Two Horny Babysitters - Cover

Two Horny Babysitters


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Since Arlene was going to have to drive up to Big Creek with her mother and wouldn't be able to babysit for the Carltons, Terri would take her place. Terri also had the responsibility of calling Tommy and telling him not to bother showing up at the Carltons' since Arlene wasn't going to be there. Terri was happy at her chance for more responsibility, more cash and more fun.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Cheating   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

By the time Ralph and Ann Carlton retuned home, Terri had cleaned up any trace of the little party she'd had. She'd finished Tommy's beer herself and opened another. She hardly ever had anything alcoholic to drink, but something had depressed her. Maybe it was Tommy's squeamishness about what he'd done.

"I'll drive you home in a second," Ralph told her. "Just let me make me a quick drink."

As far as Terri was concerned, Ralph didn't need that drink. His wife was in the same shape, and she kept going on about what a good babysitter Terri was. Terri was glad they hadn't seen her earlier. Still vivid in her memory was how it had felt to have Tommy's hot cock going in and out of her pussy. She shivered, closing her eyes for a second in happy reverie. If only Tommy hadn't acted so funny afterwards.

When Ralph Carlton didn't come to drive her home, Terri decided to go on by herself, it was only a few blocks and she didn't really mind walking. When she stepped into the hall to tell him, Terri saw why she'd had to wait.

From where she stood, she could see into the Carltons' bedroom. Ann Carlton was on her back, her dress pulled up around her waist. One shoe had slipped off and her panties were hanging from her hand. Ralph Carlton hadn't even bothered to take off his pants. He was fucking her, his ass plunging as the blonde woman moaned and dug her heels into her husband's back.

Terri let herself out and headed down the walk in the darkness. Her mind was swirling with what she'd just seen. The way Ralph Carlton had been fucking his wife thrilled Terri. It was easy imagining herself on that bed with Ralph fucking her. God, he fucked better than Tommy, or so it seemed. He seemed to know what he was doing a lot more than Tommy had. At least it seemed that way. Terri went back, crossing the lawn to a bedroom window.

"Ohhh, get me, honey!" Ann Carlton groaned. "Fuck me good!"

Terri stood on tiptoes, peering into the partly darkened room. The bed creaked under Ann's shifting hips. Ralph had opened the front of his wife's blouse and was sucking her big fits like he wanted to eat them. His loving seemed more voracious, less restrained than the way Tommy had gone after her.

"I'm gonna come, Ralph!" his wife squealed, her head thrown back. She looked drunk. Ralph slammed into her steadily now and the tall woman shuddered and growled words that made even Terri blush. She turned from the window and went back across the lawn. She couldn't take too much more of that without wanting to finger-fuck herself while she watched.

She crossed the street and went on. Her cunt had begun to throb harder with each step. She felt weak and breathless and the images of Ralph Carlton fucking wildly between his wife's long legs made her skin tingle. Terri slipped a hand down to the gap in the leg of her cut-offs and eased a finger up against her cunt. That was when she stopped, her eyes wide with horror.

"My panties! I left them in the linen closet back at the Carlton's place."

She stopped there in the darkened street, uncertain what to do. As she hesitated, the lights of a car came down the street from the direction which she'd just come. Not wanting to be noticed, Terri started walking again, thinking of a way to retrieve her forgotten undies. The car stopped beside her and the door was thrown open.

"I'll give, you that ride. I promised," Ralph Carlton said. Terri's heart picked up speed. It would look funny not to accept his offer. She slid onto the seat and pulled the door closed behind her. As Ralph started off, he held something out to her. "Forget something?" he asked, his voice soft.

"Oh, God," Terri said, closing her fingers around her still-damp panties. What could she say? Did Ralph suspect that she'd entertained a boy on his living room sofa? "Thanks," she told him at last. It sounded silly, that was the only word, that had popped into her mind.

Ralph was driving awfully slow. He kept looking down at her bare shoulders and, the way her bikini top fit her tits. Terri realized that he knew she was wearing no panties under her skimpy cut-off shorts. He could probably smell her muskiness. She could sure smell him. He smelled like hot pussy. His cock was pushing the front of his pants up. Terri felt the lust she'd experienced earlier that evening. It was making her think of how Ralph had looked fucking his wife.

"Why don't you go on and put them on right now?" Ralph suggested, nodding at the panties she held.

"They're a little damp," Terri said back. She gave him a playful smile.

"You're a little damp too, I'll bet." Taking a breath, Terri nodded. "As a matter of fact, I am."

"What were you doing at my house tonight, anyway?"

She could answer Ralph's question in a number of ways. The way she chose only bolstered her courage to be a bit more outrageous.

"I was fucking a guy I know."

The car swerved a little. Ralph glanced at her, then at the road. His smile had changed. He looked the slightest bit nervous.

"You're a little young, aren't you?"

"Of course."

"What would you have done if my wife had found your panties before I did. It was just lucky I went to grab a towel and..."

"I didn't mean to leave them."

"I should have kept them."

"You can have them if you want," Terri said, holding them out. She was beginning to enjoy the game between this good-looking man and herself. She realized she had him on the run, and the power she felt made her a little drunk. He was wild for her. The way he kept looking at her, as if he wished he could fuck her like he'd been fucking his wife.

The car rounded the corner of the park. Terri saw that Ralph wasn't going to take her up on the offer of her panties. She pushed them into a pocket of her shorts. Her cunt tingled as she shoved her hand into that pocket. She longed to stroke her pussy. It was only a little way to her house. She had the feeling that an opportunity was slipping away. She asked herself if she had the nerve to continue this little game. It was a game Ralph had started and didn't have the guts to go on with.

"What if I did put my panties on now, would you watch?" Terri could hardly believe she'd actually said it.

Ralph slowed as he came to her house. He didn't stop. The car glided past and he turned down the next block. "Yes," he said, his voice husky and shaky.

He drove down the street and went west. He was gripping the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles were white. Terri was equally excited. She wasn't sure where this little mischief of hers might take her. She only knew she longed to see what Ralph Carlton had inside his pants. She even might let him fuck her if he wanted.

A married man? It was enough to blow her mind.

Ralph parked and came around to open Terri's door. He nodded toward a single-story building as he took her hand. His fingers closed tightly around hers as if she were a child.

"This is my real estate office. Nobody'll bother us."

Inside, Ralph closed the blinds and turned on a lamp on his desk. He poured himself a drink from a bottle in a drawer. Terri was strolling around the fancy office. She'd kicked off her sandals to feel the thick carpet on her toes. Ralph watched her every move.

"Christ, you're incredibly beautiful!"

His words made her shiver. A grown man was telling her that, not just some silly college guy who didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Tommy seemed such a child now. She tossed her brown hair and walked confidently to where Ralph sat on the edge of his desk.

"I suppose your wife wouldn't be too happy if she knew you'd brought me here."

Without a word, Ralph picked up the phone and dialed his house. He spoke a few words into the mouthpiece, explaining to Ann that he'd stopped by a bar to have a drink. When he hung up, he looked more relieved.

"Well," Ralph said. "You said you were going to put on your panties for me."

Terri realized she was the one backed against the wall now. Ralph had called her bluff. She smiled, not quite as confidently as before. Her fingers went to her shorts and she unbuttoned them slowly. Wiggling her hips she stripped her cut-offs down, let them drop at her ankles and stepped out. All she wore now was the tiny bikini top and a thin, silver bracelet on one wrist. The way Ralph was looking at her made her belly warm. Her cheeks flushed and she lowered her lashes. When she bent to dig her crumpled panties from the pocket of her shorts, Ralph put his drink down and came over.

"Not yet. I've got to look at you some more."

He nuzzled her hair, moaning with desire. His hands found the clasp of her bikini top and loosened it. Terri was panting and trembling. This was altogether different from fooling around with Tommy. Ralph was bigger and stronger and older. He used his hands like he knew what a girl, wanted.

"Ohhhhh," she sighed as a finger curled up into the damp curls of her pussy. She squirmed slightly, her fingers clutching his wrist as if she might pull him away. She didn't pull him away. She rolled her ass wildly instead, pulling his hand up harder against her. "Ohhhhh, yes!"

Ralph kissed her mouth as he felt gingerly for her young, tight cunt. His finger opened the muscles gently and he pushed up into her pussy. Her juices were flooding, slickening his knuckles enough to make it easy for him to get deeper.

"Nhhhuuuhh," she gasped, pumping her hips faster. Her mouth wet his shirt. She clutched at his fly, found the tab and jerked it down. Terri wasn't even thinking about right and wrong. She had to find it, had to find that big hot cock Ralph Carlton had stuck into his wife's pussy.

"Yeah, baby, there."

Her fingers tightened around the damp, hard prickshaft. She gave a little sigh of lust as she pulled it out of his pants. Ralph was finger-fucking her so good! He could fingerfuck better than Tommy could fuck with his cock.

"Yuuhhhhh, Ralph... God!"

Ralph eased her down into a big leather chair. He kissed his way down her belly as she sat there, his finger still going in and out of her cunthole in such a lovely way that Terri could only writhe and pant with excitement.

As she watched, she realized Ralph was going to do something to her she'd only heard about. He pulled his glossy finger out of her tight pussy and licked it while she watched. The next thing she felt was his breath, heating up the already feverish flesh of her open pussy.

"You're lovely," he breathed, gazing into her cunt. His tongue flicked out, and Terri grabbed the sides of his head as she felt the sudden thrill against her clit.

"Whhhuuhhh!" she groaned, her back humping against the chair as she thrust her cunt up for him to feast on. Her mind was reeling now. She'd never expected this to happen. Ralph was eating her. His mouth seemed to swim in the juicy heat of her slit. His tongue searched up and down between the dainty folds of her cunt until he touched all the right places. But she liked it best when he came back to her clit.

"Yesssss! Ohhhh, God, yesssss!"

The gentle eating went on, Ralph's mouth making sexy, wet sounds against her pussy. Terri thought she was in some wonderful dream. She'd never had her cunt excited like this before and the muscles deep inside her were contracting rhythmically.

As if he sensed this, Ralph found her pussyhole and pushed the tip of his tongue inside. He began to fuck her like that, getting deeper and deeper. Finally he was deep enough for her to tighten her cunt muscles around his tongue.

"Mmmmm," he groaned back.

"Yuuhhhhh!" Terri gasped, her eyes out of focus, her breathing ragged.

Ralph slipped his hands under the cheeks of her ass. He pulled her pussy harder against his mouth. The suction, the soft whip of his tongue was driving Terri out of her mind. She touched his face and rubbed her fingers up her belly. She squeezed each of her nipples, her hips jerking from side to side.

"Ohhhh, Ralph, I love what you're doing to

He paused long enough to look up into her eyes. His chin and cheeks were glossy with her cunt juice. He smiled like an adoring uncle. "And just think, Terri. We've only just begun."

Terri had slumped down in the chair until she was practically lying in it. Ralph had pulled her legs up so that her thighs rested on his shoulders. He was eating her so wonderfully that the tickly feeling was starting. Usually, Terri came when that tickly feeling went on for very long. She didn't want to come though. She wanted this ecstasy to go on for a while. She wanted it to go on forever.

"Ohhhh, Ralph! Ohhhh, it's getting so good!"

He seemed to understand what she was trying to tell him. He slowed his licking, being more careful around her clit now. It was jutting up like a small, pink finger. The lightest caress or lick made a surging thrill go through Terri's body from toe to tit. She wiggled and cooed, luxuriating in the flood of pleasure Ralph was giving her. Her pussy felt very swollen. She thought it probably looked pretty strange. Ralph seemed to think it was a work of art the way he praised and kissed it.

Nhhhuuhhhh," she moaned, her eyes shut, her tongue hanging out between her lips. Ralph supported her ass while he continued to feast on her swollen pink and red flesh between her brown cunt curls. After a few more glorious caresses of her cunt, he stopped and eased her legs down. As she watched, he finished undressing. She could see his cock. She'd only just touched it before. She wanted to get her hands on it again.

Ralph made her sit up in the chair. He was standing before her, his legs spread, his prick bobbing back and forth a few inches from Terri's face. She couldn't imagine anything any sexier. His balls looked heavy, with cum and the head of his cock was dark blue. It pulsed before her eyes as she put a small hand out to touch it.

"Uhhhh," Ralph moaned as she squeezed the shaft.

Terri had never thought she'd be in such a situation before she grew up some. She knew Ralph wanted her to do something and she wanted to please him. She was just afraid she didn't know how to do it right. She eased her hand up and down, moving the loose skin along his shaft. Well, he certainly liked that. Ralph was breathing funny and his knees trembled.

That head looked delicious. Terri knew that it must feel as good to a man to be kissed there as it had felt to have Ralph kissing her cunt. She licked her lips and parted her wide mouth slightly as she bobbed her head down.

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