Dark Thoughts
Copyright© 2007 by Jeff Renolds
Chapter 11
Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Alex is a curious inventor when he accidently creates a mirror that helps him develop psychic powers.
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/Fa ft/ft Mult Consensual Reluctant Mind Control Slavery BiSexual Fiction Science Fiction Incest Mother Sister Daughter DomSub MaleDom Rough Orgy Harem Interracial White Male White Female Safe Sex Oral Sex Anal Sex Pregnancy
Lynda and Sandra both sat down, exhausted from moving and organizing everything. Anne was sleeping on the couch, taking one of several cat naps to recover her energy from both helping with the move and from helping Karen's healing. Karen, equally exhausted from the strains of healing, was sleeping cuddled up beside her. Kirstine was busily going through another box, slowly unpacking and figuring out where things went while Kim walked in with food and refreshments for all. Lynda was trying to figure out what to do next, struggling through a mire of muddled thoughts and then thought, to hell with it.
"Ok, I think that is enough for today, time to hit the hay."
Both Anne and Karen woke up at Lynda's announcement, eyes blinking sleepily as they tried to figure out where they were. Kirstine put down what she was working on and looked on without comprehension. We are really tired, Lynda thought.
"There are three beds that are set up. I suggest two to a bed. Karen, you're with me."
Lynda got up and took up Karen's hand to lead her upstairs. Kirstine face broke out in a sudden smile and hopped over to Sandra. Sandra's face was surprised but she didn't protest as Kirstine led her away. Kim's face lit up in delight as she looked upon Anne. Anne looked back at Kim without comprehension and nearly went back to sleep. That was all Karen saw before her mother dragged her into one of the nearby bedrooms and closed the door.
Without preamble Karen's mom stripped bare and crawled under the sheets. They had concentrated mostly on moving furniture and kitchen accessories and they hadn't found the clothing, so no one had any PJs yet. Not that there seemed to be any hurry. The other women all seemed to think that they should prance around naked all the time to make themselves available to their master. Lynda pointed out that it wouldn't be wise without curtains and anyways he expected to be gone for more than a day. The others scowled but agreed to it, yet dealing with the clothing was still left to last. Karen slowly removed all her clothing and crawled in bed with her mother.
She got in and turned her back to Lynda, and Lynda turned over and wrapped her arm around her daughter in a motherly embrace. Given the lack of strength in her arm, Karen guessed that her mom was mostly asleep already. Maybe she'll answer some questions she normally wouldn't, Karen suddenly thought.
" ... yes sweetie..."
"What is sex like?"
" ... hmmmm... ? It's wonderful..."
"But, what's it like."
" ... ask someone else ... I'm tired..."
"Who should I ask? Who knows a lot about sex?"
" ... Kim does..."
Karen thought about that for a long time. Could she ask Kim? She certainly seemed very carefree. Maybe she will tell me. In the distance but growing steadily louder came a series of moans and gasps from one of the other rooms. Two of the other women were having sex with each other. She didn't understand how that worked and she hoped that Kim could explain that too. Of course, Karen would have to be very careful in her timing with her mother watching over her all the time. She would have to wait until her mom was shopping or something. As the moans continued, Karen carefully reached between her legs and started to add a few soft moans of her own to the background noise.
Kirstine was in bed laying on her side, wide awake. Sandra was spooning her from behind, holding her close. That probably what was keeping her awake. The loud moans going on the background weren't helping. Kirstine turned to look over at Sandra.
"Can we talk?"
"I'm pretty tired. Can this wait till morning?"
Kirstine touched the side of Sandra's face. Sandra blinked in surprise.
"Not really. I'm ... Do you remember when you asked ... when you asked to eat me out ... Uhm ... do you feel anything for me?"
Sandra lay there for a long time before saying anything.
"What do mean?"
A loud long moan of someone cumming interrupted their thoughts for a long time before Kirstine continued.
"Do you have any feelings for me?"
"I don't go after girls."
"But what about that time with Kim when you had her on the floor?"
"That was different ... that was ... well I don't know what that was but..."
Sandra was interrupted as Kirstine leaned forward and kissed Sandra gently but firmly on the lips. Their kiss lasted a long time before Kirstine reluctantly pulled away. Kirstine looked at Sandra's eyes while slowly running her hand through Sandra's beautiful black hair.
"I think I'm falling in love with you ... I think I'm falling in love with our master ... I'm so confused..."
Sandra stopped Kirstine's whispers by placing her finger on Kirstine's lips. She just meant to quiet her for a moment so she could think but Kirstine derailed that idea by sucking in the single digit into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it. Any thoughts that Sandra might have had shattered at that point. She just removed her finger and looked at Kirstine for a moment, admiring her blond hair and blue eyes. Suddenly Sandra lunged forward pinning Kirstine on her back and forcefully kissing her full on the mouth. Kirstine happily opened her mouth to allow their tongues to duel and she let out a gasp as she felt Sandra start to maul her breast.
Kirstine reached out with her arms and lost herself to the feel of Sandra's firm body, the feel of taut muscles in her arms, the smoothness of her skin as she traced her hands down Sandra's sides to her firm ass. Breaking the passionate kiss Kirstine kissed at the hollow of Sandra's throat, drawing forth a low moan from Sandra and causing her to dig her nails into Kirstine's back. Kirstine started kissing her way down to one of Sandra's breasts and found one of the rock hard nipples poking out at her. She just played with it between her fingers, marveling at how rigid and dark it had become with arousal before sucking it into her mouth. Kirstine felt her face mashed into the breast as Sandra pulled her closer, her moaning gaining an almost desperate sound. She quickly switched over to the other neglected breast, suckling it like a calf from underneath Sandra. Slowly she reached down and found the soft folds of Sandra's pussy, carefully caressing it before thrusting her fingers within. Sandra gave a low hiss.
"Ooooohhhhhh yyyyeeeessssss..."
Kirstine looked up at Sandra as she hovered above her, her arms supporting her weight, eyes closed and her dark hair framing her face. Oh god, I think I do love her, Kirstine thought to herself. I'm going to do whatever I can to make her happy.
With that thought in mind Kirstine wiggled herself lower between Sandra's legs until she was right underneath Sandra's pussy. The scent that came from that wet tunnel was fragrant and wonderful. A few drops of precious liquid were dripping from Kirstine's pumping hand and she caught them on her tongue like a child catching the first flakes of snow on a winter's day. Kirstine grinned at the taste and raised her head to collect more. Without stopping the pumping motion of her fingers, Kirstine poked her tongue into the folds of Sandra's pussy and quickly found her clit.
Sandra thrust her head into a pillow to conceal the loud moan that exploded out of her. Her body began to shudder and spasm above Kirstine and Kirstine began to have problems hanging on and maintaining the lip-lock on Sandra's clit, which she assaulted mercilessly.
"yes, yes, yes ... YES!!!"
Sandra gave one last yell and then collapsed, forcing Kirstine to wriggle her way out from underneath. Kirstine then curled up beside Sandra, holding her lovingly in her arms as she waited for Sandra to recover.
"I love you."
Sandra's eye opened and looked upon Kirstine with a questioning gaze.
"What about our master?"
"I love him too. And between the two of you, I would give myself to him if I hadn't already. But if he hadn't come along, I would have given myself to you, now and forever."
Sandra just looked in Kirstine's eyes as she tried to figure out what to say.
"I don't know if I am capable of feeling the same way. I know I prefer men, but this whole situation has got me so screwed up..."
Kirstine hushed her with a kiss and when they looked at each other again Sandra saw understanding in Kirstine's eyes. Sandra just nodded once and gathered her into her arms. Just as Kirstine was about to fall asleep, she heard Sandra's confession into the night.
"I think I love him too."
Kirstine did nothing for a moment other than absorb the information. Then she smiled and gave Sandra a quick kiss to show she understood. They fell asleep like that with the sounds of moans and gasps in the background.
Sara was having a wonderful dream where she was playing with other kids her age and one of them brought a pogo stick. They all played with it until finally it was her turn. She bounced up and down on it and it was great, except that there was this cute guy always standing in front of her. She gasped in pleasure and desire as something sucked on her nipple.
Slowly Sara woke up to find her master over top and in her, thrusting with a regular pace. On her right Miko was sucking on her breast and sending bolts of pleasure through her body. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around her master as she tried to get a hold of herself. The fact that she was really close to cumming really didn't help. She had been horny all night, her hand unconsciously masturbating herself as she replayed the events of the previous evening of her being not allowed to cum until the conditions he set were met. She didn't like girls, and she hated the idea of having to eat pussy, but to her, being forced to eat Julie's pussy to make herself cum was the hottest thing she had ever conceived.
Looking around for Julie, Sara found her behind Miko, slowly waking up from the activity in the bed. Sara could see the dried splashes of cum still decorating her face and neck from the previous night. Sara felt her face burn with embarrassment and arousal as she remembered that she was the cause of those cum stains.
Sara's orgasm took her by surprise and the wave of euphoria that followed crushed most of her thoughts, save one. It would be so nice if he came in me right now. Sara felt the old objections start to rise to the fore. He was using her! And it felt so good ... What if she became pregnant? He would take care of her as he does all his slaves ... But I don't want to be a slave! Do I... ? Sara started to think about it seriously. How bad can it be? All her basic needs would be provided for and all she would have to do is be someone's slave and mother to his children. Certainly others have it far worse. But it would be just like what her parents did!
Sara tried to remember what her parents did and failed. It seemed that was information that was wiped out along with who they were and where she grew up. Every once in a while she got a taste of a memory but each time it led nowhere. Sara's thoughts were interrupted as Alex finished thrusting and pulled out of her. Sara gave a sigh of frustration and fought off a feeling of emptiness that his cock once filled as she used her hands to continue what he started.
Alex at this point got behind Miko's small Asian ass while she was bent over sucking Sara's tits. He had been anticipating this ever since he saw her for sale yesterday and he was excited to the point of bursting to push into her pussy. She was just so sexy and ripe with herself on all fours, legs splayed for easy access that Alex just thrust all the way in one stroke.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh master..."
Alex thrust madly into her, enjoying the feel of her super tight pussy and not caring how long he lasted as Miko moaned and wreathed underneath him. He saw Sara fingering herself again and got an idea. He quickly put in a telepathic command for her not to be able to cum unless certain things happened, and what those things were wouldn't be revealed to her until he went for his morning shower. He was going to have a lot of fun with her.
Alex felt the sperm blast from the bottom of his balls through this cock and deep into Miko's fertile womb. He just stayed there motionlessly, enjoying the rush of orgasmic endorphins as his cock continued to spray a few last spurts while Miko gave one long moan as she came herself. Slowly Alex pulled out, luxuriating in the feel of Miko's pussy's tight grip and pulsing as he stood up.
"That was nice. I'm going for a shower. Julie, order us some breakfast. I want to eat as soon as I get out."
"Yes master."
Julie looked like she wanted to do a lot more than just order breakfast after witnessing the morning's mini-orgy that was still in part continuing as Sara tried to finger herself to climax, but she dutifully got up and went to the computer to select something while Alex went to the bathroom. In the bathroom Alex was pleasantly surprised when he saw himself in the mirror. A lot of muscle seemed to have developed overnight and he was looking fitter than he had ever been in his life. Most of the fat around his middle was gone too. He gave a silent thank you to Anne and her efforts as he enjoyed the energy and power of his new body, walking in great long strides to the shower.
Turning on the shower was the first trigger for Sara and it was only a few moments before she came rushing in and knelt before him.
"M-master, may I suck your cock?"
Alex just ignored her at first, choosing instead to warm up under the hot water and relax before taking part in round two. He very calmly washed his hair while Sara remained on her knees, moaning as she tried unsuccessfully to bring herself off.
Sara had just found out that she had an implanted command not to cum and to find out how to stop that command, she had to have him cum in her mouth. As frustrated as she was feeling right now, she was really starting to enjoy these games. She had played with herself twice during the night just thinking about how he used her yesterday. Maybe being his slave would be fun, she thought. If it only didn't include getting pregnant. Maybe she could use some sort of contraception secretly. She would have to try and pick something up and in the meantime make sure her master didn't cum in her pussy until then. That could mean a lot of blow jobs which she didn't mind at all.
Alex finished cleaning himself off and watched as his slave played with herself on the floor. Unsurprisingly the show had him very hard very quickly as he watched the gorgeous red head sit there on her knees, one hand between her knees thrusting her fingers in and out of her bald pussy, her other hand grasping and squeezing her breast, the skin glistening as water from the shower ran down her body. How he got so lucky to have her, Alex didn't know.
"Slave, you may please me."
Alex watched as Sara took a moment to register the command through the sex fog in her brain, but when she did she made up her hesitation with enthusiasm as she quickly moved forward and immediately took him in her mouth. At first she only managed an inch, gently sucking the head while swirling her tongue all around that sent jolts of pleasure through him that he had to resist grabbing her head and impaling her face on his cock. Then slowly she took more and more of him into her throat until she had about five inches before backing out so she could breathe. Again she took him in slowly till he was in five inches and just held him there. She couldn't take him any further though she seemed to be trying. After several moments Sara gave up and instead contented herself with bobbing up and down on his cock like a jackhammer. This suited Alex just fine as he was breathing heavily from the treatment and had to hold onto the shower stall just to keep from falling over. In a surprisingly short time Alex was feeling the familiar pressure on his balls before he exploded in her mouth, filling it up with his cum. Greedily Sara sucked it down, swallowing every drop and sighing in relief as the next series of instructions were revealed to her.
Alex had trouble standing after the wonderful blowjob so he didn't notice Sara's distress as she realized her next hurdle, nor did he notice her quietly get up and leave. It was several minutes later before he was able to gather himself and finish his shower.
Breakfast was a simple affair which Alex ate quickly. The slaves ate with him, Julie looking upon Alex, her arousal evident, Sara taking long looks at Miko, and Miko looking shy and nervous under the attention. Alex thought about the classes he wanted to take today and knew several of them, like the deep mind scan class, required you bring you own slave to practice on. He had already selected Julie for that task knowing that she got some sort of kick out of showing her body in public. It also left Sara and Miko to play with each other for the day which should prove entertaining in itself.
Alex finished his breakfast, got up and collected one of the leashes sitting on the table.
"Come here Julie."
Julie looked nervous but quickly complied as she got up from the table and stood before him, hands behind her back and her eyes down. Alex attached the leash to her collar and turned to address the other two.
"We'll be gone most of the day. Feel free to do whatever you want so long as you don't leave this apartment."
With that he turned and led Julie out into the hallway.
Alex was uncomfortably aware that he was leading a beautiful naked woman around by a leash and felt as if everyone was staring at them. He felt a growing sense of embarrassment as he walked quickly to the class board to check out when the next class was. The fact that there were three other people leading slaves around in the same way did little to relieve his tension. He saw that he timed things right and that deep mind scan class was going to start in the next ten minutes so he hurried over in that direction.
Entering the room, he saw that everyone was attended by one or two slaves each. There were two women sitting on a couch talking while a pair of heavily muscled men massaged their necks. Another man had a pair of women massaging his feet, while talking to another woman who held the leash of a pretty young girl not much older than Julie. This is the life I'm in now, Alex reminded himself. Taking a deep breath Alex walked over to an available couch, a demure Julie following quietly behind him.
Directing her with the leash to beside the couch, he ordered her like he would a dog.
With a smile, Julie went down on her knees and sat on her heels, careful to always keep her arms behind her.
With a gesture he indicated her mouth which she did with a look of confusion until he put the handle of the leash between her teeth.
"Now hold it and stay."
This she did with a prideful look. He could tell that she was in a aroused state from being displayed to all. Her rock hard nipples and moister leaking out of her pussy was silent testament to that. Alex smiled to himself as he sat down to wait for the class to begin.
Alex was surprised when his friend Steve from the other day walked into the class leading his own blond beauty by a leash. He looked concerned and embarrassed until he saw Alex waving him over.
"Hey Steve, good to see you again. I see you have picked up something new."
Steve just looked even more embarrassed.
"They said I needed at least one. Imagine, a man my age having a twenty something woman at my beck and call. I don't know if I can handle it. What will my wife think? Or my kids for that matter!"
Alex chuckled.
"I'm sure you will figure something out."
The class began abruptly cutting of further conversation. It went fairly quickly and again, though he knew how to deep mind scan, Alex immediately saw all sorts of new directions and methods of thinking and using the power till he was sure he knew more about it than the teacher did. Throughout the class, he was relating his thoughts to Steve while Steve listened raptly. By the end of the class, they both asked for testing and passed with flying colours. The teacher was muttering to himself.
"Damnedest thing I've ever seen. Two of them..."
Alex knew the teacher was referring to two newbies passing the class the first day, but he couldn't see anything remarkable in it. It wasn't that hard overall. Alex turned to Steve as they left the class.
"So what are you doing after this?"
"Well, I'm famished after that class, so I was going to get something to eat. Seems to happen after every class. You want to come?"
"No, I've got three classes in a row I want to attend before breaking for lunch. There's so much to learn! I just want to consume it all."
"Three classes! I don't think I could take another one at the moment, but then again you are considerably younger than I am. Just be sure not to get too far ahead of me or I'll have no one to sit with."
Alex smiled at that as they went their separate ways. Alex went to his next class with Julie still on the leash. She wasn't necessary for the next class which was Mind Shielding, but he didn't want to take the time to return her to their room and he might need her in the next few classes. They arrived at the class room very early and no one else was there yet. This meant Alex had his pick of couches so he chose a secluded one near the back so that he could rest and think. His thoughts were interrupted when Julie, kneeling beside him, asked him a question.
"Master? May I ask you something?"
"Are we going to be doing this sort of thing a lot?"
Alex carefully looked at Julie. She was in a very aroused state, her face was flushed, her breathing labored and the smell of wet pussy hung heavily around her.
"Yes we are."
"And are you going to be leading me on a leash all that time?"
She said this last part with a throaty whisper that caused his cock to start stirring.
"Yes we are."
Julie looked down at her hands as she thought about it for a moment.
"Master, I want to be your slave. I just want to ask two things."
"And what would those two things be?"
"I want you to take me on regular walks like this, naked before everyone and on display as your proud property."
Alex considered. It should be no problem here in the building, and outside he could cover them with invisibility so that no one would call the police on them.
"Alright. And what would the second thing be?"