Surviving 2 - Cover

Surviving 2

Copyright© 2007 by Scotland-the-Brave

Chapter 16: winter 875/876 AD

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 16: winter 875/876 AD - Scott continues to try and survive in ninth century Scotland.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Interracial   Black Female  

Scott discussed his idea for a St Andrew's day holiday with Gabrain, he was after all, the King! Gabrain thought it was a great idea and he grew excited himself at the thought of a feast throughout his Kingdom of Dalriada. The girls, now including Esta, were behind the idea too and immediately began making plans. Scott explained the feast as being dedicated to the Saint behind the Saltire flag and was surprised that all accepted that as reason enough. The monks in particular were impressed by the notion of a feast for a Saint - albeit that it wasn't dedicated to their blessed Columba - and they threw themselves into preparing also.

Messengers were sent out far and wide to alert every settlement of the plan for a mighty celebration. The grain silos were full, as were the cold stores and for once it was accepted that some of the Dalriada livestock could be slaughtered for the occasion too. Scott and Gabrain undertook a flying tour of the various lordships, a one and a half-week trip in near winter, to see how things were shaping up and to encourage everyone to really push the boat out.

The Saltire flag was being flown over virtually every house in every settlement and the feast and holiday had really caught the mood of the people. Of course, every settlement wanted the King and the Norse-slayer to stay and celebrate St Andrew's day with them but they understood the need for them to return to their family.

By the time the pair returned to Inveraray they were well pleased at how the idea had been picked up throughout Dalriada. There was real enthusiasm and the fact that the feast and holiday were happening at all, combined with the growing use of the Saltire, strangely had the Dalriada people beginning to adopt St Andrew as their own special Saint, along with Columba to be sure. Scott had explained the origins of the Saltire as the 'X' shaped cross that St Andrew had been crucified on, the apostle thinking himself unworthy to be crucified on a cross in the same shape as that Jesus himself had been crucified on.

The day of the holiday and feast at last arrived and Inveraray was astir. The weather was kind, a weak winter sun shining down and no great wind in evidence. The fishermen took the opportunity to go out and catch some final fresh morsels for the planned feast and in the camp all was geared to entertaining the younger children during the day.

Hella played a large part in this as the schoolteacher and had organised games of every description. Scott recognised something that looked like a treasure hunt where the children were running all over the camp trying to find items. There was also junior jousting, with smaller children on the shoulders of older ones fighting in their pairs with sacks of down feathers. Honeyed apples, sweet fruits and cream were in great supply and were devoured by the youngsters.

There were also slightly more serious games - archery with short bows and schoolwork quizzes, the latter an element of Hella not being able to stop her educational crusade.

Scott thought it was all designed to tire the children out so they would be in bed early, leaving the adults to enjoy the later activities unbridled. He was walking round with little David on his hip, the tot laughing happily at everything that was going on around him.

Scott played his part later on, cooking up a number of dishes for the people to enjoy. He made a range of pasta dishes and a huge pot of chicken cooked in wine and herbs from his herb garden.

After darkness fell and the younger children were in bed the adults began to gorge themselves on the wide range of food available and the vast quantities of ale, cider, wines and uisge beatha. Bonfires were lit and music and song entertained the happy people of Inveraray.

Scott noticed this time that a space had been left in front of the Inveraray hall-house and assumed the girls had dreamed up another play. The people here had not been party to their last efforts and Scott wondered what they would have in store. He didn't have long to wait. A steady beating of drums heralded the show and the noise in the hall died down as people realised something was afoot.

Out of the darkness on the left of the hall marched a group of twenty or so men, a flag bearing the silver boar on a light blue background flying above them. Immediately the crowd started booing - this was the standard of the High King of Scots. From the darkness on the right came a smaller band of perhaps ten. This group was led by none other than Gabrain, the young King looking noble and handsome, clad in a robe made from the Saltire, the cross on both front and back. Behind Gabrain were his 'troops' - nine nubile young lassies, dressed in very short Saltire 'togas'. The garments were loose and it has to be said that many a breast was wont to slip into view, much to the enjoyment of the men in the audience.

The High King's men wasted little time in launching an attack on Gabrain and his lovelies, many of the men taking outrageous liberties in manhandling the young flesh under the Saltire robes. The crowd jeered the High King and shouted their support for Gabrain but it was clear that they were losing this particular fight. Some in the crowd, perhaps having supped too much, began to stagger forward, intent on aiding Gabrain against his attackers. The girls had planned well however and these were intercepted and guided back to their seats.

A rousing blast of horns signalled a new stage in the play and out of the darkness came a third band of 'troops'. This band was also made up of young girls in Saltire robes; their shapely legs and breasts well displayed. Leading them was Esta, and into the fray they dashed, their swords flashing in the bonfire light. Somehow the girls had also worked out how to safely use the flour trick that Scott had employed in the Pass of Brander because suddenly a cloud of flame flared up into the air, vividly and dramatically illuminating the 'battle' that was underway.

The crowd was now cheering for St Andrew and Gabrain as Esta and her girls laid about them left and right, driving a wedge through the High King's men to relieve Gabrain. The vigorous movement kept the men happy as the many breasts on display swayed from side to side as swords were swung. At last Esta won through to Gabrain and she stood over him as the combined forces of the two groups of girls made short work of the High King and his men. Esta helped Gabrain to his feet and the King ran forward to symbolically sheer the pole holding the High King's standard, the flag falling to ground.

At this point the crowd were cheering and baying their approval, especially when the High King's flag was lowered. Gabrain returned and pulled Esta to him, landing a passionate kiss on her lips before bowing to the crowd and leading the Saltire clad girls from the battlefield.

The crowd erupted, satisfied that Constantine had been defeated and the Dalriada Scots had been victorious. The scantily clad 'troops' had certainly added to their entertainment too. Scott watched as Gabrain and Esta disappeared into the darkness arm in arm.

He looked round for his wives but couldn't spot them anywhere. Scott knew that the play had been the high point of the holiday celebration and from this point on it would be heavy drinking and no doubt chasing after the 'prize' of one of the Saltire clad girls. He thought it was perhaps a good point to absent himself from the wild revelry and he headed for the house, hoping he wasn't about to cramp Gabrain's space.

When he entered the house, the ground floor was empty. Fires blazed in the fireplaces but no one was around. He climbed the concrete staircase to the upper floor and stopped at the top, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets. There before him were his wives and Hella, naked apart from some alluring silk underwear.

Fiona had fashioned a pair of green panties; they looked like French knickers, flaring out from her hips and the colour matching that of her eyes. The sheen of the material, where it gathered tightly at the juncture of her legs, caught his eye, drawing it in to the cameltoe that was evident. The waist of the panties was cinched tightly with a thin leather thong.

His little elf, Eilean, had also fashioned a pair of French knickers, but her were in blue, also matching her eyes. She was standing side on to Scott and he could see her perfectly formed butt cheeks beautifully framed by the silk, the flare of the hem gaping invitingly, as if it was specially made to allow his hands access.

Hella's panties were more bikini style, cut high on the hip and also cinched in tightly at her waist. Hers were white, contrasting with her dark skin and hair.

Scott realised his mouth was hanging open and his tongue was about to flop out. He closed his mouth and stepped forward, finding himself wrapped up in warm female flesh. His hands automatically dropped to run over the silk, the sensuous feel and touch exciting him beyond belief. The girls led him towards the bed and he saw that it was covered in silk sheets.

For Scott it was something of a sensory overload and he let himself sink it to the sensations of it all. His clothes were soon stripped from him and Fiona was sliding herself over his hard staff, the silk of her panties pressed into her slit as she teased him mercilessly. Eilean moved to remove her panties but Scott stopped her and pulled her over his face, raising his mouth to suck her juices from the silk garment.

Fiona pulled the gusset of her panties to the side and let her already sopping slit drop onto Scott's raging cock, bottoming out in one thrust. She began to bounce herself up and down, her head thrown back, leaning against Hella who had come up behind her. Hella cupped Fiona's little breasts, pinching her nipples and rubbing her own titties on Fiona's back.

Eilean also pulled her panties to the side so that Scott's tongue could have access to her bare pussy, his tongue running the length of her lips and dipping into the opening of her passage. Scott tried to concentrate on her clit, lapping at it, rolling his tongue over the nub. He felt Fiona flinch and stiffen on his cock.

"Slowly Hella, please, take it slowly!" She said urgently.

Scott couldn't see anything with Eilean perched on his face but he felt something pressing down on his cock and realised that Hella must be using the wooden strap-on to ream Fiona's butt. The feeling was incredible as he felt the object press Fiona's flesh even tighter against him. She didn't last long with the double penetration and soon she was screaming out her pleasure. Scott tried to focus on Eilean to take his mind off of the pleasurable constriction around his staff and heard and felt his little elf succumb to her orgasm not long after Fiona.

Fiona fell to her side on the bed, her eyes rolling back into their sockets. Hella pushed Eilean down onto the bed and thrust herself into her too, Eilean gasping at the rough treatment. Scott moved round behind Hella but the harness from the strap-on stopped him from entering her. He was not to be denied however and he unbuckled the harness and pulled it aside, sliding his cock into her and beginning to stroke quickly, holding her hips to anchor himself.

He heard little David cry and sensed Fiona getting off of the bed to go and see to him. Eilean also moved out from under him and he watched as she now used the un-harnessed wooden dildo herself, ramming it in and out, searching for another release. Hella threw her head back as she keened through an orgasm but he continued to drive into her, stroking through her climax and taking her to another level. Hella shook as her orgasm continued, washing over her with great intensity until she could take no more. She slumped onto the bed and Scott recognised she had had enough. He withdrew his still hard cock and looked into his little elf's eyes, willing her to remove the piece of wood she was using to pleasure herself.

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