good," I chuckled, "I have been here before. The rooms are no patch on the cottages."

"I think they have more vacant cottages," Ramu said.

"Let them, we have got what we wanted. What is the number of the cottage?" I enquired.

"It is no .19," Ramu replied.

"If my memory serves me right they have in all twenty cottages built in blocks of five situated round the hotel. Number 20 is a two family cottage and is situated at a height and we will be just below it then 18, 17, and 16," I said, "It will be very quiet and peaceful."

"That is so..." Ramu started to say when a sweet voice interrupted him, "Mr Sahebji?"

I looked up and saw Big Tits and her friend addressing Ramu.

"Mr. Saheb Sahebji," Big Tits repeated.

"These beautiful ladies want to say something to you," I said kicking Ramu under the table. Ramu looked up.

"Oh Sahebji, we never thought we'll ever meet you. We are your devoted fans and have read all your stories," Big Tits said excitedly.

"Really? What is your name?" Ramu asked getting into the spirit of the game.

"Oh sorry, my name is Suman and this is my friend Mira," Big Tits said turning red in the face.

"How do you know that I am Sahebji?" Ramu quizzed them.

"Sir, we noticed a bellboy paging you. We kept an eye on him. Then we saw you get up and follow the bellboy," Big tits said.

"Clever girls," Ramu said to me then turning to the girls added, "Mira, have you also read all the stories."

"Yes sir, but I find the Ramu ones more erotic," Mira replied.

"Saheb, did you hear? That is why I tell you write more stories about me," Ramu said grinning broadly.

"Saheb..." the girls muttered with a confused look.

"Girls, sorry to disappoint you but I am not Saheb Sahebji," Ramu said and paused briefly.

I could see disappointment on their faces.

"This gentleman here is Mr. Saheb Sahebji, the famous writer of erotic stories," Ramu announced grandiosely, "I am Ramu, his humble friend."

"How can this be? We saw you follow the bellboy," Suman insisted.

"This is easily explained. Saheb here is a very lazy man. He requested me to see why the bellboy was paging him," Ramu clarified.

The girls transferred their attention to me.

"Sorry sir, w... w... we did not..." they apologized together.

"No need to apologize. Anybody would have come to the same conclusion as you," I said, "Why don't you sit down then we can chat in comfort."

"No, we can't sit. We must get back. We promised ma'am that we'll back in ten minutes," Suman said, "Come Mira we must rush."

"Maybe we can have a chat later," Ramu suggested, "What is your room?"

"We are in cottage number 20," Suman said.

"We'll drop in around tea time," Ramu said.

"Okay, bye," they said waving and ran back inside the main building.

Around five p.m. we strolled over to cottage no. 20 and rang the doorbell. A girl in green salwar kameez opened the door. "Yes, what can I do for you?" she said.

"My name is Sahebji and this is my friend Ramu. We are looking for Suman," I said.

"And Mira," Ramu added, "They are expecting us."

"Please come in and be seated," she said, "I'll call them."

Few minutes later Suman and Mira came.

"Oh hello, we are honored to have you with us," both Suman and Mira said greeting us.

"Hello Mira. Hello Suman," I responded, "Please girls no formality. It embarrasses me."

"Hi girls," Ramu said.

Cottage no. 20 consisted of a large sitting cum dining room flanked on either side by a set of two bedrooms with attached bathrooms. Kitchen and other utilities were situated at the back of the sitting cum dining room.

"Please sit down," Mira said.

"Tell me did ma'am scold you?" I asked when we were seated.

"Yes she did. After she had finished scolding us she asked who you both were," Suman giggled.

"We told them who you were," Mira said.

"Some of the girls were familiar with your work, some them had heard your name but not read any of your stories and imagine Rosie ma'am had not even heard of you," Nisha said.

"He can't be that good," Rosie had stated.

"Whenever I travel I carry all your works with me. I gave her a couple of your stories and told her to judge for herself. Others also wanted to read, so I distributed my collection amongst them," Suman said.

"What did they decide?" Ramu asked.

"Everyone is very keen to meet you," Mira giggled, "especially Rosie ma'am."

"If you don't mind then can we call them," Suman asked.

"Of course," I said, "It'll be our pleasure."

Suddenly four giggling girls led by Rosie ma'am descended on us. Suman introduced us. I did not see the girl in a green salwar kameez among them but did not say anything.

"Where are Lila and Faiza?" Mira asked.

"They're brewing tea and will join us in a minute or two," Rosie ma'am said.

Few minutes later Lila and Faiza came pushing two trolleys laden with tea and snacks. "Oh you shouldn't have gone to all this trouble," I said.

"No trouble at all. This is the best we could do at short notice," Rosie ma'am said.

"The pretty girl in green salwaar kameez is Faiza and other one is Lila," Suman said completing the introductions.

"Are you enjoying your college trip?" Ramu asked biting into a biscuit.

"Oh yes, we are having a rollicking time," Nisha replied.

"The hotel and its gardens are very beautiful and relaxing," I said.

"Yes they are," Saaima said, "We made a good choice."

"I am surprised that your college chose to send you to such an expensive hotel," Ramu said.

"To tell you the truth the hotel is not costing us a penny," Rosie said.

"What is the trick? Maybe we could use it too," Ramu chuckled.

"There is no trick. To promote drama among college students the Dramatic Group sponsors an All India drama competition for the first year students every year," Rosie ma'am explained, "One of the prizes this year was a seven day free stay in one of the Grand Bristol Hotels. If the winners agreed to give three performances in the hotel then food is also free. These girls won the competition this year."

"Congratulations. That's great," Ramu and I said simultaneously.

"Which play did you put up?" Ramu enquired.

"We staged five stories from Panchtantra," Saaima said, "One story from each book."

"Must have been very interesting," Ramu said, "When are you performing? We'd like to come and see it."

"Sorry, but as things look there won't be any show," Lila said.

"Why not? Have you decided to pay for your food," I asked.

"No but when we left, we handed over two trunks containing the masks and dresses to the forwarding agent of the Hotel. Unfortunately only one trunk containing the masks arrived and the other went missing. Till they locate it we can't perform," Faiza giggled.

"As the Hotel's forwarding agent messed up things we don't have to perform and still the food is free," Susan giggled.

"What a pity," I said, "We would have liked to see it."

"Maybe we could perform for you in this room," Nisha suggested.

"That would be great," I said enthusiastically.

"It is no fun without the dresses," Roma said.

"Why do you need the dresses? The animals don't wear clothes," Ramu chuckled.

"You mean..." Suman said.

"Are you suggesting that we perform in the raw," Susan said indignantly.

"Why not?" Ramu said grinning.

"Mr. Ramu, you are an evil man," Roma giggled.

Ramu laughed.

"He is right. We could perform only with masks," Faiza said.

"You are mad," Saaima protested.

"What is wrong? They have seen naked girls before," Suman said.

"Yes, there is no harm. It would be new experience for us," Mira chuckled.

"No, I won't do it," Saaima said adamantly.

"Maybe she is a virgin," Ramu said smiling.

"You won't find many virgins amongst this lot," Mira giggled.

"How dare you? I am a virgin," Saaima said giving Mira an angry look.

"So am I," Lila joined Saaima.

All the girls tried to persuade Saaima to agree. Ten minutes later, Saaima said, "Okay, I'll do it on two conditions. First there will be no touching and secondly Lila also agrees."

Now Lila refused. The girls went into a huddle again. At last Lila said she would do it.

"Sahebji and Ramu, we agree to perform for you provided you confirm to us that there would be no touching whatsoever on any pretext," Susan announced

"We agree, absolutely no touching," Ramu confirmed

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