Ropeville Interludes - Cover

Ropeville Interludes

by Corner Ghost

Copyright© 2007 by Corner Ghost

Fiction Story: The Paul Purple story - Melody - brought up a couple of sub-stories, the first A report on Subject Purple - takes place during the time Paul was unconcious in the classroom. The second - Red Riding Clothers tells the story behind the owner and why she is trapped in the shop - The story codes refer mainly to this second story

Tags: Fa/ft   Mind Control   Slavery   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic  

A Report On Subject Purple

Following your requests I hereby submit a report on the Male subject codenamed 'Purple'. I must protest at the short amount of time I was given to examine the subject.

Male is a healthy 40 year old Caucasian, no discernable scars, marks or deformities, a perfect specimen of a human male.

A brain scan showed a high level of activity, more than would be expected under his current condition — stage 3 sedation — It was noticed that several of the female examiners were starting to behave in a less than professional manner, and I took the decision to only allow male doctors to carry on with the examination. After 15 minutes brain activity was back to expected norms.

When questioned the female examiners reported high levels of attraction towards the subject, and a willingness to provide whatever he desires. I have taken the precaution of removing all female staff from the examination room and a radius of 500 yards from his presence.

This precaution was highlighted when a test conducted with one female technician in the room was almost ruined when she tried to administer an antidote without permission, her reasoning being that the subject had to be conscious for the tests — which was untrue, when taken out from the room the technician reported that she had to revive the subject at all costs.

In my opinion this person is highly dangerous to any females within his presence, as he will be able to subvert any without consciously knowing. Going from previous information provided this would explain his current success rate in his chosen profession.

Following the examination of subject 'Veronica' it was observed that her mind had been fixed into obeying the words of subject Purple — her earlier experience at Ropeville dungeon gave her mind a basis to work from and she strived to keep that as the main personality to maintain. Even after the short time that she was held by the subject, but she was still able to interact and behave normally when examined.

The subject 'Little Cat' was also examined at the request of Elizabeth, the brain scan and questioning showed that her personality was 'overwritten' — this being a good a term as any — she was now focused on doing whatever she could for Elizabeth, she still had to listen and obey subject Purple but her main control was with Elizabeth.

I would suggest that once a person was imprinted by subject Purple, their thought processes are 'fixed' allowing for further imprinting to be made by the final buyer, from observed reports I would also assume that subject is unaware of his ability.

I would warn against allowing this person to remain in Ropeville — given his mental ability and our current male/female ratio it is likely that our society would be subverted.

Michael Grade, senior scientific advisor, Ropeville Sciences.

Report from Elizabeth Newbold - chief psychiatrist.

Following reports from various person I arranged for a young female to be trained by the person now known as Paul Purple, background investigations by Ropeville services enabled us to contact his middle man, a person known as 'Bill'

I had a problem convincing him that I required a particular person to abduct and train a girl for me, but finally managed to arrange it — I did actually need a young female slave trained to comfort some of my patients, although the orphanage could supply one it was decided to find out about this man by recruiting one of his subjects.

I received information that a subject had been obtained and was undergoing training when I received my recall to Ropeville, I was given permission to delay my return which allowed me to alert 'Purple' and to speed up the training. I arranged to meet with 'Purple' and took my current slave Sue-Li with me.

At the meeting I noticed that he turned up earlier than arranged and took care to ensure that there was no police or law officials waiting for him, I had already been at the meeting site a few hours earlier, when we met he'd arranged for a second person to be with him in order to check for bugs, I left Sue-Li with him, during which time I gained the trust of the female who accompanied him, she had purchased a slave from him and considered him a trustworthy person, even considering his work.

I was informed by this person that should I try to use my prospective slave in a way to deliberately cause injury then be made to suffer, and also lose my property — this was in the contract I had signed, but I must admit hadn't taken any real notice of, such a inclusion shows that this person, in some ways, cares for those he trains — which is unusual in itself.

I noticed that Sharon, that was her name, seemed to have a sight fixation on the subject, and she seemed to be protective to the man, I have to tell her several times that I was not going to pass him onto the police before she was satisfied.

I had the opportunity to search the subject, he had no weapons with him, but carried himself with a certain air, and I can understand how Sharon became so attached to him. I watched him as he chastised my slave for an indiscretion, he applied just enough to cause her pain without being vindictive to the girl, when we were driven to his location he ensured that Sue-Li was firmly restrained for road transport — his whole mannerism could be described as professional.

His set-up at home was everything I'd come to expect, no visible restraints, even the door for his training area was open and the girl could have escaped at any time, however I was informed that this was yet another test following an earlier attempt which was foiled.

I stayed alone with the girl while the subject and his trainer — another girl called Toy — went upstairs.

The girl was well trained and responded to my commands without question, she didn't seemed cowed at all, she had been told that I was an examiner for her owner and that I would have the final say in her training, she begged me not to try her with animals, when I asked why not she said that she'd was frightened of them, when questioned further I was told she saw a film with animals and children but that the subject had stopped the film and told her that he wasn't training her for that, but she didn't really believe him.

When I asked her if she trusted him normally she nodded and said 'He acts like a monster, but I don't think he would really hurt me, he didn't like hitting me when I tried to escape.'

On the whole her reactions were those of a trained slave with months of training behind her, not the week that I had allowed for her. I must admit that should I require another slave for training I would call on the subject to do the training.

The impression I received about the subject is one of an enigma. We have here an expert at abducting and enslaving girls, training them for use as sexual playthings, but keeping track on his trainees and even rescuing them from their masters should the need arise. This man has somehow affected or should that be infected his trainees in such a manner that they would do anything for him, this is also apparent in other people he meets — for example Sharon — should she be needed for examinations I have her address, I am trying to arrange a young male slave for her and could invite her back here to meet some prospects.

I have to admit that I find myself strangely attracted to this person, if he does have some control over others I am sure that he is unaware of this, and would try to restrain his actions.

I do not believe subject Purple to be a risk to us or the community.

Elizabeth Watkins.

Report from assigned unit — name Pauline. — Persona 'Kathy'

'I have to be quick with this report, he's in the other room, he has manage to obtain access to Felicity — something I tried to prevent, but was unable, he is aware of the proto-personalities within this person although at this time is not aware how they can be accessed.

In quick succession he has obtained Pauline, Slave One, Pain slut and Felicity — although he hasn't used Pain slut except to question her about her role.

I have to report that this personality was almost tempted to betray itself to him; I could feel a yearning to reveal myself to him. This I have found to be disturbing

I must also report a change in the current attitude of my fellow students at the school, most now want to do well in lessons that they will be notice by him, some are even deliberately getting answers wrong to be punished by him, I'm not certain what this means, but it does worry this persona.

Kathy report — end'.

Conclusion of report subject Purple.

This person is a menace to the town, but could be an asset in future projects; it is proposed to allow him to return to the outside world as soon as current project is complete. This will, however, be at the discretion of the Council.

His ability to compel females is a direct threat to our current situation and he should be monitored and given the chance to correct any damage he may have unwittingly done. The report of 'Kathy' is also disturbing as it could be that it might reveal itself to him, but there is no way to stop this from happening. It is recommended that he be completely monitored and attempt to control him by subliminal means - change his fixation onto item 'Pauline' to give anxiety should they be separated unduly.

As he is not aware of his talent it may be possible to use him, however it is not certain which side he is on, we should endeavour to keep him on ours. Current assignment of Pauline to be maintained, and possibly expanded when he is released.

Due to the lack of time available, the subject will have to be returned to obtainment point, normal method to be used.

Town Controller 3.






Ropeville Interlude - Red Riding Clothiers

Marcia Thornson entered her small office/home it was part of the Shopping Mall, she made her living by creating and selling costumes to a select number of Ropeville inhabitants, she had just finished serving a new customer, a Mr. Purple, he was another of the Councils servants just as she was, made to do as the council told him, although he didn't realise that at the moment, she sat down in her chair, there was a couple of hours before her next client arrived.

Everywhere there were pictures of Mi-Ling, laughing, crying, dancing, and a final one of her in the casket, this one was repeated all over, this was her curse, her punishment, even the computer screen spoke in her voice, the time that the systems was down gave her a reprieve, but she still waited for the system to return.

"Oh Mi-Ling. Why did I ever do it? Why?" She said the words aloud, although she knew why! She could remember it as if it only happened yesterday, instead of 10 years ago.

"Mi-Ling are you awake yet?" Marcia looked into her slave's bedroom, where the girl was spread out over the bed, her arms and legs firmly secured by the straps at each corner of the bed, her head was secured by the neck where a large collar was fixed to cords at the side of the bed, it wasn't that Mi-Ling was being punished for anything, Marcia was just training the girl to be used to bondage, and this was only the second stage.

Marcia went to the head of the bed where her slave's head was supported by a v-shaped pillow, which allowed the cords through without removing the comfort of a pillow; she could see tears on her slave's face as the muscles on the young girl protested against the position forced upon them.

Not a word escaped the girls' mouth; she was fitted with a gag to ensure that any noise was reduced to a whimper. Marcia lightly rubbed the ten year olds body, she loved the feel of the young flesh beneath her hands, Mi-Ling had been Marcia's property for three years since she was seven.

Marcia had been training the girl all the time, she could now take the switch on her flesh without crying out, the cane likewise, she still had a problem with the light whip, and cried piteously when the horse whip was shown to her back, but she'll learn, she'll learn.

Bondage was something new for the girl, but to wear the costumes that Marcia was famed for she'd have to learn to remain in position for hours at a time, although with the new model that might not be a problem, Marcia was experimenting with organic/cybernetic connections and the computed results were good, she would soon have a working prototype ready instead of the lash-up she was currently developing, the mice seemed to respond to the inputs, but the monkey's couldn't stand more than ten minutes at a time before their behaviour was disrupted. Marcia was still awaiting the reports from the laboratory about the last death.

She drew her mind back to her slave; she took off her gown and removed the gag on the young girls' mouth.

"Please mistress, I'm hurting" Mi-Ling said, Marcia took no notice of her but positioned herself so that her cunt was over the girl's mouth, Mi-Ling closed her eyes and started her duty of bringing her mistress off, it wasn't what she liked to do, but as a slave she had accepted this as part of her life, she chose to remain in Ropeville and was fostered off to this woman, she'd learnt that although she was placed in some degrading positions she was luckier than some of the other girls in her group.

While Mi-Ling's tongue was working away Marcia was rubbing her hands over the girl's chest, the tits were just forming and responded to the rubbing and pinching that Marcia inflicted on them, and then Marcia moved her face down to the young peach-like slit of the girl, covering it with her mouth, tasting the small amount of pee that had leaked from the girl, she would have to control herself better, thought Marcia to herself, but in the meantime she concentrated on pushing her tongue inside the girl mimicking the action that she was receiving from her slave.

She felt Mi-Ling's licking falter as the older woman's tongue agitated the young girls clitoris, and so Marcia bit lightly on it to force the girl to remember her duty, it had been impressed on her that the Mistress had to cum first before the slave would be allowed to experience pleasure, it was the first lesson that Mi-Ling had learnt, but she had taken her time learning it, Marcia was quick with the punishments and slow with the pleasure.

To be honest Marcia hadn't be taught that the slaves deserved some respite as well, as far as she was concerned she was the mistress, they were the slaves and they had to put up with whatever she dished out, that was the way of things, her mother had impressed that on her like indelible ink on paper, it was now ingrained in Marcia's way of thinking.

Finally she felt the waves of pleasure that meant her orgasm was approaching, Mi-Ling's tongue was working its well-learnt magic once more, as she came she started to inundate the girls mouth with her pent up piss, saved from over the night, Mi-Ling started to swallow it down, she drank quickly so that she didn't taste the liquid, she didn't want to spill any as she would be made to clean up the mess with her mouth, luckily Marcia didn't force the piss out, but allowed it to drain slowly into the girl. Once her release was complete Marcia then repaid the girl by bringing her off, the ten year old had just started to realise what pleasure could be derived from rubbing her slit, or rather the newly found bump near the top of the slit, and was now frustrated from using this at night as Marcia now restrained her after catching Mi-Ling masturbating one night.

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