Alice - A Paul Purple Story
Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost
Chapter 5A
Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 5A - Paul has a request for a girl, must be strong and able to look after a disabled child. but the girl he chooses has problems of her own, and how would he get her out of the country - add a personal demon for Paul to control and things will never be simple! - Now the added complication of Red! Can Paul deal with him and still get away?
Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft Fa/ft NonConsensual Reluctant Mind Control Slavery BiSexual FemaleDom Spanking Light Bond Humiliation Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Petting Enema
My mind was in turmoil as Billie-Jo gave a small apologetic smile. "No... no, it's not true! Billie-Jo was the one they wanted, I was just in the wrong place. They had to take me!" I said to Sharon.
But she shook her head, "Oh Alice! Do you think that someone like Paul would make such a decision to take two girls when only one was needed?" Sharon asked me.
I had to think. Paul and Pauline were very good and they seemed to know what they were doing, so could they?... Would they? "Pauline... was I your target?" I asked her.
She took a deep breath, "Yes Sister you were the one we needed, but we had to make you think that we weren't really wanted, and not until you had accepted this! Once you did it then there was no reason why you had to be kept from the truth." She said to me.
I looked at Billie-Jo again, "What about Billie-Jo? What's her real name?" I asked.
"It's been Billie-Jo ever since Master Paul first took me, it was also a description of my main task, which is what my original master wanted me for, he'd call me BJ for blow-job... and then he lost me in a game of cards!" Billie-Jo said.
"He lost you? What happened?" I asked her.
"I was made to work in a kiddie brothel and they took films of men using me, they got me hooked on drugs so I wouldn't put up too much of a fuss." She said.
"But how did you get here?" I asked her.
"Master Paul somehow found out about me, he and some men rescued me and the other girls who were there as well (for this story this please see BILLIE-JO LOST FROM HER MASTER). I was taken back to my previous master's home with Pauline and she looked after me until I was able to travel back here. I've been with Master Paul ever since." She finished.
I found I was crying again, "But how... how could you stay... stay with him knowing what had happened to you?" I managed to ask her.
Billie-Jo reached out to me and pulled me close to her, "Because I know my master was looking after me, I was wanted! I'd happily help Master Paul with training in any way I can. Even when that does mean helping in the kidnapping of more girls and then training them." She told me.
"But you haven't trained me!" I protested shaking my head.
"But she has you know! And tonight you're going to prove it to me." Doctor Sharon said. "But in the meantime I need you to help me get Billie-Jo upstairs. I have to take that cast off her leg and she's going to be weak while walking!" She said.
Billie-Jo held onto me and pulled my face close to hers she whispered "Welcome Sister." And kissed my cheeks and face.
I kissed her back. "Sister!" I said to her and then went behind her to wheel her to the door then I asked her, "Why am I pushing you? Your leg wasn't really broken was it?" I asked her.
"No it wasn't but lately I've found I can't put any weight on it! When you were asleep I tried... but I kept going in circles!" She said laughing.
"I'm afraid Billie-Jo's leg will require exercise for some time, even though she had nothing wrong with her! It's because she's had the cast on that the muscles have suffered. Now if you can help her up the stairs..." Doctor Sharon asked me. I went to help Billie-Jo but then found it was easier to carry the younger girl up the stairs, she was so light.
I took her into the kitchen where Doctor Sharon had ready a saw, hammer and chisel to help open the plaster cast.
"Is it going to hurt?" Billie-Jo asked sounding slightly scared.
"It shouldn't, but if I can't get the cast off then I'll have to take your leg!" Doctor Sharon said smiling. But I wasn't sure if she was kidding. "Alice if you can keep Billie-Jo still I'll start on this cast." Doctor Sharon said before picking up the saw and moving it along Billie-Jo's cast.
I saw Billie-Jo was watching the blade as it started eating into the plaster, so I got between her eyes and her leg. I then decided that I was going to have some pleasure. I straddled her body and then moved myself backwards (I wasn't going to miss the cutting of the cast) until I could feel her breath on my pussy. I heard her giggle and then I felt her tongue as she stuck it out to lick me. I gave a gasp, I couldn't help it. Doctor Sharon looked up from where she was working.
"Alice? What are you doing?" She asked me.
"I'm just keeping the patient's mind off her leg Doctor." I said in an innocent voice.
She watched for a few more seconds before smiling. "Okay, keep it up!" She said and carried on sawing away.
I raised my hips slightly causing Billie-Jo to follow me as she tried to keep in contact with my pussy.
In the meantime Doctor Sharon had finished sawing away and was pulling the cast apart, causing a loud 'CRACK!' to sound in the kitchen, a sound which I didn't really hear, and Billie-Jo couldn't hear anything as my legs were covering her ears.
Doctor Sharon lifted Billie-Jo's leg and examined it. "Hmm! That's what I was worried about!" She said and started to massage the leg.
"What's... wrong?" I panted out — Billie-Jo did know how to use her tongue.
"I'll tell everyone once I've finished." Doctor Sharon said. "In the meantime why don't you return the favour?" She said to me and I found myself lowering my face to Billie-Jo's pussy, this time her stubble was more noticeable.
"You know Billie-Jo you need to shave." I muttered.
"Let me check." This time it was Mistress Sharon talking, not Doctor Sharon.
"Yes Mistress." I said and pulled back; causing Billie-Jo to moan in disappointment, but her moans changed its pitch as Sharon rubbed over Billie-Jo's mons.
"Yes it is a bit scratchy, I've got an electrolysis machine at home, and maybe she'll be allowed to have a treatment later, when Paul gets home, I'll leave a note about it, or perhaps I'll phone him." Mistress/Doctor Sharon said before turning to me, "Now carry on!" She ordered.
I smiled, "Yes Mistress Sharon." And returned to my arduous task — reading those books must be doing something to my mind. I was in the middle of Eveline and there was something about the fancy language affecting me, and Billie-Jo enjoyed listening to me anyway.
Soon Billie-Jo was writhing beneath me as her climax came. I raised my head so that she didn't hit my lips — which she has done before. I lowered my body to her face again but then Mistress Sharon spoke. "That's enough for now Alice!"
I bit my own lip in frustration but got up from Billie-Jo. "Yes Mistress Sharon." I said and she smiled at me.
"I'm sorry Alice, but I do have other plans for you tonight." She told me before handing me a towel with which to wipe my face and Billie-Jo's body.
Billie-Jo smiled at me, "I'm sorry Alice. I should have been quicker." She said sadly.
I was going to answer but Mistress Sharon spoke first. "Slave Billie-Jo I was watching Slave Alice closely, she was about to cum but obeyed my command immediately. As I have said I will make it up to her... later, but now please get up and walk downstairs I want to talk to Pauline and yourself alone. Slave Alice please tidy up this room and then prepare us something to eat!" She told me.
I had to speak, "Mistress Sharon, I don't think I should be left alone, I might try to escape!" I said — although to where and why I didn't know.
"You'd better not or you won't have your reward!" Sharon said smiling, I smiled back — how she had changed from Mistress to just Sharon I didn't know, but it was so.
"I promise I won't" I said and reached out to help Billie-Jo who swung her legs off the table and lowered herself to the floor, before sinking down as her leg couldn't hold her. I quickly pulled her up and supported her. "What's wrong with her?" I said starting to panic.
But Sharon patted me on the arm, "It's alright Alice, she's going to learn how to walk again after her muscles get back into shape, now I'll help her and you carry on as I asked you." And she placed her shoulder under Billie-Jo's arm and walked her out of the kitchen door.
I picked up the remains of Billie-Jo's cast and placed it to one side, and then I had to clean off the table. There were flakes of plaster of Paris which I removed with a damp cloth and then I decided that it needed disinfecting and so I found out a bottle of the stuff under the sink and put it into a small bowl I carefully wiped the table clean.
I looked around the floor and noticed that it was messy; I looked around the cupboards and found a vacuum cleaner, this I used to push the dirt around and away until I thought it was good enough and then I checked again to ensure it was good enough for Mistress Sharon.
After putting the cleaner away I washed my hands and turned my attentions to food. I hadn't been lying to Pauline when I said I could do better than beef-burgers! When I was at home — my home not the one that we had to move into — I used to help Mom with the cooking, I looked in the freezer and found it was fully stocked, I sorted out some vegetables and rice, then found some beef which I could cut into strips. Looking in the cupboards I found some stir-fry sauces. I began to cook the meal, finding a wok in a cupboard was also helpful.
I was engrossed in my work, ensuring that I didn't make too much of a mess, that I missed the noise of somebody entering the kitchen, I heard an intake of breath and looked up.
I couldn't believe my eyes. "Master Paul, You're back!" I exclaimed and then I remembered I was holding a knife, I put it down and then went onto my knees.
"Alice? What are you doing here?" Master Paul asked and I could hear the puzzlement in his voice.
"I was told to prepare dinner Master. May I continue or the wok will start to burn?" I answered him.
"Carry on Alice, where is Pauline and Billie-Jo?" He asked me, I was surprised to hear a slight tightening of his voice when he mention Pauline's name.
"They are downstairs with Mistress Sharon; she's just taken Billie-Jo's cast off her leg. But she's having problems walking at the moment." I said.
"Oh great, just what I needed." Master Paul closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, when he opened them again he was his relaxed self again. "Thank you Alice is there enough for me in that?" he asked.
"I can make more Master." I said and got back onto my feet. Master Paul nodded and left the kitchen.
I went down to the basement where I heard voices; I recognised Sharon's, Pauline's and Billie-Jo's — But no-one else's I was relieved to hear.
I walked through the door and was immediately seen by Pauline. She blushed and then went to the 'toy' cupboard. She emerged carrying a tawse and a whip; she walked up to me and went down on one knee holding the items up to me.
"I'm sorry for attacking you Master; I don't know why I did it." She said her head down.
I took the two implements and held them for a moment before throwing them down onto the ground. I took Pauline's hand and pulled her up to her feet. I hugged her closely - noticing that I was forcing myself not to crush her — "I understand. Elizabeth explained it! It seems that your watchdog program is still running." I tried to tell her but she didn't seem to understand.
I then walked over to where Sharon was watching me closely. "I think I need to apologise to you." I said to her.
"Yes you do!" She said abruptly which started to get my back up. So I closed my eyes slightly and took a deep breath, when I opened my eyes again I saw Sharon was watching me closely. "I'm sorry Paul, Elizabeth has already told me of your problem and she's asked me to monitor you." I nodded at her words; I knew that someone would be watching me.
Billie-Jo looked up from the bed where she was sitting. "What's wrong with Master Paul?" She asked.
I knelt by the bed and took her hand, "I have to apologise to you especially Billie-Jo. I went too far with you. For some reason I lost control. Pauline saw this and managed to get me medical help. I'm still affected by... whatever it is, but I've got control over it." I told her gently and kissed her.
"Are you better?" Sharon asked me I considered my answer carefully.
"No, I'm not better, there are times when I feel that someone, or something, else is trying to take me over, but following Elizabeth's routine it seems to fade. So at the moment I've got it under control." I said.
"I've heard the same from drug addicts Paul. If you ever..." She broke off as I nodded.
"I know Sharon; I'll call out for help." I turned my attention back to my girls, "Now where have you got with Alice? And why is she upstairs unattended?" I asked them and they filled me in about her current training position.
"... and you're certain that she has accepted her life?" I asked them.
"Paul she was being pleasured by Billie-Jo when I ordered her to get up she did so immediately, a non-slave wouldn't have! I judge that she is fully in touch with her new life." Sharon told me.
I nodded, "Okay, so why is she upstairs, unsupervised and welding a knife?" I asked.
Pauline started to speak but was stopped by Sharon. "I ordered her to prepare a meal for us. She'll need to use a knife to cut the food up!" She said.
"And Master I've got the guard-dog program running, no doors can be opened from the inside and only keys can open the outside doors, but they are automatically locked afterwards... what I don't understand is why you didn't set the system off?" Pauline said.
"Well the helicopter probably has an IFF running, so it wouldn't trigger the software." I said, but Pauline still looked doubtful.
At that moment a voice sounded in the basement. "Master Paul? Mistresses, the dinner is ready... am I using this right?" Alice had found the communicator. I went to the speaker and pressed a button.
"Thank you Slave Alice, we'll be up in a moment." I said and turned back to the group. "Ladies shall we adjourn for dinner?" I asked them.
They all smiled and then Billie-Jo got up, or rather tried to get up, as her leg failed her. "You're going to need exercise for that." I told her and then picked her up and carried her up the stairs.
The smell from the kitchen was enticing; whatever Alice had cooked must be very good, she had the table set for four people, there was a lower table to one side with a cushion on the floor, a plate and a plastic fork and spoon were set out on it.
"Why the separate table Alice?" I asked her.
"Master Paul it's not right for a slave to eat at the same table as her master." She said looking down at the ground.
"Slave Pauline, do I make you eat elsewhere?" I asked.
"No Master Paul, you are generous to allow us to eat with you." She said smiling.
I moved Alice's plate to the table and changed her cutlery to metal knife, fork and spoon. While Pauline quickly ran off and returned with a chair. A protesting Alice was seated and we began to eat a delicious and filling beef stir fry with vegetables.
After a few mouthfuls Pauline spoke. "Slave Alice, do you think this is better than my beef-burgers?" She asked.
Alice, suspecting a trap, lowered her head, "I'm sorry Mistress Pauline. I did my best honest." She said and started to cry.
Pauline immediately got from her seat and went to hold Alice. "I'm sorry sister, I was only kidding. It's a wonderful meal, honestly. Could you teach me how to cook it?" She asked.
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