Alice - A Paul Purple Story - Cover

Alice - A Paul Purple Story

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 6B

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 6B - Paul has a request for a girl, must be strong and able to look after a disabled child. but the girl he chooses has problems of her own, and how would he get her out of the country - add a personal demon for Paul to control and things will never be simple! - Now the added complication of Red! Can Paul deal with him and still get away?

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Fa/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Mind Control   Slavery   BiSexual   FemaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Enema  


The sound of a girl crying woke me up, I flexed my legs and, finding they could move, got out of the bed and padded over to the source. Tracy was curled into a ball and shaking.

"Tracy! Tracy, it's okay, you're safe, he can't hurt you again," I said to her. She sighed and seemed to calm down, straightening out in her sleep.

A nurse entered the room, "And what are you doing out of bed sir?" She asked in an authoritative voice.

"Just settling Tracy, she was reliving a nightmare," I said aware of the length and open back of my hospital gown, "since I'm awake is it possible I could have my clothing?" I asked.

"I'm sorry sir, but the plane you came in on had a problem and you nearly suffocated due to lack of oxygen, the doctor will..." She began, what I assumed was, a practised speech, but I stopped her.

"You're not still working on that routine still? Can you contact Doctor Elizabeth? Either Little Cat or Su will be able to identify me, or if you wish Commander Evans and Mavis will be able to do the same." The look on her face was a surprise, fear! What had I said to cause that? The nurse turned and ran from the room.

After a few minutes another, older, nurse entered. "And just why did you frighten my staff Mr. Purple?" She asked me.

"I'm sorry; I asked for my clothes, only to be met with the decompression excuse. I take it she wasn't informed about me?" I said.

She shook her head, "No, she was relieving staff on the monitors, most of the patients here are new arrivals, she obviously thought you were one of them, and when you mention Mavis... well lets just say that young lady has bad dealing with Sergeant Mavis Evans before." She said looking serious.

"I'm sorry, look can you get me a robe or something and I'll apologise to her." I said.

The nurse looked at me, "You're serious?" She said disbelievingly and left the room, only to reappear holding a sealed bag; she opened it and produced a new robe which she handed to me.

"Thank you now where is the scared girl, and what's her name?" I asked.

"She's in the rest-room, and her name's Susanna," I was told and we walked to the appropriate door, the sign on the door said 'Women'.

"Is there anyone else in there?" I asked.

"Just a couple of her friends, they saw her come out of your room and dash into here. They went to see what was wrong." I was told.

I knocked at the door, "It's Paul Purple. Can I come in?" I called through the door.

I heard a whispered conversation and then a strange voice said, "Err... okay." I entered to find Susanna crying sitting on a chair with her two friends either side of her, both looked daggers at me.

"What do you want?" Said one, and

"Haven't you done enough damage?" The second one said, she was the one who invited me in.

I ignored them both and went to Susanna; I placed my hand under her chin and raised her head to look at me.

"Hey Purple, can't you leave her alone? You've already messed her mind up!" The second girl said, her name tag said 'Mary Wilson'

I turned to look at her and concentrated, "Mary! Just sit there and be quiet!" I ordered her. She closed her mouth and sat on the floor. I turned my attention to Susanna, her eyes were wide open, scared. "Susanna? It's alright; I'm not going to hurt you." I said

"So why are you here?" The first girl said, her badge said 'Cynthia Harris'

"As Cynthia has asked, why am I here? I came to apologise to you Susanna. I didn't know I would scare you as I did. It's just that I had to check on the treatment for Tracy, as she had been raped in front of her parents who were later killed by Tracy's rapist. So I was rather preoccupied and didn't think." I said.

"T... that young girl! How... how awful!" Susanna said her face showing compassion, which was why she was working here, "I... I'm sorry sir, but when you mentioned Mavis, I... I just lost it. It was wrong of me!" She said.

I looked directly into her eyes and concentrated, "Susanna. Whatever happened in the past should be remembered and used, but it should never, ever, become a straight-jacket to stop you from working. Move on and accept it!" I said seeing her eyes glaze over as I began speaking and then clearing as her mind accepted my words.

"I... have... to... let... it... pass." She said and blinked, "I've been really stupid, haven't I?" She said with a faint smile on her face.

I shook my head, "No Susanna, sometimes we just have to get a nudge that pushes us on." I got up to leave, but then saw Mary just watching me, a mute plea in her eyes, "Sorry Mary, why don't you get back to normal!" I ordered her; she got to her feet with fear in her eyes.

"What did you do to me? I couldn't move, couldn't speak." She asked carefully.

"It's something I've found useful in my work; I'll try not to use it again." I said and left the room.

When I returned to the room I awoke in, my clothes were lying out on the bed, they had been cleaned and pressed, Tracy was now awake and blinking, obviously wondering where she was.

"I... I had a dream... I though that man was... was..." She began to cry again.

I went to her and held onto her, comforting her, "I'm sorry about what he did to you Tracy, but at the moment you need to talk this through with an expert. But just at the moment remember he'll never touch you again." I said feeling her relax as I spoke.

She settled back into the bed and I watched as she drifted back to sleep.

"Why didn't you do to her what you did to me?" Susanna asked from the doorway.

I turned to face her, "Different conditions, she's going to have experts to help her deal with this, you never did, and that's why you kept it bottled up." I said picking up my clothes and starting to dress.

"You didn't know my parents did you?" She asked me.

"Your parents? No. Why?" I asked slightly confused at the question.

"'No daughter of mine will ever need to see a shrink, now get back there and take your medicine!'" she said as if quoting something repeated to her.

"Who was that?" I asked gently.

"My dad! Mavis was assigned to teach me not to break the law again, she was a bit aggressive in those days, but when I tried to complain he wouldn't listen... Even after I ended up on one of the wards. He said I was just trying to get attention." She said.

"Parents can be assholes as well!" I said trying to sound apologetic.

"Ain't they just!" She agreed and smiled as if we'd shared a joke. "I've asked to be assigned to this room, I've read up on your three and only have a basic file on the fourth... Tracy I think she is."

"I've already told you the main point, forced sexual congress. Heard the gunshots that killed her parents, was held hostage by her rapist and is in a fragile state." I quickly said.

"From the file I understand that her aunt has been notified and will be brought here to take her back, she's under the impression that this is an FBI enclave and will have to be blindfolded in and out of here." Susanna said.

"Good. The powers that be have sorted that out then. What's the word on my two main partners?" I asked.

"Well they've had the electrolysis treatment, although at our request they agreed to a partial removal of the hair on the Mons of Venus." I looked at her and she blushed, "It allows creativity of design." She said I still didn't understand and she raised her uniform dress to reveal her legs and naked pussy, on top of which was, in very neatly trimmed pubic hair, an arrow that pointed down to her pussy.

I laughed at the sight, "Well, I suppose if they get tired of that they can always shave it off, I'll have to think of some designs for them to use.

Susanna moved to look at Alice, "This is the one who..." She checked to see if Alice was sleeping, "killed that man?" She said, "But she looks so..."

"Peaceful? Harmless? Well so is a mother cat, until you try to take away one of the kittens, after then... you'd better wear gloves, thick ones." I said, "But as far as she's concerned she knocked him down! I was the one who killed him. And that's how it's got to be." I told her.

"Yes sir. I see from these notes that she's been taken by the FBI for court approval of her status." Susanna said as if dropping a bomb-shell.

"I thought so! It would be better to have her assigned as a ward of court. That way she can be adopted by a new family." I said

"That's so kind of you! I mean she's lost her parents and there isn't any family for her... you must be a very thoughtful man indeed!" Susanna said.

I shook my head, "No, actually it's the only way that she could be sent aboard with her new owner! I am a slave trainer after all." I said seeing her eyes widen as I spoke so causally.

"But that's..." She started to say.

"My business, choosing girls and retraining them for what will be, for them, a better life! Susanna I'd ask you to trust me. I'm in a very dangerous business, out there I can be killed for being a pervert. But none of my girls have ever complained, and those that need my help will receive it." I looked at the other beds. "Just ask Billie-Jo when she wakes up. She'll tell you a story, most of it is true." I said as I finished dressing, "Now how do I get out of here?" I asked her.

She gave me directions and I discharged myself — that always sounds so dirty to me!

I sauntered out of the Hospital and found myself in early morning Ropeville, I took a deep breath of the air, cool and refreshing, but I had things to do, and I had to get them done fast.

I turned and entered the main park area of Ropeville, taking the route that brought me to one of the three hotels in the Town — The actual Ropeville Hotel being away from the town centre in its own lands — I signed the register and checked to see the other names, one I expected to find was there, I took a note of the room number for later. Everything was going to plan.

"Will anyone else be using your rooms Mr. Purple?" The clerk asked clicking on the computer keyboard.

"For the first few nights an Alice Watson, current location the hospital transfer rooms, after that Pauline and Billie-Jo Purple, recovering from treatment also currently at the hospital, same room.

The clerk entered the information and read the screen, "That's fine sir, err there is a reference to a female called Tracy Anderson. Isn't she joining you?"

"I have no such plans. I believe a relative will be collecting her soon." I said.

The clerk nodded, "I see, that's all I need Mr. Purple, we have your credit card on file and it's still active, so there's no problem!... There is a note here for you to contact Commander Evans at you earliest opportunity." He said as he handed me the card that was the key to the room.

"In the meantime you have to inform them that I'm up and about." I said knowingly, the clerk blushed and nodded sheepishly, "That's okay, if I was Evans I'd like to know where I was as well." I said accepting the key and going to the lift.

"Ropeville PD, Officer James speaking, how may I help you?" The female voice asked me over the phone.

"This is Paul Purple; can I speak to Commander Evans please?" I asked.

"Certainly Mr. Purple, I believe he's been waiting for you to call." She said and then there was a few seconds of musak as I was put on hold.

"Purple! May I ask what you're doing in town?" Evans asked without any preliminaries.

"Three reasons, the first is to deliver to a client, the second to collect my girls, the third to escort a rape victim for counselling and recovery by her relatives." I said.

Evans sighed, "I notice you're involved in a court action later, is this anyway connected with your delivery?" He asked.

I didn't bother to lie, "Yes, I've asked the FBI here to make Alice a ward of the court, this way she can legally be adopted and travel outside the USA." I told him, giving him Alice's name was deliberate — he would already have the information to hand.

"So how come she's trained to kill people?" He asked me.

"She isn't. All she had was training in self defence by Pauline, who was trained here incidentally. The client is high profile and was scared that kidnappers may target her remaining family and made a special request that whoever I choose would not be too scared to face them if necessary... It seems Pauline was over zealous in the training." I said.

"Over zealous? I would say never try to get that girl angry at you!" Evans said and I could hear the humour in his voice.

"Too late! I've already had a run-in with her, guess who came in second?" I said with a chuckle in my voice.

"You?... But I've seen your... hold on, who was she fighting? You or..." Evans asked.

"I was there, but not in control, I thought that was why she won, or it could be that she was really that good." I said.

"You believe she's able to fulfil your contract?" Evans asked me.

"Fulfil it! Commander she's exceeded it! The girls did a fine job with her, hell I'm almost tempted to let them go their own way now." I said with pride in my voice.

"But you won't... you enjoy being in control! I've read Elizabeth's latest psychiatric report, the one on your alto-ego, still keeping it under control?" It was a valid question.

"Yes, it seems that when I get angry 'he' gets out, at the moment I'm calm and under control, so no worries — at the moment, I've got the breathing exercises and pills when they don't work. Talking about control I'd better tell you that I've used my influence on two of the nurses. The first was Mary Wilson; I made her remain quiet while I was working on the second." I said.

"You know Purple there are times when I wished I had your knack." Evans said, "I've had to deal with Mary before, normally regarding complaints against my wife." He added.

"That might tie in with my second person, a Susanna Bryant, she freaked out when I mentioned Mavis's name, seems she was in an anticrime class, it had a serious effect on her." I said

"Susanna Bryant... Susanna Bryant... Ah yes, I've got her file... Juvenile record of shoplifting, handed to Mavis for correction and treatment, had to be sent to psychiatrist later and placed in the hospital to work as part of her treatment." Evans said, obviously reading from a file — I have to admit the main computers here are very quick at retrieving data, "There was a recommendation for her to have a monitoring personality inserted, sort of a external judge of right and wrong to take control if she broke the law again... refused by family." He added.

"Let me guess, the father was the one who put his foot down, 'no daughter of mine will take the easy way out!' or something similar." I said

I could almost see Evans nodding. "Can't say if that was said, but you're right. It was the father who made the refusal of the treatment and insisted that Mavis took control of his daughter."

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