Eleanor's Descent - Cover

Eleanor's Descent

Copyright© 2007 by niteowluk99

Chapter 4

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 4 - The original story about how I met Eleanor, very little by way of sex.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Mind Control   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   CrossDressing   True Story   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Humiliation   Sadistic   Group Sex   White Couple   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Water Sports   Enema  

Next morning the flat was a hive of activity, as the three girls rushed around getting ready for work. Every time one of them came close to me, she would blush slightly and mumble a quick thank you. George mean while had grabbed his proper clothes and left hastily.

I walked into Eleanor's room just as she was putting on her bra, walked up to her and said "I must be going now babes, are you ok to get to work, or do you need a lift?"

"It's ok, Emma goes right by the shop and she will drop me! Besides I get my car back today" she responded. "Will I see you tonight?" she added.

"Sorry, I am on an all night site tonight! Don't get another night off till Saturday!" I replied.

"May be, we could do something special then!" she said with a gleam in her eye. "You Know, something really special outside, if you follow my drift!" she added.

"I will work something out, you kinky bitch!" I chided as I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Although the week dragged, I had an idea forming in my mind. By Friday morning, all the basics were in place. A quick phone call to Eleanor would settle the few remaining details. "Eleanor, this is Ray! Saturday night will it be just you and me or will the others be joining us?" I asked.

"Apparently George will be out of town, Emma has had a bust up with her bloke, so it will be the three girls and you!" she replied.

"That's not what I asked! Our outing, will it be just you and me or what?" I repeated.

"That's up to our Master!" she giggled. "Just let me hear his Master's Voice, Tell me one way or the other?" she ventured.

"HMV says we could have more fun as a group" I retaliated. This was one of those weird moments when you know you have said the wrong thing.

"HMV" she repeated "Oh yes, from now on you will always be HMV!" she continued. So my nick name stuck.

"See you tomorrow night!" I ended the conversation.

Saturday night at 6.30 pm, I arrived at their flat, carrying a large bottle of wine. I rang the door bell and waited, it seemed ages before anyone answered the door and then it was Emma wrapped in a bath towel.

"OH hi, Ray or should that be HMV?" she said

"I take it Eleanor has told you her new nick name for me then" I smiled.

"OH yes and very apt if I may say so!" she replied. I squeezed past her as she closed the door. In the living room sat Teresa, wearing a low cut full length dress, watching something on the TV.

"Evening!" I offered.

She rose walked over to me and kissed me full on the lips before saying "Evening, HMV!" this was going to be a long night if they keep up this constant reference to my nick name I thought.

"Master will do, when actually in my presence" I chided. "Where is Eleanor?" I asked.

"In her bedroom, I think!" she replied.

I walked into Eleanor's bedroom, just as she was bending over looking in a bottom drawer. Whack! I slapped her arse, she jumped.

"What was that for?" she enquired.

"For telling those two my nick name!" I replied. "I thought we were going out?" I added.

"We are, aren't we, only later?" she replied.

"You know you're going to have to pay for telling them my nick name without my consent?" I warned her.

"OH dear, what will I have to do?" she quizzed.

"I know you three keep a spare front door key across the road at the off licence! So I think a suitable punishment would be to fetch that key!" I offered.

"Oh that's easy!" she stated.

"Just one minute, you will have to fetch that key stark bullock naked!" I finished.

She suddenly looked worried and blushed. "You can't be serious! Old Fred the owner knows me!" she said.

"Oh I am deadly serious, or alternatively you can be spanked, every twenty minutes until I leave to go home!" I offered. "Hard spanks and six at a time!" I informed her.

"What would I tell him?" she asked.

"You locked yourself out and need the key to get back in!" I replied.

"No, No, about being naked?" she enquired.

"That's up to you!" I informed her.

"Oh very well, I suppose I have no real choice!" she finished and began to remove the rest of her clothes. Just then Emma appeared at the bedroom door.

"I was just wondering if HMV would like a coffee?" she said. Eleanor cringed,

"Have I said something wrong and are we still going out as a group later?" Emma asked.

"Yes we are going out together, later only Eleanor has a little job to do, right now!" I responded.

Emma looked at Eleanor and said "Whatever is the matter, you look almost white?"

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