Mellisa, Mary Ellen and Me - Cover

Mellisa, Mary Ellen and Me

Copyright© 2007 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - One little insult caused him over two years of grief (with some great sex thrown in.)

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Heterosexual   Cheating   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Slow  

Up front I'll say that I'm no Adonis. I'm not movie star handsome, I don't have an especially great body and truth be told I'm not much more than average in any of the hundreds of things that women look for in a man. God only knows why Mellisa decided to chase after me.

I started working part time for the XYZ Corporation when I was a seventeen-year-old high school student. I continued working there when I started college and at nineteen when a full time position opened up I applied for it and got it. It was a hard life for me trying to handle a fulltime job and a full load of sixteen credit hours at school. I had zero social life, but it didn't matter to me because I had a goal. I was determined to get a degree and get a good paying white-collar job. I was not going to end up like my father who spent his life working the blast furnaces at the Ford Rouge Plant and who came home every day worn out and beat down. To dad it was a great job. It was union, paid well and had great benefits, but it was back breaking labor and it just wasn't what I wanted for myself. I fully intended to make that early start at XYZ, coupled with my degree, lead me into middle and upper management.

I didn't know it at the time, but the Gods were looking down at me and smiling upon me with favor. I'd caught the eye of Jason Banks, president and CEO of XYZ, and he was pointing me out to others as "the kind of employee that this company needs in order to grow." I didn't find out about this until much later, but he kept an eye on me during my first year at college and used various contacts of his to keep him informed of my progress and my grades. When I was mid way through my sophomore year and my GPA was holding at 3.79 in spite of the fact I was working 40 to 45 hours a week at XYZ I was called down to the Personnel Office. The personnel manager told me that my hours were being cut from 40 hours a week to 24. Before I could register disappointment at the news he went on to say, "We are doing this so you can spend more time concentrating on your studies. There are some in this company that believe that a young man with your determination can go places in the company." He pushed some papers across his desk at me. "This is an employment contract. By signing it you agree to work for the company for a minimum of three years following your graduation. In return, the company will pick up the cost of your education."

It was a no brainer. I was living at home with my parents and had almost zip for living expenses. My wages had all gone for tuition and books and to keep my clunker of a car running. By signing the contract the money from the 24 hours worked would become spending money and as I reached for a pen to sign I was already thinking of what I could spend it on.

Signing that contract had some far-reaching consequences that had nothing to do with the educational aspects. In all large companies there exists a certain class of people who are determined to climb the corporate ladder by any means necessary. They back stabbed, curried favor, took credit for the work of others and kissed a ton of ass. Ronald Sheets was one of those people. Ron had a leg up on the competition by virtue of marrying the bosses' daughter, but Ron was still always on the look out for ways to make points. Somehow he found out about his father in law's interest in me and decided that a good way to curry favor with dad would be to 'discover' me himself. One day he showed up on the shop floor during my shift and stopped to talk to me.

"How's it going Ryan?"

"Pretty good Mr. Sheets."

"Keeping the old grade point up?"

"Hacking away at it sir."

"You know Ryan, I can relate to where you are right now, I've done it myself, and I can tell you from experience that all work, all study, and no play can be a drag. I'm having a party at my house this weekend and I want you to come. Hell, I'll do better than that — make it a command appearance — be there Ryan. I'll have my secretary bring you a map on how to get there. Totally casual, you can come any way you want except naked. See you then" and he walked away.

Ron was known throughout the company as a back stabbing, ass kissing butt fuck and under normal conditions I would avoid him like the plague — not wanting to get tarred with the same brush — but circumstances were not normal. Ron collected classic cars and he had several that I wanted to see. I figured I'd drop by, check out the cars and then beat feet.

I showed up at the party about an hour after it was scheduled to start and the first person I saw was Ron's sixteen-year-old daughter Mellisa. We'd never met, but I knew who she was. Her picture was in the paper often enough. Occasionally on the society page, but more often than not following some run in with the authorities. Driving under the influence, running naked through the fountain at City Park, smoking a joint out behind the high school or something of that nature. She was a spoiled rotten, headstrong and willful girl and her reputation preceded her everywhere she went. You would never think it to look at her. She had the face of an Angel. She looked like innocence personified, but you knew from her reputation that her appearance lied.

I walked into the party and Mellisa saw me and came over to me and said, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"My name is Ryan and I'm here because your father invited me."

"You don't belong here; you should leave."

For some reason that struck me as funny and I laughed at her and said, "Go play with your dollies little girl" and I walked away from her and went looking for her father. I didn't know it at the time, but the "little girl" part had stung Mellisa and that just was something that she was not at all used to.

I was in the garage area practically drooling over a perfectly restored Candy Apple Red 1934 Ford 3 Window Coupe when Mellisa came up behind me.

"Hey you!" and I turned to face her. She pulled her top up and exposed her bra less 36D tits and said, "This look like a little girl to you?"

Ordinarily I would have stopped drooling over the Coupe and started drooling over Mellisa, but for some reason she had pissed me off with her "You don't belong here" comment. I looked from the left one to the right one and then I said, "Yep, you're about ready for a training bra. Go talk to your mom and she can probably help you pick out one" and I walked away and left her standing there.

I was getting ready to leave when Ron caught me and said, "Ryan, I have some one I want you to meet." He steered me to a tall, imposing man and said, "Ryan, this is Mr. Banks." Mr. Banks extended his hand and I shook it as Ron said, "Ryan is going to be one of our up and comers dad." Banks looked from me to Ron and I saw that Ron didn't fool the old man a bit. Over the left shoulder of Mr. Banks I saw Mellisa watching us and probably wondering what the guy "who didn't belong here" was doing with her father and grandfather. Shortly after that I left the party.

The next time I saw Mellisa it was at the company picnic. She never approached me, but she was never far away and every time I looked her way she was looking at me. Next was the company Christmas party, but that time she was a little more forward. I avoided her as much as I could, but halfway through the party she came up to me as I was talking to her father and said, "Come on Ryan, this is our dance" and she pulled me out onto the dance floor.

"I don't recall committing to a dance with you."

"I can't help it if you are stupid."

"I'm stupid?"

"You must be if you think I'm a little girl. Look around Ryan. I may only be seventeen, but I put half the women here to shame."

"You are only sixteen."

"No I'm not. I turned seventeen the 9th of last month."

"Okay, so you are a couple of months older, you are still a little girl."

I hadn't noticed, but we were under the mistletoe and Mellisa stopped dancing, took my head in both hands and gave me a kiss that made my underwear start to smolder.

"Tell me that was a little girl kiss asshole" and she stomped off leaving me standing there.

I heard some one behind me say, "She doesn't handle rejection well." I turned and saw Mellisa's mother standing there.

"What is it with you two?" she asked.

"Nothing that I know of."

"Nonsense. She is a little wild so I've gotten used to keeping an eye on her. I noticed sparks at the party at our house and at the company picnic she followed your every move. She hasn't taken her eyes off you since you walked in the door and you are trying to tell me that there isn't anything going on?"

"Oh there might be something going on, but it isn't what you think."

"Oh no? Well then, come and dance with me and tell me all about it."

Mellisa's mother, Mary Ellen, was drop dead gorgeous and quite possibly the sexiest woman I'd ever seen in my life and dancing with her was a nightmare. Trying to talk with her while trying to keep my hard on from poking into her leg was a very difficult thing to do and what made it really bad was the bemused smile on Mary Ellen's face that told me that she knew. I explained to her what had happened at the party (omitting the tit show) and Mary Ellen burst out laughing.

"You actually called her a little girl and told her to go play with her dolls?"

"I'm afraid I did."

"No wonder she is after you. You better watch out. She has to prove you wrong now and she will hound you until she does it. Ooh. Look where we are" and she looked up. I followed her glance and saw that we were under the mistletoe again.

"Don't look now, but she is watching" and she kissed me. It was a scorcher and when she broke it she said, "That was to thank you for the compliment" and she glanced down at my leg and giggled. "Walk me back to my table young man and remember, watch out for Mellisa."

The party wound down and as I was leaving Mellisa came up to me and handed me an envelope.

"What's this?"

"A Christmas present."

I opened it and found a Polaroid of a naked Mellisa wearing a skimpy bikini and a pair of high heels. Luckily I was turned so that she couldn't see the effect that the picture had on me.

"Some little girl huh?" she said.

I handed the picture back to her and said, "I can't keep this. They have laws against kiddie porn."

The look on her face as I walked away was priceless.

Why was I acting that way toward her when she so obviously lit my fire? It had nothing to do with my being pissed over our first encounter and everything to do with my survival. She was wild and unpredictable, had a penchant for getting her picture in the papers — usually for something scandalous — and she was only seventeen. The last thing I needed at that point in my life was to go down in flames with her. If I did what I really wanted to do and things went bad the consequences to me could run anywhere from being fired to going to jail. I had no intention of losing either my best shot at what could be considered a free education or my freedom over a "wild child."

The following year brought me in contact with Mellisa a lot more than I would have liked. Shortly after the start of the New Year Mr. Banks passed away and Ron succeeded him as president and CEO of the company. By the time that happened I had come to understand that it had been Mr. Banks who had for some strange reason taken an interest in me and who had arranged my "employment contract". Now he was gone and Ron didn't have to suck up to him and I had to wonder if my circumstances might suddenly change. As the months went by and nothing happened I began to relax a little.

Then Mellisa had another run in with the law that made the papers and Ron decided that it was time that she learned to be a little more responsible. When school let out for the summer he made her go to work at the plant and that put her in almost daily contact with me. She dogged me and hovered around me to the point where everyone in the department was getting a good laugh out of it; everyone except me of course. I was even more acutely aware of the potential for disaster and I worked hard at avoiding her, but she worked just as hard at seeing that I couldn't. Just how hard she was working at it became apparent at the company picnic.

I was eating a hot dog and watching some guys pitch horse shoes when Mellisa came up to me. She didn't say hi, just tugged at my arm and said, "You need to hurry, they are almost ready to start."

"Start what?"

"The Three Legged Race."

"I didn't sign up for the race."

"I know, your partner did it for you."

"Don't tell me, let me guess. You?"

She smiled at me, "Yep."

"Looks like you won't be in the race then."

"No? I already told my dad that you and I were going to win. He will be so disappointed. He does so like to see me succeed. I have no idea how he will react when I tell him that you blew me off."

Daddy had to be happy with a third place finish, but that wasn't bad when you consider that there were thirty-one couples in the race. Ron came up and gave her a hug and congratulated her and she said, "We'll do better in the Wheel Barrow Race, won't we Ryan?"

As Ron walked away I asked, "Do you have any other surprises for me?"

"Well, after the barrow race there is the balloon race and after that there is the Wrestle."

"The Wrestle? What is that?"

"You'll see Ryan, come on, they are lining up for the next race" and she grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind her.

We won the barrow race, but we didn't even come close in the Balloon Race, but then I guess Mellisa never intended to try and win. In the Balloon Race a water-filled balloon is placed between two partners, chest to chest, and without using your arms or hands you have to race from the start to the finish without breaking the balloon or letting it hit the ground. The race started and it became immediately apparent to me what Mellisa was up to. What she intended to do was give me a hard time. The race started and we had gone maybe five feet when suddenly Mellisa stepped back and allowed the balloon to begin to fall. Quickly she moved back in and caught the balloon between our stomachs and this put her tits above the balloon and as she pressed forward to trap the balloon her tits pressed into my chest. She had a wicked grin on her face and she said, "I'm not wearing a bra Ryan. Can you feel my nipples touching you?"

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