My Career in Porn - Cover

My Career in Porn

Copyright© 2007 by Just Plain Bob

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Just trying to help my sister.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Zoophilia   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   Bestiality   Slow  

Four months went by and Shelly was showing big time, but for some strange reason being six months pregnant made her look sexier. I felt the stirrings, but I fought them off. Shelly's pregnancy didn't slow her down any as far as her lovers were concerned. She still tried to get them out of the house by the time I got home, but a time or two the guys were still there. Once or twice I saw her on her knees, swollen belly and tits hanging down and swaying as some guy pounded into her from behind. Seeing that weakened my resolve to stay away from here and I might have even succumbed had it not been for a bomb scare at school.

The school office got a call from someone claiming to have planted two bombs in the school. What happened at Columbine in Colorado was fresh in everyone's mind and the school lost no time in clearing out the building and calling the police. Most of the kids stuck around to see what was going to happen, but I wasn't one of them. I figured it was a prank. If the asshole really had wanted to cause damage he wouldn't have called in the threat. It would have been so much better for him for the bombs to have gone off with the building full of people.

It was my day off at work so I headed on home. When I stepped inside the front door some big guy was standing there and he held out his hand and stopped me. "It's a hundred bucks man."


"Admission is a hundred bucks."

"Admission? What the fuck you talking about? I live here."

"Oh. You must be the brother, Rob right?"

I said yes and he stepped aside to let me in. I heard loud noises from the living room and I walked over and looked in. There were eleven men in the room and on the floor Shelly was on her hands and knees, belly and tits swaying, as she sucked the man standing in front of her while she was fucked from behind. Normally when I walked in on Shelly being porked I headed for my room and stayed there until Shelly's visitors were gone, but not this time. This time I stayed right there and watched. Shelly was being fucked dog fashion - literally - by Zoomer! He was up on his hind legs, his forelegs around Shelly's waist and he was rapidly thrusting his cock into her. Someone had put a pair of my socks on Zoomer's front paws to keep him from scratching Shelly with his claws.

Zoomer was hammering her cunt, his rear paws trying to dig in and give him traction as he pushed his cock into his accommodating bitch. I saw his large knot pushing hard at her cunt and just as I was thinking, "No way Zoom" about a third of the knot disappeared into her. Zoomer rammed hard at her and seconds later the rest of his knot was in her. Another minute or so and milky white watery cum started leaking out around Zoomer's dick and maybe a minute after that Zoomer swung around, threw his left over Shelly's back and ended up facing the other way from her. It was just the way I'd seen it when stray dogs mated in the park. It was about fifteen minutes before Zoomer was able to break free from Shelly and while everyone waited for the dog to break loose they lined up for Shelly's mouth.

The same guy who had been collecting at the door stood at the head of the line and each man handed him some money as they stepped up and plugged into Shelly's face. After maybe twenty minutes Zoomer gave a little whine and broke free from Shelly and a stream of watery sperm flowed out of her cunt. The man collecting the money said, "Okay, who wants it?" and three guys handed him money and moved in behind Shelly to see what it would be like to take sloppy seconds from a dog. All three of them fucked her while she kept on sucking cocks. Finally it was over and all the men were gone except the man collecting the money.

Shelly still didn't know I was there since she had been facing the other way the entire time. "How did we do" she asked as she started to get up.

"Seventeen hundred. Would have been eighteen if I could have gotten your brother to pay."

"Rob?" she said with a tinge of panic in her voice, "Rob was here? He saw?"

"Yes I did" I said and then I turned and headed for my room.

Ten minutes went by and then I heard the shower running and fifteen minutes after that Shelly knocked twice on my door and then came into my room. "I'm sorry Rob. I never wanted you to see that. I never wanted you to know."

"Well I did see it Shel and now I do know. What the hell has happened to you?"

"I like sex Robbie."

Okay, so you like sex, but with Zoomer?"

"Well, it is different."

"That's it? It's different?"

"What do you want me to say Rob? I didn't go after Zoomer. It just happened."

"How could fucking a dog just happen?"

"I had some guys here and I was on the floor on my hands and knees. I was sucking off Ray and Mike was doing me from behind. Mike finished and pulled out and I expected Ray to move behind me and take Mike's place, but he didn't. He laughed and said, "Oh my, this is going to be wild" and he grabbed my head with both hands and held on tight and that is when Zoomer mounted me. I didn't even know he was in the room. Ray saw him coming at me with his cock out of its sheath and he knew what was going to happen and that's why he held me tight so I couldn't get away. Mike and two others before him had lubed my pussy up pretty good and Zoomer's cock went straight in.

DESC sensation - different than a man - but still enjoyable?

Ray came about the same time as Zoomer and when he took his cock out of my mouth he said:

"Damn, that was hot. You could have charged admission for that and made a bunch."

"That got my attention and I asked him what he thought I could make and he said he would have paid a hundred to see something like that. I thought about it for all of a minute before I asked him how I would go about finding customers. He told me he would handle it for me as long as I would fuck him whenever he wanted so I told him to go for it. He had the first one set up for three days later. There were fourteen guys there and they were only supposed to watch, but everyone got hot and horny and some of them wanted to know what it would be like to follow a dog into my pussy so Ray charged anyone who wanted to try another hundred. I made nineteen hundred that day. I've done it once a week for the last three months and I've never gotten less than sixteen hundred dollars for it."

I sat there shaking my head in disbelief and then Shelly said, "I need the money Rob."

"What about your job?"

"They wouldn't let me come back to work. They told me it wouldn't be worth their while to let me come back knowing that in five or six months I would be gone again."

"But you said..."

"I lied Robbie. I had to have some way of explaining the money. I would have never deliberately set out to do something like this, but it happened and so I went with the flow. I need the money Rob. I don't have insurance so I have to pay the doctor's bills and the hospital bills and I can't live off the insurance money forever. After the baby is born I can stop and get a regular job, but until then I have to do this."

I shook my head again, but kept my mouth shut. What could I say? Then Shelly asked:

"Can I sleep with you tonight Rob? Please? I need to be held."

Again, what could I say? I shook my head yes and she smiled at me and told me she would get dinner started. As I watched her walk out of my room I wondered what was going on with me. I had stood and watched Shelly being fucked by Zoomer and my cock never had been harder. Watching a dog make my sister his bitch was the most erotic thing I had ever seen and my body fairly screamed out, "I want to fuck!" But as soon as Zoomer pulled away from Shelly and went over to sit in the corner and lick his dick my hard on faded away. But while Zoomer was fucking her I wondered what it would be like to do her after Zoomer and I was ready to do it right up to the point where Zoomer finished and moved away and then the desire was gone. Over the next month I made it a point to hurry home before going to work and three times I was able to watch Shelly and Zoomer put on their show and each time the same thing happened; I got major wood, planned on following Zoomer, and then lost the wood and the desire as soon as Zoomer was done. Was I fucked up or what!

Shelly was just over seven months pregnant when I was approached by a man who wanted to make a porn movie of Shelly doing the dog.

"Why are you coming to me?"

"I heard about her and I started asking around. You were pointed out as some one who could put me in touch with the young woman. It could mean a lot of money for her."

I took out my cell phone and called Shelly and asked her if she would be interested. She asked me to put the man on the phone. My jaw dropped when he told her that there would be twenty grand in it for her. He handed the phone back to me and told me that she wanted to talk to me. Shelly asked me to bring him by the house so she could talk with him. I took him to the house and then started to go to my room, but Shelly asked me to stay. The man, Chuck was his name, laid it out for her. Twenty grand to do the dog while sucking off a guy. Shelly asked him why he was willing to pay so much and he told her it was because it would be a one of a kind film.

"There are a lot of bestiality films where a woman does dogs, but none of them are with a pregnant woman."

"What happens with the video when it's done?"

"I'll sell it over the Internet."

Shelly thought about it for a bit and then said that she didn't think she could do it. "There is a very tight little group that knows I do this. I don't think I want what I'm doing to be that wide-spread. I still have to live here in this town and I don't need to become widely known as 'the dog lady.' No, I think I'd better pass on it."

"How about if we make it so that no one who sees it will know it is you? The selling point is a dog doing a pregnant woman so there is no need for anyone to see your face."

"How would you do that?"

"You could wear a hood with holes for your eyes, nose and mouth."

Shelly turned to me and asked what I thought. "I think you will have a hell of a time finding a guy willing to let you suck his cock on a film that is going to be seen by anyone who has a computer and who can find the site that it is on."

"He can wear a hood too" Chuck said.

Shelly thought for a minute and then said, "Okay, I'll do it, but only if the guy is Rob."

"Oh no, not me. No fucking way."

"You have to Robbie, I can't ask anyone else. Anyone else I got would be out there bragging about staring in a porn film with me and I can't have that."

"What are you talking about Shelly? You've had guys paying to watch you and Zoomer for months now. It sure isn't any big secret."

"Yes it is Rob. Ray has vouched for every one of those guys and they have been sworn to silence. Ray promised every one of them he would put them in the hospital if they blabbed and they all know he meant it. But watching and taking part in a video are two different breed of cat. I want the money Rob - I need the money - but I won't chance it unless you are the guy."

"I'm sorry Shelly, but I just can't do it."

"How about I give you five grand" Chuck said, "Could you do it for that?"

"You can't be serious. Five grand for getting a blow job?"

"It is a lot, but I need the lady and if she won't do it without you then I need to get you on board."

I looked from him to Shelly and then back to him and Shelly said, "Please Rob?"

I looked at her again and then back to Chuck. "Money up front for both of us."

"Agreed" Chuck said and he stuck out his hand and we shook on the deal.

Shelly asked if she needed to move furniture or anything and Chuck told her no, that he would rent a warehouse and turn it into a sound stage. He told her if they did it at the house there would be three equipment trucks parked outside and it would attract too much attention. He asked if the coming Saturday would be too soon and Shelly asked me if it would work for me and I said yes.

The day of the shoot we showed up at the address Chuck had given us. It was a warehouse on the east side of town and when we got inside we saw all kinds of light stands, reflectors and cables surrounding a set that had been made up to look like a living room. Chuck gave us a run through on what we would be doing and told us that all we needed to do was start when he hollered out "action" and stop when he yelled "cut!"

The script, such as it was, was that Shelly would be sitting on the couch fingering herself. After a bit she would pick up a dildo and start using it and then Zoomer would come on the set and she would toss the dildo aside and get down on the floor. She would get on her hands and knees and say:

"Here boy, come and get it. Make me your bitch again."

She and Zoomer would go at it and then I would enter, stage left, and say:

"I thought I told you to leave the dog alone" and she would say, "But it feels so damned good" and then I would drop my pants and push my cock in her mouth.

Zoomer doing Shelly on the set had the same effect on me that seeing him on her had when I saw it in our living room - I was iron bar hard and I kept that hard on for the longest sex episode of my life.

Making a porn film is hard work! The lights and reflectors on you are hot as hell and make you sweat. Just as you start to get into it the director yells "cut" so they can reposition a light, a reflector or the camera. We stopped when the camera picked up something shiny and someone would run on the set and spray some hair-spray on the offending spot and then Chuck would holler "action" again. It was constant start and stop and it took thirteen hours to shoot a tape that when edited only ran an hour and twenty minutes.

I came three times in Shelly's mouth before the final scene and poor Zoomer had to be the most frustrated dog on the planet. Every time we stopped he was pulled off Shelly and then put back on her when we cranked up again. Every time I was ready to cum I had to tell Chuck and he would make sure the camera was on Zoomer so no one would see me get off. The last time, the third one, he had me pull out and shoot my cum all over Shelly's face. Then I pushed my cock back in her mouth and she finished me off.

There were several breaks in the action to allow rest. We also broke an hour for lunch. We had to stop twice to let Zoomer recharge after he came. Like me he got off three times also. All in all it turned into a sixteen hour day. I came away from that day with an appreciation of what a porn star had to do. You might think that getting paid to fuck beautiful women is one of the world's greatest jobs, but believe you me, they earn every penny they get.

Chuck told us he would see to it that we got a copy of the finished product and then Shelly and I went home and crashed. At least I did. Shelly had to go and pick Sarah up at the baby-sitters, but I assumed that she was as exhausted as I was. She was still sound asleep when I got up to go to work the next morning.

I thought that was it as far as my porn career was concerned, but I was wrong. Shelly was in her eighth month and only three weeks from her due date when I came home from work one night and Shelly told me that Chuck had called. He had the finished tape and he wanted to bring it over and talk with us about another project.

"Does he want us to make another film?"

"He didn't say, but I wouldn't be surprised. After all, that is what he does."

"Can you do it? I mean as far along as you are will it be safe?"

"Should be if we do it soon."

Chuck showed up an hour later. His project wasn't really his. Apparently a wealthy private collector had an arrangement with the company that turned out Chuck's video tapes and CDs. He got an advanced look at stuff they were putting out and he saw Shelly's tape. He found out how to get in touch with Chuck and then called Chuck and asked him how he could get In touch with Shelly. Chuck asked him why. It turns out that the man wanted a bestiality video made to his specifications and as soon as he saw Shelly he knew he wanted Shelly to be his star. It would be a "one only" video and the collector would be the only one to have it. He wouldn't even let Shelly have a copy.

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