Alice - A Paul Purple Story
Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost
Chapter 2: Paul
Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 2: Paul - Paul has a request for a girl, must be strong and able to look after a disabled child. but the girl he chooses has problems of her own, and how would he get her out of the country - add a personal demon for Paul to control and things will never be simple! - Now the added complication of Red! Can Paul deal with him and still get away?
Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft Fa/ft NonConsensual Reluctant Mind Control Slavery BiSexual FemaleDom Spanking Light Bond Humiliation Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Petting Enema
When we arrived upstairs I turned to Pauline, "Was the taser necessary?" I asked her.
"Yes master, she had to be given a sudden shock, and as the villain on the stage I had to do it." Pauline said.
"What if she had a heart complaint, or swallowed her tongue? Don't use it again until she's been examined." I didn't accuse her of not taking precautions as I knew her programming wouldn't allow it.
Pauline closed her eyes and when she opened them again she subtly changed her stance to an arrogant pose. "It was my fault... Master. While Pauline was undressing the girl I checked her pulse and body condition, I was the one who suggested using the taser to bring the girl under control, I assure you that apart from the pain there would be no lasting physical conditions."
I nodded "Thank you for telling me Dom, now please return control to Pauline." I said, Dom being short for Dominatrix - one of Pauline's aspects.
Dom closed her eyes and then Pauline was looking back at me, she shivered slightly — she wasn't too happy with that aspect either. "I'm very sorry master." She said and then changed the subject. "Did you find out much about Alice?" She asked shyly.
"Enough to know that there's something wrong and she isn't sure what it is. But I'm going to get the ball rolling." I said to her, before I did I asked her to start cooking a meal for us all, she bowed and went to the kitchen as I went to the study.
I logged onto my computer and entered a name in the directory, after a few seconds a youth's face was on the screen. "Greeting Master, my mistress was not expecting you to call?" William was polite and appeared under control of himself — it seems the time spent here had done some good after all.
"Hello William, I'm afraid I need some advice from your Mistress, is she available?" I asked the boy.
"I will check Sir, please hold." William said and his face vanished from the screen.
After a few minutes Sharon's face was visible. "Paul, what's wrong? There's no problem with Billie-Jo or Pauline is there?" I could see the concern on her face.
"No Sharon, everything's okay with the girls. It just I've got a new girl who's going to need a contraceptive shot." I quickly said and explained the situation.
"Well, it's a bit out of your league isn't it, you normally take pre-pubescent girls. Why the change?" Sharon asked. I told her and then she nodded, "Yes I see, alright then when do you want me?" She said.
"As soon as possible, we're going to need you for the next part of the plan." I said and then had a thought. "You are available aren't you?" I said realising that she did have her own pleasures as well.
"It's okay I've returned my guests to their parents, they're going to get a trip to Ropeville soon, all part of the sex-training." Sharon said smiling.
"Sex training, I thought they were going to be models?" I said being sidetracked.
"It's a long story, I'll tell it to you later." She said and then went back to her professional manner. "I'll drive down to you, should be with you tomorrow, you look after yourself Paul." She finished and then closed the connection.
I then opened another secure connection. "Hello Master." Carol's smiling face was looking at me.
I smiled at her, "Hello again Carol, I hope you're well?" I asked her.
"Perfectly master, how are you? And how's the commission." She knew that it never hurts to be polite.
"I'm fine and the commission is progressing, but I need some background information and a check on some people." I said and quickly gave her the details of Alice's family and her schooling. "I need to know when she was reported missing and how much information the authorities have." I finished.
Carol nodded her head and then looked up at me, "Master? Why do you need this?" She asked me, it was a legitimate question to which I shook my head.
"I'm not sure why, just a hunch. Soonest please?" I finished.
"Of course master, goodbye." Yes, that was a very legitimate question, why was I so concerned about Alice's home life? I looked at the monitor; the two girls were in the shower although Billie-Jo was talking to Alice, as if convincing her to do something... escape? No it couldn't be...
Then I realised what was being said as Alice slowly walked to the toilet and sat down on it, I could see her blush as she relieved herself. Billie-Jo pretended not to look as Alice wiped herself.
Alice quickly returned to the shower and began soaping herself, this time Billie-Jo ran to the toilet and used it as well, carefully wiping herself before rejoining Alice in the shower. Then she seemed to get serious and started wiping her eyes tears falling down her face.
I turned up the volume on the monitor "... sure that man's going to kill me." Billie-Jo was saying.
"I'm not too certain about that, I mean he's kidnapped us and he's used us." I couldn't recall using Alice, but I supposed she was trying to pacify Billie-Jo, "and he's shown me what he calls a contract, it's supposed to protect us from..." Alice didn't know what to call my customers so she finished, "getting badly hurt."
"But he did hurt me when he pushed his thingy... his cock... into my throat, I couldn't taste his tummy juice." Billie-Jo said and then ducked her head, "it sounds silly but I like the taste of his stuff."
Alice shook her head, "But how could you? Don't you know what it is? You've seen where it comes from!" She said trying to gross Billie-Jo out. But suddenly Billie-Jo started to giggle. "What is it?" Alice asked.
"Don't... don't you like eggs?" Billie-Jo asked after she managed to stop laughing.
At first Alice was puzzled at the question, but then realised what Billie-Jo was building up to "Oh you!" She was finally able to say before she started to laugh as well. When they had settled down Alice hugged Billie-Jo, "Didn't he hurt you when he pushed his penis inside your vagina?" Alice asked — I must find out why she keeps to the formal names.
Billie-Jo looked at her for a moment and then she nodded her head. "Well it did when he started, it felt like he was pushing a gate-post into me" I looked away from the monitor and down at myself, it didn't look like a gate-post to me! But Billie-Jo was still talking, "But after a while he started to stroke my titties and funny-button and it wasn't hurting anymore, it felt really good."
"Funny button?" Alice asked.
Billie-Jo sighed, "Yes, you know, this thing... here!" She said touching the top of Alice's slit and pushing on the older girl's clit.
Alice pulled back slightly, "No, please. You shouldn't touch me there." She said but Billie-Jo followed her and started moving her finger over Alice's clit.
"Why not? Haven't you touched it before?" She asked sounding innocent.
Alice blushed, "Only once, my Mom saw me and started hitting my hands, she told me never to touch myself like that... she said I'd go blind." She finished.
"You know I wouldn't mind being blind if I could feel like that!" Billie-Jo said.
"Yeah! And she'd keep a seeing-eye dog for her amusement as well!" Pauline said from my doorway which dragged my eyes away from the monitor to her.
She was wearing a frilly apron on the front of it was a picture of a girl wearing a rubber cat suit and holding a whip, the caption underneath was 'I'm the chef - who moaned about the food!'
I sighed, "Sausages again?" I asked her.
She giggled, "No master, hamburgers, but they do spit as well." She said — this was why I allowed them to have the apron, I didn't really want to cause them to burn themselves with fat... at least not when I didn't order it!
I nodded to her and then asked, "You did remember the addition to Alice's one, didn't you."
Pauline gave a wicked smile, "Yes master, she's going to be running to the john several times during the night." — It was a harmless laxative, but effective.
"Right, then remind me not to tie her down tonight, it will have to be Billie-Jo's turn. Tomorrow she'll be able to play with Alice when she's tied down." I said.
For tonight the program was to get Alice settled down with Billie-Jo, Tomorrow I'd be starting the 'education' of Billie-Jo and Alice will be getting bored with the school-work I'd be giving them. I checked the time and pressed a button on the computer console, in the basement a small gong sounded announcing dinner time, I helped Pauline with the tray of hamburgers and fries, noting that Alice's was on a separate plate.
We arrived downstairs to find Billie-Jo and Alice standing beside the bed, Alice held her arms so that her breasts and pussy were covered, I put the tray down onto the table. "Alice? What did I tell you upstairs?" I asked her gently.
Pauline however was more aggressive, "Listen Spare, you don't hide your body from master or any owner!" she said and went to storm over to Alice, but I stopped her.
"Pauline, at the moment she's just finding her legs, I will allow her some freedom, but only for tonight!" I looked at Alice then as I spoke, "Tomorrow she will receive punishment if she tries to interfere in the training or refuses to follow orders. You do understand this Alice?" I asked her.
She stared at me slightly defiant but then her eyes dropped as Billie-Jo nudged her, "Yes Pa... master, I understand." I smiled at her.
"Good, now let's eat this meal before it gets cold. Today it's hamburger, easy to eat with your hands along with the fries. Tomorrow it will be something different and you'll be using plastic knives and forks." I told the girls, although aiming my words at Alice.
"What? But that's..." Alice started to say.
"Spare, when master is speaking you will remain quiet and listen to him, normally to speak out like that means punishment of 10 strokes either with the paddle or strap, be happy that he has forbidden this today." Pauline said with a hint of anger in her voice. And then she added, "Also when you address master you will call him Master, do you understand?"
Alice looked daggers at Pauline but then shook her head and gazed at me, "Yes I understand."
"Now that has been sorted out lets all sit down and act like a family, no — strike that, most families argue over dinner, let's act like friends that are enjoying a dinner." I said trying to lighten the mood.
While eating I could see Alice frown as she chewed her burger and so I spoke again, "You've been practising with your special sauces again Pauline, it's an unusual taste but isn't that bad." I tried to sound like a father congratulating his daughter.
To tell the truth my burger was excellent, just enough lettuce and tomatoes and the right mixture of sauces and onions — she should cook these more often I decided.
After the meal Pauline carried the tray upstairs while I explained the sleeping arrangement... "You mean that Billie-Jo is going to be tied up tonight? What if she needs to... to... you know." She said
"Well then either you will have to swallow the... you know! Or get a bedpan from the toilet area... you do know how to use one I suppose." I said rather sarcastically.
"Of course I can..." I raised my eyebrow at her and she remembered herself. "I'm sorry, it's just so... so... I mean yes master I can." Alice finally said.
I ignored her outburst, it was normal for her age and I had promised to ignore it — but if she did that tomorrow she would be punished — so I went to the cupboard and entered the code to open the door, I removed a pair of handcuffs and a pair of shackles. When I returned to the two girls I guided Billie-Jo to the bed and made her lie down on it. I threaded the handcuffs (they were the type with chains not the new fangled all in one type) through the headboard and then pulled Billie-Jo's arms above her head and clicked the cuffs closed.
Then I attached one of the shackles to Billie-Jo's leg and fixed the other to the foot of the bed so that Billie-Jo was now held on the bed.
I then took Alice to a bookcase, "Now Alice I want you to read aloud to Billie-Jo for an hour, you can choose any of these books but you have to read all the words, you can't miss out any!" I told her.
I knew most of the books by heart — A man with a maid, Story of O, Autobiography of a flea, and Eveline. — None of which would be known to Alice, or at least shouldn't have been.
Alice went to remove one to read the back cover, but I stopped her. "Like chess, when you touch a book you're obliged to take it!" She pulled her hand back before choosing the slimmer volume, autobiography of a Flea. "Good choice, the story of a young girl — well older than you — called Belle, who is led down the path of sex by her boyfriend and is subsequently observed by her father confessor" I told her, "You might find it interesting."
Alice blushed, turned, and went back to the bed carrying the book. She sat down on the bed and opened to the first page. She began to read, "Born I was — but how, when or where I cannot say; so I must leave the reader to accept..." I closed and locked the basement door.
I joined Pauline in the kitchen where she had just finished the washing up — by hand! "What's wrong with the dishwasher?" I asked her.
She turned to face me, disgust evident on her face, "She told me that I had displeased you and had to be punished, so I had to stay in control of the body and do the washing up while she napped!" From her mannerism I could tell that Dom was the person talking to me.
"Well she is the main personality and if I was to try and punish you then you could have made her accept the pain, so I think Pauline made the right decision, but now your task is complete, return control to Pauline." I ordered her; she gave another disgusted look at the sink before she closed her eyes.
Pauline was smiling as she opened her eyes, "Hello Master, how are the girls?" She asked me.
"Billie-Jo's restrained and Alice is reading her a story book." I said, Pauline just nodded. She knew the type of books that I kept down there.
"I'll enjoy listening to her master." Pauline said — she knew I was going to be monitoring the basement, "You do want me to join you tonight?" She asked me, I nodded. Pauline squealed with pleasure and jumped up to kiss me, before running off to her bathroom to wash.
As I was drying myself off I listened to the monitor where Alice was reading away, I could hear her tone showing her arousal, not that she realised what it was. "Ambrose once more placed his large penis in Bella's fair hands... " I checked the time on the monitor, she still had 25 minutes left to read.
"She does have a nice voice master." Pauline said as she stood at the foot of my bed.
I nodded, "Yes she has, you know I might just keep the audio track and let her finish the story." I said and then held out my hands to Pauline. She ran into me and started to kiss me — I recognised the signs, I asked her if she had any special requests.
She nodded and pointed to the screen, "Can you tie me down like Billie-Jo?" She asked. I began to think about it as she reached under my bed and produced... yes... a pair of handcuffs and shackles. "Pleeaassee master." She added tilting her head to one side as she did so.
I couldn't help but agree to her request, she jumped onto the bed and placed her hands above her head, I quickly fixed them, with the handcuffs, to the headboard. Then I turned my attention to her leg, pulling it down and securing it with the shackle. I then started rubbing Pauline's pussy with my hand, in the background Alice's voice continued.
"Hotter and hotter grew the rampant member as Bella's exciting lips pressed its large head and her tongue played around the little opening." Alice read out but then clutched at her stomach and groaned.
"What's wrong Alice?" Billie-Jo asked concern sounding in her voice.
"Its... it's nothing, go to sleep." Alice said giving Billie-Jo a kiss on her cheek. I noticed she used a small piece of paper as a bookmark before curling up on the bed with Billie-Jo.
Pauline raised her hips in answer to my ministrations, "She's holding out longer than I thought master." She said watching the clock.
She'll try to hold out for as long as she can before attempting to do the 100 metres dash." I said dryly and then licked at Pauline's forming breasts, making her sigh as I did so — telling me that she was enjoying my attentions.
"Please master, please." She begged me raising her hip and moving her free leg out in invitation.
I brought her manually to a climax, watching how she arched her back as her orgasm hit her, waiting for her to sink back down onto the bed before I slowly entered her body, causing her to push back up against me. "Oh yes master, yes!" Pauline moaned as I began moving inside her.
Her cries were almost drowned out by the monitor screen as Alice got out of the bed and ran to the toilet, giving an audible sigh of relief as she settled down and voided her bowels.
Pauline gave a small giggle as she glanced at the screen, "Looks like it's starting to work... When are you going to see her, master?" Pauline asked me.
I began quickly pumping into the girl beneath me, "Oh... I'll... Let... Her... Have... An... Hour... Or... SOOoooooo!" I said as I inundated her body with my sperm. I felt Pauline stiffen beneath me as she also came.
"Tha... thank you master." Pauline said and fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and then laid down beside her, closing my eyes as I also joined her in sleep, on the monitor I could hear Alice moaning away.
'Oh God what was wrong with me... Why oh why was I like this!' I gave a plaintive cry as I once again sat down on the damned toilet, feeling my stomach cramp up again as it tried to empty itself of everything I'd eaten for the past three days.
Looking towards the bed I could see Billie-Jo, she was watching me with concern on her face, I didn't want to scream out but that was how I felt! I knew she would have helped me if she could but being held like that she couldn't... anyway would you like to be with some sick kid, nah! You'd be too scared of catching whatever it was.
My stomach gripped again trying to push more of me into the bowl of the toilet. I gave a groan and fell forward.
Hands holding me...
"Alice what's wrong?" A concerned voice and then the sound of a fan being started, venting the room of the smell that had covered everything. A soothing voice was talking to me, "It's all right Alice, it's just a bug going around, and you were unlucky to catch it." Somehow I knew he would come down.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you." I murmured.
"Don't worry about that," He said, "You're not well, and you've got no control over your body when it's ill." He produced a moist cloth from somewhere and started to wipe my face with it. Then he seemed to vanish from my sight and I could hear a scraping noise, it sounded as if he was opening a doorway to a deep pit.
'Now I'm ill he's going to kill me!' flashed though my head, 'But if he does that who's going to look after Billie-Jo!' I wondered and then groaned as my stomach cramped again.
"That didn't sound nice at all." Paul said and his hands were holding me again.
"Please don't kill me, let me stay to help Billie-Jo." I was sobbingly begging him.
There was astonishment in his voice, "KILL YOU! Don't be so daft girl, look..." He turned my head, just behind me was a toilet type bowl, with what appeared to be a fountain in it. "That's a bidet, you're going to need more than paper on your bum, and I'll also have some ointment as your ass will be sore."
I could agree with him on that last point, I couldn't stand anything passing through my bottom at the moment. Paul put his arm under my leg and another behind my back and lifted me gently onto the bidet.
The shock of the warm water washing my bottom was... nice, and then there was the blowing of warm air drying my bottom... it was such a relaxing feeling that I couldn't keep awake, I closed my eyes just for a moment...
I suppose the lateness of the hour along with the emptying of my body was tiring me because when I came to I was lying on the bed with Billie-Jo asleep beside me.
A noise made me look up, Paul was sitting there watching me, there was a mug was on the floor by his foot. He lifted up the cup and offered it to me. "I think you'll need some soup, now try this... it's an old recipe." He said.
I sat up carefully so that I didn't disturb Billie-Jo and took the offered cup; I took a deep drink of it and then looked at Paul. "Its chicken soup!" I said slightly accusingly.
Paul nodded, "You can't get any recipe that's older!" Paul said with a smile, I couldn't help it I had to laugh. "I'm also told that people believe it has healing properties, I'm not sure if that's so but you need nourishment inside you." He said and watched me, I felt uncomfortable but only about his gaze not anything else.
Then I realised that I didn't feel sore... on my ass. I went to touch it but stopped as Paul was there, he gave a small chuckle.
"While I carried to the bed I took the time to put some ointment on your backside, it was a bit sore. You'll need another coating later on today, but if you feeling a little better I'd try to get some sleep." Paul said watching me closely.
I realised that my stomach wasn't moaning away now and I quickly finished off the cup of soup and snuggled down, the warmth of the soup running through my body as I fell asleep.
I was awoken by the sound of music playing in the basement and Pauline's voice ordering Billie-Jo to stretch more, I went to get up from the bed but found that my arm was now held by a handcuff.
It was easier to remain in the bed and angle my head around to where the two girls were facing each other; I could see Pauline's face as she ordered Billie-Jo around.
"1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2... keep those legs moving Billie-Jo!" Pauline was telling her and then she saw me watching them. "1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, and rest!" She said before coming over to my bed.
"Master said you needed some sleep, so for today you were allowed to lie in, but as you're awake now you'd better get up and have a shower, Master will be starting your lessons later this morning." She said smiling, I was about to thank her when I looked at the clock... it showed 7:30! Pauline noticed my gaze and nodded, "Yes we start early during the training time." She said and released me from the cuffs.
As I walked to the shower area I could see that two desks had been positioned in front of a blackboard, it seems that Paul wasn't lying when he spoke of lessons. I looked at that darn toilet... which after last night wasn't so much of a threat to me, so I sat down on it and used it!
I carefully wiped myself finding I was still sore on my bottom, but thought I might find relief in the shower, so I started it up and stepped under the water feeling it cascade over my skin, I found the soap and cloth and began rubbing my body with it, listening to the music that Pauline was using to get Billie-Jo exercising... somewhere in the back of my mind a voice was shouting that this was all wrong.
Okay so it wasn't a normal thing, but after the past few weeks with... with... HIM, watching me and making suggestive comments, I found that this was more... relaxing? Yes that was it! More relaxing than anything else! I was here naked with this stranger walking around and yet I didn't feel threatened by him, the only one that did give me any fear was that young girl Pauline! How could a girl, younger than me even, be more frightening that a grown man who has kidnapped me?
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