Alice - A Paul Purple Story
Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost
Chapter 7A
Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 7A - Paul has a request for a girl, must be strong and able to look after a disabled child. but the girl he chooses has problems of her own, and how would he get her out of the country - add a personal demon for Paul to control and things will never be simple! - Now the added complication of Red! Can Paul deal with him and still get away?
Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft Fa/ft NonConsensual Reluctant Mind Control Slavery BiSexual FemaleDom Spanking Light Bond Humiliation Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Petting Enema
So I was left in this large foyer while Master Paul was in the courtroom for who knows how long! I tried to sit on one of the benches but it was too hard so I looked around at the pictures on the wall.
A youngish woman, about 30 or so, was pushing a girl in a wheelchair; she looked about 11 or 12 and bored out of her mind, I'd seen them in the park.
"Excuse me, would you mind looking after Liz while I watch one of these cases? She doesn't like these places and I want her to be with someone." The woman asked.
"No, that's okay, I know how she feels." I said with a smile, "Hello Liz, my name is Alice." I said to the girl, she reminded me of Billie-Jo as she looked so lost in the chair.
"'ello." Liz said quietly, as if she was ashamed to talk.
"She's just nervous around strangers; once she gets to know you she'll be fine." The woman said and then entered the same courtroom that Master Paul was in.
"Okay Liz, what shall we do?" I asked her.
"I don't care!" The girl said anger in her tone, "Why did she have to leave me behind?" She asked me.
"That's adults for you, always thinking they know best." I said with a smile which made Liz smile as well - she had a lovely smile - "Tell you what, how about I push you around in here?" I asked her.
"Okay, how fast can you go?" Liz asked me.
"I donno, shall we find out?" I said and got behind the wheelchair and grabbed hold of the handles. "Hold tight!" I warned her and began pushing her fast along the hallway.
We got to the end of the foyer and managed to turn around before starting again. Halfway down one of the women police officer stopped us. "I'm sorry, but there's no running down in the foyer." She said.
"But officer I wasn't running, I was just sitting here!" Liz said with an excited smile.
"We were just getting bored sitting around doing nothing." I said in my defence.
"Why don't you take her outside? It's a lovely day and I'll let whoever it is know where you are." She said.
"Dare we?" I asked Liz who looked at me, smiled and nodded.
So I turned the wheelchair around and made for the doors.
The sunshine was better than the stuffy interior of the courthouse. I took Liz across the road to a park area. There was no-one around and the pathway was nice and flat. "Ready?" I asked Liz.
"Yessss!" Liz called back and I began pushing her, getting faster and faster, I managed to negotiate the turn in the path, running past a fountain and heading towards, what I later discovered to be, a war memorial.
After 10 minutes of this I had to slow down and stop. "I'm sorry Liz; I've got to sit down for a minute." I said.
"Okay Alice, I understand, but you were very good." Liz said.
I shook my head, "Over a month ago I wouldn't have been able to do even this much!" I said.
"Why? What was wrong with you?" Liz asked.
"Nothing was wrong with me, it's just I hadn't exercised correctly, it wasn't until Master Paul..." I stopped, unsure of what to tell her.
"You're lucky! 10 months ago I wasn't like this either!" Liz said despondently.
"Can I ask?" I began but Liz carried on.
"I was in a car with my bother and father, I don't know what the driver did but the car hit something and began to turn over and over, I'm told that I was thrown clear, that's what saved my life... Dad and John... John... didn't make it. The driver walked away with just scratches! I was in a hospital for a month and they said I was paralysed... It's not fair! Why couldn't I have died and John lived?" She said.
I hugged her, "Never say that Liz! The best way you can keep them alive is to remember them! I lost my dad and Mom and I think of them everyday, remembering the good thing we did. That's how I carry on."
"How did they die?" Liz asked quietly.
"They were murdered by a coward called Red. He killed my father because he thought I was trying to get back home. I'm still not sure why he killed Mom." I said, "In a way it was my fault... If I hadn't run away to be taken by Master Paul then Red would probably have let them live." I said feeling slightly bitter.
"Why did you run away? And who's Master Paul? Was he a boy you met up with?" Liz asked.
I laughed, "A boy? No. Master Paul is a kidnapper and trainer; he trains young girls to be slaves." I said.
"A kidnapper! How scary! But you managed to escape and come here." Liz said
I shook my head and explained how I got here.
"So you beat up that Red guy? How could you? You're just a girl!" Liz said and I could tell that she didn't believe me.
"Yep! Just a girl. But I had friends to train me!" I said with a smile as I thought of the other training I'd received.
Just then I noticed two men approaching - I don't know why but I didn't trust them. "Come on Liz, let's go back." I said and started pushing Liz away from the men.
"But Alice the courthouse is the other way!" Liz protested.
"I know, but we're taking the pretty route." I said sounding light as I didn't want to frighten her. As we neared the road a white van started to follow us. I tried to find a phone that Master Paul had given me earlier, but I was grabbed from behind.
"Let go of her and you won't be hurt!" A voice grated in my ear. "We're only interested in the kid." It added.
I didn't answer, but brought the heel of my shoe down onto his foot, which made him loosen his grip, allowing me to bring my elbow up and behind me hitting him in the throat. He fell to the ground gagging. Liz now noticed what was happening and began to scream.
"Liz! Call out for help, and keep on calling!" I told her and she began to follow my instructions.
This left the second man, "Look love, we don't want no trouble, just hand the girl over and we'll be on our way." He said in what was supposed to be an English accent; he had a determined look on his face and was holding a knife in his hand.
I shook my head. "Sorry but Liz is staying with me!" I said and took up a defensive stance.
"You've been watching too many movies." The man said and lunged at me with his knife; I sidestepped his attack and kicked him just under the ribs.
"Why you fucking cow. Now I'm really pissed!" He said and swung wildly with the knife.
I ducked underneath his arm and brought my leg up between his leg before turning to grab hold of his knife hand and, by applying pressure to a point there, made him open his hand, although he had more immediate injuries to think about, he grabbed hold of his crotch and folded up. I kicked him on the chin and knocked him out.
The first man saw me approaching and started backing up, ending up by the legs of a police office that was just looking on, I thought, in shock, I watched as the white van started to drive off. "Stop that van; I think its part of this!" I called to the officer who seemed to be fumbling for her radio.
I turned to Liz, who was now staring open mouthed at the two men, and asked her if she was okay, "Am I okay, how are you? I mean you just kicked him and... and that one is so... are you human?" She said looking at me.
I remembered Shylock's words, "If you prick me do I not bleed, if you tickle me..." And Liz continued,
"Do I not laugh? I didn't know you read Shakespeare!" She said.
"I had to read several strange things, you'd be surprised." I said thinking about the books I'd read out loud - earlier I saw a couple of the discs in a bookshop and had to duck away before a man asked me for my autograph.
"I'll need a statement from you about this." The officer said to me, "you'll have to come with me to the police station." I went behind Liz and started to push it, "I only need your statement miss, this young lady will have to remain here." The officer said.
"If you didn't notice these two tried to kidnap Liz here! And if you think I'm leaving her behind then I suggest you prepare to defend yourself." I said evenly watching her.
"Young lady I am an officer of the Law, do you presume to threaten me?" She said arching her eyebrows.
"Yes! If you're going to insist on leaving Liz unguarded then I'm going to refuse." I said still evenly - something Pauline had taught me, never react angrily or you'll lose the fight before it even starts.
"Now listen here do I have to use my hand-cuffs on you? You will come with me and this young girl will remain here!" The officer reached behind her back as her radio crackled into life.
I started pushing Liz down the path towards the courthouse, "What are you doing?" Liz hissed to me, "She's a police officer, you can't disobey her."
I bent down and spoke quietly to Liz, "She is a person in a uniform; she might be in league with those two. Now I'm going to speed up in a second, hold tight." I said and gradually picked up speed.
"Hey, hold it you two!" The woman, I'm not going to call her a police officer, called out and started to run after me.
"Here we go!" I said to Liz and really put on the speed; I was heading towards the courthouse and notice a police car ahead of me with two officers inside it. "Call out to them!" I instructed Liz who started to signal to them.
The doors opened and the woman behind stopped. The officer, a man! Had a strange insignia on his shoulders, "Henson, stop that woman. I don't recognise her!" He said and took out his gun. "You! Officer! This is Commander Evans. Stop or I will fire!" He said.
I didn't look back but continued to the courthouse, obviously the woman stopped as I didn't hear anything more, I took a quick look before dashing across the road. An officer was by the door and opened it quickly for us.
"Slow down, you're safe now!" She said "Commander Evans's already given the all clear."
"Did they get the white van?" I gasped out feeling a stitch in my side.
"I don't know. I'll have to call to find out." She walked with us back to the room where Master Paul was.
I managed to sit down for a moment, before I noticed that Liz was crying, "Hey now, there's no need for that, everything's okay, you're safe." I said to her gently.
"But... but you... you could have been hurt. Why did you stop them?" Liz asked.
I knelt down beside her so that my face was in line with hers. "I was lucky, my master didn't only improve my mind, just think what they might do to you? A person who can't defend herself? How long would you last in their hands?" I said to her seriously.
"You mean they might kill me?" She said softly.
"Or worse - look, I couldn't let that happen to you. You're important to somebody! And anyway I promised your mother that I would look after you, and I never make a promise without doing it." I told her. Whatever Liz was going to say was lost as the doors opened and a Police officer called both of us into the courtroom.
"Alice Watson, after reviewing your case the court of Ropeville has decided to make you a Ward of this court pending adoption by the petitioner, do you understand what this means?" The judge was watching me as she said this.
"I don't understand, I thought that Mr. Purple was taking care of me." I said making sure I didn't call him Master.
"We are aware of the situation that you have found yourself in and have reviewed the reasons behind this. Although unorthodox and also introducing situations that have put you at risk. The court is happy to relieve him of the responsibility of your care." The judge said as if it explained everything.
"But... your honour... I don't want to leave Mas... Mister Purple, he's looked after me since my parents died." I protested.
"If I might have a word with Alice, your honour?" Master Paul called out. The judge gave her assent and Master Paul sat down beside me. "Alice, this is the time for you to leave me! Your training is complete. The person who wants to adopt you really wants another daughter to look after and to help with her own daughter. This is your future, take it in both hands and accept it." He said passionately.
"But... I can't just leave you, I mean I haven't said goodbye to Pauline and Billie-Jo? How can I go like that?" I said tears blurring my vision.
"You won't be going immediately, the person who wants you is staying in Ropeville for another three weeks, you'll have plenty of time to meet up with Pauline and Billie-Jo, trust me, have I ever steered you wrong?" Master Paul gave me an encouraging smile.
"Very well! If you tell me to Master." I said telling him that I still considered him the one in charge of me.
"I do, Slave Alice. Now accept what the judge is telling you and then see if you like your new mistress." He said smiling.
"I'm sorry your honour, I understand what you said." I had wiped my eyes and was now standing up facing the judge.
"Very well, do you want us to continue with the adoption procedure? I understand you have briefly met the plaintiff's daughter." The judge continued and I noticed that the man, Commander Evans, had entered the courtroom.
"I have? I'm sorry your honour but I wasn't aware that..." I began but again Master Paul stood up.
"Your honour, if I may speak?" He said.
"Again Mr. Purple? Oh very well." She said, but I could see a twinkle in her eye as she said it.
"I didn't want to influence Alice either way so I didn't inform her of the reason why we were here, I arrange with... the plaintiff... to leave her daughter with Alice to see how they reacted with each other. Alice had no idea who the young lady was and so her actions would be completely normal." Paul said.
The judge raised her eyebrows. "I see, well you are well known for being unconventional, so let me phrase my question another way: Alice, you understand that the plaintiff has a daughter who requires attention? This is a very complex thing and if you decide that you do not want to carry on with this adoption then the court would understand." She explained.
I was in a quandary, if I said no what would happen to me... but then again Liz was so vulnerable, and I already knew how to handle a wheelchair bound person - drat Master Paul! He set this all up! "Your honour? What would happen to me if I refused?" I asked her.
The judge looked at me before speaking, "I take it you require information?" She said and I nodded which made her smile, "Well you'd be taken into care at the orphanage where you would be assessed for future adoption." She said carefully glancing at a women standing to one side.
"But your honour, a child - if I might be called such - of my age is very difficult to place with foster parents! In fact most people would prefer a younger child to bring up in their way, not one whose mind is already set in a pattern. Is that not so?" I queried. And saw the woman make a face.
"I wouldn't have put it in exactly those words, but yes you are right. It is a longer procedure for a young adult of your age to get a successful adoption." The judge admitted.
I turned to Master Paul, "And I would not be able to meet with Mr. Purple or his family at all?" I asked.
"I don't think so, that would have to be up to the orphanage authority. I would have no control over visitations." She said seeing where I was going with this.
"And the person who wants to adopt me understands how I feel?" I asked looking at Liz's mother who stood up.
"Your honour, I have been informed about Alice's family and her feelings, my daughter has also lost her father and her brother, she rarely laughs and is confined to a wheelchair, I have commitments that I cannot avoid and I believe that Alice is the type of person that would be good for her and for me. I would be proud to have a daughter like Alice; I just hope she'll decide to come with me."
"That's a very impressive plea. But it is up to Alice to decide what she wants to do? So Alice, what is your decision?" The judge asked me.
"Your honour, before I accept the adoption I would ask that I'd be allowed to stay with..." I gestured at the woman who smiled.
"I'm Margaret." She said.
"... Margaret and her daughter Liz for a few days before I have to formally agree to this?" I made it a question.
The judge nodded her head, "This is understandable and shows maturity beyond your age. Very well, the court will allow its Ward, Alice, to remain with the plaintiff for a period of 1 week before making the adoption final. Case will resume in one weeks time!" She banged her gavel and Paul took hold of my shoulders.
"Alice, come and meet Margaret." He said.
"Thank you for looking after Liz." Margaret said but before I could answer the gavel was banging again.
"Ladies and Gentlemen it appears that we have a hero in our midst. Would Alice Watson please approach the bench?" The judge said.
I swallowed and walked to where the judge was seated. "Alice? Why didn't you say anything about the attempted abduction of Margaret's daughter?" The judge asked me. I heard Margaret gasp behind me.
"I didn't have time your honour, but there wasn't any problem really. I just did what I had to." I said.
"And you did this because?" The judge asked.
"I don't understand your Honour; those people were threatening Liz, who was in my care, I had to defend her. And thanks to Mr. Purple's training I was able to do so." I said simply.
Commander Evans laughed out loud, "Your Honour I would welcome this young lady into the police force. She was able to defeat two men, one of whom was armed with a knife. She also recognised a woman disguised as a police officer and was able to avoid her allowing us enough time to get to the woman." He said.
"You were already watching Alice?" The judge asked but Evans shook his head.
"No, your honour. We were watching the young girl in the wheelchair. We had a report that people were going to kidnap her. We just needed her to be out in view. We had the town staked out and CCTV watching every move that she made." He said.
"Why did you delay in getting to her then?" The judge asked Evans.
"I must admit I was enjoying the show! I would ask for copies of the tape to be made available for training purposes." He said laughing.
"Commander Evans this is a court of law, not a place of entertainment. However your report is most illuminating. Elizabeth do you have anything that you wish to add to Commander Evans's statement?" I wondered who this Elizabeth was? I'd met so many people since first arriving in Ropeville.
"Yes your honour, Alice was marvellous. She wouldn't let them take me and even spoke back to a person dressed as an officer. I'd trust her with my life!" Liz spoke up clearly, much to the obvious amazement of Margaret.
"Very well, this requires consideration, which I'll deliver next week." The judge said and banged her gavel again.
Commander Evans approached me, "Well done young lady, I would like to invite you to visit the police station at some time. I've a deputy's badge to give you." He said.
Master Paul then came to me and hugged me, "Well done Alice that was a better show than I had planned. You have shown Margaret that Liz is in capable hands, but then I already knew that!" He said with a smile and then brought me to stand before Margaret.
"Hello Alice, I'm sorry I left Liz with you but it was Paul's idea." She said, "Will you walk to our hotel with us?" She asked.
Liz was very animated as we walked along the path in the park, she described to Margaret and Paul where the men appeared and how I fought them off, when we arrived at the hotel the concierge was very polite to Margaret and Liz. When I was introduced as her adopted daughter to be, he treated me with respect as well.
We went up in the lift to Margaret's room, or rather suite of rooms. Margaret seemed rather apologetic, "I'm sorry Alice, but would you mind sharing with Liz? She's always fretful if she has to sleep on her own." Margaret said.
"I don't mind at all." I looked at Master Paul, "I'm used to sharing another girl's bed. So it's no bother."
"Oh yes, I'd forgotten. But I understand you're a celebrity in your own right?" Margaret said and she took a CD out of her bag. I felt my face go red.
"Is that really you?" Liz asked me, "Because I thought I recognised your voice. Have you done others?" She asked me.
"Just two more, but I wouldn't think you'd be listening to them. I'm surprised you listened to that one." I said slightly accusingly.
"Mom doesn't mind. She likes to listen to it at night," She lowered her voice conspiratorially; "She says I wriggle too much and keep her awake." And she smiled.
"Well if you do, I'll tie you down on the bed!" I said with a smile.
"Promises, promises!" Liz said and started to wheel her chair towards her bedroom, I chased after her.
Once I entered the room Liz closed the door, "Oh Alice you were marvellous, please stay with us, you'll like it." She said
"I'll see, but why did you bring me here?" I asked her.
Liz bit her lip and looked around making sure we were alone. "I needed to go to the toilet, but I didn't want to say so with that man around." She said.
"Master Paul wouldn't mind, he's used to seeing girls on the toilets, he had a special clear one that I had to use." I said smiling at the memory.
"But he would be able to see you poo and everything." She said shocked.
I nodded, "Yes, it was his way of showing me that it didn't matter who was around." I told her, "Now where's your toilet." I asked.
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