The Bounty Hunter
Copyright© 2007 by Timm
Chapter 17
Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Captain Sam Miller receives his warrant officers commission as a bounty hunter in the star federation. Falls for a young passionate red head. Get his dream ship so much more. And they say Dreams don't come true. For Sam it turns into the adventure of a lifetime.
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Mult Consensual Lesbian Science Fiction Extra Sensory Perception
Annette said, “Oh! This is fantastic, and I’ve never felt this much power before.”
The Annette Personality Crystal AI Unit had completed its transfer to the Command Ship’s AI brain.
The three AI units then began collating and combining their data.
I said, “Gloria, set course to Lackey Station, maximum speed.”
The Armada then jumped into folded space and appeared on the outskirts of Lackey Station’s solar system.
Gloria spoke up, “We are here, Commander. What are your orders?”
Bonnie spoke up, “Perhaps I should contact Grandfather first.”
I said, “Make it so.”
Then I heard, ‘Where are the two of you? You two completely dropped off the Federation Communications net. I feared that you had died. I was beginning to dread having to contact your mother, Dear.’
Bonnie asked Gloria, “Can you lock on him and bring him onto the bridge from here?”
“Yes, I can. Would you like me to do so?”
I nodded my agreement, and Bonnie told Gloria to bring her grandfather aboard.
Talk about being disoriented. The Admiral would have completely lost it if Gloria, standing before him, had not directed him to a chair. It took forty-five cycles for us to explain exactly what had happened.
“So this is a Vargon ship?”
“Yes, Sir,” I responded, “it would appear so.”
“And you say it’s fully functional?”
“Yes, Grandfather,” confirmed Bonnie.
Then, to my utter shock, he said, “Transfer command to me.”
I didn’t even have to respond. Gloria spoke up.
“That will not be possible, Admiral. You lack the telepathic abilities to control this fleet.”
The Admiral looked like he was going to blow up. He obviously had plans for the Vargon technology. Strangely, I could sense that he was planning to have the ship taken apart piece by piece and examined. It was a weird feeling that went far beyond the telepathic communications that I was used to.
Bonnie was the first to object to her grandfather’s plans. The old man became irate. He stated, in no uncertain terms, that it was an order. The fleet must be turned over to his command.
Gloria said, “Admiral, you have no authority to order a superior Vargon officer to do anything. Furthermore, I will caution you that this fleet will not follow any orders issued by you or on your behalf.”
You could see the steam rising from around the Admiral’s collar. He looked as if he was three seconds away from exploding at the ship’s AI Unit.
With a visible effort, he calmed down and started to speak in more reasonable tones.
“I have orders that say all Vargon ships discovered by Federation officers are to be turned over to the research facility in the Terran System. As officers of the Federation, you are required to carry out those orders under penalty of death.”
I thought it over ... for all of ten seconds. Then, I spoke in very reasonable tones.
“In that case, Sir, I resign my commission in the Federation, effective immediately.”
“It doesn’t work that way, Son...”
Before he could finish saying another word, Bonnie spoke up.
“Grandfather, I also resign my commission in the Federation, effective immediately!”
The Admiral stared at her in disbelief. I could sense, for some reason, that he was torn between his love of his granddaughter and his duty as a Federation officer.
“You two don’t get it. If you don’t turn the ships over, the bounty placed on your heads will be astronomical. There will not be anywhere in Federation or non-Federation space that you will not be hunted down until you are dead.”
Gloria spoke again, “I think you do not understand, Sir. This fleet can defend itself against the entire might of your Federation’s ships and all its resources. The Vargon Empire spanned thousands of galaxies and achieved wonders beyond your imagination.”
The Admiral looked like he was about to lose it again. He did not like Gloria’s tone of talking to him.
He finally lost it and barked, “That is more than enough out of you, Computer...”
He didn’t get to finish what he was about to say. Gloria transported him back to Lackey Station and cut the Comlink from the Fed network.
She then spoke in a calm and reassuring voice.
“I regret that I had to take action, Sir. However, I cannot allow this fleet to fall into the hands of an unworthy force.”
Somehow, I understood what she meant. Surprisingly, I sensed Bonnie agreeing with it. As we sat, we contemplated what our next step would be. Jenny’s voice came over the ship’s audio channel.
“Sir, I regret to report that the entire Federation fleet at Lackey Station has been mobilized. It appears to be heading in our direction.”
Bonnie said, “If my grandfather were not among them, I would let Gloria atomize them.”
But I cut her off and spoke, “Gloria, I think it would be a good time for us to get out of here. I have no desire for a confrontation with the Federation now.”