Alice - A Paul Purple Story
Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost
Chapter 1B: Paul
Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 1B: Paul - Paul has a request for a girl, must be strong and able to look after a disabled child. but the girl he chooses has problems of her own, and how would he get her out of the country - add a personal demon for Paul to control and things will never be simple! - Now the added complication of Red! Can Paul deal with him and still get away?
Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft Fa/ft NonConsensual Reluctant Mind Control Slavery BiSexual FemaleDom Spanking Light Bond Humiliation Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Petting Enema
When I first received the commission I almost decided not to take it. "Why me? There must be other's better suited for this?" I said.
The young girl at the other end of the screen shook her head, "No Master Paul, my master insists that you would be the best one to do this, he thinks you should be expanding your horizons."
"You tell your master that I'm not certain about this, my normal subjects are nowhere as aged as this request requires, that's why they are easy to produce..." I smiled at the girl, "Wouldn't you agree?" I asked her.
She dropped her eyes as she smiled and managed to blush, "Yes Master Paul, but you still dealt with one particular case."
I softened, "Yes, but it was a special case... I'm glad it worked out properly." I said to her - Carol was the special case, she had been anorexic and bulimic, near death and needing help, as a favour I was asked to train her and her uncle took her on as an assistant.
"There's a special reason for this request, I think you'd better read the 2nd page, 4th paragraph." Carol said her face serious.
I quickly turned to the page in question and read the paragraph, and then I re-read it. "But this... are you sure he means this?" I asked Carol
She looked at me straight in the eyes. "Yes Master, I was watching the screen when he was dictating the contract."
"Carol I'll get back to you. I've got to think this over." I said to her, troubled for the first time... not over the commission, but for the reason why a person would ask for a particular type of slave. I closed down the connection.
Turning to another screen I saw my two slaves, Pauline and Billie-Jo having their normal routine of deciding who was going to be the boss for the week - by wrestling each other! The winner would be the one who pinned the other — I was sure this was fixed as in the end the girls would alternate as boss every week, unless I decided otherwise.
A case in point was a couple of weeks ago when both girls were boss to two visitors, Safina and William, I was spending time with George while his wife and their owner was involved in training three other girls for models, but I think there was a problem with that as well (see 'Becoming a Model' by abc-Teach on Velocity's site on
I watched as Billie-Jo managed to twist her body and pull Pauline down to pin her arms with her legs and then reach back to start pushing her hand over Pauline's pussy, knowing that if Pauline couldn't concentrate then she would lose the fight.
Pauline paused in her actions as Billie-Jo's hand made itself felt, "Not fair!" She protested.
"Oh yeah? What about last week? You stuck your finger up my bum!" Billie-Jo accused her.
"Only 'cos I missed your pussy!" Pauline countered, smiling away as she moved her hips to Billie-Jo's motions.
When Pauline came she was so out of it that Billie-Jo managed to pin her arms and declared herself the winner. She raised her arms in glee and shouted into the air.
It was almost a pity to press the alert button but I did so. Both girls immediately got up and ran up the stairs from the basement to join me in my office.
Being top Slave at the moment Billie-Jo announced, "Both present Master." And they stood in front of me ready for anything I might say.
"Conference call girls." I said which they knew meant that I needed their opinion about something. Pauline — as lower slave — picked up two straight backed chairs and brought them to the table. At my nod both girls sat down and listened attentively.
"I'm thinking about accepting a new commission, but there is a problem. The age of the girl requested is between thirteen and fifteen. She's isn't primary wanted as a sex slave but must be able to lift and support a young disabled person." I summarised the contract.
"Master I'm not sure if this is wise." Pauline said cautiously "She's going to be stronger than both of us. If she breaks out of the basement then you will be the only one to stop her."
"I agree, but she's going to a much better arrangement than other girls I've trained. The only question is how are we going to convince her of that?" I said.
Billie-Jo gave a sly smile, "Why should we?" At my puzzled look she expanded on her idea, "What if she doesn't think that she's the target, what if she's just in the wrong place at the wrong time?"
"What are you on about?" Pauline asked totally confused.
"It's simple, what if she's with someone who master wants? What would he normally do?" Billie-Jo asked.
"Well, he'd leave her until she was alone. I mean if anything was done the other person might tell the police and master... would... get... caught." Pauline's voice slowed down as she thought about the problem, "But of course if Master really wanted the girl and didn't want her to get away, he might take the second girl in order to stop her from talking." She finished.
"But I don't work like that; if a girl isn't available I'd go and find another one. There are plenty of girls around so that a second choice would always be available." I said trying to raise a problem.
"We know that Master, but would she?" Billie-Jo said. And I could see what she meant, I knew some people that would go after a particular girl and, in some cases, would go to the target's house and take her from the front step. It was a bold move but will lead to their downfall soon.
"Alright then, so if we find our girl, how do we deal with her?" I asked, "I don't think the cage would be right for a pair of girls, a trainee and the target."
"I think if we leave the basement open, but bring out the glass toilet, that would be worse for her." Pauline was speaking in a different tone, one that I had associated with 'Elizabeth' a psychologist I knew. "The act of using such an item will be a reminder of her position, she should also be told that she wasn't wanted, almost a snub, which will make her angry and thus easier to channel and train."
"What?" Billie-Jo asked.
"It won't be enough that she wasn't the target we wanted, but she's going to have to stay here while we train the main person, she's going to be insulted and annoyed so that she will want to be trained." I tried to paraphrase.
"Oh! I see, so are we going to do it?" Billie-Jo asked.
I considered this... It would be a challenge, and I wasn't sure if we would succeed, but... why not? I turned to the computer and opened the communications screen. Almost immediately Carol was visible on the screen, "Master Paul." She said and then saw the two girls, "Pauline, Billie-Jo it's wonderful to see you, sisters." She smiled at us and then returned to her serious face. "I take it you have decided?" She asked me.
"Yes Carol, We're going to do it, I noticed on the commission there's no directive on particulars on the item required apart from age and ability, so I take it that almost any item will be satisfactory?" I didn't think there was a problem here but it always pays to check.
"That is correct Master Paul; the choice is up to you on this. Can I assume that you will keep us informed of your work, just in case there are any problems?" Carol asked.
"Yes I will, but it might not be a quick job. There is the age of the item to take into account." I said.
"The customer is aware of that, but did say that as long as the subject was ready for its task there would be no problems." Carol told me.
"Alright Carol, I'll start the action at this end." I said and dropped the connection — There was no way that the conversation could be traced or even eavesdropped, but I had to be careful.
"Alright girls, we have a contract to fulfil." I said to the two girls, "Billie-Jo, as you were the one to suggest this I think you're going to be the bait, Pauline you are going to be the one to stay with our 'Spare' and keep her company while the evil man deals with the slave to be." I said, the plan becoming clear in my mind.
We worked in the basement area, the girls checking that the door releases worked and that the cameras were all working. There was nowhere in the basement where there was a blind spot. The microphones could pick up a fly taking a piss if necessary, they were that sensitive.
I thought that the shower needed some decorations and so found out some rusty chains and hung them in the area, who knows? They might end up being used! I found out the clear toilet and wash basin, both of which the girls made use of, although I didn't make them clean them with their tongues.
They giggled when I used the John myself, but there would never be any surprised between master and slaves, we've seen too much of each other to be embarrassed by bodily functions.
The bed, we decided on a single bed with a brass head and foot-boards which allowed for restraints to be easily attached, and the size of the bed would enforce the idea of only expecting the one girl
Finally the area was ready, the girls knew their parts in the comedy; the only thing missing was our target.
We were set up in a shopping mall, the natural haunt of teenagers everywhere; I had the two girls set up as spotters and the van parked in a low-level parking space, uncovered by surveillance cameras.
There were teenagers in the mall, what else, but they were all travelling in packs! The radios kept us in contact with each others, "Master there's no-way we'd get one girl away from these groups." Pauline said. I was about to call it a day when Billie-Jo's voice quickly stopped me.
"Target in sight, just entering door 25, she's on her own and crying." She reported.
"Master if she's crying it might be the best time to take her; she's at the lowest ebb of her emotions." Pauline commented.
"Yes, but she might have just found out she's pregnant." I said dryly.
"No master, it isn't that type of crying. She needs help master!" Billie-Jo said and I took into account her tone which made me decide.
"Billie-Jo, Pauline, action!" I said and quickly walked towards door 5, she was near our exit, if only Billie-Jo could steer her there. I checked my pockets for the small ceramic gun I had there, it held a single dart — I hoped I wouldn't need another.
Billie-Jo had removed her radio so we wouldn't distract her. Pauline was now acting as a spotter, this time ensuring that no security guards were around to interfere with us, although I had a plan that covered that anyway.
"What's she playing at? Can't she get the target into range?" Pauline said impatiently.
"Don't worry Pauline; this is something that can't be rushed, now report on the area, any uniforms around?" I said reminding her of her task as I repositioned myself in the darkened hallway.
"No, nada, nothing! They're too busy with the kids in the restaurant area." It seems somebody had put flyers around advertising free burgers, or something like that, and the angry mob were causing the security people headaches... they were quite cheap to make as well.
"Master, we're moving!" Pauline reported and then I saw two girls walking along, the smaller one leading the larger, who was wiping her eyes with her other hand. I let them pass me and heard Billie-Jo talking away as I aimed at the older girls' leg, watching as she reacted to the small dart.
As she collapsed Pauline and I rushed to her and we carried the unconscious girl down to the parking area.
We gagged the girl and tied her hands and legs, "Isn't it too large?" Billie-Jo asked, "What if she can't breathe?"
I showed her another gag, and pointed out the large air-hole going through it, "Open up!" I said to her, and like a good slave she obeyed me without questioning why. I quickly explained, "If she's gagged and can't speak so why should you be able to talk to her?" I told her, she nodded and accepted the gag. I then put a large bag over the new girl's head. It had heavy fabric over the eyes and lighter fabric where her mouth would be.
We then placed the two girls into the compartment inside the van hidden, of course, under the floor. Billie-Jo had the use of her arms and legs and also carried a small dart, just in case the girl came too.
The floor was fixed in and a small sound system that played a loop tape of turkeys, just to help muffle any cries.
I carefully drove back home, never rush and keep to just above the speed limit — I've noticed that cops are always suspicious of those who travel at exactly the right speed, but just over, not speeding as such, is allowed ( strange but true, just try it!)
Pauline and I got out of the van, went to the back and lifted up the secret panels. I picked up our victim and, from the way she was squirming, found out that she was awake. I didn't speak but took her straight down to the basement, and almost threw her onto the bed.
When I went back up Pauline had removed the gag from Billie-Jo's mouth, I had noticed that throughout the trip she hadn't tried to remove it. "Master, she woke up while we were travelling, I had to use the dart." Billie-Jo reported.
I nodded, "Yes and she's awake now, so I can't question you now, I'll just take you downstairs and we'll start. Now quickly open up and take this gag back, she's going to see you and wonder why you're not screaming." I told her and quickly tied the gag back in Billie-Jo's mouth.
I won't go through the details of that first meeting. - It has already been described accurately enough; I will say that I tried to show as little interest in her, just being dismissive of her, a non-entity!
I did manage to get a glimpse of her as I stripped Billie-Jo and carried her upstairs - to work my evil way with the younger victim. I couldn't resist but to stroke Billie-Jo's naked body and seeing her smile, "So Billie-Jo what did you find out about her, how far along is she?" I asked expecting the worse.
Billie-Jo giggled, "It's nothing like that Master, she's scared about her home life, her step-father has been coming on to her and last night he tried to get into her bedroom, she's frightened of sex Master and really needs comforting." She leaned back onto me as I moved my fingers into her sex, "That feels wonderful Master... but shouldn't you be using something different?" She reminded me of our plans.
"Well shouldn't we see how Pauline's getting on with our new trainee?" I said, turning on a monitor as Billie-Jo tried to work on my pants. Pauline had a taser in her hand — I was worried about that as the voltage was slightly high, but she was moving around in the girl's pussy with a pair of scissors. You know really the girl wasn't so bad looking but a part of me was still wondering if she'd be able to stand our training.
Billie-Jo then ran to the door and gave a small scream, on the monitor I could see the girl stiffen and Pauline started to laugh, I heard her telling a story of when I took her virginity (I hadn't but that's another story) and how she loved it, I managed to focus on the girl's eyes and I could make out the fear in them. I turned to a second screen and replayed the section over again; I called Billie-Jo over. She watched with me and then turned to look at me.
"Master she reminds me of some of the girls in the brothel, they knew things were going to happen to them but they didn't know what?... She's scared of the idea of sex! I would say she's a virgin." She said and bit her lip.
"Well I bow to your superior knowledge." I said and kissed her, on the screen Pauline had paused her shaving and was playing with the girl, her hand caressing the girl's slit where she found out for her self what we had theorised.
"Master we need to get on!" Billie-Jo said reminding me of the part she had to play if we were going to make this happen.
I stood up and undressed, the scenario was that I had to return a sobbing and shocked girl to the basement. I knew that Billie-Jo was an excellent actress, but some of the marks would have to be real.
Getting the ropes I took Billie-Jo to her bedroom and placed her on her bed with her hands tied above her head to a hook in the wall, her legs wide apart and roughly tied to the base of the bed, she smiled up at me.
"You do know this is going to hurt you?" I said taking a flogger from her cupboard.
"Of course Master, but as your slave I'm supposed to accept it." Billie-Jo said calmly.
I gave her a kiss, "Good girl." I said and began hitting her on her small breasts, 'Splat' 'Splat' the marks of the flogger showed up bright red on her skin. She groaned with each blow, I then directed my blows to Billie-Jo's hairless pussy, making her scream out with the pain.
After a few minutes of this I stopped, "That should be enough." I said.
"No Master, just a few more!" Billie-Jo said as she knew why I was doing this, it was part of the plan that she had helped devise and was willing to suffer for it. I nodded and began hitting her anew.
Again I stopped and then, after untying her legs, I turned her over and retied her again, propping up her ass with a pillow. I then produced a cane and, without warning, brought it down eight times, hearing her cry out as the sixth, seventh and eighth blows landed, with the weight of the cane her ass was not only covered with welts and in places she was also bleeding.
"Ready?" I asked her and she nodded — trying to relax even through the pain was overpowering. I climbed on top of her and positioned my cock in the bloody groove of her ass, using the blood as lubrication I then pushed my cock into her ass. When I returned her downstairs she would have to show signs of my conquest of her body.
Amazingly, even after my attack on her body, she relaxed and sighed as she felt me enter her. "Oh yes Master, thank you." Billie-Jo said as I kissed the back of her neck. I moved my hand underneath her and started to agitate her clitoris and slit, bringing her off while I pumped her ass.
She bucked beneath me as I brought her to a climax and this triggered my own. I pumped myself empty inside her and, after I pulled out from her, I found and pushed a butt-plug into her ass. Then I released her from the bondage, noticing the marks on the wrists and ankles.
Now it was time for some make-up, I had some chicken blood — just a small amount — which I pushed into and smeared over her pussy to give the sense of a newly deflowered virgin. The last item was supposed to be cornstarch around her mouth, but again Billie-Jo had other ideas, dropping down to her knees she engulfed my cock into her mouth, using her skills to coax another rise out of me.
She pulled back for a moment, "Please master it would look and taste better!" She said with a smile. I smiled back at her and allowed her to continue. I glanced at the repeat monitor which Billie-Jo had in her room. Pauline was holding the girl now and directing her to the showers.
I watched as her buttocks undulated as the girl walked into the area, then she turned around. Her breasts were larger than I really liked. But her bald, although shaved, pussy did have an appeal.
I was so busy watching the girl that I didn't really notice as I came inside Billie-Jo's mouth, she pulled back so that my next spurt went over he nose and face. She smiled up at me as my cum dripped from her nose.
"There Master, I think I'm ready for the next stage." Billie-Jo said, I shook my head and helped her to her feet.
"That was very nice Billie-Jo, but I was slightly distracted..." I said, she looked at the monitor and giggled. "Get out of here!" I said in a gruff voice and pulled her out of the door.
By the time we got downstairs Billie-Jo looked a mess, as I pushed her to the bed I pulled out the butt-plug which allowed my sperm to trickle out of her enlarged ass.
The girl was just coming from the shower area and was looking at Billie-Jo in shock, taking in her bloody pussy, cum encrusted face and, when I made Billie-Jo turn, the leaking anus.
"Slave, get this one cleaned up! She's quite good but will need dancing lessons and gymnastics to keep her body supple." I said to Pauline, ignoring both Billie-Jo and the new girl. "Oh and the contract states that her new master wants her to be able to cook, so we'll start her on that soon — don't forget no sausages!" I added just to see Pauline give a small grin as she remembered and touched her breast.
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