Alice - A Paul Purple Story
Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost
Chapter 1A: Alice
Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 1A: Alice - Paul has a request for a girl, must be strong and able to look after a disabled child. but the girl he chooses has problems of her own, and how would he get her out of the country - add a personal demon for Paul to control and things will never be simple! - Now the added complication of Red! Can Paul deal with him and still get away?
Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft Fa/ft NonConsensual Reluctant Mind Control Slavery BiSexual FemaleDom Spanking Light Bond Humiliation Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Petting Enema
I hated them all! My Mom and that slob she married.
"Alice, you must behave yourself with Robert!" "Alice, be kind to your father!" "Alice, don't say things about your father like that!" That's all I get from her, she never listens to me... I don't want HIM looking at me like that!
My name, if you hadn't realised, is Alice. I'm thirteen and I hate my life here.
Last night was the last straw! I was changing for bed and had just taken my blouse and skirt off when HE opened my door and stood there watching me in my bra and panties.
"I should have picked you instead of your Mom!" HE said while gawking at my body.
"What are you doing?" I demanded and then added, "Why didn't you knock!"
"I don't need to knock in my house Alice! Anyway your Mom and I are going out... If you're lucky I might come to see you when we get back!" HE said and blew me a kiss.
Now I've heard about what happens to some kids and I didn't want that to happen to me! So as soon as they left I locked my door and put a chair up against the handle. I looked at a picture of my father.
"Daddy, why did you let us leave? Why couldn't you have kept me with you?" I sobbed and lay down on my bed holding the picture in my hands. Crying I fell asleep.
There was a knocking at my door, I looked at the clock. It was 2 o'clock in the morning!
"Little Alice let me in, I'll give you a present if you will!" That was HIM trying to be nice I didn't answer him just ducked my head under my pillow. I heard the door handle rattle as he tried to open it. "Stupid bitch, that won't stop me for long you know!" HE said and tried the door one last time before going back to his bedroom and my mother.
I stayed awake for another hour before I could get back to sleep.
"You shouldn't lock your door at night you know Alice!" HE said at breakfast, "Just think what could happen if there's a fire?"
"I could get out!" I said fiercely to him.
"Don't talk to your father like that!" My mother told me.
"But Mom he tried to come into my bedroom last night!" I said.
"No he didn't he was with me all night!" Mom said. HE kissed her goodbye and went out to work — I don't know what he did, but he only seemed to work half the day! "Don't you dare tell such lies about your father like that! He's done a lot for us ever since that bastard left us for that bitch!"
"Dad didn't leave us; you took me away from him!" I said, still angry that she didn't listen to me.
"I had to. God knows what he might have done if I didn't!" That was something else that I was annoyed about, she just packed up and dragged me away to a different town away from my friends and my dad!
"I hate you!" I said to her and ran out of the house.
I don't know where I was going, I just walked in tears.
I found myself in a shopping mall, sitting on a bench, I wasn't crying now I didn't have any more tears to shed.
"What's the matter?" A girl asked me, she was about 10 or 11, dressed smartly in jeans and a t-shirt; she had a concerned look on her face.
"It's nothing." I tried to say but couldn't, she tipped her head to one side and then put her arm around my shoulder pulling me to her, I couldn't help but cry again — nobody had hugged me for ages, not since dad... I couldn't stop crying.
"Hey it's alright, you can come with me. My name's Billie-Jo what's yours?" The girl asked me.
"I... I'm Alice." I said and allowed Billie-Jo to help me stand and we started walking. We entered a hallway, away from the main shopping area, and Billie-Jo was steering me... There was a pain in my leg and somehow I couldn't stand up, then everything went dark.
It was dark, I couldn't see anything. I tried to move my hands but they were tied up! Had HE managed to get to me in my room? But how?
Then I remembered the last few moments before I woke up. Billie-Jo! Was she okay? I tried to say something but found I was gagged. So I couldn't move and I couldn't talk. What could I do? I listened...
There was the rumble of a large car, or van... the sounds of birds? Turkeys? And the touch of... skin on my legs. I tried to move my leg and found they were also tied, but the... body moved. It had to be Billie-Jo! She was safe, only where was I?
Somehow, even though I was scared listening to the monotonous rumble of the van, I fell asleep again.
The opening of the van door woke me. A bright light was shining in my eyes I tried to blink them through the pain but something was placed over my head blocking my sight completely.
I was lifted up and carried, like a sack, first along a level area and then down. I was thrown onto something soft and then left alone...
The footsteps returned and whatever I was lying on bounced as if a weight was placed on it.
"Master why two? You were only going after one weren't you?" It was a young girl's voice and I didn't like what she was suggesting. Why would she call someone master? It had to be a man. So it looked as if I'd run away from one sex manic to be taken by another!
"I was Pauline! But she couldn't be moved away from that one so I had to risk it. Perhaps I could train her, but she's much too old to be of any use. Maybe someone will want it." He sounded so dismissive that it made me angry, and then I realised that he was talking about me! At thirteen he thought I was too old! How dare he think that, I was just as good as any girl!
"I suppose I'd better see what it looks like; we might be able to do something." The hood was removed from my head and I was looking at a middle-aged man, dressed in slacks and a shirt, beside him was a young girl, maybe 11 years old, she was naked except for a ribbon collar around her throat.
"Well the face is nothing to look at; I'd need to check the rest of her out. Pauline, you cut her clothes off and I'll check our prize." That smug bastard said and then the girl, Pauline, approached me with a pair of scissors in her hands.
"Don't move, Spare!" She said smiling away as she cut away at my blouse. "Master, she's got a bra on! Should she keep it or lose it?"
"I told you to strip her Pauline! Do I have to do it myself? I've enough on my plate with this one." And then there was the sound of a slap. He struck that poor girl! I tried to struggle but then the touch of a blade on my shoulder stopped me.
"You're already in trouble Spare! I wouldn't do anything to annoy him more!" Pauline told me as she snipped the straps on my bra. I couldn't stop her from pulling the cups away from me and then... she touched me. "Oh nice little jugs, Spare!" She said smiling at me; I just looked daggers at her. "Don't be like that; you might regret not having a friend here." Pauline said to me the smile staying on her face.
Then she started to pull my pants leg up to free it from the rope holding my legs together and then she used her scissors to cut up the side of one before doing the other side. In this manner she was able to pull my pants away from me without any major effort.
"Master? Is it worthwhile to undress this one, I don't think she'd ever make a good slave! She keeps looking at me." Pauline complained.
"So? What are your hands for? Slap her if she doesn't behave. What have I told you?" The man said.
"Oh, yes!" Pauline said and then she hit me on my tits. "Listen Spare you're lucky, if master says you're to be undressed then that's what's going to happen. You could be left lying dead in a ditch somewhere."
Great! So I'm either going to be somebody's sex toy or a corpse! — Wait, wasn't that what was going to happen to me at home — So was this what was destined for me anyway?
A breath of air over my pussy told me that while I was thinking Pauline had managed to remove my panties without my noticing. Then I felt her hand brushing along my pussy. I tried to squirm away from her but she just hit me again on my tits. "Don't move Spare." She told me.
I wanted to shout at her to leave me alone, that my name wasn't Spare but Alice! But with this gag in my mouth I couldn't say a word!
"Master what shall I do with all this on Spare?" Pauline asked as she played with my pubic hair.
"I suppose we could shave it off, unless you want it plucked?" He said offhandedly as he pulled Billie-Jo's jeans and knickers off, she was already without her t-shirt. I noticed that her arms were untied but the gag was still in her mouth.
"Hmmm? Plucked? Each hair removed one at a time. I wonder what that would feel like?" Pauline said to me. I didn't want to know and so I shook my head, "No? Why should I show you any favouritism? You don't like me so it doesn't matter anyway; you're just property to be used as I want." Pauline said.
"What was that Slave Pauline?" The man said.
"I'm sorry Master; I should have said to be used as you want her to be used!" Pauline said looking suitably abashed. She turned her back to the man and bent over. The man got up from Billie-Jo and stood behind Pauline. I watched as he brought his hand back and then struck Pauline on her ass three times, after each blow she responded, "Thank you Master!"
The man retuned to Billie-Jo and lifted her off the bed without any apparent effort, and then he walked away to the door, carrying her over his shoulder. I could see her eyes wide with fear as she left my view.
Pauline returned carrying some soap, water, cloths, some scissors and a razor; I think it was called a 'cut-throat' razor, which she placed in my full view.
"You can't stay in that position, it's impossible for me to shave you properly. I'm going to have to spread your legs wide to get to your pussy." She gave a wicked smile, "Now either you let me, or I'll have to play."
I went to lunge at her but from my tied state I could only bounce on the bed causing Pauline to laugh. "Oh well then I'll have to get a little toy." She said and moved out of my sight.
Her voice by my ear made me jump. "Now I'm going to untie your legs, if you try to kick me I'll use this..." There was a crackling sound by my ear, "This is a taser, and it causes an electric shock between two contacts. I could put it on your leg, or your tits, or even on your pussy... here's what it's like at low level." And she put the thing against my leg and pushed a button.
I tried to scream but couldn't, the pain was excruciating! I've never felt such pain before! And I almost blacked out... no I did black out because when I came to I found that my legs were tied apart and there was a pillow under my ass with another one under my neck.
"Sorry Spare but I misjudged the voltage; still it doesn't matter really does it?" Pauline said sweetly and then picked up a pair of scissors and approached me. "Hold still Spare 'cos if these slip you're going to get hurt!"
She came close to my pussy and started to cut the hair down there, I didn't dare move just in case she stabbed me. A scream from upstairs made itself heard, I looked towards the door. Pauline saw that and smiled.
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