Blenders - Cover


Copyright© 2007 by ShannonQ


Science Fiction Sex Story: Prologue - A race of Krothons find Earth. One being, #1142, decides to be a Breeder. It turns itself into a beautiful woman and sets out to find a suitable human male so she can help build up their race. These half Krothon/half humans want to takeover the world but in a peaceful means, not war. They posses superior genes, strength and intellect. Will they be successful in their endeavor?

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Coercion   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Squirting   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Body Modification   Violence   School  

Halfway across the universe a war between two great empires of different races took place. The Anthos, usually a peaceful people, and a malevolent race of beings called the Korothians. Anthos tried to negotiate a truce before hostilities began. The Korothians, wishing to expand their influence, refused all approaches by the other empire. They were bent on a quick and decisive attack bringing the Anthonians to their knees for a hasty surrender. The few saner minds tried to deter the majority of those who cherished war.

It started with the sixth moon of Anthos when the Korothians approached that orbiting Anthos satellite in stealth mode, the battle was short and bloody. Millions of miners and families were brutally killed. The Korothians landed on the moon for their basic launching pad to Anthos. They anticipated an easy victory.

1142 was an officer against this war but when its superiors ordered this assault, it followed orders and fought with valor. Being a high ranking officer, it led the attack instead of staying in the background allowing its troops to face the danger. It sickened the officer to see all the fleshly bodies laying on every part of the moon, dead. It tried to shake the image from its mind to move forward to fortify the moon what they had won.

However the Korothians couldn't take advantage of its base of operations to move any closer to the Anthonians. Thermo-nuclear devices exploded harmlessly several hundreds of thousands of miles from that planet. Their reflector shields were very effective not to allow any disaster to the home world. The war stalemated for the next 200 years. Both were being strangled from trading since the merchants from the other galaxies stopped their trade with both empires.

Like World War One in the Earth's 20th century, there were very little movement on either side. All attacks were thwarted or victories were so minor that the billions of lives lost on both sides mattered little. During this time Anthos accidentally stumbled upon a new type of weaponry. They flew off fifty light years to test it. It was an electronic impulse so powerful that very little was left of whatever they aimed for. They shot out stars, suns and other uninhabited planets by sending wave after wave leaving nothing but destruction. Those heavenly bodies were left in dust or small particles no larger than mile wide asteroids. The captain of the mission sent a flash coded message back to Anthos to announce the weapon was successful.

Upon receipt of that communication, Anthos sent a message to Korothia that they had a new advanced weapon and called on all of the Korothian Empire to surrender. It was ignored.

1142 was called back to the home planet for an important conference. It thought that its people were finally finding their senses to negotiate a truce. There it learned of this new weapon that the Anthos came up with. 1142 wanted to stop this conflict long ago. When it found that the Anthonians were thought to be bluffing and its people wished to continue the war, he knew that the leaders had lost whatever intelligence it had, it lobbied for the end of all hostilities. 1142 was placed under arrest and sent to the other side of the planet for imprisonment citing insubordination and treason.

Chapter 1 »



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