The Bounty Hunter - Cover

The Bounty Hunter

Copyright© 2007 by Timm

Chapter 10

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Captain Sam Miller receives his warrant officers commission as a bounty hunter in the star federation. Falls for a young passionate red head. Get his dream ship so much more. And they say Dreams don't come true. For Sam it turns into the adventure of a lifetime.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception  

We all slept the sleep of exhaustion as the hours slipped by. The Fong AI unit was maintaining its ‘lightweight’ mode atop my body, even as the holographic projection maintained my shrunken manhood in its perfectly simulated pussy. She was as light as a blanket and had an even better feeling. I had long since given up distinguishing the real from the artificial; however, I did appreciate the nearly complete lack of weight.

It was no wonder many traders spent their whole lives on their ships. Even when they retired, ‘parks’ were set up where they could moor their boats and live in them in total comfort.

I had read something similar about ancient cultures back on Terra. Retirees would buy ‘RVs’ and park them in small communities. They would stay in warmer climates in the winter and return to cooler temperatures in the summer. I only remembered this because of the unique name given to this group. They called them ‘snowbirds’. Since I’d been fascinated with birds while growing up, I’d always wanted to see a snowbird ... well, at least until I realized they were people, not birds.

It had been over eight hours. I awoke with the typical iron rod I usually had in the morning. It was neatly snuggled inside the holographic Fong unit, ready to go. Fong sensed my waking from the increased pressure and stretching her nether region. Her eyes met mine as she opened them.

Fong whispered with a smile on her face. “Now that’s what I liked to wake up to.”

I just smiled back as I stared into her eyes. With barely perceptible movements, her hips started to rise and fall. This movement, however, was very perceptible where it counted.

A small gasp escaped from my lips. It was enough. Bonnie started to stir. I looked at her as her eyes opened. Her smile was incredible and contained a hint of devious thought. Then, her hand moved up to my chest, where it began to rub gently across the nubbin she found there.

The Fong AI unit responded by lifting her body away from mine and concentrating on joining our hips. Sensing the movement, Sue opened her eyes to take in the site.

She warmly smiled but moved her head instead of her hand moving as Bonnie had. I felt her warm breath exhaling across my chest a moment before her tongue found its target and licked across it. Then I felt the suction as her lips engulfed their chosen spot. Bonnie, not wanting to be outdone, opened her mouth to the reciprocal target on the other side of my chest.

The effects of so much stimulation on my body sent spasms all over. Little ripples of motion were in every part of my body. They contracted and expanded, throbbing in turn to the timing. My hips started to match the rhythm. I was in heaven as the sensations began to wash through my body repeatedly.

I felt more movement and could barely change the glance. It was enough to see that the Annette and Jennifer units had taken a position spooning behind their respective partners. Their arms wrapped around Sue and Bonnie, and their hands found the women’s breasts. I felt motions change as their bodies moved next to mine.

The AI units must have had their version of a strap-on. It was apparent that both of the real women were being humped in their current position.

The Fong AI unit arched her back. Amazingly, she was coming. As her pace quickened, I became lost in the sensations of pleasure. Shortly, my moment approached. I felt my balls being drawn tightly inside my body.

I felt a release deep within me as the orgasm raced to the end of my cock. Burst after a burst of semen flooded the Fong unit! I came like I’d never come before! My whole body contracted in spasms, again and again.

However, neither one stopped their assault. My body was overwhelmed by all the sensations. It became too much for me, and I passed out.

I’m not sure how long I was out. When I awoke, Bonnie and Sue were snuggled against me. Bonnie had a firm grip on my manhood, and Sue’s hand was cupping my balls. Both had their heads on my shoulders as they lay beside me. They were whispering back and forth to each other.

“How much longer do you think before he wakes?” Sue asked.

“I’m not sure. I’ve never seen him come like that before. He slept right through my three orgasms afterward.”

Sue giggled and said, “Only three? I had five.”

“Yeah, but Fong helped you with the last three.”

I slowly moved my head from side to side, waking from unconsciousness. I was greeted with smiles from both beautiful women.

“It’s about time you woke. The AIs reported only thirty cycles before we exited Galactic Jump hyper-drive.”

“Wow! How long was I out?” I asked.

Bonnie said, “A little more than sixty cycles. My poor baby came so hard that he passed out.”

She leaned towards my face and kissed the end of my nose. It was so soft, gentle, and lovingly delivered that somehow, I knew I was about to say the right thing. And so, my lips uttered the words that have been enslaving men’s souls for years.

“Bonnie? Will you marry me?”

The shocked look on her face caused me to worry. My mind started running a mile a minute, and tears started in our eyes for some reason. I thought I might need to rephrase that.

So I said, “Would you consider making our partnership a permanent arrangement?”

As tears formed in Bonnie’s eyes, Sue nipped at my chest and spoke.

“You had it right the first time. Give her a chance to answer. It’s an overwhelming experience when a woman is presented with her ‘dream come true.’”

As I considered Sue’s words, Bonnie attacked me. Her body flew onto mine and blanketed it. She held on to me as if the world was about to end. She squeezed me so hard I was beginning to wonder if I would ever breathe again.

When I heard her excited shrieks of “Yes, yes!” the fear that I might have blown it subsided quickly.

That one word, ‘yes,’ was the most potent in Galactic Standard.

Annette’s voice crackled from the ship’s Com, interrupting the moment.

“Five minutes to the end of Galactic Jump.”

I responded, “All hands to combat stations.”

I kissed Bonnie passionately for a few moments. Then we broke apart and proceeded to the bridge. It only took a few moments for me to get settled.

“Report,” I said.

Jenny said, “Two cycles before exiting Jump. All physical systems onboard have been repaired. Heat build-up is still at 68%. Estimate twenty-two cycles ‘till dissipation to normal and the ship’s return to full functionality.”

I considered this information and considered how we should handle things. The energy signature was huge whenever a ship emerged from a galactic jump. That meant every vessel in the target system would have a fixed position in moments. This could be terrible since we had no control over exactly what system we would exit into.

I had only used the Galactic Jump hyper-drive a few times. So far in my young life, every time, I had somehow managed to exit into the least savory system within the general area. Although there was hope that this would not be the case this time, experience told me to be prepared for the worst.

A micro-jump would only increase our heat build-up by an additional two percent. However, it would move us far enough away that we should be able to fully dissipate the ship’s heat before any other ships could come close enough to investigate. So I gave the order.

“Micro-jump, upon bearing orientation at the exit, immediately we clear the hyper-drive backwash.”

Annette responded, “Yes, Sir. Immediate jump is laid in, pending coordinates.”

All eyes were on the screen as the ship exited the Galactic Jump hyper-drive. The swirl of colors was an awe-inspiring sight, but I also felt my stomach churn from the moment’s excitement.

Jenny announced, “Clear of hyperspace. Preparing to micro-jump.”

The alarm sounded annoying: ‘clap, clap,’ announcing that we were too close to a large mass to initiate the hyper-drive.

I called out, “Identify the mass.”

“Working,” Annette replied. Then she said, “‘Traitor’ class vessel, Mark four, off our port beam, just out of weapons range.”

“Shit,” I said.

Annette spoke again, “Picking up additional craft. They are not heading our way.”

“We get a system identification for where we are, yet?” I asked.

“Kalmarian free space. The planet looks to be called Fudman. The system government type is anarchy.”

‘Crap,’ I thought to myself. ‘Don’t I just have all the luck?’

“Captain,” the Fong unit addressed me.

“Yes?” I replied.

“Multiple ships vectoring towards our location. Ships are identified as pirates. I have no IFF indications of ‘Friendly’.”

“Drats!” was all that came out of my mouth.

I assumed manual control and turned the ship towards the closest approaching craft. I cycled the missile guidance system and tried to get a lock on the first ship.

“There are nine of them in our current sector,” Annette said.

The warbling sound of a lock on the first ship sounded in my ears. As I prepared to press it, my finger tensed above the virtual firing button on the display screen.

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