Alice - A Paul Purple Story - Cover

Alice - A Paul Purple Story

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Chapter 4: Paul

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 4: Paul - Paul has a request for a girl, must be strong and able to look after a disabled child. but the girl he chooses has problems of her own, and how would he get her out of the country - add a personal demon for Paul to control and things will never be simple! - Now the added complication of Red! Can Paul deal with him and still get away?

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Fa/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Mind Control   Slavery   BiSexual   FemaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Enema  


Jones returned to us in the study, she looked shaken by what she had heard.

"How could he do that to her? He's systematically given that poor girl a fear of her own sexuality!" She said disgustedly.

"He's only done a variation of my normal work, it's just that where I try to increase their liking for sex, he's doing just the reverse, trying to keep Alice a virgin until he's decided it's time to take her. Her mother was going to choose the perfect man for Alice don't forget and she's a good girl, she's going to obey her mother." I said.

"So how can we help her?" Agent Smith asked sounding concerned.

"We leave her here!" The surprising answer came from Agent Jones.

"WHAT! But how can we do that? She's going to need therapy to help her." Smith said amazed.

"I believe the treatment she needs is right here." Jones looked at me as if challenging me.

"I don't see why not, Pauline understands what is needed, and I can't see any need to change our script, except for one thing..." I changed the view on my monitor to that of Billie-Jo where she was lying on her bed. A press of a key and she looked up and smiled at the camera before quickly getting up and leaving the room.

"What are you going to do?" Jones asked.

"Alice needs something to do; we're going to give her a new dolly." Billie-Jo entered the room; she was surprised to see us all still there.

"Yes Master?" She asked.

"Billie-Jo there has been a development with Alice." I began and paused.

"Master they're not going to take Alice are they?" Billie-Jo asked looking at Smith and Jones.

"No Billie-Jo we're keeping Alice, but you're going to have to break a leg now!" I said smiling at her and hearing the gasps from Jones.

Both agents just stared in shock as Billie-Jo looked down at her legs, "Which one master?" She asked me seriously.

"I'll leave that up to you, I've warned Doctor Sharon, she's waiting for you in the kitchen." I told her.

Billie-Jo curtsied and left the room, Jones turned on me. "How could you!" she said accusingly

"How could I what?" I asked her innocently.

"How could you order that poor girl to break her own leg?" Jones said sounding very angry, "I've a good mind to take them all away from you!" She added.

I smiled coldly, "You really don't know me do you? I would never deliberately harm my girls like that! I don't work that way!" I told her, "Come with me!" and I led the two agents to the kitchen where Sharon was pulling a stockinet over Billie-Jo's leg, beside them was some Plaster-of-Paris waiting to be applied.

Agent Jones carefully touched Billie-Jo's leg, seeing no reaction from her she pressed harder. "There's nothing wrong with her leg!" She exclaimed.

Billie-Jo gave a grin, "Of course not! But Alice doesn't know that." She said.

"Then why?" Agent Jones asked me.

"To get Alice used to looking after Billie-Jo, she's going to be responsible for her, soon she'll do anything to stop this evil man from using Billie-Jo until she's better." I said smiling.

Jones looked at me as if measuring me, "You're very sneaky, you know that don't you!" She finally said.

I bowed, "Thank you fair maiden, I try my best." I said smiling.

She shook her head, "I think we'd better go now before Agent Smith begins to get corrupted by you." She pressed the earpiece and started to talk to somebody. "Mavis will be here in 10 minutes, she parked nearby." Jones reported.

"That will give me time to copy a few files for you to take back with you." I said, at Jones's bewildered look I added, "Well you did need a copy of Alice's testament don't you? The basement is fully wired."

"You've listened to it?" Jones asked and her stance altered slightly.

I looked at Smith who spoke up. "The sound on the monitor was turned down. I was speaking with Purple all the time you were downstairs." Jones tilted her head and her eyes were slightly glazed, then she relaxed.

"I have to ask you to erase the file from the time I arrived in the basement." Jones said.

I nodded, "Of course, you can watch as I do that." I took the agents to the main server, where all the surveillance files were held. I followed the time tracks for the basement.

Keeping the sound quiet I watched as Jones and Sharon came into the basement, I marked that time and went forward to three hours later, waiting until they turned to leave the basement with Pauline holding Alice in her arms.

I then gave an instruction to the computer and a recordable DVD dropped into a slot. The server started to fast copy the marked file onto the DVD, as soon as it finished I then entered the command to remove the file from the main disk, filling the area with binary digits to completely cover the space, remembering to remove it from the mirror disk as well.

Jones watched me carefully and then, after asking my permission, she also checked for the file before she was satisfied, then she looked at me again, studying me. "Why didn't you protest when I asked you to delete that file?" She asked me.

"Because I made a promise! I promised to try and help Ropeville and the people of Ropeville whenever and however I could. You are obviously like Pauline, from the orphanage — Elizabeth has told me of the various 'aspects' that have been added, your wish to protect them I do respect and that is why I agreed." I told her.

"I almost believe you." Jones said as she pocketed the DVD.

"Do you think I care? I'm just keeping my girls safe that's all!" I said smiling, just then the sounds of the helicopter came from outside, I checked that the detection software was working as the alarm hadn't sounded, Smith noted my worried look.

"We've got an IFF system that tells your equipment that we're friendly, the last time we turned it off as we needed your attention." He said.

"Well you certainly got that." I said.

"We'd better go, if we need your help we'll be in touch." Jones said and the pair went towards the front door, letting themselves out. I followed them as they walked up the hill to where the helicopter was waiting.

I watched as the blades began turning faster and faster before lifting up and turning away, flying in an Easterly direction. I remained watching until they were out of sight, I then returned to the house.

I walked downstairs to the basement where Pauline was still holding on to Alice, she looked up as I entered the room.

"Master what's up?" Pauline asked me, picking up on my cue.

"I'm afraid that Billie-Jo tried to run away with those FBI agents." I said sounding annoyed.

"Oh no master... what have you done to her?" Pauline asked her tone registering in Alice's ears

"What? What did Billie-Jo do?" Alice asked pulling herself out of the misery she had been feeling.

"She tried to run away! Please master you won't be too harsh with her." Pauline pleaded with me, putting a tone of fear into her voice.

"She's already in pain! Because as she ran her foot twisted and she fell on some rocks." I paused before I added, "She broke her shin. Sharon's set it and is putting it in plaster while we speak, but it does give me a problem. I'm supposed to have her ready but it doesn't look as if she will be... So what do I do?" I said

"Y... you're not going to get rid of her, are you?" Pauline asked me, keeping to the script.

"Well if she can't take the training, and I'm not keeping dead wood. I'm sure Steve will find a spot for her, he's partial to lame ducks." I said.

"Steve? But he's a pain fanatic! He'll be sticking pins and nails into her! She wouldn't last a month!" Pauline sounded shocked.

I shook my head, "What else can I do? She's not going to be any use to me! We needed a supple girl, able to bend backwards and do acrobatic tricks. How can she when she's carrying that plaster weight?"

"I... I could help her." Alice said quietly

"She's going to need constant attention, not to mention toilet breaks; I'm not going to cart her about during the day or night!" I was laying this on a bit thick.

"I can look after her!" Alice's voice was louder making us both look at her.

"What? You? You're barely able to hold yourself together? How do you think you'll be able to help Billie-Jo?" I asked her in a sarcastic tone.

"I don't know... but you can't send her off to that man!" Alice said her face reddening.

"Can't? Can't! Did you forget that I'm a bad man? You and Billie-Jo are just property, my property! I took you both and made you that!" I said knowing my words were stinging her.

"So what, would you want to just give up on her? I thought you liked her?" Alice said standing up to argue against me.

"Why should I waste anymore time with her?" I asked Alice.

"You're just like Red!" Alice said, her hands bunching into fists at her sides, "well he hasn't beaten me and neither will you! I'll look after Billie-Jo and take your stupid lessons." I almost smiled. Alice was following our script without knowing.

I snarled angrily "Alright! I'll hold you to that. But if you fail then you'll never see Billie-Jo again!" I said and turned to Pauline. "Start her on self defence and then get out those blasted English History books. If she's going to learn anything it might as well be about there instead of here!" I said smiling at her.

"Please sir, what about Billie-Jo?" Alice asked touching my arm.

I schooled my face and turned to her. "Once the plaster has dried I'll bring her down here." I said and left the basement.

I returned to my study and watched as Alice helped Pauline drag some mats into the centre of the basement.

The first few lessons in self-defence is normally about learning how to fall without hurting yourself, and Pauline was following the book. I was happy to see Alice was listening to Pauline and doing as she was told.

I wandered into the kitchen. Billie-Jo was lying on the table with her leg suspended slightly. Sharon was currently sitting on Billie-Jo's face and from the look on her face Billie-Jo was busy licking away at Sharon's pussy.

"You know Paul, Billie-Jo is very good at this." Sharon panted as she moved her hips to allow Billie-Jo to breathe. "I might ask all my patients to pay me like this!" She added smiling.

I nodded, "Well most of that is due to Pauline, I think she's teaching Billie-Jo to speak foreign languages." I said keeping my face straight.

Sharon stopped moving for a moment puzzled, "But... how would that help?" She asked me — setting me up for the punch-line.

"She's learning to be a cunning linguist." I said still with a straight face — I can't claim it as my own as I took it from a James Bond film.

Sharon groaned and then lifted herself off of Billie-Jo, "You know you could always join Safina and William and stay with me, rather than have to suffer those jokes." She said to Billie-Jo.

"But mistress, I like his jokes." Billie-Jo said and smiled at me.

Sharon shook her head, "I give up! Paul you've corrupted her." She said and smiled. "How did Alice take the news?" She enquired.

"She did exactly what we hoped she'd do" I said.

"She agreed to look after me?" Billie-Jo asked surprised.

"Of course she did, I mean the only other option was Steve, and you know how he likes to mark his girls up!" I said smiling.

"So it worked?" Billie-Jo asked still not believing it.

"Of course it did, you made her love you and now you're vulnerable, what else could she have done?" I said smiling at her confusion.

Billie-Jo's mouth was open in an 'O' of surprise, "But when? How?" She spluttered.

"I think that when you showed her compassion at the mall, she was so low that any act of kindness would have helped her." I explained, "Now come on, the ogre is going to drag you downstairs." I reached for her.

Billie-Jo didn't move, "Master you've forgotten something?" I looked at her raising my eyebrows and she turned around to show me her ass. "I need to be punished for running away! Just breaking my leg wouldn't be enough." She said.

I looked at Sharon who nodded sadly. "She is right you know." She said needlessly.

"I could have just left her to suffer with the pain." I said slightly defensively, but I felt a twinge as I thought they were questioning my work.

"No master, you couldn't. If a slave runs away she has to be punished." Billie-Jo said and reached under the table to produce a cane, she looked at Sharon, "Mistress Sharon, if you can hold me as I don't think I'll be able to stay still." She said.

"Sharon I don't think I..." I began to say.

"Paul, she's right and you know it. Do it quick and don't worry about the spread." Sharon said she reached around me and tied Billie-Jo's free leg to the table and then placed some towels under Billie-Jo's stomach. She slipped a gag into Billie-Jo's mouth —for her to bite on- and then held her arms outstretched.

"12 strikes Billie-Jo!" I said and watched as she nodded her head. Well she had asked for it!

I stood to one side of the girl and drew my arm back. {SWISH-Crack!} The first blow landed and instantly raised a line across Billie-Jo's ass. She made a noise as if counting and trying to say 'thank you master'

"Billie-Jo, there's no need to count or to thank me, this is not a punishment" — at least it wasn't to her, but I felt differently — "So just relax and I'll get it over quickly." I was lying there; to get the effect we needed each mark had to have time to raise itself up.

{SWISH-Crack!}... {SWISH-Crack!} I paused again, somehow my vision was getting blurred. Sharon was looking at me slightly concerned. I wiped my eyes and repositioned myself.

{SWISH-Crack!}... {SWISH-Crack!}... {SWISH-Crack!}. I didn't know what I was doing! I paused again, Billie-Jo was now sporting tramlines on her ass and I could see spots of blood where the cane had bit too sharply. I threw the cane down and moved Sharon's hands away. "I'm sorry Billie-Jo! That was too much." I was sweating now! What was happening to me?

Sharon shook her head, "Paul you are becoming emotional, are you sure you're okay." She asked me concerned.

I wanted to say 'NO! I'm not!' but I found myself saying, "Yes Sharon I'm fine, it's just that I'm finding Billie-Jo and Pauline are more like my daughters than my slaves. I'll recover from that." I said smiling at her. "I'll just have to have a little rest after this commission." I added. I picked up the sobbing Billie-Jo and placed her over my shoulder, preparing to take her to the basement, again I wanted to throw her down the stairs... This isn't right!

I almost missed Sharon's comment as I left the room, "I hope that's all it needs." She said faintly.

I carried Billie-Jo into the basement and placed her onto the bed. Alice had just fallen onto the mat, hitting it with her hand to absorb her momentum, and looked up to see me put her friend face down onto the bed.

She came over and gasped when she saw the six lines on Billie-Jo's ass, "Why... why did you do that?" She asked me.

"She has to learn that slaves do not run away from their masters. It doesn't matter that she's broken her leg, she still deserves punishment. But she's lucky..." I said anger in my voice, how could Pauline question me like that!

"How can she be lucky? Just look at her!" Alice said.

"Yes... it does look as if it stings, but that's only half the punishment she deserves." I said, "If you want I can complete it..." I added, a bit viciously I though and wondered where that had come from?

"Not to Billie-Jo!" Alice said. I was about turn on her and show her that that she could take Billie-Jo's place when Pauline called out and attracted our attention.

"Alice, since this lesson is complete will you help me move the mats." Alice gave another look at Billie-Jo who nodded before she would help Pauline. I went to turn away when Billie-Jo quietly called me to her.

"Master? That wasn't supposed to happen! What went wrong?" She asked.

I shook my head, "I don't know Billie-Jo, I'm sorry." I finally said, although I was angry that she was questioning me!

She looked at me closely, "Master, talk to Pauline, let her try to find out what's wrong." She said earnestly.

I patted her shoulder, making sure that Alice hadn't seen any of this, "I'll see." I said to her and then went to where Pauline was facing Alice — Who was now seated at a desk, looking puzzled at the book before her 'The Kings and Queens of England'

"What's this rubbish?" Alice asked, I angrily looked at Pauline and nodded. Three slaps could be heard as Pauline's hand struck Alice's face.

"Slave Alice when school is in session you will be polite to your teachers, or you will face punishment. Unlike normal schools we believe in corporal punishment; also you'll have a black mark against your name. Five black marks will result in the removal of a privilege... We'll discuss this later. You will be rewarded with gold stars for good work, these gold stars will help to earn a privilege... again we will talk about this later. If you wish to ask a question, raise your hand and remain silent until you're noticed. When you address us it will be as Master Paul or Mistress Pauline, no other name will be allowed. You will be addressed as Slave Alice, do you understand?" I addressed the shocked girl who was holding her face.

"I... yes I understand." Alice finally said. But this wasn't what I wanted to hear.

Pauline approached her again and gave her three more slaps, as Alice looked at her she explained, "You didn't address Master Paul correctly! Now please repeat your answer as you should have done!"

Alice looked from Pauline to me and then nodded. She took a deep breath and then spoke, "Yes Master Paul, I understand." Then she looked at Pauline, "Thank you Mistress Pauline for showing me where I went wrong."

I nodded to Pauline, Alice's answer was better than we expected. "That was very good Alice, although you have received two demerits, you've also will have a gold star!" And then Pauline produced a board with Alice's name on it. She then put two marks under demerits and then added a star.

I turned back to Alice, "Now Slave Alice, what was your question?" I said briskly, raising my eyebrow.

"Please Master Paul, I know I said I'd do anything... but why do I need to learn about these people? They're nothing to do with history?" Alice asked.

I shook my head. "Really Slave Alice? Why not? If it wasn't for these people in England we wouldn't be here now." I said, "Everything is connected, a law was passed in England and people in America revolted. Ever heard of the phrase 'The Redcoats are coming?' Where did this come from and at whose orders? If independence hadn't happened we'd still be a colony of the British Empire, and so they would be our history!"

I watched Alice closely as she digested this and looked back at the book in interest, she managed to thank me and I let Pauline carry on with the rest of the lesson.


I don't know how he could have done that! I mean she had a broken leg! And he still cut her bottom up — why bottom? I'm sure the word I need is ass! — And there was Pauline acting as if it was normal!

I was going to shout and scream at him but Pauline called me over to her, "Don't he's in a strange mood! Just help me." She said and started lifting the mats up and dragging them to the side of the room. I joined her, getting rid of my anger on the mats. "Alice, be very careful with him, he's not acting normally, please behave yourself or it might get worse!" She quietly said to me.

The next thing was getting a desk out for me to sit at. Pauline placed a notebook and a text book on the desk before me. I looked at the title, 'Kings and Queens of England.' England! What use was that?

I looked at Paul and, forgetting Pauline's warning, asked "What's this rubbish?" — At least that's what I think I asked. Paul seemed to ignore me and glanced at Pauline who, before I realised what was happening, hit me on my face!

I quickly grabbed my face with my hands, how could Pauline do that to me? I looked at her in shock but she gave a slight nod towards Paul who began to lecture me about how I was to behave and how to speak. Then he asked be to repeat my question again — this time I tried to be polite while asking it, only to be struck again by Pauline. I then realised what I had done wrong. I apologised to Paul and thanked Pauline for making me see where I had made an error.

Some how I'd made an impression and I'd swear that Paul nearly smiled before he gave another talk about how history is created by the orders and ideas of people. He then left me to Pauline to conduct the lesson.

After Paul left the room Pauline hugged me, "That was well done Alice." She said, "Master Paul could have given Billie-Jo 12 strikes with the cane, but I'm worried as he shouldn't have hit her so hard, I'll let you have some ointment for her later, but for now you have an assignment." She said, I looked at her, I didn't remember being given an assignment.

She must have noticed my confusion as she pointed to the book before me. "You heard what Master Paul said about these kings and queens having an influence on our country, now show him that you understood what he was asking."

I looked at her, "But... where should I start?" I asked her.

"Find out who was on the Throne in England at the time of the Revolution that might give you some more ideas, then there are the encyclopaedias we have, also the online reference library." She pointed to the computer.

"I'm allowed to use the computer?" I asked her amazed.

"Under supervision... we don't want you sending out emails or IM's to people." Pauline said with a smile.

For some reason I wanted to please Paul and so I started turning the pages of those dead people, moving forward in time until I found King George III, he was around in the 1770's and so I read about him.

I found that he was an ill man, constantly under the supervision of doctors and their medicines which helped him to become completely gaga. He tried to govern England and it's colonies but he didn't know what he was doing! The American's had just thrown the French out during the seven year war, and England moved in saying they were protecting their people — the Americans! — But they brought in so many taxes to stop the colonies from prospering. I was really getting into this research business, going from the book to the encyclopaedias and then to on-line research, I didn't notice when Pauline vanished from the room.

I began to write out into the notebook, mentioning the stamp tax, the tea tax — which led to the Boston Tea Party. And from there to the Boston Massacre where 5 people were killed by British troops (and found out that John Adams defended them in court — the same John Adams who later became president!!) The closing of the Boston Port in order to force the people to repay for the tea. The introduction of the 'Intolerable' Acts which lead to the breakdown of colonial rule.

I'm not going to repeat the work here. But it was during this time that I noticed that Pauline was not present in the room... I had a chance to send out a message... but where to? There was nobody I wanted to call! A cry from the bed made me look towards Billie-Jo who seemed to be in pain.

"What's wrong Billie-Jo?" I asked her

She looked embarrassed, "I'm sorry Alice, but I can't hold it in any longer!" She said.

I realised what she meant and quickly ran to the bathroom area and picked up a bedpan, briefly wondering why they were down here — then thinking that I'd better not ask as I might find out — before rushing back to Billie-Jo.

She was still lying face down on the bed; I looked at Billie-Jo's back. "I'm sorry Billie-Jo, but I've got to turn you over so that you're able to sit on the bedpan." I said and went to help her turn. While doing this I got my arm trapped under her back.

"What are you doing?" Billie-Jo asked as I pulled my arm slightly.

"Nothing, it's just that I'm trapped." I said and tried again to move my hand.

"Oh yes scratch my back please." Billie-Jo said and shook her body slightly so that I was rubbing her back with my arm and hand. "Oh that's so nice... hey no, stop that!" She said as I started to tickle her.

"Why?" I asked her, somehow enjoying the feel of her body under my hands.

"'Cos I'm going to wet the bed!" Billie-Jo managed to squeak out, "and I don't think they're going to like it!"

I realised that she was right and so I stopped my tickling and Billie-Jo raised herself up to release my arm. I supported her as she placed herself onto the bedpan, shivering slightly as the cold of the metal touched her skin.

I waited for her to pee, but found she was looking at me strangely. "What?" I asked.

"I... I can't while you're watching." She said sounding embarrassed.

I nodded and turned away, which brought my eyes in sight of the toilet... the clear toilet!... I turned back to face Billie-Jo who gave me a small smile and then I heard the sound of liquid on metal as she relieved herself. After a few minutes she finished and lifted herself up from the metal.

I gently moved the bedpan away from her, putting a towel under her body and then gently wiped her pussy dry with paper. She smiled as I touched her and closed her eyes in apparent pleasure.

I put the paper in the bedpan and carried it to the toilet area where I poured the contents of the bedpan down the loo — trying not to look at it as I poured it away. I flushed the toilet. I went to store it away but then realised that I should wash it out, I rinsed it under a tap and then swirled the liquid away before wiping the bowl out and putting the bedpan back in its place.

I went back to the bed were Billie-Jo was moving around trying to get comfortable on her injured ass. "Oh Alice it felt so nice when you wiped me... could you do it again?" She asked me.

"But I haven't any paper!" I said slightly flustered.

Billie-Jo pouted her lips, and then she said, "Please Alice, I liked the feeling and it stopped me from hurting." She dropped her eyes. I looked around, Pauline and Paul were still away, and it wouldn't hurt me to do what she asked.

"Okay then, but you'll tell me if it gets too bad." I said and reached out my hand to her pussy, hearing her gasp as I touched her, I pulled back, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." I said worriedly.

"You didn't, it was just that it felt so nice I couldn't help myself." Billie-Jo said encouraging me to continue. Somehow it felt right to bring my hand along Billie-Jo's pussy, but instead of the smoothness I expected I could feel the remains of hair... stubble! I looked at her; she looked up at me as if asking what was wrong.

"Why did you shave your hair?" I asked her, she looked worried and seemed to look near the ceiling before she spoke.

"I... I saw my Mom doing it and she showed me how, I've been shaving for month, but please, please don't tell anyone." She said.

"How old are you?" I asked her again there was a delay before she spoke.

"Just over 12." She finally said, "That's why I tried to run away, I heard what they had said about you and thought that if they knew how old I really was they'd get rid of me anyway." She admitted.

I shook my head, "I doubt that." I said.

"Why... I mean what do you know?" She asked me anxiously.

"Well they were looking for a girl just like you, that's why they took me along, just so I couldn't say anything. They need you! It's me who's the unwanted one." I said hopelessly.

Billie-Jo reached out to me and held my hand, "Don't worry Alice; I'm sure you'll be alright." She said with such conviction that I almost believed her. She laid back and beckoned to me. "Please?" She said.

I ignored the stubble, going with the grain of her hair, petting her pussy like I would stroke a cat; this seemed to work as I could feel her love bump raising itself up at the top of her pussy.

"Kiss it, pleeeaaaseeee" Billie-Jo begged me, I was slightly taken aback by this but realised I'd already done more to her than had been done to me, so I bent down and kissed her love bump, feeling her arch her back to raise her hips to meet my lips, I did it again and heard her groan, I pulled away.

"I'm sorry Billie-Jo; I didn't mean to hurt you." I apologised to her.

"Hurt me... ? Oh no, it wasn't you, it was my leg." She said patting the cast on her leg.

"I'd better be more careful." I said and Billie-Jo's face fell.

"Please don't, I liked what you were doing, I'd wondered what it would feel like if you used your tongue on me?" I blinked, I hadn't thought about that and I unconsciously wet my lips to find there was a strange tang on them. I licked them again and looked at Billie-Jo's pussy, there was a sheen running along the slit, it seemed to be coming from her, I realised that I wanted to taste more... and so, without stopping to say okay, I lowered my mouth to her pussy, running my tongue along her slit.

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