Dark Thoughts - Cover

Dark Thoughts

Copyright© 2007 by Jeff Renolds

Chapter 4

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Alex is a curious inventor when he accidently creates a mirror that helps him develop psychic powers.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Mind Control   Slavery   BiSexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Orgy   Harem   Interracial   White Male   White Female   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Pregnancy  

As Alex headed back to the university, he reviewed what he needed to do for the day. At some point, he would have to report in with his secretary to see how his businesses were managing. To do this, Alex typically used his laptop, a state of the art model with built-in video camera/microphone, high speed wireless card and hardware firewall. Combined with some communication and encryption software, it was all he needed for face-to-face communications. (Simple, eh?)

The second thing he had to do was continue his slave gathering operation. He had two willing slaves (well sort of anyways, but Sandra was coming around), a financial expert and a gymnast. He was still looking for a medical student and a computer science student, and one more to round out the five slaves he was going for. That meant seeing a medical professor and a computer science professor to see if they could "recommend" anyone.

The third thing he had to do was meet up with Sandra and bring her back to Kirstine's place. Alex wasn't sure how they were going to react to each other, but he thought it would be fun to just throw them into it. Using shock tactics of surprising this on both of them was just going to make things even more interesting.

But first things first. Alex made his way to the campus library and found himself a nice secluded spot on one of the upper levels that only the true scholars (hence no one) went to.

After spending a few minutes getting set up, plugging in a power cable and making himself comfortable, he booted up the system and initiated the communications program. After about twenty seconds an aging female face looking somewhat frizzled answered the call.

"Good morning Alex." She greeted.

"Good morning Alice. Anything to report?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary. We are having some trouble acquiring one building, a 90 unit one, but we expect to have the deal closed today. We've also had several calls from your dad."

"He knows he's not to call me, and he's been warned. Set the lawyers on him."

His dad was a problem for him. When he was a kid he grew up to a moderate amount of physical abuse from him, which his mom thought of as normal. When he grew large enough to defend himself, the physical abuse stopped, but the verbal abuse started. Eventually it got to the point where he moved out and made it on his own. In the intervening years, Alex made a small fortune with two businesses of his, and had just started a third when his mom died of cancer.

Severely shaken, Alex hired Alice to manage his business while he spent several months falling apart and putting himself together again. During that time his dad tried to take advantage of the situation, convincing Alex that his mom had several unpaid debts. At first he paid them without question, but after a while he started to ask some questions and then finally hired a private investigator to get to the bottom of the matter. It turned out that there were no debts. His dad was just using this as leverage so that his dad could pocket the money. When Alex cut his dad off, his dad tried to convince him that Alex owed him the money by simple virtue that Alex was his son. When that didn't work, he resorted to threats.

Alex by this time had created a management company and made Alice the head of it. He routed all of his calls through it, and put an automated operator to direct the calls appropriately. It also advised the caller that the call might be recorded for quality assurance. He then directed Alice to inquire the identities of all callers and redirect any calls from his dad to Alex's private cell phone, all the while keeping the recorder going. After three very threatening calls from his dad, Alex took the recordings to his lawyer and got a restraining order placed on him, preventing him from coming within 50 yards of him, his home or his businesses, or contacting him in any way.

It a sad fact that in the world, if you are rich someone somewhere believes that you owe them money because they are poor.

"Alice, from now on, block any calls from him. Don't talk to him at all. Neither of us needs the stress of this."

"Alright, no problem." She gave a tired nod of her head.

"Alice, you alright? You look really tired."

"I'm alright. It's just that there are the weekly reports to go through, the organizing of the standards of buildings for your buildings in England and tax time is coming around..."

"No wonder you are exhausted. Listen, I want you to hire two more staff people to help distribute the workload, and then I want you to delegate! You have got to take a step back from all of this; otherwise you are going to run yourself into the ground. In fact, in one week I want you to take an entire month off, paid vacation."

Alice was about to protest. "No I will not hear otherwise. Tax time is very stressful and I want you rested. It can wait until you get back and this will force you to delegate everything."

"Ok," She said with a tired look.

"Now I know you are tired, or you would have fought me over this. I want you to select one of your staff to handle the hiring and to be at the other end of this channel by Monday to give me a full report. Take the rest of the day off so that you can get some sleep."

Alice was about to protest when Alex cut the connection. Sometimes you just had to be rude to be nice to someone.

Alex checked his e-mail next and found a letter from one of his tenants from his house inviting him to a RPG Saturday night. Generally Alex didn't play in a regular game, his schedule taking him all over the place and being very chaotic, however the occasional one shot was always nice to play. And with all the activity with learning psychic powers and collecting women, he could use a bit of normal play, so he responded with a promise of free pizza. That was probably one of the main reasons for being invited; he always brought food for everyone.

Alex spent a few minutes packing up his computer and then he went off to the administration sector of campus. It took only a few minutes and some slight mental influence to convince the secretary there that it would be all right to give out the professor listing, which gave where each office was and what they taught. After looking at the imposing list, which must have contained more than three hundred names, he decided to focus on the professors teaching medical skills.

He found a likely one and looked him up. After wandering around the campus for 25 minutes being slightly lost, he managed to locate the professor's office, and luck was with him, the professor was in! Knocking politely on the door, Alex walked in.

"Yes, how can I help you?" Inquired a balding, stick-like man from behind his desk.

Alex immediately reached into his mind and gave the professor the idea that any suggestion that he made would be a good one of which he would have no objections to.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you in private, professor."

"Of course, close the door behind you so no one will disturb us."

"Thank you, professor." Alex closed and locked the door behind him to prevent any unexpected walk-ins. "I hope to keep the details of this between the two of us. Could I ask you to not speak of this to anyone?"

"But of course! You may speak in utmost confidentiality."

"Well, I'm looking for a girl, a female student."

"Go on."

Alex found that he had some difficulty getting the next part out. "I'm looking for someone who is learning medicine, good looking, smart, yet submissive. I thought that someone like you would know all the smart female medical students and could help me in my search."

"Hmmm, let me think for a moment." Replied the professor without pause. Alex let out his breath, glad that his mental command worked. He still had a long way to go to getting used to his powers.

"I know a few students who might fit what you are looking for. Tell you what, I'll set up a series of interviews for Tuesday next week and you can check them out for yourself."

"That's great! That's exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you, professor."

"No problem, that's what I'm here for." Alex nearly choked when he heard this.

If only he knew. "Come back here at ten in the morning, and we'll start the interviews. I'll tell them it's for some sort of job interview to keep your secret. Though I'm not sure how we are going to find out how submissive they are without exposing it."

"Just leave that to me professor, and thank you again. I'll see you on Tuesday."

With that Alex left the professor's office. Alex could feel his heart going a mile a minute from that encounter, and spent a moment just getting himself under control. It was going to take a lot of practice to get used to doing that with impunity.

It was just nearing noon at this point, so Alex had a few hours to kill before meeting up with Sandra and Kirstine. What to do...

Well, though they were very neat, Alex just didn't feel like exploring his powers at the moment. Besides, they seriously tired him out and he had a feeling that he would need all his strength for tonight. Though casual sex was an option, he ruled that out for the same reason. That left nothing other than going home. Alex shrugged to himself; he needed to change his clothes anyways.

Feeling particularly lazy, Alex hopped a cab rather than taking a bus home.

Getting there, Alex had a nice long look at his home, always surprised at how much he missed the place. It wasn't much to look at, just a garden home done in a townhouse style, and he could certainly afford better, but it was more than a home, it was a sanctuary. It was a place where he could hide in anonymity and rest without the world bothering him. Except on how he wanted to be bothered

Alex reminded himself as he walked in and encountered Mark.

Mark was one of the tenants of his house, a student of computer science and commerce. Being an avid gamer, he was the one who also invited Alex to the game on Sunday. "Hey Alex, long time no see. Finally find yourself a girlfriend?"

"No, not yet Mark. Not really looking to tell you the truth." And it was. A girlfriend at the moment would be rather awkward.

"You need someone in your life Alex. You are getting kinda strange, even for you." Mark said with a smirk.

Alex smiled in good humour. "Ya well, I still have got nothing on you. You still with that vampire group?" Mark in the course of his game playing had joined a group of people who pretended at being vampires, sometimes taking it a bit far.

Sitting around a table and talking amongst friends while playing a game is one thing. Going out in public dressed as vampires complete with artificial fangs and scaring people is something else.

"Hey, don't knock it till you try it! It's a lot of fun!"

"Ya, well I don't think I'm up to quite that much fun. I'll see you on Saturday." With that Alex made his escape to his room, glad to be out of the conversation. The reason why Alex had tenants was to prevent him from going completely recluse and Mark certainly helped with that, but sometimes Alex found it a bit much.

Safe within his room, Alex plopped down on his bed and just spent a moment resting. Letting his eyes wander around, they fell upon the aura mirror he made, looking at the wires sticking out every which way, the screen saver dancing across the screen, the computer humming in the background. He must have left it on the last couple of days.

Out of curiosity Alex approached the mirror and banished the screen saver with a wiggle of the mouse. Looking at the screen he was surprised to see him looking back at himself with a very strong halo like glow around himself. It was a strong yellowish colour and very bright, making the rest of the image seem dull and unreal by comparison.

This must be an effect of learning these mind powers Alex thought to himself.

Alex experimented a bit and was pleased to discover how easily pushing his aura around came to him. Alex stopped himself remembering how much energy this all took, and that he needed every bit of his energy tonight for what he had planned. With that in mind, he stripped off his clothes and proceeded to do his laundry. Sigh, he thought, at some point I'll have someone else around to do this for me. Until then...

Sandra was not in a good mood. That is, she was in a good mood about meeting her master, but that didn't make any sense. She should be in a bad mood because she was forced to serve a man and his sexual whims. The contradiction had Sandra confused and being confused always put her in a bad mood.

"Hey baby, what's your rush..." Was about all the jock had a chance to say before she punched him out while storming past him in the dorm hallway. He was on the ground and out and Sandra was around the corner not having even bothered to stop before anyone even noticed what happened.

That felt good, Sandra thought to herself, but unfortunately it didn't last long. With a don't bother me unless you wish to die look going around her, everyone in her dorm was wise enough to make way for her and leave her to her own devices.

She stormed into her room and sat down in a huff. Sandra thought about breaking something to make herself feel better, but couldn't bring herself to break any of her things. The master's things, the thought came to her. Sandra couldn't believe that she thought that!

Sandra buried her face in her pillow in irritation. What was happening to her? How can she be enjoying this? What would she wear when the master came for her tonight?

Sandra punched her pillow in frustration. This was not her! She was happy that she is the master's slave, and this was degrading! She should not be happy! Yet why can she only think about what would make him happy?

Sandra started thinking about what she should wear for tonight. Maybe something revealing. Oh, and what sort of underwear? Maybe none at all?

Sandra startled herself out of her thoughts. What is going on? She was obsessing over her master. Sandra shook her head. Not master, this ... MAN. That last word took considerable effort to think, as if she was betraying him. She felt her stomach feel a bit upset over her thoughts. Why was she so conflicted? She shouldn't be this subservient to a man, should she? Yet when she thought about it, thought about Alex, it all seemed to feel right, to fit right for her. Maybe she should just sit back and see where this goes. After all, it was only four more days before the bet ran its course, right?

Feeling troubled, but yet happy, Sandra looked over the clothes she was going to wear. Deciding on something casual, as she didn't know what her ... master ... had in mind that (Removed second that) would be safest. But no underwear.

Showered, shaved, and wearing a new set of clothes, Alex approached Sandra's dorm room with a spring in his step. With a single knock, Sandra wearing a bright red top and some casual brown pants opened the door.

"Mast ... uh, Alex. Do you want to come in for a bit?" She said in a rush.

Embarrassed at her eagerness she turned as red as her top.

"No, we have to be on our way. Someone is waiting for us. Do you have an overnight bag ready? We won't be back until tomorrow at the earliest."

Sandra took a brief look around her room, "It will only take me a minute to get my things together. Where are we going?"

"Not far."

True to her word, it only took about a minute as Sandra hurried around grabbing several neatly folded sets of clothing and stuffed them quickly into a gym bag.

Grabbing a few essential toiletries and some notebooks to top it off, she zipped up the gym bag and picked it up, ready to go.

Alex hustled over to where the taxi was waiting, with Sandra keeping up only a step behind. A moment later they were on their way with a nervous Sandra looking over at Alex every few seconds.

What is he up to? Sandra thought to herself. Where are we going? But with the Taxi driver right there she didn't ask anything. Any answer she might get would probably be embarrassing if overheard and she knew taxi drivers tended to have ears like bats.

It only took them about ten minutes to get where they were going. Sandra frowned to herself and thought, we could have easily walked that distance. I guess I'm not the only one nervous about this. She grinned at the minor victory. I hope I have chosen the right clothing to wear for this. That last thought wiped the smile from her face. Sandra would have started banging her head against the car door right then and there if she could. Why were these rebellious thoughts in her head? Why was she feeling like this? With no time to examine her feelings right then, she suppressed them thoroughly as she got out of the car.

They were in front of a large gray apartment building with a variety of trees and bushes surrounding it. It was commonly known as the rich student's housing because though it catered to mostly students, it was not cheap and had a lot of luxuries to it including an indoor pool and hot tub. Sandra knew this from the variety of parties she attended as most of them were hosted right here.

That must be it. They must be going to some sort of party. Suddenly Sandra felt a lot more relaxed. Though a party brought up some alarming possibilities, it was territory she knew. She felt that she could handle any situation that might come up.

Alex looked around and smiled. He felt his heart beating a hundred times a minute in his excitement. He could hardly wait to see the reaction the two slaves would have to each other. Without waiting another moment, Alex stepped into the building leading Sandra along behind him.

Kirstine was busily checking up on everything for the hundredth time, making sure the apartment was clean enough, the food was ready, that she looked right.

Kirstine didn't know what to wear, so she wore only her student clothes trusting that her master would have told her anything else that would be needed.

Her master. The thought gave her such a thrill that went up and down her spine. Feeling owned had her so turned on. She never tried this before in a relationship, but it felt so right, so good to obey a strong man, to be owned by him. She could feel his power over her and it was so hot, so erotic.

Kirstine was hot and flushed, and was considering doing something about it when a knocking came at the door. She rushed to the door, nearly tripping herself over the furniture in her rush. She got to the door, paused a moment to get a hold of herself, and opened the door.

Alex walked in the open door leading a curious Sandra behind him.

"Slave Kirstine, this is my slave Sandra. We'll all be playing together tonight."

With that Sandra froze.

Kirstine carefully looked Sandra over, not knowing what to think, as she meekly closed the door behind them.

Sandra was in turmoil. She was very, very angry. She was about to tear into Alex when she looked at him. She felt all the anger drain away as she watched him take off his shoes. She couldn't be angry with him, with her master. Sandra looked over at Kirstine. Now that is someone I can be angry with. It didn't matter that Kirstine had done nothing. Sandra had found a target. Sandra had just opened her mouth to say something when Alex interrupted her thoughts.

"Alright, both of you slaves take off your clothes. I want to examine my property." He stated as he walked into the living room.

Both Sandra and Kirstine followed, Kirstine taking off her blouse as she went.

Sandra paused slightly, but seeing Kirstine taking off her blouse stirred her into action as she slowly removed her top. Though Sandra moved slower than Kirstine to remove her clothes, Sandra had them off first since she wasn't wearing any underwear. Alex gave an approving look but Sandra didn't notice as she was starring daggers at Kirstine, letting her anger smolder. Kirstine could feel the daggers being looked at her but couldn't figure out what she did wrong, so instead she looked to her master for his next instruction.

"Good, now stand side by side, legs wide apart, and hands behind your head." Commanded Alex.

This was at least familiar, Sandra thought to herself as she remembered the first time Alex took her. Sandra immediately assumed the position, proudly showing off her fit body and thrusting her tits out.

Kirstine took a moment to consider as she was rather unsure about this whole situation, but seeing Sandra immediately go into the position pushed her into doing the same, spreading her legs apart and thrusting her chest outward.

Alex gave a pleased smile as he watched his two slaves pose for him, Sandra on the left and Kirstine on the right. He spent a moment just watching them, noting the differences between them. Sandra was just a little bit shorter than Kirstine, and much more fit. Kirstine had breasts that were slightly larger and hanging heavier than Sandra's, which was neither a good or bad thing. Variety is the spice of life after all.

Alex approached his two slaves and reached out to cup a tit from each of them in his two hands. He enjoyed the feeling of the two globes of flesh yielding under his firm grip, their heat warming his hands. His fingers brushed over their very erect nipples, causing Sandra to close her eyes in pleasure and Kirstine's breathing to quicken. Alex played with their nipples for a few moments more, and then let go to walk around behind them.

He caressed the inside of their legs, running his hands up and over their asses. He could smell their arousal and noted the difference between the scents.

"Alright, now bend over at the waist, both of you."

Both the slaves took a quick look at each other, and slowly bent over as directed, working to balance themselves so they wouldn't fall over. Alex got to see two glistening pussies flushed red with arousal. Slowly, Alex pushed the index finger of each hand into each of the women. A loud moan came from Sandra, a quieter one from Kirstine. Alex slowly pumped his finger in and out of them for a few moments and then withdrew completely. Both women were panting lightly by this point, and Alex could see they were having some trouble maintaining their stance.

Slowly, Alex pushed both his index and middle finger into both of the slaves. They went easily into Kirstine as she gave a hiss of pleasure, but he had to work a bit harder to push them into Sandra, as she was very tight. Another groan of pleasure escaped from Sandra as Alex finally pushed his fingers home. Alex again pumped his fingers in and out of the women, increasing the speed slightly, and listened as they panted and groaned.

Alex withdrew his fingers from their pussies and looked at them, covered with the juices from each of the women. Inspired, he quickly stepped in front of them. "Ok, straighten up both of you." He could see their faces were red from arousal and a confused look on both of them as the shift in position and the hormones running through their system had them disoriented. Not giving them time to think he thrust his fingers at their faces. "Now lick them clean." He ordered.

Without thinking about it, both of the women opened their mouths and started sucking on the fingers, Sandra sucking lightly while Kirstine used her tongue.

Both of them didn't realize that they were sucking the other's pussy juices.

After about a minute of this, Alex withdrew his fingers.

"Alright, my turn." He said walking over to a chair and sitting down. "Both of you, over here right now and give me a blowjob."

Kirstine rushed right over to kneel in front of him, working Alex's fly to get at the bulge inside. Sandra hesitated for a moment wondering about how to position herself, and squeezed herself beside Kirstine. Sandra was very aware of her naked body rubbing against Kirstine's, feeling her warmth against her cool skin. Sandra was not interested in women, and was actually repulsed at the idea of having sex with them, but in her current aroused state, she was surprised that feeling Kirstine beside her was actually turning her on more.

Kirstine was oblivious to this as she finally freed Alex's hard cock and immediately plunged it into her mouth. Bobbing up and down Kirstine was quickly deep throating her master, and was happy when she heard him groan in pleasure.

Taking him out of her mouth so that she could take a few breaths, continued to lick his shaft. She felt as Sandra nestled her head closer to her master's cock and started tentatively licking the other side of his shaft. At that point Kirstine became very aware of Sandra's body rubbing next to hers in her efforts to please their master. Kirstine was not interested in girls at all, but right at the moment she was so turned on she would have fucked anyone to get an orgasm.

While licking on his shaft, their eyes met. I wonder what it would be like, Kirstine thought to herself while staring into Sandra's brown eyes.

At that moment, Sandra pulled back and plunged her master's cock as far into her mouth as it could go. Unfortunately she could only go half way before hitting her gag reflex and go no further. She saw Kirstine deep throating her master and was somewhat jealous of her ability. Sandra bobbed a few times and then tried again to take as much of him into her mouth as she could, but again could only go halfway. She just couldn't go any further. She didn't like being out-performed, even if it was with something as degrading as this. Alex was enjoying the attention to his cock immensely. The feeling of two tongues and two styles of blowjob on his shaft at once was causing him to see stars behind his eyelids. He was also quickly becoming close to cumming, and he didn't want that. He had a few more things he wanted to try and he wasn't sure if he could get hard again afterward. He had so much sex in the last little while that he was quickly reaching his limit.

"Ok, that's enough." Sandra moved up and down a few more times before she registered the command through her lust. Both slaves gave one last lick before settling back to wait for the next order.

"Alright, I want you two behind that couch, bent over."

They both rushed to the order, both needing to be fucked really badly at that point. They both got behind the couch and bent over it so that their asses pointed into the air and their arms rested on the cushions. They were both on their tiptoes to accommodate the position but there was no complaint. It was much easier than bending over with nothing to support them like they had before.

"No, I want you right beside each other. Move over so that you are squashed up against the other."

The two slaves looked at each other and noticed that they unconsciously left about two feet of space between them. Sandra signaled to Kirstine to stay where she was and moved herself closer till they were side by side. Sandra had to position her left arm a bit awkwardly as Kirstine was a bit in the way, but they managed it after a moment.

Alex walked over behind them, his stiff cock bouncing up and down with every step. He took a moment to admire the two pussies, his pussies, which were displayed for him; ready to be fucked in any way he should choose.

He moved behind Sandra and used his hand to rub his cock up and down her pussy lips, enticing another groan of pleasure from Sandra.

"Please Master, please, fuck your slave. Please drive your cock into her." The words coming out of her mouth surprised Sandra, but she really didn't care at that point. She just needed her master inside of her now. She just couldn't wait any longer.

With a smile, Alex grabbed her hips and thrust quickly and deeply into his slave.

"OOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Sandra yelled, thrashing in the orgasm that had hit her all at once. She couldn't believe that all he did was thrust once into her. She was riding such a big orgasm that she couldn't control herself. Vaguely she felt Kirstine grab a hold of her to keep her steady so that their master could thrust more easily into her. At that point she felt such love for her fellow slave for helping her please their master that her previous anger towards her evaporated.

As he thrust into her time and again, she rode a wave to a second orgasm before she felt him leave her. Sandra gave a little whimper of disappointment but was too busy reeling from the explosions inside of her that she barely moved except to twitch.

Alex was amazed. With a single thrust Sandra had cum and powerfully. So powerful that some of her juices had splashed against him soaking his legs. Watching her thrash and twitch around his cock was a fantastic turn on too, making him harder than he had ever been before.

However, he wanted to sample his other slave before cumming, so he had pulled out and moved behind Kirstine. She looked over her shoulder, a look of anticipation and desire on her face. "Please, master. Fuck me like you fucked your other slave. I'll do anything, master, just please fuck me." She pleaded. How can I refuse such a plea, Alex thought to himself. But unlike Sandra, he slowly eased his cock into Kirstine.

"Ooooohhhhhh, it's so warm..." Kirstine groaned. Then she just moaned with every thrust, still holding Sandra who was still twitching in the after throws of pleasure.

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