Alice - A Paul Purple Story
Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost
Chapter 6A
Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 6A - Paul has a request for a girl, must be strong and able to look after a disabled child. but the girl he chooses has problems of her own, and how would he get her out of the country - add a personal demon for Paul to control and things will never be simple! - Now the added complication of Red! Can Paul deal with him and still get away?
Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft Fa/ft NonConsensual Reluctant Mind Control Slavery BiSexual FemaleDom Spanking Light Bond Humiliation Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Petting Enema
The town of Red Rock Junction was small; we reached it by road, going on the I-15 to Virgina, then onto another road to Downey, Zenda and then Red Rock Junction.
We arrived on the Thursday afternoon in my van. I had already instructed Alice to call me either Paul or Daddy, instead of Master Paul. We booked into the small hotel as father and daughter (Paul and Maddie Sullivan). The only room available was one with a double bed.
"... Can't understand it?... So many bookings, never seen so many newcomers around town. Is there some kind of convention in town?" The clerk asked.
I shook my head, "No idea, we're on a tour of the area, I used a pin in a map and here we are." I said, inwardly seething — why didn't they have a sign saying FBI operation in progress!
We went to the room and both looked at the bed, it wasn't really inviting, not even the lure of the magic fingers attachment held any attraction for us.
"Master Paul, I have a bad feeling about this." Alice said and I agreed with her, not even bothering to remind her about my name.
The telephone rang, it was agent Smith. "Mr. Purple? I saw you arrive; I'm in room 202 — just across the way. Can you come over for a meeting?" He asked.
"Yes, I think we need a discussion!" I said and then instructed Alice to lock the door and not to let anyone else in.
I went from the room and waited to hear the key turn in the lock, I knew she wouldn't open the door to strangers.
I knocked on room 202's door and Smith opened it, Jones was typing away on a lap top. Smith closed the door, "Well we're all set! We've got men all over the town!" A discrete cough from Jones made him amend his statement, "I mean Agents." He said.
I nodded, "So I was told. The Clerk asked me if there was a convention in town! If he's noticed so would others." I was happy to see Smith's face drop.
He turned to Jones, "Don't say a word!" Was all he said so I suppose he was in charge and had made the arrangements.
"So what are the plans?" I asked.
"Well you wear a wire and get him to talk, when we have enough then our Agents will move in and pick him up!" Smith said.
"Good! How many men does Red have with him? How is he armed? Does he have any anti-surveillance gear with him? Will a frisk find the wire?" I asked. Smith looked lost so I continued. "Why did Red chose this place? Remember he calls himself Red. Did he come from here? Is his family still here? You have checked him out completely?"
"N... not... I mean..." Smith began babbling.
"This was set up in a hurry; although a brief background check was carried out it was centred in the area where he lived." Jones said and looked daggers at Smith.
I went to the telephone and picked up the local directory, opening it to the letter F. "Well at a glance there are 4 Fornalski's living here, what's the betting that Red is amongst them?" I said throwing the book down. "Now what I suggest is that your people pick a table for Red to sit at and have directional microphones focused on that."
"And how the hell are we supposed to do that?" Smith asked sneeringly.
"I don't know, fill the other tables with your agents leaving just the one, I'm normally peckish at midday, I'm sure others are! I'll have a cellphone and you will ensure that Alice is kept safe. I suggest she remains here with Agent Jones. If I need to present her then I'll call. But I need to keep the upper hand." I said.
"It will mean changing our plans, I'm not sure if..." Agent Smith began but I was getting angry with him.
"Then you're no longer in charge of this operation! Agent Jones if you'll implement the changes and we'll sort the lot out." I said.
"You can't order me about! I'm with the FBI! I've a good mind..." Agent Smith began.
"Well then you should use it! You know my history as does the council! This affects one of mine and if you think I'm going to jeopardise her life because of your incompetence then you have another thought coming! Agent Jones will you please connect me with your superiors!" I said and was happy to see her take out her mobile phone and press a button, she then handed the phone to me.
"Yes?" The voice although distorted was female.
"This is Paul Purple; I have reservations about Agent Smith's suitability to control the situation." I said and quickly explained my reasoning.
"Pass me to Agent Smith." The voice said.
"Yes, Smith here... yes,... yes but... yes... yes... but... yes I understand, yes. Yes!" And Smith passed the phone to Agent Jones.
"Yes, no! No, yes. Very well if that's what you want, goodbye." She said and hung up she then picked up a radio.
"This is Special Agent Jones, we have an alternate plan we'll need to work out, call a meeting... No! I'm not buggering about; you'll be getting confirmation in a few minutes. Right! Now move!" She ordered and hung up with a satisfied look on her face. "Everything will be fine Mr. Purple, you can depend on us." She said, although I heard the word me, and I noticed the look that Smith gave her.
I returned to my room, knocking on the door and announcing who I was 'Daddy'. Alice didn't open the door, instead she asked. "Who stayed downstairs with a broken leg?"
I didn't have to think, "Billie-Jo, while Pauline taught self-defence." I said and was happy to hear the door being unlocked.
"Oh master, I'm sorry about that." Alice said after I had closed and locked the door behind me.
"There's nothing to be sorry about. I should have thought of a password." I hugged her, "You were very wise and quick to think of that."
Alice gave a laugh, "Well master there wasn't much on T.V. and I was just sitting amusing myself thinking about questions." She said smiling.
"That was very good of you still. Now we're going to have to rely on Room Service for dinner as I don't want you walking around town at the moment, so my daughter is going to have a stomach ache." I said.
"Oh Daddy, I don't feel well, shall I get into bed?" Alice asked me with a smile, I nodded my head and she quickly undressed. "You know it felt funny to wear clothes over all this time." She said as she slipped under the bedcovers, she pulled back the sheet revealing her nakedness beneath, "Do you want to join me Daddy?" She asked - she had become quite the little sex kitten ever since that evening with Billie-Jo and me.
"Be quiet you little minx! Now lie down and make moaning noises." I said giving her a swat on her pert breast.
"Oww, meanie!" She pouted and then covered herself and began to moan.
I picked up the telephone, "Hello... yes can I have room service?... Ah good, this is Mr. Sullivan in room 204, my daughter has a bad stomach ache, must have been something she ate on the way here... Oh no, no I'm not suggesting she ate anything here. I was just wondered if you could provide something to sooth her stomach... you have? that would be great." I hung up, Alice stopped moaning.
"I'll tell you what master, why don't you make me moan in another way?" Alice asked with a smile on her face.
But the smile changed to a worried look and she started to moan as there was a knock on the door, "Room service!" A young male voice sounded, I opened the door, keeping my foot behind it just in case.
"Oh daddy! I'm going to be sick!" Alice said and jumped out of the bed clutching the sheet around her in her dash to the toilet, but she wasn't good enough to keep it completely around her and the young guy was treated to a view of her naked backside as the toilet door closed behind her.
"Wow-wheee!" He said.
I put on a stern face. "That's my daughter you're talking about! Now can I have..." A bottle was pushed into my hands and the youth was still trying to look around the door as I closed it.
The toilet door creaked open and April looked out, "Did you tip that guy?" She asked with a smile.
I pulled her onto my lap as I sat down on the bed and started swatting her ass, "You... were... very... naughty... young... lady!" I said punctuating each word with my hand loading on her ass.
When I released Alice she was still smiling. "Thank you master, but I see you have a problem down there. May I help you with it?" She said, and before I could push her away, she went onto her knees and undid the fly on my pants, reaching inside and removing my erect cock from my clothing before engulfing it in her mouth.
"You know Alice. You're going to be better than Billie-Jo soon!" I joked.
But Alice drew her head back and answered seriously, "Oh no master. Sister Billie-Jo will always be better than me! Because she knows you too well." She said and then began pulling my pants down over my hips, I rose up to allow her to slip them over my hips, taking my shorts with them. She then pulled them down my legs and took them off altogether. I then felt her doing something with my legs, but I didn't know what at the time.
Pushing me back down, she looked me in the eye. "Master I know that you're not allowed to take my virginity, but I still have another place that you can use." She told me.
"But Alice you're not going to... to..." I said but then Alice managed to push me backwards and had attached my hands to the headboard with a pair of handcuffs from somewhere. She then produced a tube of jelly which she started to smear over my cock. "Where did you get that from?" I asked her.
"Billie-Jo and Pauline gave it to me; they also told me how to slip these restraints onto you, she said as she worked away, "Why those sneaky..." I said but stopped as Alice straddled my waist, raising herself to position my cock at her ass. "Alice, you're going to have to relax your sphincter muscle, try to push out as if you're taking a dump." I advised her — since I couldn't stop her I might as well help her.
Alice giggled at my words but concentrated, before dropping herself down, taking a deep breath as my cock lodged in her ass.
"Are you alright?" I asked her in a worried tone as I didn't want her to injure herself at this time — how would I explain things to a doctor? (Not to mention room service!)
"Yes, it was just so... I don't know... unexpected, that's all. I didn't think it would hurt so much." She said.
"Well if I had my hand free I could help you." I said reasonably. She thought about it and then bent forward and released my hands. I brought them up and held her hips to allow her to gain her breath.
"Pauline told me this was different, but not how it was different." Alice said.
"Unless you've experienced virginal intercourse you'll never know." I said which wasn't very helpful for Alice, "The rectum is control by a muscle that holds things in you have to force down, it isn't really designed for things going up inside you, but then it will return to its normal size. Once a vagina is breached then it will stretch out with use. But you can still have pleasure while doing this." I told her.
"You can? How?" Alice asked and then gasped as I moved my hands to her breasts, teasing and rubbing them, dragging my nails over her nipples. Without realising it Alice slipped a bit lower, impaling more of herself on my cock.
I then moved my attentions to her clit, rubbing it as a boy would after just discovering his cock for the first time; soon Alice was sitting firmly on my lap, with my entire length in her colon.
"That's it Alice, you've done it!" I exclaimed.
"Really? I feel so full!" She said, "Just like I did when Pauline gave me the enema." She added.
"When was that?" I asked her as the last enema was during the last week and she wasn't supposed to have had another one.
"About an hour before we left!" Alice said with a smile on her face. "She said it would help me more than the jelly!" And then she began lifting herself up about two inches before dropping back down again. "Oh that feels... strange." She said.
"How do you mean strange? Nasty or nice?" I asked keeping one hand on her clit, the other on her hip.
"Nice, very nice!" She said and began bouncing up and down on me. I tried to help by moving my hips in counterpoint to her, pulling back as she went up and pushing forward as she came down. I soon lost hold of her clit and had to make do with holding her hips as she rode me like a bucking bronco.
All too soon I was spurting again, giving her bowels their first taste of my sperm.
Alice started to smile again. "Oh master I can feel it!" She exclaimed and then went rigid; I had seen girls cum from anal sex and was happy to learn that Alice was one of these.
I felt myself go soft inside her and she lifted herself up to allow me to exit her body and then she fell across my body, I realised she was asleep.
"Hello... room service? This is Mr. Sullivan in room 204, can I order dinner for two... yes she is, whatever that stuff was it went straight to her stomach." — By way of her butt. I thought but didn't say.
I placed my order and turned to Alice. "Now my daughter, I think you'd better get dressed. I don't want a repeat of earlier." I told her seriously
Alice pouted, "That's not fair daddy, don't you think he deserves to see my front, after all he did see my ass!" She said.
"He might see your ass again... as I spank it again! Now get dressed!" I told her in mock anger.
She wrapped a skirt around her waist and then put on a blouse, but I could see her erect nipples through the fabric of the blouse, but I didn't say anything.
Some minutes later there came a knock on the door, "Room Service!" a man's voice announced, it was an older voice than earlier. I opened the door and the man guided a trolley into the room, his eyes seemed drawn to Alice as he entered.
"Evening Miss, I hope you're feeling better now?" He asked talking to Alice's breasts.
"Oh yes, daddy gave me the stuff and I've felt better ever since." Alice said smiling as she sat down by a small table that had been set up. I could hear the man take a deep breath and I realised what had happened.
"I think I can deal with the rest of this." I told the man giving him a tip and escorting him to the door, when I turned around I could see that Alice's skirt had opened up slightly and I was looking straight at her shaven pussy.
I shook my head at her and continued with serving the meal which was very nice and hot, a discrete knock at the door made us both look up.
"Yes, who is it?" I asked,
"Mr. Sullivan I just wondered how your daughter was?" Agent's Jones's voice came from outside.
Again I opened the door a crack to ensure that it was just Agent Jones and then opened the door to admit her.
"It's all set, we've checked on the owners of the suggested meeting area, they're part of Fornalski's family, but they've disowned him as they didn't like the way he's been going. They're allowing us to have a few cameras focused on the table, so we can see and hear everything." She said after a few minutes.
"You're certain they're okay with this, they're not just playing you along?" I asked her.
"100%, they've been in several family arguments where other members of the family have tried to take over the business, the last one involve the local police before it was resolved. I feel that we can trust them." She added.
"Master Paul, I know she's right." Alice said to me.
"Alright, we'll go ahead with it." I said, "I'll appear at 12 noon."
"And Alice will be in my room waiting to hear the results." Jones said. "I've got a file that we've managed to prepare about Red, if you're interested." She added.
I took it, "Thanks, I'll go through it later." I told her and escorted her to the door. Alice was undoing her skirt as I closed the door.
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