Mellisa, Mary Ellen and Me - Cover

Mellisa, Mary Ellen and Me

Copyright© 2007 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - One little insult caused him over two years of grief (with some great sex thrown in.)

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Heterosexual   Cheating   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Slow  

I debated keeping my conversation with Ron a secret from Mary Ellen, but there wasn't anyway that I could keep my getting back with Mellisa from her. She would be curious as to why and I knew her well enough to know that she would stay after me until I told her so best do it up front and get it out of the way.

"Why in the world would you let him push you into that? You can't possibly be that hard up for a job. So he fires you, so what? You're young, you're smart, you could always find something else."

"Not like what I have now" and I explained the deal to her.

"I never knew that and I know almost all that goes on at the company. I own it. Did you know that? I own fifty-four percent of the company's stock and Ron sits as president and CEO because of me."

"Well, it was your father's deal and I've been walking on eggshells since he passed away. Not a day goes by when I don't think I'll be called in and told that the deal is cancelled. That's why I caved when you threatened me with Ron and that's why Mellisa always got away with what she did — she was always using daddy as a club."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Try to keep everyone happy until I graduate."

"What then?"

"I don't know, but at least I'll have options."

"So, you are only here with me to keep your job?"

"Don't be silly. I'll still be here with you ten years from now if you want, job or no job, but to keep things in perspective here, let us not forget that it was you threatening me with Ron that got us here."

Mary Ellen had the good grace to blush and say nothing. She just smiled and undressed.

Mellisa was still loitering around and I ignored her for another two weeks and then one evening when I found her on my apartment steps I asked, "Just what is it going to take to get rid of you Mellisa?"

"You can't Ryan. I plan to be around for the rest of your life, either with you or just haunting you."

"Why Mellisa? Just what is so special about me that you can't leave me alone?"

"I love you Ryan. I don't know when it happened, but it did and I want to be with you."

"Bullshit Mellisa. If you loved me you would never have pulled that stupid, sick little game of yours on me."

"Haven't you ever screwed up Ryan? Haven't you ever done something that you wished to God you could undo, but couldn't? I fucked up. At the time I thought it was great. I had you and I was having the most mind-blowing orgasms and I wanted it to go on forever. Can we go inside and talk Ryan?"

"No Mellisa, I've got things I need to do tonight. If you want to talk you can meet me at the Student Union on Friday after my three o'clock class. I should be there about four-ten."

"Can't we talk in private?"

"No Mellisa, I don't want to be anywhere alone with you" and it gets me three more days closer to graduation.

The next Thursday Mary Ellen reduced me to jelly before asking, "How's it coming with Mellisa?"

"I've agreed to talk with her."

"And then?"

"I'll agree to start dating her to see if we can put it back together again and I'll string it out as long as I can."

"You going to make love to her?"

"It may come to that."

"This is ridiculous. She's my daughter and my natural inclination is to be protective of her and knowing what you are going to do to her pisses me off. On the other hand I'm possessive of you and I don't want to share you with her. How fucked up is that?"

"Hey, you are the major stock holder in the company. Guarantee my job and I won't have to do any of it."

"You know I can't do that. Ron would be all over me wanting to know what was going on."

"Yeah, I know. Besides, it may not come to our having sex. The plan is to get her so pissed off that she breaks us up. Maybe it will happen before we get to the sex part."

"Try to make it happen sweetie, try real hard. Speaking of hard, any chance for one more time?"

Mellisa was sitting at a table waiting for me when I arrived at the Student Union on Friday. I sat down, "Okay Mellisa, go ahead, it's your meeting."

"Please Ryan, can't we go somewhere more private?"

"No Mellisa. You're wasting time. You wanted to talk, so talk or I'll be going."

"Why are you being so hard Ryan?"

"After what you did to me Mellisa I don't owe you a thing. You are lucky I even agreed to let you talk to me, so talk."

"Ryan, I'm sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you, but I need you Ryan. I love you and I'm miserable without you. Please Ryan, can't we get back together?"

"Why should we Mellisa? I don't know why you did what you did in the first place so why would I trust you not to do it again?"

"It was a mistake Ryan. It was accidental the first time, but it was so damned good that I had to try it again."

"Explain that if you can."

"When you took away my key I was pissed. "Fuck him" I said to my self, "I don't need his sorry ass." So I went out with several other guys and I slept with two of them. It was okay, but it was no where near as satisfying as what you and I had. The day I came back to your apartment I had just slept with one of them. When it was over I asked myself why I was fucking around with losers when what I really wanted was to be with you. I went to your apartment to talk to you, to try and put us back together the way we were. I didn't intend to sleep with you that day, honest to God Ryan, I did not intend to, but we ended up in bed. When you ate my pussy with Donny's cum still in me I had the most mind-blowing orgasm of my life and I wanted to experience it again. I didn't know if it was caused by the fact that you were licking up Donny's stuff or if it was because I was so happy to be back with you. The next time you ate me it was good and I did have a small orgasm, but not a mind blowing one so I got curious. I got laid by another guy and then came to you. You ate my pussy and it sent me to the moon. I know that it was all mental Ryan, but it was so fantastic. I wanted both Ryan, I wanted you and I wanted those spectacular orgasms, but the only way I could get them was to get laid by somebody else before coming to you. The guys didn't mean shit to me Ryan; all they did was give me what I needed so you could make me see stars with your mouth. It was wrong and I knew it, but it didn't seem to bother you and it did so much for me that I convinced myself that it would be okay because you would never find out. But then you did find out and walked away from me and I died inside. When we started out Ryan I was just fucking with you over that "little girl" shit, but somewhere along the way I fell in love with you and I can't bear not being with you."

"That's what you say, but do you want my take on it Mellisa? You are a spoiled brat and you have always gotten what you wanted. No one has ever said no to you until I did and it is killing you. That sort of thing is just not supposed to happen to Mellisa. No Mellisa, the way I see it is that you want us to get back together so you can end it on your terms, not mine."

"You are wrong Ryan. I swear to God that if I get you back dynamite won't be able to separate us."

"I don't know Mellisa. In the first place I'm not sure that I could ever trust you again. In the second place I'm seeing someone right now and the question is why should I drop her for you, but third and most important is that I don't ever recall telling you that I love you. The only reason we got together was because you browbeat me with your father and what he could do to me and my job. Given that, why should your telling me that you love me mean anything?"

"You love me Ryan. You may not have gotten around to realizing it yet, but you do. I could tell from the way you held me and the way you touched. Come on Ryan, give us a chance. Please?"

"I'm in a relationship that I'm comfortable with Mellisa and I just can't see risking it over you."

"Do you love her?"

"No, but I am very fond of her."

"Does she love you?"

"No, she's in love with her husband."

"She loves her husband, but sleeps with you?"

"He doesn't give her enough sex."

"So, any day now she could decide to go home to him or he could find out about you and come looking for you with a gun. Sounds to me like what you need is a steady, stable relationship Ryan, and I'm here to offer it to you."

"I don't think so Mellisa, I just don't think that it would work."

"Okay, how's this? I'll share. That way I'll have a foot in the door when she goes back to hubby."

"You are that desperate?"

"Yes Ryan, I am that desperate."

"Okay Mellisa, I'll think on it."

"What's to think on?"

"My schedule hasn't changed Mellisa. I'm still balancing work and school and I only have so much free time. The Mondays and Thursdays that you used to have are taken up by my new lady friend."

"Does she get away from her hubby on weekends?"

"Some, but not often."

"Okay, I'll take the weekends then and if she gets free on one of them I'll bite my tongue and step aside. All I want is a chance Ryan. Please, just give me a chance."

I looked at her and was quiet for a minute and then I said, "All right Mellisa, this is what I'm willing to do. We never had a relationship as such. All we had was you beating me over the head with your father. This time we do it the normal way. We date and then we see if it goes from there. I'm not doing anything next Friday. Would you like to have dinner and then take in a movie with me?"

"Next Friday? But that's a whole week away Ryan."

Yes indeed it is, I thought, and one week closer to graduation. "Maybe some other time then" I said as I started to stand up. Mellisa grabbed my arm, "Next Friday is fine Ryan."

"Good. I'll pick you up around seven."

Mary Ellen was sliding up and down on my cock for the third time that night. She had been horny as hell when I got to the motel, "Hurry baby, hurry. He had me twice before I left the house." I was doing my best to stay with her when suddenly she stopped and said, "I don't feel right about this."

"Don't feel right about what?"

"Doing what I'm doing knowing that tomorrow you will be screwing over my daughter."

"No I won't. I'm just going to string her along until graduation and then tell her sorry, it just isn't working."

"That will be screwing over her."

"Well, she's got it coming from the way she screwed over me. Besides, you know her better than I do so you should know that all I am to her is something she can't have so she just wants it more."

"You're right sweetie, I do know her better than you do and I believe her when she says she loves you."

"Well I don't love her so it doesn't really matter."

"Are you sure about that?"

"You had better hope so. Given our current status can you imagine having me around as a son in law?"

Mary Ellen giggled at that. "Oh I don't know sweetie, it could have its interesting moments."

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