Alice - A Paul Purple Story
Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost
Chapter 7B
Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 7B - Paul has a request for a girl, must be strong and able to look after a disabled child. but the girl he chooses has problems of her own, and how would he get her out of the country - add a personal demon for Paul to control and things will never be simple! - Now the added complication of Red! Can Paul deal with him and still get away?
Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft Fa/ft NonConsensual Reluctant Mind Control Slavery BiSexual FemaleDom Spanking Light Bond Humiliation Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Petting Enema
I looked into Margaret's eyes, seeing the fear(?)... Yes fear in them. I gently stroked her hair, "It's alright, alright, just let me guide you." I said taking her hand and bringing her to her feet.
"Al... Alice, I'm not sure about this... can't we just..." Margaret was shaking as she spoke.
"Margaret, trust me. I will not hurt you!" I said as if I was talking to a child and, indeed, once I got her into the bedroom I had to undress her and place her onto the bed.
"Please Alice, you don't... don't... please don't... ooooohhhhH!" The last was a gasp as I kissed her face while bringing my hands to her full breasts.
"Relax Margaret, let your body do all the work. Don't try to control yourself, let your mind drift." I whispered into her ear.
"Alice... Alice... Alice..." Margaret could only repeat my name.
"Shhhh!" I said as I moved my body over hers, ensuring that I touched her completely. Feeling her breasts start to react to the skin on skin contact.
I raised my hips slightly to allow my hand to slip between us and I brushed her clit, which I almost missed as it was so small, but Margaret gave a moan as I touched it.
I had read somewhere that beauty was skin deep! Now Margaret was very pretty and so I decided to do some skin diving. I wanted to try something with her that I'd only read about, but that she might enjoy. I kissed Margaret on her lips and then started to move down her body, kissing her skin all the way.
I had to linger on her breasts and nipples to keep her excited, but as I rolled my tongue over an engorged nipple I felt Margaret stiffen as her first orgasm struck her. She must be a very sexual person. How she had lasted without any outlet this long I've no idea?
I allowed her no time to relax as I moved down her stomach to arrive at her pussy, which was lightly trimmed. I sucked on the small bump where her clitoris was and suddenly it emerged from its hood. I heard Margaret moan again and this time I heard the name Michael.
I now brought my hands into play, alternately sucking and then rubbing Margaret's clit I then started to insert one hand into her pussy. I knew that Margaret had two children and I didn't notice any scars on her stomach. so I knew I was safe, I put a finger into her pussy, and then two, three, four and then I added my thumb, I now had my whole hand inside her pussy.
I closed my hand to make a fist and began moving it slowly inside her, using small motions at first, gradually going deeper and deeper until my whole forearm was inside her. I then opened my hand as I touched her cervix, making her gasp with the sensations I was giving her.
It wasn't easy but I was able to suck on her, now engorged, clit. She was screaming out in her ecstasy, but I couldn't make out any words.
I pulled my hand out of Margaret's pussy, finding it coated with her juices as I did so, I curled my fingers as I withdrew my hand, dragging them across her G-Spot which pushed her completely over the edge.
"OH GOD!... OH MICHAEL... I'M SORRY, SO SORRY! So... MICHAAAAEEEELLLLLL!" She screamed out as her orgasm overtook her.
I gently stroked her breasts and pussy while she recovered and then she started sobbing, "Oh god, I didn't really know... I was... Oh Alice you don't know what you've done." She said, "I was always faithful to my husband. And now... now..." She began to cry.
I cradled her head in my arms and held her close to me, "But Margaret, you're still faithful to your husband, I don't count... you're still faithful Margaret, never fear."
I don't know how long I was holding her, but she soon cried herself out and I bent my head to kiss her lips, to find that she was soon returning my kisses herself. "But this is so wrong of me." She said after some minutes.
"Why? We're girls together we can't harm each other or anyone else." I said.
Margaret smiled and kissed me again before she spoke, "But I promised Michael that I would never take another lover again! That I would remain faithful to him!"
I almost laughed but that would have been wrong, "Margaret, he meant male lovers, not female! Tell me did he ever suck on your clit before." I asked her.
"Oh no, he wouldn't dream of doing that, but he was a considerate lover, he'd leave the light off and everything so I wouldn't be distracted from our duty." She sounded so sincere that I had to ask her.
"What duty?"
"The one to bear children so that the line wouldn't be lost." She said, "That was the reason our parents married us."
This amazed me, "But Margaret what do you know of love? The true feelings that people have for each other? That a man and woman feel?" I asked her.
"I learnt to love Michael he was a very strong man and as I said a considerate lover, as for how a man and woman feels... I don't know what you're asking." She said.
I shook my head at that, "But how did you and Michael meet, you must have known other men at that time?" I asked.
"Well I did know him, of course, his family and ours were close and he would be with his parents. I remember having a Coming-out Ball at home. Michael was my partner and we had every dance, mother insisted. It was then that our engagement was announced; there was a ring and photographers there to record it, it so was wonderful." She said.
"And artificial! I supposed that is what you have planned for Liz when she's older?" I asked her.
"It's how our families have always been! The aristocracy has to support itself and its houses." Margaret said, although her voice was rather stiff as she said it.
"And it's been instilled into you completely, Margaret the idea of arranged marriages is so old fashioned that it's almost stone aged. What about love? what about being happy with the man you wanted to be with?" I asked
"I was happy with Michael, he was the perfect man for me and we raised two perfectly happy and loved children." Margaret said.
"Yes fully programmed and not wanting for a thing, except the warmth and love that people can provide for each other, the love that Liz needs to get over the loss of her brother, and the man she loved!" I said which made Margaret stiffen slightly, "You've seen how the loss has affected her, and she loved him so deeply that she couldn't bear to be parted from him." I said sadly.
"Oh my darling, I must go to her." Margaret said and struggled to get to her feet, I had to help her as her legs were so wobbly from her 'treatment' I manage to steer Margaret to Liz's bedroom, where the young girl was still sleeping but she opened her eyes as Margaret laid down on the bed.
"Oh Liz, I'm so sorry honey. I didn't realise, you must have been feeling terrible." Margaret said stroking her daughter's hair.
"Mum... Mummy?" Liz said. Confusion showing on her face.
"You should have told me about you and John, I might not have understood but I'm still your mother!" Margaret said, has it been so hard trying to keep it secret.
"Oh Mummy... it's been so... so..." And she began crying out loud Margaret pulled her daughter close to her.
"I know darling, I miss your father too, but we're still alive and we will never forget them." Margaret said and then looked at me, "Thank you Alice... for everything."
I went into the bathroom and picked up our clothing, I also made sure the towels were on the rails ready for drying and that the bathroom was clean and tidy, then I had second thoughts and, after dressing, contacted Room Service to change the towels for new ones. Since I called from the penthouse suite they changed the towels within 2 minutes, I noticed the maid also looked around the bathroom before she turned to me.
"Miss, there's no need to tidy anything that is what we are here for. But thank you." She said smiling.
I smiled back, "I know, but as their slave I'm supposed to work as well." She didn't look shocked but looked around conspiratorially.
"Welcome sister." She said and kissed me, "May I ask the name of your trainer?"
"Thank you sister. My trainer was Pauline under the command of Paul Purple." I said smiling at her and returning the kiss.
"You've had a real expert for your trainer. I hope your mistress will be pleased with you." And she bowed to me before leaving the room.
I wondered at her words and decided I needed more information, I checked on Margaret and Liz. They were still in bed talking to each other I made a discrete cough which made Margaret look up.
"Yes Alice?" She asked me
"Mistress I wish to visit Master Paul. May I have some time off?" I asked her.
Margaret laughed, "Alice, I'm not your mistress and as long as you let me know where you are then you can go anywhere." She said, "Just be back for tea." She added before turning back to her daughter who I noticed was now stroking her mother's breasts.
I got to Master Paul's door and knocked on it. "It's open!" Master Paul's muffled voice called out and so I entered the room, "Just put it on the table please." He said from the bathroom.
I was about to say something when there was a knock on the door, "Room Service!" A girl's voice said, I opened the door and directed her to put the food on the table.
The girl looked at me, a troubled look on her face, "I'm sorry miss, I was only asked to bring food for one." She said.
I smiled at her, "It's alright he doesn't know I'm here!" I told her and ushered the confused girl out of the room.
As he heard the door close Master Paul came out of the bathroom and stopped when he realised I was standing in his room. "Alice... what are you doing here?" He asked me.
I gave a laugh, "You invited me in Master." I said smiling at him, "and the room service girl brought your food in." I indicated the table, Master Paul chuckled.
"I thought you were room service, sit down and share my meal" He said, pulling a chair out for me. I sat down and he sat opposite me.
The food was good and I thanked Master Paul for allowing me to eat. "Alice, I'm no longer training you, I'm no longer your master." He said.
"I'm sorry Master, but that is how you will always be to me, and it seems I should be proud to be trained by you, you have a reputation amongst the girls here." I said.
"That's a lie! I've never touched any of them!" Master Paul said in an outraged tone which made me laugh.
"That wasn't what I meant master. It seems your name has great respect amongst my sister slaves who work here. You are called one of the greatest trainers." I said clarifying my words.
Master Paul's face went solemn as I said that, "It might have been true earlier, but with this... this curse I seem to have I'm not sure I'd be able to continue." He said.
I shook my head, "Master, you will control it, I haven't seen it emerge in the past few days. So I wouldn't worry so much about it." I told him.
He smiled at me, "Thank you Alice... now what happened with Margaret and Liz?" He asked me and so I told him all that I had done.
I was, well... shocked, no surprised - I supposed is the word I'm looking for, when I found Alice in my room. I was glad to see she was smiling and so I assumed that her 'talk' with Margaret was successful.
I was more surprised at her news of my status amongst the slaves in Ropeville, I wasn't aware that such a network of information was around! Still it was an interesting fact to note.
I was trying to think about what to do next... well I did have an idea but the phone rang so I picked it up. "Hello Paul Purple here." I said.
"Hi Paul, is Alice there, in one piece?" Margaret asked me.
"Of course she is. How are you feeling now?" I asked her concerned for her state of mind.
"I'm confused to be honest. Alice showed me something that I was never aware of. And to be honest Paul I don't know if I can face her at the moment." She said.
"Well do you want us both to come up? I might be able to suggest something?" I said.
"If you want to. Liz is asking for Alice." Margaret said, I couldn't tell from her tone how she was reacting.
I hung up and looked at Alice, "Okay. Now for the recriminations side of the lessons." I said warning her that there might be problems ahead.
"Paul, Alice. Thank you for coming up. I don't know what to say... I feel as if I've been so weak to allow you to... to do what it was you did!" She began.
I couldn't let her continue. "Margaret stop right there. Alice did what was necessary for both you and Liz. How do you feel about your daughter now?" I asked her.
Margaret looked from Alice to the door behind which was Liz. She turned back to look at Alice, "I... I love her, I want her... and it's wrong, wrong!" She said and was about to go onto her knees.
Alice was beside her in an instant. "It's alright to love Liz, she's very loveable, I know." She said.
Margaret shook her head and held Alice. "You... don't... understand." She said and then kissed Alice full on her lips. "I'm in love with you!" She said.
Alice paused for a moment, "But I'm just a slave you've paid for, I'm nobody." She said.
Margaret held Alice tightly and shook her slightly. "Never say that. You're not my slave, from today you are my daughter! Never doubt that! I'm going to make it official right now!" She said and went to the phone.
I placed my hand on the receiver stopping her from picking it up. "No!" I said simply.
Margaret drew herself up and looked at me. "How dare you tell me No! You know who I am!" She said.
I nodded, "Yes, of course I do! I also know that you're not thinking straight. Alice is the one who has to make up her mind if she want's to remain with you, not the other way round!" I said evenly while keeping my hand where it was.
"But I know that Alice is the one to join Liz and me!" Margaret persisted.
I nodded again, "Yes, I agree. But this is no longer something we can decide. Is it?" I said to her.
Margaret turned to Alice, "You do want to stay with us don't you? You've done so much for Liz and me already, just think what you'll achieve if you stay with us, I'll be able to buy you anything you want!" She said
Alice's mouth dropped, "Anything?... Anything at all?" She asked
Margaret nodded her head, "Yes! Just name it and I'll get it for you!" She said convinced she was on the right track — I could see her downfall coming.
Alice gave a smile — which confirmed my suspicions — "Okay... I want my Mom and dad back, alive!" She said.
Margaret's face dropped. "But... but... I can't..." She stammered.
Alice shook her head sadly, "No... nobody can... not with all the money in the world. I'm sorry Margaret but if you think that I can be brought like that then I'm not the person you need... Master can you take me back please." She said turning to me.
I went to answer, but someone else beat me to it. "NOOoooo, please Alice, don't go, I need you." Liz was holding onto her bedroom door and as we turned to look at her she started to collapse to the floor.
Alice was at her side before she even touched the ground. "Oh Liz, I wasn't going to leave you, I was just showing your mother that she couldn't use her money to convince me to stay. Money isn't the binding thing here, our love is!" Alice told the younger girl as she lifted her into the wheelchair.
Margaret sobbed as she heard Alice's words, "Do you mean that... you are going to stay with us?" She said.
Alice turned her head to look at Margaret, "Of course Margaret. You have much to learn and much more to unlearn about people and love." She said with a smile.
I took Margaret's hand and led her to a chair. "You see Margaret my slaves are different! I ensure that they learn about love and the power it can have over people. Sometimes they don't realise that is what they've learnt, but Alice apparently has."
"I feel such a fool." Margaret said, "I could have lost her all due to my arrogance."
I sat beside her, "Yes, you could have, and then I'd have lost her too. Did you forget that if she decides not to stay with you then Ropeville will claim her? I have a suggestion, one which you might not like..." I said.
"What, I'd do anything to keep her." Margaret said, like a man clutching at straws to save his life.
"Be yourself... be Margaret the person, not Margaret the position. Live as yourself, tell your people to vanish for the rest of your stay... you'll learn more about Alice and also about yourself." I told her.
"I... I couldn't do that, what would happen to the business?" She said sounding shocked.
Alice looked up from where she'd been talking to Liz, "Mistress? You do have underlings who know the business do you not?" This was slave Alice talking — and taking the initiative again!
Margaret blinked at the question, "Of course, what type of person would I be if I didn't?" She said.
Alice bowed her head, "I'm sorry for talking out of turn Mistress. But can they not run things until you get back?"
Margaret looked at me, "Dare I? I mean what if something went wrong? It would be my fault!" She said worry showing on her face.
I shook my head at her, "Oh no, I'm not going to advise you on this! You're on your own." I said to her
Margaret closed her eyes and then opened them, this time there was determination in them. She walked to the phone and dialled a long number. "Daniel? I'm going to be unreachable for the next three weeks... that's what I said. Three weeks! You've been saying the management team need to use their muscles, now's their chance... I'm going to be with my daughters... you heard me correctly daughters! I think I've missed being with them." She said and hung up before anything else could be said.
I raised my hands and started clapping, "Well done, that took nerve."
She took a weak look at me, "More than you'll know... so what should we do now?" She asked me.
I looked out of the window at the sky outside, "Well it's a nice day. We could go for a walk, take in the sights and go visiting." I said.
"Billie-Jo and Pauline!" Alice said making us both look at her, "I'm sorry Master, Mistress." She apologised.
"Why? It's a perfectly good suggestion." I said and turned to Margaret, "Care to join me?" I asked her.
"Why not?" She said.
I had Liz's wheelchair and was running through the park again, this time with Master and Margaret behind us I wasn't worried about anything!
We passed a few Police officers who were patrolling in the park receiving smiles and a few 'Well done' as we flew pass.
"I like this place." Liz said to me, "It feels so... friendly." She added.
I laughed, "That's because they don't know us yet!" I said to her which made her laugh out loud.
Master Paul called to us, "Where do you want to go first?"
I already knew where I wanted, but decided to let Liz choose first. "Well?" I asked her.
"I don't know, but I want to meet these two girls you talked about." She said.
So I shouted back, "The Hospital!" And so it was decided... we went to the shopping Mall! It's not that I'm complaining it's just that I did want to see Billie-Jo and introduce her to Liz.
The Mall was large and had several shops that I recognised, although some of the displays were not as I expected. Instead of manikins they had people in the window showing the clothing. I realise they were alive because their eyes blinked normally, but their faces were bland. Indeed while we were looking in one shop an assistant went to the window and lifted a girl out and, pressing a few buttons on a collar she was wearing allowed the girl to walk to a changing room.
The person serving us noticed my shocked look, "It's okay, she's perfectly alright. It's just part of her training. The collars we get from Red Riding clothiers — they're just down the hall, and they allow us to position the girls into any position. When they need to use the toilet or are hungry the program alerts us and we take them either to the cafeteria or where-ever." She said.
I noticed one 'manikin' was in a window, on her own, wearing a bathing suit from which extended a tube which seemed to punch into her mouth... looking closely I saw it wasn't her mouth but a mask she was wearing. When I pointed this out to the assistant she shook her head sadly.
"She was naughty in class, spoke back to a teacher. So she has to stay in the window all day." She told us.
"But what's that tube thing she's got in her mouth?" Liz asked.
The assistant looked troubled but then Master Paul spoke up. "I'm sorry but Liz is a new visitor to Ropeville and isn't used to the punishment system here. If you can explain to her she'll have a better idea." He said.
The assistant nodded. "Well she's not allowed any toilet breaks and so she has a catheter inserted and that's attached to the tube, she is forced to drink her own urine as another part of the punishment, teaches her to control her mouth." She said.
Liz was quiet as she thought about this and then she made a face, "I don't want to be punished here... but what if she has to... you know... poo?" She asked.
The assistant shook her head. "She had some enemas here before she was put into the window, and she's wearing a butt-plug, so even if she wanted to it would be impossible until she's taken out of the window... tomorrow!"
Liz's mouth dropped open but then Master Paul spoke again. "A punishment will last a set time. There is a reason why they seem so tough. The schools here have corporal punishment as standard. But for some offences though a more strict punishment is required. This is decided by the school and will last for a set period of time; I take it she's allowed to move every so often?" Master Paul asked the assistant.
"Yes, she has a 15 minute break every two hours when her legs are allowed to move." She said.
"But should she try to leave the window then the system locks her legs until she's noticed and moved back." Master Paul said at which the assistant nodded. "You see Liz the children here are taught to be responsible for their actions. With the lessons they have here, like gun practise and self defence, they have to be responsible." He said to Liz.
The assistant turned to face Master Paul, "You seem to know a bit too much about our system here... might I ask how?" She said suspiciously.
Master Paul smiled slightly, "Well I should do I was a teacher in the girl's school for a week once." He said.
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