Two Horny Babysitters - Cover

Two Horny Babysitters


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Since Arlene was going to have to drive up to Big Creek with her mother and wouldn't be able to babysit for the Carltons, Terri would take her place. Terri also had the responsibility of calling Tommy and telling him not to bother showing up at the Carltons' since Arlene wasn't going to be there. Terri was happy at her chance for more responsibility, more cash and more fun.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Cheating   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

They drove towards Terri's house slowly. Ralph seemed torn between guilt and lust. He kept pulling her tighter against him, his hand on her tit while he drove. As they neared her part of town, the part of town where they both lived, Terri slid back across the seat. She felt damp between the legs and her skin still tingled with Ralph's hot kisses. She wished they could do it again real quick before she had to run up to her bedroom. When she grabbed the crotch of his pants, she knew Ralph felt the same way.

"God, you're a hot one!"

"Mmmmm, let me get it out."

She did, working the skin up and down as Ralph drove. He groaned and worked his hips around in the seat while she jacked him off. After all the fooling around they'd done that night, he was still hard as a rock. Every time Terri brought her fingers up, his cocktip swelled like a fat, ripe plum.

Remembering how close Ralph had come to shooting his cum into her mouth before, Terri dropped her head. Her smooth, spit-slickered lips eased over Ralph's swollen cocktip with a sexy sound. He worked his free hand down her thigh and hooked a finger up into the gap in her shorts. It took him only a moment to find her cunthole.

"Whhhuuhh," Terri sighed as she felt her pussy penetrated past the second knuckle. She squirmed, her teeth grazing the sensitive head of Ralph's cock. Her tongue fucked and fanned the engorged knob while he fingerfucked her faster.

The car seemed to be going very slowly. Maybe it was stopped for all she knew. That finger felt so good in her cunt. She writhed and panted and moaned through her nose while her hot, young mouth tightened around Ralph's cock.

"Goddamn!" he sighed.

"Mmmmm," Terri cooed in reply. Her hand kept jacking his cockskin while she sucked noisily on that huge head. It wasn't going to be but a few more seconds and then she'd know what fresh cum tasted like.


"Yhhuuummmmm," she murmured, her clenched fingers jerking up and down very slowly now, her hot, pink tongue smearing back and forth across the underside of Ralph's prick.

The spurts came so hard and fast she gave a squeal of surprise and started swallowing like crazy. The slick, hot jizz was yummy. She smacked noisily, a white froth appearing at the corners of her mouth. Her tongue never stopped stroking the silken surface of Ralph's prick. Ralph had stopped the car against the curb now and his finger was stabbing in and out of her pussy very fast. "Ohhmmmm," she babbled, her excitement intensifying suddenly. Whhhhuummm."

Ralph forced her head down so that his cock pushed between her tonsils for a second. Hot cum spattered down her throat. Terri swallowed convulsively, her muscles squeezing the head of Ralph's cock until he let out a groan and released her.

She was about to come. Terri thrashed around on the seat, her concentration slipping. Ralph's cock slipped out of her half-open mouth, the next spurt of jism streaking across her cheek as another dribble leaked down her chin. Her eyes were glazed with passion as she flopped around against Ralph's chest while he finger-fucked her harder and deeper.

"Yuuhhhh!" she moaned at last, clutching his arm hard as her belly tightened and her pussy squeezed down around his finger. "Ohhhhh, shit!"

She came. It wasn't as long and lusty as her come with Ralph's cock inside her, but it was good. It was a quick fire that burned along her thighs and lower belly and exploded finally in the soft flesh of her cunt. Her pussy felt feverish as she pumped out the pleasure against Ralph's probing fingers.

By the time Ralph got her home, Terri had cleaned the cum off her face, but she still had a funny taste in her mouth. Ralph gave her a long look when she opened the door and got out. He couldn't dare touch her now, not in front of her parents' house. She leaned back in the car, the glow from the radio illuminating her short, cute nose and wide mouth. She smiled and slowly ran the tip of her tongue along her upper lip.

"Bye, Ralph," she said, her voice soft and sexy. "Sweet dreams." She could see that he hadn't stopped aching for her. Not even after all they'd done. He smiled, wrenched the steering wheel and pulled away as she stood watching.

"Ralph Carlton has called three times today," Terri's mother said. "He told me to tell you he's got another babysitting job for you if you want."

Terri had come down in her bikini. She was hoping to get a few minutes of sun in the early morning before the day grew too hot. When she heard the message Ralph had left, she wasn't surprised. She wasn't sure she was interested either. Something else had come up. Something that sounded interesting.

"Well," her mother went on, "aren't you going to return his call?"

"In a little bit." Terri smoothed lotion on one thin shoulder, then the other. Her mother didn't approve of the bikini she had on. It was the same top she'd worn out to Ralph's the other night and the bottom was every bit as skimpy.

"I would think you'd jump at a chance to make some spending money. You're always griping about how broke you are." Terri's mother was taller and curvier than she was, but side by side, they looked very much alike. They both had the same, straight brown hair and short nose. Even Terri's eyes were gray like her mother's. Her mom was forty, but didn't look it.

"Mom, could I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure, honey."

"Before you met Dad, did you ever go all the way with a guy?" Terri knew she had to put her question in those terms. She wasn't sure her mother would appreciate it if she used the word fuck. Terri's mother blushed and tried to appear as if she wasn't embarrassed in the slightest. "That is a little personal, darling. Let's put it like this. I was tempted a few times, but I didn't."

There was something about the way her mother had said it that sounded false. She was still blushing too. Terri tried to imagine her mother on her back with her legs spread for a strange man. It was like imagining herself doing the same thing. Sure, it was possible. Like daughter, like mother. It didn't even bother Terri to think of this happening. There was even the possibility that her mother had done it with another man during the time she was married. Terri's mom was pretty and her dad was out of town a lot.

"You're looking at me in the strangest way. Terri," her mother said finally.

"Sorry, Mom. Didn't mean to be." Terri grabbed her towel and went into the backyard. As she found a spot to lie down, she kept eyeing the backyard directly behind theirs. A new couple had moved in and she'd spotted a toddler just yesterday. That meant babysitting. Yet, she hadn't seen either of the parents yet. Terri experienced a certain thrill of anticipation. What would the guy look like? Would he be as handsome as Ralph Carlton? Maybe even better-looking?

Terri took twenty minutes on one side and turned to spread lotion on her long legs and across her belly before she let the sun toast her on that side. The child had come into the yard adjoining the back of theirs now but still no daddy. He might be at work.

When the child got a toy caught in the gate and started screaming, Terri watched, sure she'd see somebody emerge from the house. She prayed it would be the kid's daddy. Her prayers were answered. And the first look she got took her breath.

The blond-haired man was big and brawny and good-looking to boot. He looked at least six feet tall, and when he picked his kid up, it was as if he were picking up a beach ball. He tossed the giggling youngster up and down a few times, then set him down by his toys. Terri found herself staring directly into the man's face. And he was staring right back. He came over to the fence separating the two properties and leaned his arms on the top.

Terri got to her feet and came over. She was feeling nervous and tingly and part of it was the way the guy was looking at her. He put out a hand that completely hid hers when he closed his fingers.

"I'm Keith."

"I'm Terri." Keith's blue eyes weren't shy at all. "I do babysitting," she blurted, reddening a little as he stared at her firm, high-riding tits.

"Hey, that's great." He wasn't looking at her tits any more. He was looking at a spot directly below her navel. "See, I work nights and I have to sleep during the day. That's when my wife goes shopping, so we'll be needing somebody to watch little Jimmy from time to time."

By now, Terri's eyes had begun to stray also. She was, looking at the big man's muscled build. She could see how his shorts were filled out in front. It seemed he must have five pounds of cock at least. How big would it be?

Just trying to imagine made Terri tremble.

The two of them chatted for a while longer about Keith's new job and where he'd moved from. When Terri turned back to the house, she walked slowly, knowing Keith was watching her. How could he help it? She was young and getting prettier every day. Was he thinking naughty thoughts about what he'd like to do to her? Terri turned to smile. It wasn't easy to read the expression on his face, but it made her flush. Her cunt had grown very wet against the crotchband of her bikini.

Ralph called again after supper. He sounded frantic.

"I've got to see you," he said. Terri looked at the phone as if she didn't quite know what to do with it.

"I can't for a few days. I've got another job." She wasn't lying. Keith had called an hour before to hire her for the following morning.

"If I can't see you, I'll lose my mind," Ralph groaned.

"Look," Terri whispered into the mouthpiece, looking around nervously to make sure her mother wasn't eavesdropping, "I can't make it until Friday at least."

"You don't know how bad I need you," Ralph said. He sounded miserable. Terri didn't know what to do except whisper a hushed goodbye and hang up the phone. Her sister came down the stairs just about then and saw how red Terri's cheeks were.

"Talking to a boyfriend?" Arlene teased.

"No! I mean... " Terri glared at her sister and bit her lip. Things were a little close for comfort. She'd never guessed that she'd, have to hide things from Arlene. But even her older sister wouldn't understand if she knew that Terri had actually fucked Ralph Carlton. Arlene took her arm when she tried to slip past.

"What's the deal with the Carlton's by the way? While I was up with Mom visiting Aunt Beth, Ralph Carlton changed his mind about my babysitting job. I thought I was lined up for the whole summer. Now he wants you. He gave me some lame story about how good you get along with his dumb kid. What'd you tell them I had leprosy or something?"

"Uh... no, I just got along good with little Billy." Terri shrugged nervously. "No kidding."

"Tommy has been acting funny, too, Arlene added. "When you called him and told him I wouldn't be around last Friday, you weren't rude or anything, were you?"

"Of course not," Terri said, swallowing hard. She felt as if Arlene could read her thoughts. And her thoughts were replaying that night she fucked Tommy on the Carlton's sofa.

During supper that night, Arlene found out Terri had moved in to snatch the babysitting duties for the Richardsons, who'd moved in just that week. Her looks were more and more suspicious. Or was Terri simply experiencing a guilty conscience?

"I guess I'm going to have to go to work at the dime store or somewhere," Arlene said.

"Well, you're a little old for babysitting anyway, aren't you?" Terri tried.

Arlene looked irked. "I don't know about that, but I sure can't hustle like you seem to be able to do. You must really put on the personality."

Terri' s cheeks reddened. Yeah, it was personality in a certain sense. Just thinking of how Ralph Carlton had flipped out over her made her nervous. She realized that she couldn't just stop seeing him, even if she thought it best. The poor guy was about to lose his marbles over her hot wet cunt. She'd just have to try and cool him off slowly. Things were definitely getting hot.

As soon as she was through eating, Terri hurried upstairs to take a bath. Just thinking about her job tomorrow at the new neighbors' house made her horny as hell. Keith was the sexiest man she'd ever laid eyes on.

"Oh, you must be Terri," the tall, redheaded woman said. "Keith is sleeping. It would be best if you keep Jimmy playing quietly while he's in the, house. Keith might be up by the time I get back. Sometimes, though, I have to root him out of bed and get him off to work myself, poor guy. He sure likes his sleep. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Bonnie."

Bonnie showed Terri where everything was and gave Jimmy a chance to get to know his babysitter before he was left alone with her. Terri hit it off quickly with the kid, and while Bonnie gave her hair a last brush or two and grabbed her purse, Jimmy was getting out a favorite game.

"You two look like you're going to have a fine time," Bonnie said.

"Um... Bonnie? When do you think you'll be back?" Though Terri felt nervous about asking, she knew it was a proper question.

"After shopping. I'm meeting a friend to take in a movie. I probably won't be back until after two. Keith goes to work at four in the afternoon."

"Just wanted to know," Terri put in. "Don't worry about Jimmy. He'll be fine."

As soon as she was alone, Terri went to the kitchen and got herself a coke. She played little Jimmy's game with him for a while, only half her mind on what was happening. She was thinking of Keith sleeping in the bedroom at the end of the hail. She longed to be in there with him, sitting on the bed talking, watching him watching her.

"Wouldn't you like to play in the sandpile?" she asked the youngster.

"Don't have a sandpile."

"Oh, yes. Well, what about playing with your cars. That's lots of fun." The boy rubbed his blond head and finally gave Terri a big smile.

"Okay. But you've got to play with me in a little bit."

"Sure, darling. You just go on out there. Terri will be along later."

As soon as she was, alone, Terri tiptoed down the hall and put her ear against the closed bedroom door. She was trembling more than the time when Ralph had given her a kiss, then eaten her pussy. She could almost see Keith sleeping, his big cock throbbing. Maybe he was even dreaming about her and had a hard-on!

Pacing back into the other room, Terri caught a glimpse of her reflection in the, hall mirror. Her red skin was cut tight across her ass, showing the sharp curve outward from the small of her back. Her summer top was tight enough to show off her tiny waist, and the way it fit her tits made them seem a bit bigger. Her silky brown hair cascaded down over her shoulders. She squinched her short nose, satisfied with the image she projected.

"I could just peek into the bedroom," she whispered to herself, kicking off her sandals as she headed back down the hail. Her fingers were sweaty as she grasped the doorknob. She couldn't hear anything from inside. Slowly, she opened the door just a crack and peeked in.

Keith Richardson was sprawled naked on the king-sized bed. Well, nearly naked. He did have on a t-shirt. Terri's heart started beating so fast that she was sure the big, good-looking man would hear it. He was breathing evenly, his arms around a pillow that he clutched to his chest.

Terri let herself into the room and closed the door softly behind her. Now she could see his cock. For a long moment she couldn't even breathe. It was the biggest thing she'd ever seen on a man. It was long and thick and the foreskin only half covered the tip.

Suddenly, Keith moaned something and hugged the pillow tighter. His cock surged, the dark and glossy tip emerging from the clasping protective skin around it. It was luscious looking! Terri felt her pussy drip juice into her panties as she thought of sliding her mouth around the bulging cocktip.

"Uhhhh," Keith moaned in his sleep. "Uhhhh, Terri baby..."

Terri had to bite her lip to keep from moaning herself. It was just as she'd hoped. Keith was having a dream about her. He was hugging that pillow in his sleep as if it were her! More exciting than that, though, was the way he'd begun to move his hips. He was pumping them in a slow, fucking way. His cock stabbed upward against the pillow.

"I'm gonna fuck you, Terri... gonna fuck you till you holler."

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